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Posts posted by dograap19

  1. MC Name: ((dograap19))

    RP Name: Grady Blackaxe

    Time Zone: CST

    How long have you played on the server: 5-6 months, joined Sept. 24th

    How active are you: Very

    How can we be sure to trust you?: I have been a guard of the dwarves, since I joined. Plus, I am Grady

    Why this guild? I wish to take a risk, and hopefully get some reward.

    Team Speak?: Very much

  2. * In-Game Name:((dograap19)) Grady Blackaxe

    * How Long Have You Played On This Server? [[6-7 months]]

    * How Often Are You Online? Alot

    * What Job(s) Have You Held Within Kal Urguan Before? Have been in teh guard fer me entire time here... Was a Ceann-Sai in teh guard.

    * Sword Skill? 31/100

    * Axe Skill? 20/100

    * RP Experience? Alot

    * Timezone? CST

    * Do You Have Team Speak? ((Aye))

    * Squad wish? Hmm... City patrol, sire

  3. MC Name - dograap19

    RP Age - Early 400's

    IRL Age - 13

    Why do you wish to be a High Lord - I feel as though I can further help the dwarves by taking part in our government

    What field do you wish to be a High Lord in ( War, Guild, Economics, Politics ) - I feel I can help the most in Economics, although I might do a fair job in Politics.

    Have you contributed to Kal'Urguan before? if so how ( Wars, diplomatically, economically etc ) - Yes, I have been a guard for quite a while and have served in the army.


    ( During these scenarios act like a high lord would. )

    Your on the king's road as you are approached by a group of Orcs who begin to insult you and RPly threaten you, would you...

    A. Call the Dwarven Military to come and defend you and aid you as you are a High Lord of Kal'Urguan.

    B. Shrug it off and ignore them but that will mean them calling you a coward showing signs of weakness on your behalf for them.

    C. Attack them yourself.

    ( Or your own answer )

    You are asked permission by a guild to build their guild-house, they say they were given permission by the Grand Councillor, what would you do....

    A. Give them the designated land and amount they said they were given permission to get.

    B. If the Grand Councillor is offline you discuss with the other Grand Councillors not of this field?

    C. Do you wait until for the Grand Councillor to come online and confirm with him ( which can be quite long ).

    ( Or your own answer )

    The miners guild has been getting permits in the Kal'Urguan mine for 25 percent off the original price, however they are not giving anything in return. Would you...

    A. Confront them about it and ask them what are they doing and how are they helping Kal'Urguan by getting the permits cheaper.

    B. Speak with your Grand Councillor and the King then discuss with them.

    C. Investigate yourself and see if they are working with the other Grand Councillors.

    ( Or your own answer )

    Their are men inside of Kal'Urguan stirring up a strike over an issue that happened with their shop getting took over in another town while they were on travels, would you....

    A. Speak with the Grand Councillor of War and send an army to the town.

    B. Try to negotiate with the town for the shop, if so what would you do if they say no? Offer them a small 5% of income of what the shop profits, or offer a small bit more money. If they absolutely won't take my offer, then I will pay the man the money of the shop to buy a new one elsewhere.

    C. Tell the Dwarves its their fault and calm down, making you un-popular and stirring up the strike even more.

    ( Or your own answer )

  4. ye must make 'n application! ((post is on page 3))

    ((woops, didn't see that. Here it is now though.

    MC Name: dograap19

    RP Name: Grady Blackaxe

    Current position (in guild): Blacksmith

    Waiting list or specific master of: Waiting list

    Past leadership roles: I am an Anville Streker in the guard.

    What you know as a smith/ why you want to be a master:)) I would like ter be a master because I wish ter help the youth smithers. I am not as young as I used ter be and I want to 'elp before it be ter late.

  5. ((MC name)): ((dograap19))

    Name: Grady Blackaxe

    Clan (If you have one): Blackaxe

    Subrace: Cave Dwarf

    Age: 415

    Job: Guard/Blacksmith

    Current Residence: Commoner 'ousin in Inner Kal'Urguan


    ((MC name)): ((watthe21))

    Name: Elric Grakerk

    Clan (If you have one): None

    Subrace: Forest Dwarf

    Age: 180

    Job: Archbishop

    Current Residence: Temple

  6. 1)MC Name & RP Name: ((watthe21)) Elric Grakark.

    2)Chosen Patron: Lefor

    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): Turmoil 'as overcome me thoughts. I must escape dis endless trap of war against teh Undead. Their attacks be unexpected and the Ascended are no where teh be found. I 'ave lost faith in them now, and need a source of protection.

    4)Race: A proud Forest Dwarf

    5)Flaws in Your Character: I am selfish, also may call me greedy, and war-thirsty; that is not the way God is callin' me ter live.

    6) How long have you been on the server:

    I 'ave been 'ere since teh reign of Algrim. ((Joined on Sept. 24th))

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

    I see this happening and approach very bravely. I say to the Shade,

    "Sir, have ye any reason to harass this citizen. Are we not all, created by God? I say to ye, in the name of Lefor, Begone!" If 'e 'as any response I would then lead 'im to a place that I 'ave the most advantage.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

    I would offer me leather coat to the child, one-hundred minas in the pocket, and offer to buy 'im a room at the nearest inn.

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

    "Have ye any concern for teh poor, lad! What are ye to do wit dis money?"

    I draw me blade and point it at the bandit. "If you wish to 'ave a duel to teh death, then so be it."

    I eerily step closer to the man, and he decides from then on.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

    I draw me blade, and point it teh da 'eavens. "With God, nothing is impossible!" I point teh da man saying, "What 'ave ye against God and Aeriel? Have they not brought ye into dis beautiful world? Go back to where ye came from and think of these questions!"

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

    I look at the person, this question is asked many times... "He is testin' yer faith in 'im. If ye truly believe in 'im you'll be rewarded in many things."

  7. I am very much alive.

    Me 'istery, ye ask?

    It started when I was born... In a small village town in the desert.

    I 'ave no idear where me perents be, thus I was raised in an orphanage.

    At the age of 14, I left the orphanage to e reunited with me farmily. I traveled the lands of Aegis, when I found a starting point to being reunited. I was told I 'ad a brether. His name was Decks, and our family was a Noble Clan. I traveled to Kal'Urguan to see de rest of me farmily.

    There I met me nephews: Bazian, Valen, Flynn, and Rogan.

    I used ter be da leader of te Fine Arts Guild, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I now am an Anville Streker of the Kal'Urguan Guard, and I pray on a daily basis.

  8. *Grady reads the note, not surprised at Thrym's reaction*

    Well, ye will be missed Thrym.

    I will miss ye, very much.


    *Elric reads the note, and throws a rock at the nearest wall*

    This madness!

    I understand, Thrym. I will miss ye.

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