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Posts posted by kido122

  1. MCname:
    Forum Name:
    Skype Name:
    EST, United States
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?:
    I would like to believe that with around 4+ years on the server that I have decent all around knowledge in regards to lore, old and new. Do I claim to know everything off the top of my head? No, but I can and will go out of my way to look into anything anyone might have a question on to help improve their and my knowledge and help improve their experience on the server. Also, with around 4+ years of looking at and reading over accepted and denied applications, I believe I have an adequate understanding of our servers standards in regards to accepting or denying app
    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others?:
    Well, I saw that you were looking for new members, albeit for the GMT timezone, not EST, but I have always wanted to try throwing my hat in the ring. I enjoy the server and want to help ensure that our standards will always remain as they are and I would like to help others try to meet these standards and experience the same fun I had these past years. I also look forward to gaining more experience forum wise and "behind the scenes" so to speak.
    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?:
    Ofcourse, and with me finished with school I have alot of time off to work on what ever I'm needed on. I've worked on some wiki's before, though I will say that have very little experience with it, but I am willing to learn and I am more then willing to assisting anyone, new or old, with any questions they might have.
    Is there anything else you would like to add?:
    No, nothing else to add
  2. *A


    ((MC Name: kido122))


     Name: Maehr'Celia


    Age: 329


    Race: Elve


    Minor Backstory:

    Well, I have spent quite a long time living in these lands so I will try to keep this short for you and your order.

    In my earliest years I was more military inclined, spending time as both a guard and soldier for many different cities, towns and military groups honing the sword and warrior arts for a small portion of my life. I then moved on from war to trying  my hand in buisness, owning several taverns and various stores but eventually gave them up as it didn't interest me. I then spent the bulk of my life wandering the lands, amassing and losing great deals of minas and knowledge, bouncing from guild to guild and town to town, working for whom ever and where ever I found it doing odd jobs. It is hear that a more 'shady' portion of my life began and worked with groups Im not willing to speak of in this letter. I realize that this is getting quite long so I will try and speed the rest along, here some bullets...


    -Soldier/Guard/War Experience

    -Worldy Knowledge/Wandered the World/Exploration Experienced

    -'Interesting skills & life experience'

    -Buisness Experience

    -Animal Breeding Experience

    -Lumber Expereince

    -Construction Experience

    -Writing Experience

    -Time Spent advising several town leaders in the past

    -Previous Count of Fi'nor in the city of Polaris


    I now spend my time gathering knowledge, writing books on various topics (Mythical/Non-Mythical Beast included), and establishing a home of my own.

    Any other inquires on myself and/or past, current, or present life/experience/skills or anything else feel free to contact me and ask







  3. Kha' name and current title: (Example: Ri'Natayshi) S'Rassa


    Kha's age:  25


    Other commitments: (Example: The Mage's Guild) None


    Previously a priest? If so, state the teacher: N/A


    A short paragraph on your reason for joining: 

       S'Rassa has been away from fellow kin and culture for many a moon and has finally found his way back to fellow Kha. Rassa has been a avid follower of Metzli, keeping true to its believes and ways since his birth long ago. He wishes to seek more though, give more to the only faith he has known since faith. Rassa wishes to give back to the faith and spread the ideas of Metztli to those who have become lost, or are simply ignorant of her.

  4. In-Character:


    Name: Shin Snow

    Age: 26

    Race: Human

    Traits: Strong and loyal, trusting

    What position would you be wanting to take?: Smith/Enchanter, As I am capable of both




    How old are you? ((Feel free to PM this.)): 18

    How long have you roleplayed?: Going on 4 years

    Do you have skype? If so, what is it? ((Feel free to PM it)): joshua.chap96

    Do you think you'll provide enjoyable roleplay?: Ofcourse, wouldnt be on this server f I thought otherwise

  5. *Several posters are strung about, seemingly at random, along the main roads*


       To whom ever may be interested,


           Hello! My name is Shin Snow, and I am in need of work and home if available. I am young an capable of most any task. I specialize in smithing and enchanments, but I will say I am still learning in both skill sets. 

           If you are in need of a smith, enchanter, or both, please dont be afraid to contact me! Just send a bird and I will contact you as soon as im available.


     -Shin Snow

  6. *posters are hung about various points on the main road*


    "Fi'nor has Homes and Work Available

    For All!"


    Attention people, Fi'nor has homes and space available to suit your needs! We are expanding constantly, and welcome all races, Elf, Orc, Kha, Halflings, and everyone in between!

    Along with housing and space, we have plenty of work available to those who need it!

    Be it guards, smiths, farmers and anything else you can think, if you have a skill you are more then welcome here!

    As a bonus, anyone seeking a job will qualify for a free home, with little to no taxes to boot!

    The county is walled and safely located just outside of polaris, so you can be assured of your and your familys safety! Plus we are located on a riverside, so you can fish, swim, and play!

    Not only can you live in a safe an ever growing town, but you can easily establish a store, or even guild, even join the towns council if you wish!



    You can purchase and live in our fine family homes, which includes a basement for all your needs

    These homes are between 100-150 minas, and taxes as low as 50-0 minas!



    Or you can live in our larger, several story buildings, which include a bottom space intended for busisness (Includes a basement) and then a middle one floor space, and a top floor space with an attic space for your use. Purchase a single sections, or the whole building! Prices and taxes varies



    Or you can even purchase a plot of land for yourself and your needs!

    Prices and taxes vary!


    So come join our little settlement and shows us your potential! Help us grow today!


    Oh? Whats about work? Just seek me out, or send me a bird!

    Come visit Fi'nor!


    If you have a question, wish to purchase a house/land, or need work, just send me a bird, or seek me out, Im usually in town or at/around the temple!

  7. *Several posters are hung about the main road*


    "Looking To Purchase Horses"


    Hello, I am looking to purchase a pair of horses, of fine quality and health if possible.

    I am willing to pay up to a thousand [1000] minas per horse

    These steeds are to be used as personal steeds for myself and any guest I may have in the future

    If you have any horses to sell, please contact me via bird, or pin a note below


    -Maehr'Celia, Count of Fi'nor

  8. -=Recruit Application=-


    -=Out of character information=-

    Minecraft name: kido122

    Have you ever been banned before and why?: no

    Age: 18

    Skype: joshua.chap96

    How long have you been playing on the server?: Around 3 years I believe


    -=In character information=-

    What is your name? Shin Snow


    How old are you? 26 years


    What gender are you? Male


    What are you interested in? Most everything, though I do like to read and write more so then anything else


    What do you want to Achieve from joining the Guild? A new skill, friends, and hopefully a place to call home


    Where have you been educated/and by where/who? Sadly I have no formal education to speak of and learned all I have

    through the pure drive to further myself


    What are you skills? I have yet to find a 'real' skill so to speak, though I am writer by trade, but I am willing to learn more


    -       [__Shin Snow__]

  9. *A large sheet of paper, with several others pinned to it is pinned in several towns and road ways*

    ~~~~~Order of Temporis~~~~~

    Order of Temporis is the protectors and preachers of the newly rediscovered faith of Temporis, the Children of Time. The Temporian faith follows the ideas of the one and only father, Time, a brief bit of its history can be found here,

    *A folded sheet of paper is pined below the previous sentence*

    "A Time Before"


    Before time itself, there was darkness, an evil like no other capable of destroying any life that may have formed. But for every evil there is good, a light appeared in the darkness, a good capable of creating any life. The two opposite forces battled for what have been in our time, millenniums. But the light pulled through against the darkness and arouse the first life, Time. Time is a life unknown to many, thought to be nothing, but it was Time that created all of what we know today. Time was only one creature, the only living thing in our world, but Time grew weary and grew lonelier so it created us. Every living thing in our world was created by Time, Time Controlled everything, it controlled our life’s, it allows us to live here in its world for a period of time in exchange for one thing, our will to overcome the temptation of the darkness, so the world shall remain in peace. But like all good things, it will eventually come to an end.

    Watching Time create all this peace and happiness, The Darkness grew sick of it. It grew jealous of Time. So The Darkness created something to tempt us to join him, it created sin. The Darkness Took form of one of us and tried to tempt us with sin, but we all refused, until one child met it. The Darkness told the child that he could have more than this world of peace, he could have the power to control it, and so the boy accepted the temptation of sin and became the first evil, The Void. The Darkness named this boy leviathan. Leviathan tempted others to sin and too join The Void, Those who did not join became the first mobs, the slaves of the void. No one could tell who joined The Darkness because those who did appeared to be so normal, Except for one small thing, There eyes where pure white. The Void spread Terror throughout this peaceful world for years. Until Time caught up with them.

    Time soon discovered The Void and spent years trying to find a way to fight them, until he soon decided to create his own warriors, The Hope. He got many of us to join with the idea that if we join him to fight The Void, that the world will once again be at peace. That was all that was promised and only a few joined. The Hope was described to wear a pure white robe, with blue lines around the neck, arms, and Feet. After The Hope's creation the first war ever soon began.

    Hundreds, upon Hundreds of years of fighting took place. The Hope fought as best as they could, but they nearly were destroyed. Just as soon as The Void declared victory, the people stood up, they joined up against The Void, and with their help The Void was wiped out. The Darkness retreated to a different world, leaving this own to Time. But Time went after The Darkness, Leaving the Hope to protect the land from any new evil that may arise, but they slowly diminished and disappeared in Aegis, leaving the people audible. Soon a new evil raised, led by one they called Iblees.

    Iblees tried to conquer the ways of The Void, but much he had not learned. Soon after the Sages came to fight Ibless using the way of The Hope, but they too have much they have not learned. As they fight The Darkness Grows stronger and Soon Will Return to the land of Aegis with the strongest evil ever known, The Void. But it is said that when The Void Returns. So shall the strongest good, The Hope to fight against The Void, But the Prophecy still leaves one mystery, which shall win, well, or Evil?

    The Order originated in the earliest of ancient times, when Time first left this world for his quest against the Void and Darkness, by the first followers to uphold its beliefs and practices and more importantly, protect this world from the remnants of the ancient evils. Thanks to word of mouth of the ancient lore an legends, along with the discovery of its ancient scriptures once more, the Order has risen from its ancient ashes once again, hopefully to grow in numbers and strength once more. The first church and order house has been established in Fi’nor, by Maehr’Celia, the orders Keeper.


    -That all that is was created by our father, Time, and that he has granted us some of his life force to live in this world and that we may great him in the next

     -That the great light is our savior, the spark that created our father himself

    -That we are meant to fulfill the will of Time, and spread his story to all who may have forgotten

    -That we are to resist the temptations of the Darkness, the Void, and Leviathan

    -The scripts are the true history

    -That the Darkness is the creator of all evil, destroyer of light

    -That the Void is the one true evil

    -That Leviathan is the first of the sinners, and creator of chaos

    -That we are meant to fend of the Darkness, the Void, and Leviathan

    -That all sin is the corruption of our time and light


    -We shall resist the temptations of the sinners, the Darkness and Leviathan

    -That we shall fend of the Darkness

    -That we shall not put down our father Time, or put out the light

    -That we shall not kill

    -That we shall not steal

    -That we shall remain loyal to Time


    The Order is structured to keep order among its followers and establish a chain of command to keep us all linked as one…


    =-=The Council=-=: The Council is comprised of the Keepers and Hands and handle all matters that effect the order/faith, its workings is a mystery to all but those within it

    Keeper: Head of the order/church, keeper of order and the scriptures. The keepers is the only one with a true and pure connection to Time himself, and is chosen from who shows promise of connection from among the Hands of the order. The Keeper holds ultimate say of all council stalemates, even petty disputes if they reach him/her. They have the final say in who may become a Hand and Speaker

    Hands: The hands are just under the Keeper, Council members, and heads of individual house/churches. They have say over all issues regarding their houses/churches. There are only enough hands to fill each house/church, and only the Hands may be selected as a Keeper, they may put a request to a Keeper that a specific person be selected as Speaker

    Speakers: Speakers are those aspiring to be within the council, and are hand selected by the Hands and Keeper, they mostly serve ‘junior’ diplomats, taking care of paperwork and small disputes among the order

    --Order Members—

    -Yearlings: There will only ever be 2 yearlings and are the ‘Generals” of the order

    -Months: Months are in charge of up to 15 others and are responsible for their wellbeing and education/training

    -Hours: They are now senior members and may speak to a Speaker or the Keeper for further promotion

    -Minutes: Minutes are well trained in the ways of the order and are considered full members

    -Seeker: Seekers are those who have been initiated into the order and now are seeking to learn its ways in more details

    -Faithless: Those who wish to join the order/faith, but has yet to be initiated into the order


    --Specialized Ranks—

    :These Ranks Must be Assigned through the Council:

    Magi: Those skilled in magic use

    Pener: In charge of writing all documents required by the Keeper/Council

    Warden: Combat Trainers

    Learners: Those in charge of order education/various education


    : Any Member can specialize in any of the following, though all members are required to have some form of combat training:

    -Tradesmen: Traders of the order

    -Architects: Builders/tinkers of the order

    -Foodsmen: Those who gather food

    -Protectors: Those with specialized combat skills

    To Join the Order Please Fill out an Application and Send it to me via bird or Pin it below






    Any Magical Abilities? If so, please specify:

    Why You Wish to Join The Order:


    I, [Name], swear to follow the ways of the Order and its beliefs, to uphold out father, Time, and resist the temptation of the Darkness, the Void, and Leviathan.


    MC name:

    Skype (can send through Pm):

    How long have you been on the Server:

    Have you ever had a BR or Strikes:

    What is your preferred RP style:

    What will you bring to the order:





    Keeper: Maehr’Celia


    “A Time Before”

    "A Time Before"


    Before time itself, there was darkness, an evil like no other capable of destroying any life that may have formed. But for every evil there is good, a light appeared in the darkness, a good capable of creating any life. The two opposite forces battled for what have been in our time, millenniums. But the light pulled through against the darkness and arouse the first life, Time. Time is a life unknown to many, thought to be nothing, but it was Time that created all of what we know today. Time was only one creature, the only living thing in our world, but Time grew weary and grew lonelier so it created us. Every living thing in our world was created by Time, Time Controlled everything, it controlled our life’s, it allows us to live here in its world for a period of time in exchange for one thing, our will to overcome the temptation of the darkness, so the world shall remain in peace. But like all good things, it will eventually come to an end.

    Watching Time create all this peace and happiness, The Darkness grew sick of it. It grew jealous of Time. So The Darkness created something to tempt us to join him, it created sin. The Darkness Took form of one of us and tried to tempt us with sin, but we all refused, until one child met it. The Darkness told the child that he could have more than this world of peace, he could have the power to control it, and so the boy accepted the temptation of sin and became the first evil, The Void. The Darkness named this boy leviathan. Leviathan tempted others to sin and too join The Void, Those who did not join became the first mobs, the slaves of the void. No one could tell who joined The Darkness because those who did appeared to be so normal, Except for one small thing, There eyes where pure white. The Void spread Terror throughout this peaceful world for years. Until Time caught up with them.

    Time soon discovered The Void and spent years trying to find a way to fight them, until he soon decided to create his own warriors, The Hope. He got many of us to join with the idea that if we join him to fight The Void, that the world will once again be at peace. That was all that was promised and only a few joined. The Hope was described to wear a pure white robe, with blue lines around the neck, arms, and Feet. After The Hope's creation the first war ever soon began.

    Hundreds, upon Hundreds of years of fighting took place. The Hope fought as best as they could, but they nearly were destroyed. Just as soon as The Void declared victory, the people stood up, they joined up against The Void, and with their help The Void was wiped out. The Darkness retreated to a different world, leaving this own to Time. But Time went after The Darkness, Leaving the Hope to protect the land from any new evil that may arise, but they slowly diminished and disappeared in Aegis, leaving the people audible. Soon a new evil raised, led by one they called Iblees.

    Iblees tried to conquer the ways of The Void, but much he had not learned. Soon after the Sages came to fight Ibless using the way of The Hope, but they too have much they have not learned. As they fight The Darkness Grows stronger and Soon Will Return to the land of Aegis with the strongest evil ever known, The Void. But it is said that when The Void Returns. So shall the strongest good, The Hope to fight against The Void, But the Prophecy still leaves one mystery, which shall win, well, or Evil?

    ((More will be added in the Future))

  10. *posters are hung around the main roads, and scattered in varies settlements*


    Homes Available

    In Fi'nor!


    Hello people of Athera!

    Need a home, or work? The grand county of Fi'nor can provide!

    Located Just outside of Polaris, under the count Maehr'Celia

    Fi'nor has several homes available Free or at very low cost


    Fi'nor is steadily growing, with more homes being built constantly for

    any who need it!

    What of my buisness/guild you ask? We have ample space for your needs!

    Whether its a Inn, Tavern, or hall!


    Our homes are quaint, humble, and comfy.

    The lands are safe from bandits and wildlife, and close to taverns/stores

    So come one and come all!

    Everyone of all races are welcome!


    Interested in moving to Fi'nor?

    Come Stop By and Take a Look at Fi'nor

    Contact me, Maehr'Celia ((kido122)), or meet me in person!



    [][]-[][] Maehr Celia, Count of Fi'nor [][]-[][]


    *Several Pictures are attached to the posters*





  11. Minecraft name:   kido122


    Skype ID (optional):   joshua.chap96

    Time zone: -EST ((USA, NY))

    Have you been banned sometime in the past 6 months? -No

    What are your characters? Is one of them a ghost? If not, would you be willing to make one and possibly PK a character to do it?:

    -I have two characters, Maehr'Celia, Elf, and Samuel King, Human and I am more then willing to kill one of them, or create another as to join with this RP

    What sort of allegiances have any of your characters held in the past?: Samuel has no allegiances to anyone but himself, working towards better improve his life over helping others and as for Maehr, his allegiances lie's with a guild of thieves, liars, and all around unusual friends, but those ties have become strained over the years


    What sort of roleplay do you specialize in? (e.g. Peaceful, Conflict, Exploration, Spontaneous, etc.): -Im generally lean to more peacful roleplay, though I would say Im a "allrounder" and will join in with any roleplay if it interests me

    What do you believe are key factors for a successful spooky event? -Fear, mystery, unusual surroundings, suspense, but the keys factors can change from event to event

    What strengths could you contribute to the Court OOCly? Are you knowledgeable in lore, great at organizing, good at building, a

    good writer, what? Don't have to get into detail, and doesn't have to be super amazing stuff, list it off. -well, like to think Im good builder, given the time I can construct some interesting things (Though 'Scenery" I struggle with, but can manage) and Im as good as any other/possibly slightly above average writer

    Why do you want to be part of the Court? -I like to vary my  Roleplay and Ghost Rp is something I looked into in the past, since this 'court' was created I felt as if it was a prime time to start and would provide more Rp

    Create a distinct event you might do as part of the Court. Doesn't have to be long or detailed now, just decent!


    Nice Day on The Beach

    A small group wanders along the beach, staring out at the seemingly endless ocean letting the peaceful calm of day engulf them. As the day goes on, the sun soon begins to set and a rain begins to fall, a flash of lighting engulfs the area and off in the distance a ship can be seen beached. As they wander closer, the full view of the ship can be seen. It lays decrepit, the sails torn, masts splintered, and cargo lay strewn along the whole in hull. After searching the empty cargo, the group venture into the rotting ships hull. The bottom deck is dusty and musty smell is in the air. The patter of the rain is heard on the wood, with the rumble of thunder outside. As they move through the decks, the sound of water splashing the sides of the ship can be heard. As they reach the second deck the meet a sight of bones strewn along the floor, partial and full skeletons hang upon chains, and the sound of feet moving are heard on the top deck. As they make there way up to the top deck they are shocked to see men, ghost more likely, running about with the sound of gulls and high seas heard disspite being clearly beached. The ghost go on endlessly working, not aware of the presence of the group, except one by the captains cabin whom motions for them. As they approach, it points to the cabin and dissapate to nothing. As they try to open the door, the ghost suddenly stop and face them, anger in there faces they draw there ghastly blades and move towards the group. If the group decided to stay, the door would open just before the ghost reach them. As the door opens and they rush in, and it shuts, the room goes quite and a old skeleton, appearently the captain, lays over a rusted chest. Inside the chest they find a treasure of sorts....and soon find they are locked in the room. As time goes by, a laugh can be heard and the captains ghostly self rises from the skeleton, it rushes towards them, passes through them and dissapates as it reaches the door. A sudden crash is heard, the roar of angry seas is heard, the ship seemingly rocks uncontrolably, items fly off the shelves as the ship seemingly capsizes and sinks into the sea. The door swings open, and daylight rushes in.



    Tell us what you expect personally from the Court. This doesn't particularly matter and is optional, however, your saying something will help us develop the group into what it needs to be.



    Finally... Do you agree to adhere to Supremacy's lore pertaining to the estrangement of mortals, among all other lore pertaining to proper Spectral ettiquette? Why yes, yes I do

  12. *posters are hung around the main roads, and scattered in varies settlements*


    Homes Available

    In Fi'nor!


    Hello people of Athera!

    Need a home, or work? The grand county of Fi'nor can provide!

    Located Just outside of Polaris, under the count Maehr'Celia

    Fi'nor has several homes available Free or at very low cost


    Fi'nor is steadily growing, with more homes being built constantly for

    any who need it!

    What of my buisness/guild you ask? We have ample space for your needs!

    Whether its a Inn, Tavern, or hall!


    Our homes are quaint, humble, and comfy.

    The lands are safe from bandits and wildlife, and close to taverns/stores

    So come one and come all!

    Everyone of all races are welcome!


    Interested in moving to Fi'nor?

    Come Stop By and Take a Look at Fi'nor

    Contact me, Maehr'Celia ((kido122)), or meet me in person!



    [][]-[][] Maehr Celia, Count of Fi'nor [][]-[][]

  13. *Posters are seen hung about the main roads*



    Looking For Horses!


    I am currently looking to purchase two(2) horses, preferably of different breeds.

    I am open to discuss prices and transportation of said animals


    If you have/willing to sell two horses please contact me by bird.



  14. *A posters are hung up and down the main roads and scattered about several towns an cities*


    Wood For Sale!

    Want Wood? We can Give You Wood!


    Ladies and Gentlemen! Orcs, Men, Elves, Dwarves, Kha, Come one, come all, come get wood!


    I am a experienced Lumberjack, felling trees for years. My property grows and harvest trees of all varieties! All saplings are obtained in the wild and grown naturally, with no fertilizers or magics used!



    Wood Varieties are as follows:




    ~Dark Oak~




    We Have It All!

    *Prices are negotiable*


    I will guarantee the high quality of my wood

    Just Come and See it for Yourself!


    :If You Would Like To Order Wood Or Have A Question:


    -Leave A Reply Below-


    -A  Send Me A Bird-


    [][]-[][] Brought to You by, Bark and Leaf Lumber and Co., Owned and Operated by Maehr'Celia [][]-[][]


    *we will convert all wood into wood products, such as planks for no extra charge, no refunds on orders*

    *do not touch my wood.........unless purchased*

  15. *A small note is pinned below the several of the posters*


      Would your stables be in need of workers? I am a skilled breeder among other things and will be more then willing to help around with the stables, so if you are in need of workers just send a bird my way.



  16. *Posters are seen hung around the main roads, and seemingly random trees in forest for some odd reason*


      To whom ever it may concern,


         Hello! I am Maehr'Celia, a young Elf of 313, and I am in need of work, or something of the sorts! For my skills, I am very capable of tree harvesting, having many years of tree related experience, as well as having some skills with breeding the more common animals, such as chickens. In my past I have worked as Inn keep, owning one for a bit at one point, as well as serving in the Elvish Military, and several mercenary groups, for a bit as well. As for my other skills/capabilities/experience, they can be discussed in person. Just contact me by bird or seek me out in person if you have any interest with me!





      -OH!, More then willing to be trained as well!

  17. ((Some Posters are seen hung along the Roads))

    Bark & Leaf 

    Lumber and Co.

    We Have Wood!


    You need wood? We have It!


    Bark & Leaf Lumber is located down the road from Illicia

    Just look for our sign and follow the path!


    Our wars include:




    -Dark Oak


    And We Will Turn any Purchase into Planks, stairs, Ect. For NO Charge!

    Bark & Leaf now offers Cobble

    Come Speak to Maehr'Celia, or send a bird regarding any purchases or questions.

    All Prices are Negotiable-No Refunds



    Other Services Coming Soon!



    The Bark & Leaf has plenty of extra space available to rent/purchase for your use.

    Come Speak to me, Maehr'Celia, or send a bird for any questions or to arrange a tour


    We are also looking for workers!

    Come speak to Maehr'Celia, or send a bird and we can discuss our and your needs!

  18. ((RP Application))


    [!] The boom and rumble of hooves trampling the ground sound through the night air, seeking spirits of old and new alike. Taking the form of a ghostly rider, burning with fire and smoke, and sitting upon a vile horse, it hurls a dark, old, and crumpled scroll at your ghostly character's feet. Within the scroll is first written the Commandments of the Court and following that, it's purpose as a legislative entity bent on pursuing the survival and empowerment of all spectral-kind. Finally, there comes the actual letter itself.


    You have been summoned to take up a role at the Spectral Court. Join us now, brother or sister in Death, and we shall attain Godhood together. Write the letter and call for the spirit of the Cavalier, and his protégé will soon ride to take you home.


    Welcome back, friend of Darkness.


    Your name and/or title. -Samuel King "The Forgotten"


    Your allegiances in life. -None but myself and a select few of long forgotten friends


    Do you agree to adhere by the Commandments of the Court, and to actively pursue and follow any future verdicts that the Court as an entity chooses to establish or abolish? -Aye, I do


    Your age. -35

  19. Minecraft name:   kido122


    Skype ID (optional):   joshua.chap96

    Time zone: -EST ((USA, NY))

    Have you been banned sometime in the past 6 months? -No

    What are your characters? Is one of them a ghost? If not, would you be willing to make one and possibly PK a character to do it?:

    -I have two characters, Maehr'Celia, Elf, and Samuel King, Human and I am more then willing to kill one of them, or create another as to join with this RP

    What sort of allegiances have any of your characters held in the past?: Samuel has no allegiances to anyone but himself, working towards better improve his life over helping others and as for Maehr, his allegiances lie's with a guild of thieves, liars, and all around unusual friends, but those ties have become strained over the years


    What sort of roleplay do you specialize in? (e.g. Peaceful, Conflict, Exploration, Spontaneous, etc.): -Im generally lean to more peacful roleplay, though I would say Im a "allrounder" and will join in with any roleplay if it interests me

    What do you believe are key factors for a successful spooky event? -Fear, mystery, unusual surroundings, suspense, but the keys factors can change from event to event

    What strengths could you contribute to the Court OOCly? Are you knowledgeable in lore, great at organizing, good at building, a

    good writer, what? Don't have to get into detail, and doesn't have to be super amazing stuff, list it off. -well, like to think Im good builder, given the time I can construct some interesting things (Though 'Scenery" I struggle with, but can manage) and Im as good as any other/possibly slightly above average writer

    Why do you want to be part of the Court? -I like to vary my  Roleplay and Ghost Rp is something I looked into in the past, since this 'court' was created I felt as if it was a prime time to start and would provide more Rp

    Create a distinct event you might do as part of the Court. Doesn't have to be long or detailed now, just decent!


    Nice Day on The Beach

    A small group wanders along the beach, staring out at the seemingly endless ocean letting the peaceful calm of day engulf them. As the day goes on, the sun soon begins to set and a rain begins to fall, a flash of lighting engulfs the area and off in the distance a ship can be seen beached. As they wander closer, the full view of the ship can be seen. It lays decrepit, the sails torn, masts splintered, and cargo lay strewn along the whole in hull. After searching the empty cargo, the group venture into the rotting ships hull. The bottom deck is dusty and musty smell is in the air. The patter of the rain is heard on the wood, with the rumble of thunder outside. As they move through the decks, the sound of water splashing the sides of the ship can be heard. As they reach the second deck the meet a sight of bones strewn along the floor, partial and full skeletons hang upon chains, and the sound of feet moving are heard on the top deck. As they make there way up to the top deck they are shocked to see men, ghost more likely, running about with the sound of gulls and high seas heard disspite being clearly beached. The ghost go on endlessly working, not aware of the presence of the group, except one by the captains cabin whom motions for them. As they approach, it points to the cabin and dissapate to nothing. As they try to open the door, the ghost suddenly stop and face them, anger in there faces they draw there ghastly blades and move towards the group. If the group decided to stay, the door would open just before the ghost reach them. As the door opens and they rush in, and it shuts, the room goes quite and a old skeleton, appearently the captain, lays over a rusted chest. Inside the chest they find a treasure of sorts....and soon find they are locked in the room. As time goes by, a laugh can be heard and the captains ghostly self rises from the skeleton, it rushes towards them, passes through them and dissapates as it reaches the door. A sudden crash is heard, the roar of angry seas is heard, the ship seemingly rocks uncontrolably, items fly off the shelves as the ship seemingly capsizes and sinks into the sea. The door swings open, and daylight rushes in.



    Tell us what you expect personally from the Court. This doesn't particularly matter and is optional, however, your saying something will help us develop the group into what it needs to be.



    Finally... Do you agree to adhere to Supremacy's lore pertaining to the estrangement of mortals, among all other lore pertaining to proper Spectral ettiquette? Why yes, yes I do

  20. *A poster is hanging around the cloud temple*


      To whom ever may be interested,

         Hello, I, Maehr'Celia, seem to be in a struggle of sorts in these new lands. I am seeking employment or apprenticeship, as I will confess that I have no true talents as I am still searching for my calling. As well as employment I am in search of a place to settle, at least for the time being. If you now of, or are willing to provide any such opportunities I will be very grateful. Just leave a reply here, or send a bird to me.



  21.  Hello, I just have a quick question regarding upgrading VIP status. I was a Iron VIP, and as per directions, I donated Iron again to upgrade to Gold. Now, out of my nosieness, I was interested in how long it takes for this upgrade to take place and how it actually works?

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