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The Druidic Order

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Posts posted by The Druidic Order

  1. Update

    - The Owl Druid has passed on to the Eternal Forest

    - Accompanying her was Lamb Druid, Marie

    - And Gecko Druid Midnus


    Blessed be, Brother and Sisters


    - The Autumn Druid Nivndil stepped down from Archdruid

    - Snow Druid Liri was elected as Archdruid

  2. xUcVs2ltTKF9YwLP_iR5SZzjwqcVpzRls9TBdCYWK5v2IE8WQ-A8Y9g8WKVl3e0totvYKJ_ogh_-CHIhquOiWZEf4W5IY53NHM_qj0h9X3PKREj2w0G-8XRURluCfjea0rvGvdL1

    [!] As Fall reaches Axios, the season of spooks and scares begins, fliers are pinned up along notice boards and birds sent to deliver to each nation. [!]


    Druidic Spirit's Eve Festival

    The Druids of the Wandering Grove invite the people of Axios to attend the Druidic Spirit’s Eve Festival! Come! Feast with the Druids as we celebrate the scares of the season! As always, there will be food, drinks, music, game, dancing and spooky good times! Make sure to wear a costume to fit in with the season as there will be a costume contest, so make sure to wear your best!



    Events of the Festival include:


      59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifThe Feast of the Spirits59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    The chefs of the Druidic Order have been laboring hard to prepare the sweetest and most delicious foods and beverages for everyone to enjoy! Many of the food will be season-themed, so expect some deliciously sweet foods! 


    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifThe Maze Run59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    The Druids of the Wandering Grove have grown a rather large maze for everyone. Traverse the maze, and escape to win a prize!



    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifApple Bobbing59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    A classic and traditional activity for the Fall season is Apple Bobbing. Come and bob for apples! Whoever can catch their apple the quickest will end up being the winner, and perhaps they might win a prize!


    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifDunk Tank59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    Got a friend that deserves to be dunked in a pool of water? Well come and dunk your friends with the dunk tank! Simply hit the target, and your friend will be dunked into the chilly water!


    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifPie Eating Contest59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    Fancy yourself a skilled eater? Come and test yourself against others in the pie eating contest! The person who eats the most pies within the time limit will be considered the winner, and shall earn a prize!


    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifCostume Contest59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    The main event of the Festival! Dress up in a costume, and come attend the costume contest! The contest shall be judged by a panel of costume connoisseurs! The top three shall win prizes!


     59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifFortune Telling59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    Do you wish to know what fate and future has in store for you? Come and get your fortune told by a fortune teller!



    59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gifElswyens Drawings59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif

    Would you like to have yourself drawn by one of the Order’s most talented artists? Come and visit Elswyen for a portrait!




     59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif Stalls and Trinket59ed2d3579018_PumpkinMini.gif.39b1f6401368ffe0fde974b3457ea377.gif
    Stalls shall be set up at the festival grounds in order to provide visitors with sweets and trinkets to commemorate their visit to the festival!

    So come one and come all! Experience the Druidic Spirit’s Eve Festival, and prepare to be scared!




     ((Begins Saturday the 28th of October at 5pm EST))


  3. Histories of the Druidic Order





    19th of The Grand Harvest, 1612.


    Throughout the existence of the Order, the Druids have kept tabs on major events, occurrences and changes within the Order. These happenings have been recorded into the ages by differing scribes throughout the times by varying Druids.


    Aegian History


    The Age Of Founding And The Before Times

    An Elf arrived on Laurilen’s shores, brought by strange winds. The Wayward Druid Respiren Nox, the First Druid had come to Aegis. Though little is known of him, it is thought that he travelled from a distant land, and a distant Circle to spread the seeds of Druidism- it is known that he thought himself a sewer of Circles, and was said to refer to the saplings he carried as the seeds of Groves to come. His beginnings were of a modest shack in the Holy Forest of Laurilen, though the intrigue that surrounded him soon drew others to his cause. As more and more Druids and Dedicants drew near to hear his teachings, the shack eventually grew into the massive construct that was the Grand Tree- a sprawling lifeform renowned for its endless tunnels, passages, and secrets. Generations of Druids built upon the ancient Grove, each adding its own layer until the colossal tree dwarfed all others, all drawn by the mystique of the Founder, and later, the Order he created.. Some of Respiren’s first and most notable disciples were Swifthide, Native, Petyr, and Aeirea, each of whom would go on to be important figures in Druidic Lores.

    The First Age of Reconstruction

    The First Age of Reconstruction was ushered in by the initiation of Dragon Druid Apollan into the Order. Apollan was the first to express interest in joining the Order after reading the "Myth of the Great War" and spend long hours in the Druid grotto after he was famously murdered outside the gates of Laurelin by a bandit. Apollan quickly moved up the ranks. Meanwhile, the Order grew. After initiating Apollan, Respiren expressed interest in 'rebuilding the Order'. Every day, new citizens of Aegis would show up in the grove wanting to become Druids. Most were immediately initiated. As the Order grew, so did a number of things including property and knowledge. During this time the order gained a lodge in Ravenhold, as well as one in the Laurelin docks. Additionally, two stalls were bought at the Laurelin Marketplace and hundreds of books were added to the Order's library.

    The Age of Abandonment

    Unfortunately, due to extremely casual and non-uniform initiation rites of the Wayward Druid, people were joining the Circle, only to wander into the wilderness never to be seen again. With no established Hierarchy, the Order lacked organisation and purpose. This was made apparent when an Elf named Rowan arrived. Archdruid Rowan, arrived from a far off forest, seeking to re-establish his lost Circle, the Druids of Mother Aegis. Rowan is most likely the only citizen to have argued with the Order's ways. His only backing for title of Druid was that he 'had a love of nature'. When Rowan became annoyed by the fact that he had to be initiated in order be allowed into the inner library he stormed off claiming he would start his own order somewhere else. Rowan was last seen entering the wilds outside his home in the Ravenlodge, and was never heard from or seen from again. Fortunately the dark Age of Abandonment was brought to an end by the light of the Dawn Druid Maiavel.

    The Age of Reformation

    The Age of Reformation was brought on by the ideas and drive of one Maiavel. With her determination, she was able to rally the remaining Druids to create an official lore, hierarchy, rules, and sense of order. Her contribution was critical in giving the Order many of the things that define it today, and brought order to an otherwise unruly mob. Standardised teaching, clear duties, and a focused objective were brought into focus by the now-renowned Druid.


    The Second Age of Reconstruction

    During the second age of Reconstruction many more books were written and a Grand Tree in the Laurelin Grove was planted. New Dedicants were brought in but less frequently than in the first age, and the initiation process was more careful and uniform. During this age, the current Hierarchy was established with Apollan as Archdruid.


    The Age of Knowledge

    The Age of Knowledge was ushered in by Petyr, the Salmon Druid. His creation of the "Dedicant's Vow" and the "Attunement Ceremony" greatly helped the Order as did his other ideas, including spearheading the wiki.


    The Age of Mushroom Transgressions

    This age was brought about by the conflict caused by the differing ideals in the Order. Some Druids were becoming increasingly annoyed at the restriction that came with having a grove in the city (where trees/mushrooms could or could not be planted and the structure of the Druid tree). Other Druids argued that it was their duty to promote balance, and that the runway growth of mushrooms flowing from the grove was nowhere near natural. Some Druids wanted a new grove to be created outside the city and faraway. Others wanted the grove to be close. Still others did not want a new grove at all. However, it is important to note that most of these arguments were caused by misunderstandings, which is why this age is sometimes called the Age of Misunderstanding or the Age of Confusion.



    The Age of Renovation

    In the end, most mushrooms were removed from the grove when Maiavel stamped her foot and the mushrooms instantly broke (but were unthoughtfully left on the ground, only to be swept up by Deltaro). A new, secret grove was set up in the wilderness outside Ravenhold, (notable work from Mahten and Aeaira whom spent days working on the road leading to civilization). The Laurelin Grove continued to be renovated and improved on, with notable work contributed by Lunar Druid Bircalin and Dedicant Deltaro.



    Post-Dream History


    The First Age of Dreaming

    For a long time it seemed that Nature was silent. For a great length of time, none had seen any feats spoken about in the ancient Druid tales. But then, as if a seed was planted, nature began to speak, and each Druid began to dream mysterious dreams. It was the Aspects of nature, Cerridwen and Cernunnos, calling to their newly found children. Wayward Druid Respiren called a Moot to discuss these dreams, leading into…


    The Age of the Aspects

    The Moot decided to embrace the two Aspects as their primary deities. Spurred by the particularly keen visions of the Salmon Druid Petyr, the Druids adopted the now keystone patrons of their faith- Cerridwen, the Aspect of Fertility and Growth, and Cernunnos, the Horned God, Aspect of the Hunt.

    The Age of Little Occurrence

    Nothing happened for a while, except for a few little things. There was a small Hierarchy change; The Archdruid position was given to three people and the Grand Druid's description was changed. John and Maiavel were promoted to Archdruids but Maivel soon retired. Her spot was filled by Petyr. Cleric Druid Mahten was also promoted to the rank of Druid Guide. A small recruiting strategy was initiated.



    The Second Age of Renovation

    During this age, the Laurelin Grove experienced a number of additions. A wall was created around the grove with a retractable gate. This was done to keep out a number of citizens that were harassing the Druids. In addition, all the entrances were covered up so that one must always use the front gate. More additions to the grove included: a kitchen, a melon and pumpkin farm, the cultivation of the Grand Tree's roots deeper into the ground, a tree farm, an elevator system and Druid dwellings at the top of the Grand Tree. Much of the growing was done by the Dusk Druid, who was a key player in helping the Grove take its massive height.

    The Age of Poor Judgement

    A lot of inner-Order augments and bad feelings culminated in this Age. Multiple parties were involved and no side was completely right. The end result was the leaving of Seeker Druid Deltaro from the Order. The bad taste left in the mouth of many Druids caused Apollan to create the Druid Code.

    The Second Age of Little Occurrence

    During this age, as its name would imply, not many things happened. The grove as given another renovation, mostly for aesthetic purposes. In addition, a Druid Order forum account was created as well as a blog. Unfortunately during this time, Archdruid John's mental health was also starting to slide.

    The Second Age of Dreaming

    During this age Salmon Druid Petyr had a vision in which the creation myth was shown to him by the Aspects. It foretold of the time before the four races and a great exodus to come. A second Moot was called and all in attendance agreed to accept the vision as truth.

    The First Age of Mourning

    Unfortunately during this time, John's mental state grew worse. One day, John snapped. Among a number of thing he attacked the Dusk Druid. He then fled to his soul tree (Which he named Marcus) located in the pond outside the Laurelin Grove. There he made his last stand. The Druids present at the time were Dusk, Mahten, Apollan, Respiren, Saviticus and Thork the Betrayer (Thork the Blood Druid). In addition, several princes and bystanders were also there. John stood on the roots of his soul tree and attacked anyone who came near. There was a standoff for some time until all at once the Druids charged the tree. While some traded blows with John, Apollan worked to purify the water around the tree for he sensed that there was a taint at work. Suddenly the Dusk Druid produced an axe and chopped at the soul tree until only one column was left. It was then that; with that ability to see inside the tree, Apollan discovered the taint in the form of a block of netherrack. Before Apollan could share his discovery, Thork went into a blood lust. He cut down the last column of the tree rendering John unconscious. Then Thork stabbed John's body killing him. In the days followed, Thork was shunned for violating Druid Code. John's tree was turned into the place of his burial where his body was burned and the ashes scattered around Laurelin. His will named Mahten as his replacement as Archdruid.

    The Age of Expansion

    During this age, the Nature's Bounty chain was expanded by one new store on Kings Road. The Order was also expanded by one new member. Zannith (to be added later), the 10 year old son of the Dusk Druid and an unknown Elf moved into the grove. Much to the dismay of one Bircalin. Zannith later left the Druid grove to join the wardens and later committed suicide by jumping from the Grand Tree.

    The Age of Knowledge

    During this age the Druids took control of the library of the Cloud Temple of Aegis. Petyr also retired from his position as Archdruid and became a Hierophant. Dusk Druid Aeaira was elected to fill the spot and Saviticus became Head Teacher.

    The Second Age of Mourning

    During this age Archdruid Mahten transformed his entire being into a tree in the grove. As a result of his sacrifice, Druid Dusk was named(in his will) as successor to the position of Archdruid. In this time she has began to bring new life to the Druids Tree, ushering forth growth and spread of new branches, and brought a new generation of Druids into the Dedicant rank.

    The Second Age of Expansion

    During this age, the Druid Order and Grand tree grew exponentially.

    The Third Age of Mourning

    During this age, Archdruid Apollan and Dusk we killed under mysterious circumstances. Apollan's position was given to his close friend Horizon Druid Makia and Dusk's position was given to Fox Druid


    The Age of Poor Logic

    During this age, everything the Druids knew was proven to be incorrect. Petyr proved that wood doesn't exist, then proved that it does. He also proved that magic isn't real, and that water is fake. Unable to hold all this nonsense, Archdruid Darrian was convinced that he had gone crazy and was only dreaming. After jumping to his death from the top of the Grand Tree, Faey Druid Vanyariel took his position as Archdruid.

    The Age of Activism

    During this age, many Druids had visions foretelling a coming destruction of all of Aegis. The Druids took it upon themselves to find and recover all ancient artifacts of Aegis so that they may be saved from the end and brought with them to new lands. With the help of High Princess Indelwehn, the Druids were lead to the Druid Tree at the docks. There she showed them the Shadow Circle, a compound underneath the tree created by Apollan and Respiren to store the First Staff, Seed, and Sapling. It was later learned that Indelwehn believed the artifacts to be fake and intended to fool the Druids. But they were real and were taken back to the Mother Grove. Next, the Druids traveled to Galahar where they valiantly defended the city from an attack by bandits. They then asked the King for permission to excavate under the city in search of another artifact which they believed to be store under the city. The King agreed but only if the Druids agreed to teach him magic. They also agreed. After many weeks, in which the Druids found a number of things, they broke into a grand cavern with a sandstone pyramid in the center. Inside the pyramid contained the Golden Mushroom and the Crystal Mushroom. These two were taken back to the Mother Grove. Next the Druids travel to the Mage's Guild House in South Laurelin. Inside the Mages kept artifact, an enchanted sword called The Bane of Arthropods. The Sword was rightfully the Druids' but the Mages refused to relinquish it. Negotiations were had with a Mage, Deltaro Black but they did not come to fruition. Finally using the combined power of eight Druids present, the force field surrounding the chest containing the sword and it's locks were forced open. The Druid then took the sword, bidding a hastily retreat brought the sword to back to the Mother Grove.


    The Age of Treaties

    During this age, peace was finally made between the Druid Order and the Mages Guild in the form of a contract written by the Druids. Although people tend to forget that the treaty was basically and utterly forgotten within the next five minutes of its creation.

    The Age of Hasty Movement

    During this age, the Order moved around quite a bit. First, they left the Laurelin Grove due to the fact of a rumor that all of Laurelin would explode after Vardak opened a portal at the Gauntlet. The Order took up residence in the Rose Grove for sometime after, though the miasma from the newly-created nether portal never reached the Grand Tree. The Druids and the Mages beat a hasty alliance, working together as one in an attempt to eradicate the taint entirely, though they found Iblees’ power to be too great., however. The Order eventually retreated back to their home forests as the Norther cities near which the Rose Grove was located began to fall to the Undead. With nowhere to go, the Druids grimly prepared to defend their forest. Afterwards, when the Cloud Temple fell, and with it, Lauirlen, the last of the Races’ homelands, the Order (artifacts and all) packed up and moved to the Verge. This age ended when Aegis was overtaken by the Undead and all of the inhabitants of Aegis traveled to the new lands of Asulon.



    Asulonian History


    The Age of Schisms

    Upon arriving in Asulon, the Druid Order found themselves in disarray. Although there was much to be explored and to be done, this once great Order was reduced to small numbers in the treacherous waves of sea and the separation from each other by leagues of land. When finally congregating back in Elandriel, the Druids began casting their prayers to the Aspects in request of a great new grove. However, even as the ground began blooming before them, internal conflicts arose between the Druids, resulting in Archdruid Delfyr being removed from his position. Overcome with righteousness and anger towards the motives of some other druids, Rose Druid Delfyr and his once apprentice, Soul Druid Arik, made the decision to split the Order and bring about the Age of Schisms. Although this was a difficult decision, the Order as a whole emerged stronger for it, for the split of the Order had been the prophecy of the Head Teacher, Saviticus Irongut, who had urged the Soul Druid to speak with the Rose Druid years previously. In response, preparations had been made that ultimately brought both Circles out better.

    Both Circles became nearly empty, as the land of the Elves became less and less populated. During this time, Ice Druid Jameson was elected Grand Druid, and Wolf Druid Ouity was promoted to the position of Archdruid.

    The Age of Reunion

    Many Druids gathered one day -Jameson, Arik, Ouity, and a few others- and journeyed to Solace. Upon mounting the fertile land, they grew adamant that this was where they wished to stay, and in a unanimous vote, reunited the Circles after hastily calling a moot. After the moot, Twilight Druid Evelyn was shunned from the order for her lack of faith in the Aspects, and was last seen by any Druid fleeing the Alrasian army on a count of murder. The Druids were given a plot of land outside Solace, and construction on the new grove commenced.

    The Age of Disarray

    Soon, after the influx of new Druids and Dedicants into the Order in the 'Age of Reunion', the Order soon started seeing its key members disappearing. The 'Age of Disarray' began after the sudden disappearance of Archdruid Arik and the fall of Salvus. With the destruction of Salvus, the amount of visitors to the Mother Grove grew few and the Mother Grove became more secluded from the outside world. While its sister grove in Skravia flourished, the Mother Grove grew more and more desolate. The appointment of a new Head Teacher seemed to stem the tide of decline in the Mother Grove, with new Dedicants flocking to the grove. But it could only last for so long. The incident of the Scion Druid Alan being given a book from the witch Kyral, which was soon after lost in an accident, sparked a series of disastrous events for the Druidic Order. Out of rage for the lost book, the witch declared war on the Druids and attempted to conquer the Mother Grove in Salvus. At first, the Druids attempted to negotiate with the witch, seeking to attain peace. But after the Scion Druid lost the book, the Druidic Order was left with only two choices; they could surrender or fight. Left with little choice, the Druids decided to fight to protect their Mother Grove. At first it seemed that the Druidic Order would be able to sway the odds in their favour, with a deal struck with the Mori’Quessir. But alas, a pre-emptive attack from the witch crushed the resolve by the Druids, forcing them to surrender the Mother Grove in Salvus. These events had a catastrophic effect on the Druidic Order, throwing it into complete disarray. With the loss of the Mother Grove, the Druidic Order was scattered across Asulon. The Druids tried to relocate twice in the coming years, in an attempt to re-organize themselves. But it came to no avail.

    The Second Age of Reunion

    During this age, the Druidic Order finally succeeded in reorganizing itself. It moved to the great forest of Elandriel, and with the combined presence and power of the entire Order, the Elandriel Mother Tree grew to an extraordinary height, making it a suitable home for the Druids. With the planning of a new grove to be grown just outside the Cloud Temple Sanctuary, the future of the Order would surely see a massive intake of Dedicants. During this age the Order had taken its first steps into a second Golden Era.

    The Second Age of Activism

    After a long period of inactivity amongst the Archdruids of the Order, nothing was left but few Dedicants and a single druid, the Solstice Druid Callax. The Order seemed to have finally died, for years of nothing would happen. Eventually, Archdruid Valas returned to appoint the Solstice Druid to a Druid Guide. Alongside the appointing of Callax to Guideship, many Druids, including Spirit Druid Saviticus, returned to the Order, and new Druids were attuned who would be crucial in the coming ages. In the midst of the sudden burst of activity, Song Druid Arik reclaimed the Salvus Grove, making it a point of activity once more and the Wilting Druid grew a grove in the vast plains of Norjun. A curious seedling began growing just outside of the Mother Grove only to be revealed the daughter of the Mother Tree, Ethanriel, and Arik, Riel’a, an Ent who protects the forests across the realms. The Order had finally begin to roll to it’s feet once more.

    The Age of Archdruids

    In this age, there was much confusion of who was to lead the Order. A strange Druid by totem of Wild Druid, who was Archdruid of a different Circle, was appointed Archdruid in the empty third Archdruid position. She quickly left the Circle to leave Fox Druid Valas and Aura Druid Beleran as the only two Arches once more. Eventually, a moot was called by Aura Druid Beleran to discuss the inactivity among the two Archdruids and his departure from the position. At this moot, Scion Druid Alan stepped down from his Head Teacher Position. Song Druid Arik, a Hierophant, was voted to fulfill one Archdruid position, while the Order voted on Solstice Druid Callax to fill the other. The Serpent Druid was also appointed as a Druid Guide. After the moot had taken place, Beleran took Valas to the top of the Mother Grove where he gave his final goodbyes. His staff was handed over to Valas and Beleran jumped off the Mother Tree, Ethanriel.

    The Third Age of Disarray

    This was a short age in which the realm of Asulon came to a close, and amongst all the confusion in moving to the new lands, many Druids became lost once again. The transition from Asulon to Elysium was a long and strenuous one, and with the lack of Druids, the Order took a drastic step from its recent revival.



    Elysium & Kalosian History


    The Age of Desperation

    As the shift to Elysium detrimentally decreased the number of Druids, only Archdruid Callax and Druid Guide Vi were left to rejuvenate the Order. They accepted an influx of Dedicants, and began teaching the Druidic ways, setting the stage for a prosperous future of the Order. However, when the Serpent Druid had been killed, Callax was left with a heavy load on his shoulders. Wilting Druid Giovanni had made his return and was made a Druid Guide. Together, Giovanni and Callax continued to teach their many Dedicants throughout their time dwelling on Elysium in hope to revive the Order to its true potential.

    The Second Age of Mushroom Transgressions

    Shroom Druid Milo, an Elysium attuned Druid, had chosen his totem of the Shroom for plenty reason; that being his obsession over any and all fungi. While the Wilting Druid and Solstice Druid argued over the ethics of potting plants, the Shroom Druid spent his time spreading his spores throughout the grove. Druids had mushrooms growing from their clothing and hair, soon enough! The battle over potted plants was joined with the battle of mushrooms.

    The Third Age of Reunion

    During this age, the Druidic Order followed the rest of races to the islands of Kalos. With diligent teaching, strict conduct, and purpose, the Druidic Order was, again, revived. Under the tutelage of above average guides, the Order was seeing some of its best days. Druids travelled abroad, teaching of the Druidic ways; they brought life in lifeless places and kept up with their up-keeping of nature. The relationship between the Order and Malinor was growing strong, too, as Prince Khel and the Archdruids made the efforts and conference with each other. Malinor asked the Druids to 'nature-ify' their forest and Druidic activity was boosted.



    Anthosian History


    The Third Age of Activism

    The Order was successful in gathering on the new land mass of Anthos, not loosing the amount of Druids it had in similar transitions in the past. These times saw an influx and variety of Dedicants. Within the new Mother Grove of En'Leawyn, the Mother Tree, the Druids saw success and activity in all forms. Oak Druid Thudrin stepped down as Archdruid, and was voted a Hierophant; Song Druid Arik, yet again, fulfilled the position. There was an institution of a new branch of the Order known as the Guardian Branch. The Guardian Branch was supposed to serve as an alternative route to the Guiding Branch, where Druids would serve nature more than the Order, of the Circle. Song Druid Arik became an Elder Druid , paralleled to Archdruid, of that branch.

    Also during this age, mysterious seals were uncovered across Anthos, believed to have bound magnificent power or possibly serving as some sort of gateways. The Druidic Order, Shamans, Mages Guild, and many other groups participated in the friendly competition of discovering these seals. Discussions were held between the many groups until they eventually uncovered a possible link between the seals and the Aenguls and Daemons. The events ended suddenly and almost magically when the interest and search for the mysterious seals came to a halt.

    The Age of Influence

    To tighten the bonds between the Order and Malinor, the High Council of Malinor granted two Prince positions to the Druids. The two individuals voted, by the Order, to fulfill these seats were Hierophant Saviticus and Archdruid Callax. As members of the High Council, they advised meetings and added a Druidic influence to the city. Only half of the Druid Guides retained activity during this age, and Dedicants became somewhat difficult to regulate.

    Also during this time, the Deathsbane clan began to swell in numbers. A family dedicated to the Druids and their path, and led by the Bear and Wolf Druid, the Clan would go on to rival the size of the main Order, even surpassing it at times.


    The Second Age of Archdruids

    Archdruid Callax retired from position and had then been voted a Hierophant. He passed the Archdruid position to Sunshine Druid Verden who, soon, passed it to Shroom Druid Milo. Dour Druid Dover also submitted his position, giving it to Shadow Druid Victivus. The Guardian Branch became inactive, with only Elder Druid Arik affiliating with it. The Order had been thrusted about in so many directions; regulation and conduct was getting loose.


    The Age of Poor Conduct

    Lost Druids became plenty, sparking this age. Druids were found affiliating with Shuns and ignoring their responsibilities to nature. Dedicants weren't progressing and Druid Guides weren't being regulated. After conflicting with the Shadow Druid for so long, Shroom Druid Milo retired, asking for Hierophant Callax's return. Clashing continued throughout Vivictus’ tenure.

    A number of Druids were keen on reviving the Order's service to nature and escaping the wretchedness withheld by others in the Order. A Moot was to make the announcement of this split; however the Song Druid responded, begging the Order not to make the mistake it had during the Age of Schisms. Stag Druid Gavin had believed from the start that he could do a better job at leading the Order than the Shadow Druid. The Song Druid discussed with the Shadow Druid and he was convinced to pass onto Gavin his Archdruid position while then taking seat as an Elder Druid alongside Arik.

    The Second Age of Disarray

    With the Stag Druid Gavin serving as Archdruid, the Order was soon to find itself facing some troubling times. Some Druids had major disagreements with his ways of leading and many kept quiet about their opinions of the times. The Stag Druid was left as the sole Archdruid with only a few Druid Guides beneath him. After the Mother Grove was attacked by a corruption-harboring army from the North-lands and was repeatedly threatened and warclaimed by Haelun'or, the Order was forced out to find a new grove. They had moved to the back of a giant turtle, a friend of the Druids known as Samuel.

    It was awhile before another moot was called; the Song Druid retired the Guardian Branch of the Order when it was deemed purposeless. Seed Druid Kefi, who had served as an Elder Druid, was then grandfathered as an Archdruid alongside Gavin. All Druid Guardians then became Druid Guides, and progression became a bit muddled.

    The Age of the Head Teacher

    With the Guardian Druids all automatically acting as Druid Guides, the Order had a mess of Guides who didn't want to teach. Eventually Apple Druid Leyun, who previously lead most of the Guiding work, was made Head Teacher, a title that hadn't been used in decades. All of the Druid Guides were purged from position so that the new Head Teacher could get the Guiding Branch rebuilt from scratch. A third Archdruid was needed to make up for the removal of the Guardian Branch, and Oak Druid Thudrin was chosen.

    The Order found that, with conflict subsiding, they could return to the Mother Grove, and it was reclaimed.The Druids finally left Samuel at peace, restoring the Mother Grove from its former corrupted existence. Thudrin retired as Archdruid and passed the role onto Leyun; the Head Teacher position was again shelved. Later, the Druidic icon Wayward Druid Respiren returned with his daughter and they took a hand in teaching new Dedicants.

    The Second Age of Schisms

    For the first time in decades, maybe even centuries, the Druidic Order had found itself in another split. The elder Druids who had returned felt as if their help was ignored and excluded by the youngest generations. Different sections of Druids all shared different views. The Wayward and Equidae Druids split off and began their own Circle far off, vowing to bring back the old ways of the Order. Archdruids Kefi and Leyun had made moves to expel Archdruid Gavin from his position. In retaliation, he left the Order and too founded a Circle, the Equinox Circle that he deemed as his own, with his own beliefs and views. The Grand Druid title was later reintroduced and bestowed upon the Sunshine Druid Verden to serve as the link between the three Circles.

    The Third Age of Little Occurrence

    The three Circles of Druids had failed quicker than their creations were thought a good idea. Druids were scattered too thin and no new attunements were being made. The Circles remained mostly stagnant and pride stood in the way of a reunified Order.

    The Fourth Age of Reunion

    Anxious for the return of the Cerridwen Grove, a band of Druids set forth to rediscover the artifact. The Order sensed the Stone’s power eminating from Haelun'or. The bannd searched throughout the city until it was eventually found. The stone was kept safe by the Solstice Druid who also used it to spark ideas about reforming the Circles. It wasn't long before other Druids began sharing the idea of reforming the Order and discussion picked up. After a series of moots and discussions, the Order had successfully reorganized itself with Apple Druid Leyun and Solstice Druid Callax as Archdruids, a unified front shaking off the cobwebs of inactivity.

    The Age of Persistence

    Not long after the Order had been reformed, a terrible plague fell over the forest of Malinor. The Elves of Malinor abandoned their dying home of Luminaire and founded the new city, nearby, of New Malinor. While some Druids began to disappear as the taint devoured the Mother Grove, it was decided to move locations to the island off of New Malinor's shore called Equinox Isle. To regain the isle from a corrupting bloodshard, the Song Druid sacrificed himself and was overwhelmed by the corruption that he, too, became corrupted. The Druids of the Order felt deep sorrow for his loss.

    The Druids did not give up on the forest, however, and searched high and low for the source of the corruption. The Ent Irgin appeared to them and lead them to the far South where they discovered a lost, and ancient, Circle of Druids called the Snow Druids. Archdruid Zeremdos of the Snow Druids revealed to them how to find and rid of the source of corruption, and they set off to do so. When a team of Druids and the Spirit of Nature, known as Ernest, had finally found the source of corruption, the Spirit sacrificed his sanity for the Druids' passage. Together, Druids Leyun, Dain, Milo, Faolin and Aeras projected their power through Callax and they were successful in destroying the source.

    As the taint slowly left the great forest, the Order then focused on rejuvenating it. Lead by Shroom Druid Milo, the forest was underway of becoming a magnificent nature reserve. For so long, the Elves of Malinor had neither shown interest nor care in what happened to their previous homeland, leaving it to rot away. However, soon after the Druids had began their new project within the forest, the High Council threatened them with a note that ordered them to cease their work in the forest or they would face consequences.

    Being forced out of the forest and with the threats and ingratitude presented by the High Council of Malinor, the Order realized they weren't welcome there any longer. The Druids sought a new home, and quickly discovered a suitable location in the Crossroads. The proximity to the Cloud Temple and to the clan Deathsbane made it a very appealing choice to both consolidate the Druids into one place, and to be close to prospective Seekers.

    The Age of Raids

    During this Age, the Druidic Order resided near-to the Cloud Temple at the Great Nation Crossing. The Cross Roads grove was magnificently grown by Dahlia Druid Dalari and Shroom Druid Milo, and served as a great homestead for the Order for a good time. However, Orcish raids were frequent. Many times, the Druids successfully conned the Orcs away with useless trinkets, but as the population became scarce around the Great Nation Crossing, the issue of monster raids rose. However, as the Druids were soon to move on, the Crossroads grove was to be gifted to the Kharajyr, who were in need of a home.

    The Age of Semi-Activism

    Due to the growing threats during the Age of Raids, the Order decided to integrate with the Wood-Elven village of Leanniel. Dove Druid Elorna and Pine Druid Gi'Garun had already grown a beautiful grove, and the active members of the Order easily situated. For a long time, the Order had seemed to grow and even saw the Dedicant and Druids boards overflow, however, the majority of the members were inactive or only semi-active. The Deathsbane family, making up a good portion of the Order, managed to carry the momentum of the Druids, compensating for the main circle’s decline.

    The Third Age of Disarray

    During this Age, the tainted and vile Harbingers and Scourge from the frozen Northlands yet again began to destroy the happy lives of the Elven people and their woodlands. Many deadly bloodshards were placed over Elven forests by the Scourge, and the active Druids of the Order were on their toes trying to revive the tainted forests and fields.

    Bringing some hope into the fray however was the confrontation between the Wolf Druid Ouity and the Corrupted Song Druid.  Outside the shrine of the Mother Grove the Song Druid, corrupted by the evil he had absorbed, clashed with the Wolf Druid in a terrible show of power.  However, due to his state the Wolf Druid was able to subdue the Song Druid and free him of the corruption, sealing it and a part of the Song Druid in a gem.


    The Age of Vengeance

    This short Age was sparked with the revealing of the Golden Lance, a group who brought together the Descendent forces of Anthos to put a huge dent in the Scourge. Many Druids took up offensive positions in the Battle for Leanniel to re-obtain the corrupted forests to purge them of their blight and return them to the Aspects. An Elder Tree was discovered in the frozen Northlands, and it provided seeds that could cleanse the terrible bloodshards. Many a brave Druid risked their lives in cooperation with Golden Lance agents, striking deep into the heart of Harbinger territory to retrieve the seeds. Against all odds, and with the guidance of their new allies, the Druids managed a huge victory against the Scourge, claiming the magical seeds. This Age also brought the revealing of The Fringe, a landmass separate of Anthos but also connected through a hidden portal, which many of the Descendents moved to, including the Druidic Order, in hope to find it a safe-haven from the Scourge.



    Fringe & Thalosian History


    The Age of Dwarves

    As the name of this Age implies, the Druidic Order obtained affiliations with the Dwarves of Urguan. At the transition to the Fringe, a group of Druids found a prime location to begin growth of a new Elder Tree. Claiming the territory surrounding this location was the Urguan Nation who, abnormally, accepted the positioning of the Druidic Order. With Malinor gone and the Order's relationships so deteriorated with the new Elven nation, this new affiliation with Dwarves would mark a great change in the Order's history.

    The Age of Taxes

    This was a short age where Shroom Druid Milo, a risky tax evader, was finally caught and cornered for his overdue taxes. A tax collector appeared at a moot of the Druids, demanding the seven minas Milo owed. United in their hatred of the government tax service, the Druids relieved Milo of his debt and sent the tax collector away from the grove.

    During this same moot, Frost Druid Dain resigned from his position as Archdruid, deeming Pine Druid Gi'Garun his successor.

    The Third Age of Renovation

    The Arkon Grove had saw many marvelous additions since its initial growth. Over the expansion of time, the Druid Event Hollow, or the Druid Thicket, was created as a place for congregation and mirth. Apple Druid Leyun built and tended to the Library and storage rooms while Dove Druid Elorna grew a simple Druid housing in a tree and set-up Dedicant housing in a cave. Pine Druid Gi'Garun put together the record rooms and later built a college and the majority of the Archdruid offices.

    The Fourth Age of Activism

    The Order began plans to reinstate Druidic activity. Endeavors were first made to relocate the grove near-to the Elves, but the Druids were forced away with the false accusations, insults, and hypocrisy of Haelun'or. They were welcomed warmly, however, to remain in the Arkon Grove near the Dwarves. During this same time, Archdruid Callax met with a Bishop of the True Faith of Oren to discuss the religious views and indifference between the Church and the Druidic Order, clearing up many false assumptions. Despite seclusion from the Mali, Druidic activity did begin to accumulate with the attunements of Squirrel Druid Veren, Salamander Druid Sorensil, Dandelion Druid Virella, and the accepting of new Dedicants.

    The Age of Tension

    Tensions between the order and the elves of Haelun'or had been steadily rising, and the influence of Oren had eradicated the grace that was once held by the Mali. Their vision of purity, and their heightist ways, had begun to agitate the Shroom Druid Milo, yet he let it pass.

    As a token of his good nature, he gifted the elves with a grove of peace. The blindness of Haelun'or was shown in a bombardment of void fire, setting the grove ablaze. Milo, along with the Pine Druid Gi'Garun and Salamander Druid Sorensil were chased back to Kal'Arkon with fire biting at their bottoms.

    Milo was not discouraged however, and returned to try and make amends, offering another grove. Despite his good intentions, the wood elves placed him under arrest. Negotiations were made by the Pine Druid, and Milo was set for release, until the S.A.S (Shovel Attack Squad), Ivybend's finest group of warriors bore down upon the walls of Lin'Ame, seeking to break Milo out with force.

    Eventually, they were calmed, but new damage had been done. A riot began in the Wood Elven district, caused by the Wolf Druid Ouity. The Sohaer, Kalenz, was badly injured in the resulting bloodshed, and  new laws were set in place, stating that the Order must be either ruled by Haelun'or, or purged. War seemed inevitable, especially with an eager call to arms from the Wolf Druid, and an unlikely alliance with both the Orcs and the Dwarves facilitated and invigorated the drums of war. It took a great deal of negotiation, and some fake shuns, to finally settle the dispute between the Druids and the Elves. Because of Milo's good nature and efforts by the Order, this age is also referred to as The Age of Good Intent.

    The Third Age of Mushroom Transgressions

    It wasn't long after Shroom Druid Milo, who was already notorious for filling groves with mushrooms, had overgrown the entire Fringe Grove in large mushrooms that everyone woke up in a new realm called Thales. Some Druids believed the mushrooms had got to their heads, others believed the mushrooms caused the already imbalanced Fringe to collapse in upon itself, and still others believe the mushrooms had no part to play in this shift.

    The Age of Endless Winters

    This was the age of Thales. After only residing there for a short while, the winters began to grow longer and longer. Even with Druidic blessings, the crops within the grove struggled to grow, and although the Pine Druid had nurtured a large tree to take shelter under, the bitter cold gnawed at the Druids.

    As the peoples of Thales began to build vessels to leave the frozen land, the Shroom Druid Milo and the Arum Druid Dover grew a magnificent boat to house the order on their journey westwards. Many games were played before embarking, and amidst the entertainment the Druids of Seed and Song loaded a mysterious trunk onto the ship. Whilst the Order frantically repaired their boat's wounds (brought about by a giant squid), Captain Alan commandeered the Druidic fleet, safeguarding the Love Sofa and the Holy Pooper through the duration of the great trip to Athera.



    Atheran History


    The Age of Contentment

    The arrival in Athera was rather successful, with very few Druids getting lost amidst the transition. The new land held many natural wonders, perhaps the greatest being the grand Father Tree "Rui'thni", who watched over the new grove lands. It wasn't long before this grand Elder Tree gave birth to Rui'thorn, the only known Ent within Athera at the time.

    During these early stages within the new realm, the Archdruid Gi'Garun travelled to the Oren capital of Petrus, and managed to negotiate a peace treaty with the humans, putting a stop to a feud that had lasted since Anthos. The new-found peace did not last for long, as several members of the reformed White Rose sought to sneak into the grove and attack any elven Druids they met.

    Several incidents involving the Metal Druid Sharr brought the relationship with the Kharajyr onto thin ice. Luckily, Sharr conceded his actions and traversed with the Pine Druid and the Snow Druid to apologise. The apologies were accepted, and thus peace was restored.

    The Fourth Age of Renovation

    Having found a beautiful new grove, the Druids set to work on blessing their new home. The Scion Druid Alan grew housing within Rui'Thni's canopy and Cub Druid Gildun carved the Notable Druid statues, while many others set about growing the library and hollowing out the grottos. This time also saw the return of the Sequoia Druid Lillith, and the Frost Druid Dain, both of whom quickly returned to Guideship.

    A great influx of Druids and Dedicants also occurred in this time, and it seemed as though things were looking up for the order.

    The Fourth Age of Mourning

    Despite all the peace and contentment, the Solstice Druid Callax passed during this age, and the entire order were saddened by the loss.

    To add to the pain of the Order's members, the Betrayer, Iblees, made his return. Taint and corruption spread like wildfire, and the Order were on their toes fighting the waves of attacks that came upon the grove. One small shred of good that appeared in this age, was the establishment of two new Nature's Bounty stores, one on the edge of the father grove, and another within Greyhaven.

    This age came to a conclusion with Pine Druid Gi'Garun's retirement from Archdruid. After delivering a speech about staying devoted to the order, (Many Druids had been spending more time out of the grove than in it), he stepped down from his position, naming the Sequoia Druid Lillith as his successor.


    The Age of Sudden Tree-growth

    This was a short age, in which the Wolf Druid Ouity tried to combat the imbalance in the world by growing several large trees within the human capital of Petrus. However, as the Druids admired his work, an almighty roar from the Seven Skies appeared, eradicating the trees and banishing the Wolf Druid from the realm. He would remain gone for some time before reappearing under mysterious circumstances.

    The Third Age of Schisms

    The order seemed to go silent for a very long time, and beneath the silence, tensions were rising amidst the Aspects' children. The Druids were beginning to get tired of the Archdruids' lack of activity, and began to leave the order to go their own way. The Grove was almost always empty, and something needed to be done. During the next moot, Bear Druid Isabella was questioned for her clan’s long stint apart from the Order, and defending the premature attunement of the Honey Druid. Enraged by the hostility of the Order, Isabella walked out of the moot, later officiating clan Deathsbane’s separation from the Order through the creation of the Spring Circle.

    Much later in time, out of lack of faith of the leadership of both the Mother and Spring Circles, another circle of Druids was on the rise. The Verdant Meadow was initiated by a self claimed Druid, Marcus, along with Cub Druid Gildun, Hare Druid Taynuel, and Dahlia Druid Dalari in effort to preserve and continue the ways and fellowship of Druidism, but soon rejoined the order after Sky God Dagoth threatened to end their existence.

    This age came to a close when after being persuaded by the Shroom Druid, Pine Druid Gi'Garun retook the position of Archdruid, filling the gap left by the retirement of Elk Druid Danic.

    The Fifth Age of Mourning

    Milo and Gi had been put in charge of redesigning the grove, and Druids were beginning to return to it as the renovations were more inviting. However, just as the Order was beginning to recover, things took a turn for the worst.

    One harsh and windy night, the sky turned red as taint began to form in the center of the father Grove. From within it rose the Betrayer, his minions at his side. The Druids fought bravely, but had to back off, as even their combined force couldn't hold off Iblees' might. They retreated to a chamber, deep below Rui'thni, within which the Aspect stones were kept. Iblees was not hindered by the elderwood roots that sealed the chamber, and the Druids cowered in fear. From thin air, he produced the tainted Axe of Krug, and with one swift motion, he sliced into the Aspect stones, a blinding light filling the cavern as a huge blast of taint fell upon the Grove. Miasma rose from the once crystal clear streams, and the crippled Druids had no choice but to flee their once peaceful home.

    Wounded and mourning for the loss of the Sequoia Druid, who had died defending the stones, the Druids wandered the forests of Fiandria, searching for a place to settle and recover. They retreated to the Sequoia Grove whilst they healed their wounds and gathered food. It wasn't long before they discovered an island, just off the coast from the Oakhearth forests, and after praying to the Aspects, it was here that they decided to settle.

    The Age of Resurrection

    After settling on the island, which they named Elavriel, a group of Druids were summoned through a strange portal by unknown forces, where they emerged in a strange forest. Here they discovered the recently deceased Sequoia Druid Lillith and Solstice Druid Callax, whom both returned with them to the order’s great delight. Soon after, Archdruid Gi’Garun took a group of Druids to the ruins of the Father Grove to investigate a strange surge of natural energies that he felt amidst the taint. They uncovered a secret cavern at the base of the ruined Father Tree, where the last of the tree’s life had been diverted to protect three special seeds; the offspring of Rui’thni. One of these seeds was planted on Elavriel, and nurtured by Gi’Garun, Callax, Thudrin, Milo and Verden, until it became a grand Elder Tree named Rui’livri. During this time, Verden and Arinislia ascended to the position of Archdruid, and the trio soon had the order back on it’s feet good and proper!

    The Age of Relapse

    After some time had passed, both Archdruids Verden and Gi'Garun had vanished without a trace. With Archdruid Arinislia having to act in their stead, both Snow Druid Beth and Squirrel Druid Veren were voted in the elders' places to ensure stability, under the guidance of the eldest Archdruid. Peace was once more restored, shortly before Arinislia was captured and tortured. This then led to the recovery of the Archdruid, who wished to step down upon her return. Solstice Druid Callax was named as the successor. However, without the leadership of the original trio, the Order fell in to one of its darkest ages with corruption. A number of both younger and older druids withdrew from the circles to instead wander.



    Vailorian History


    The Age of Diplomacy

    In an attempt to improve relations with the Descendant nations, the Druids opted to move their Mother Grove is a plateau upon the land of the Wood Elves of Cerulin. Construction of the Grove soon commenced under the leadership of Pine Druid Gi'Garun, who was voted honorary Grove Grower in the place of Alan.

    During this time, a group of Druids, spurred to action by the return of several Hierophants, managed to convince the High Pontiff of the Faith to no longer persecute the Druids, and to recognize the Aspects under their religion. This brought about the greatest thaw in relations between the Druids and humans- a rivalry that had lasted since the fall of Aegis itself. Empowered by their new friendship, the Druids constructed a Grove outside of the capitol city, Felsen, and relations thrived.

    The Age of Diplomatic Falterings

    Old rivalries between humans and Druids flared almost immediately following the promise of peace, constant human raiding and pilfering prompting the Druids to abandon their grove outside the city of Felson, returning instead to their grove near Laureh'lin. However, that too was jeopardized as heated meetings between the leaders of Laureh'lin and the Druids brought reason for the Druids to believe they were not welcome upon what the Wood Elves viewed as their land. Following many a moot, the Druids migrated to the desert of the Caliphate, settling near one of its many prosperous oasis, the Caliphate grove sprawling marvellously from its waters.


    The Age of the Naelurir

    Following the departure of the Mother Circle from the Wood Elven lands, there was a void of Druidic presence within Laureh’lin, filled as Artemic, the Hawk Druid founded the Naelurir, the Wood Elven circle of Druids housed within Laureh’lin. Viewed as the first consensual formation of a separate circle, the Naelurir operate within the city of Laureh’lin and beyond, worshipping the Aspects as the Mother Circle does, though primarily focusing on recruitment and education for the Wood Elves themselves. Diplomatic relations remained tense at first, though relaxed as the Naelurir developed and expanded as a circle, and relations became common and fortuitous.

    The Age of the Grand Coalescence

    After a dream passed the Elder Druids of the order, the Druids were drawn to a forest grove out in the wilderness.  There they were thrust into an underground grove where the Aspect Stones were separated.  Together the Druids roamed the grove and found the Sacred Stones.  As the stones came together, they bonded together and became a single artifact.  Their power emitted at once, and the Druids finally regained control over the power to stave off any blight from their lands.  This marked a moment of true triumph for the Druids.

    The Age of the Grand Council

    With two circles actively worshipping and serving the Aspects within the same Order, it soon became clear a single figure could not manage the complicated relations between the two separate group of Druids. This prompted the circles to form a ‘Grand Council’, a group of elder or leading Druids both within their respective circles, and nomadic Druids that pledge allegiance to neither to discuss issues within the Order. The formation of the Council resulted in a dramatic drop in the amount of useless bickering exchanges between the two circles, promising to bring about even stronger relations in the future.

    The Age of the Father Circle

    With the return of the Mushroom Druid Milo, came the creation of the Father Circle within the once beautiful Verdant Grove, recreated under his guidance and renamed the Father Grove, with the help of the Grand Druid, Callax the druid of the Solstice, the Father Circle flourished and the druid of the Bull, Toren Camoryn, found himself under their tutelage and ended up becoming both a druidic guide, and overseer of the Grove.

    The Age of the Grand Merge

    With the Grand Druid, Callax’s advise, the three circle heads began making frequent meetings and go into deep conversations about the possibility of a merge, and only soon after Callax’s departure from the Grand Council, did the three circles officially become united under the Order once more. Being led by three archdruids; Artimec, the Hawk Druid. Taynuel, the Hare Druid. Toren, the Bull Druid.

    And with such a union, the need for the Grand Council was no more and the Aspects, were happy.

    The Age of Rose Transgressions

    In an attempt to ward off the powers of the spirit Orgon, the Rose Druid, Puma Druid, and Phoenix Druid banded together to fill the grove with Roses in the hopes that it would suffice as a shield against the plague. Upon discovering the flood of roses, the Shroom Druid grew angry and demanded they be removed. When his demands were not met, he threatened to bring the Order down for what he perceived as an insult.



    Axiosan History


    The Age of the New Isles

    Upon coming through the portal upon various boats, Taynuel and Toren led their brethren through the vast lands of the island they had landed upon, and came across an elder tree, proclaiming it the new grove. The Savannah Grove.

    The Age of Union

    A small sect of Shamans came to the grove, offering a peace between the two groups, and gifts were given to symbolize this union.

    The Second Age of Tensions

    Several different events of druids causing tension between themselves and the nation of Sutica caused an unknown druid to bring up the vote of shunning two hierophants, Bull druid Toren and Rose druid Elswyen, for perceived offences that brought the mother circle into political danger. Soon after both were brought before a trial of neutral druids and their cases dropped, both later losing their shunned status to return. However in spite of such, Sutica demanded the departure of the druids from their land, and after the time given, the mother circle moved to the goliath turtle-isle known as Bertha.


    The Age of Bertha

    The mother circle resides upon the goliath turtle-isle, Bertha and things have begun to go peaceful. A moot was called and during the moot it was noted that the Kitten druid was not able to continue her duties as Archdruid and in her place the Rose Druid, Elswyen, was nominated and voted in. The Solace Druid, Oliver, requested that he would be re-voted on personal request and failed the vote, however was soon nominated as a hierophant and was voted in unanimously. The Wisteria Druid, Renn, had intended to challenge the Metal Druid, Sharr, for his position as Archdruid, however the Bull Druid, Toren intervened and pointed out the newly vacant spot from Oliver’s passing, and then nominated her to the empty position, which she took up after being successful in the vote.





    Rescribed by Axiosan Druids.


    Archdruid Renn, Sister Wisteria to the Druidic Order.

    Head Teacher Toren, Brother Bull to the Druidic Order.

    Librarian Aydalyn, Sister Mouse to the Druidic Order.


    ~{| The Druidic Order |}~

    Updated: 13/01/21




    The Druidic Order is a group of beings, made up of all races, dedicated to preserving the balance of nature. All Druids undergo many years of teachings and study in the order to establish a strong connection with nature. Although some have been known to walk the land spreading the teachings of Druidism, the Order itself currently resides in the Father Grove. Despite the misconception that only those of Elven blood can be Druids, the Order is indeed open to any and all races, as it welcomes all who wish to follow the way of the Aspects.


    Please note, that the Order does not recognize those who proclaim that they walk the way of the Druid, yet do not take the time to go through the studying, and Dedicancy. That is to say, only those who have been promoted to the status of Druid, by one of the Guide rank or higher, will be acknowledges for their wisdom.


    ~{| Histories of the Druidic Order |}~

    Throughout the existence of the Order, the Druids have kept tabs on major events, occurrences and changes within the Order. These happenings have been recorded into the ages by differing scribes throughout the times by varying Druids.


    Relocated complete history of the Druidic Order:


    ~{| Information |}~



    All of those who are fully-fledged Druids possess a title, often referred to as their totem. This totem often symbolises the Druid in many aspects of their life; history, personality and approach to life. It is up to the Druid themselves to identify the appropriate title that they are to keep with them throughout their path as one of the Order. The time at which a Dedicant decides upon their totem is up to their Guide, and it is stressed that they understand that it’s a heavy misconception that a Druid is in control of the totem they possess, as it is simply a symbolic title and nothing more.


    Totem Renaming

    Totems are purely symbolic and non-literal. While it is a commonly debated subject among many druids, the totem is not one bestowed unto them by the Aspects themselves. The druid in question has almost complete say over their title, whether knowingly or unknowingly. However, many believe that the Aspects are able to guide those that seek a totem. Whether this be through extensive meditation, traditional druidic pilgrimages, or through the use of highly-potent druidic hallucinogenics.


    Due to the order's codes, a druid can only change their totem once every six OOC months. However, it's generally frowned upon to change more than once. If one were to seek changing their title, they would have to speak with an Archdruid or Hierophant (And OOCly notify those that have access to this thread).



    It is well known that the Druids are some of, if not the, best healers within the land. Yet the true extent of these powers is unknown, as some Druids have been known to bring people back from the brink of death, and even be able to restore individual body parts in extreme cases.


    The Druids are deeply connected to nature, however they do not control it, they serve it. To try and have power over something without understanding is entirely against their ways. It is more similar to asking nature for favours, and then doing nature favours in return. Though, nature will sometimes do very large favours, if the situation in question calls for it. Townspeople were shocked when, with the aid of the Wayward Staff, Petyr conjured a small forest inside the gates of Al’Khazar. Another prime example being when a group of around six Druids once rid the entire Anthosian forest of Luminaire from the magical taint, bringing it back to exuberant life.



    The Druids pride themselves with being the keepers and protectors of nature, they will allow the felling of a tree and possibly even that of a forest, but in return will expect each tree to be replanted and regrown to preserve the balance itself. Druids are considered to be non-violent and, due to long periods of studying in their libraries, are known to be fantastic sources for information. However, despite their non-violent tendencies, Druids will do whatever it will take to preserve the safety of nature's balance when it is threatened, and will resort to combat if the situation demands it.


    The Druids use their prowess in healing to their advantage, and are often times approached when an individual is ill, or injured. The Order also has had, and still does hold, close connections with the Elven government and it is known that, in the past, some have Princely titles within the Elven council.



    ~{| Hierarchy |}~


    The Demi-Aspect

    Demi-Aspects are Druids that have passed on from this world to enjoy eternal rest with the Aspects themselves. One of the highest honours the Order can bestow, these Druids are revered as the highest example that a Druid could look towards. They are sometimes referred to as the saints of the Order.


    Current Demi-Aspects:

    Aura Druid, Beleran (ShaftyMcGee)

    Cleric Druid, Mahten (urpenguin)

    Dragon Druid, Apollan (Elite117)

    Dusk Druid, Aeaira (serenityonyx)

    Ram Druid, Jeremiah (Gladuos)

    Stone Druid, Lyrian (Seiryuuin)

    Tiger Druid, Darrian (rittsy)


    The Notable Druid

    Notable Druids are the historically famous members of the Order, those that have made the most outstanding impact upon the Order by guiding it through difficult times, or other such great feats. They are considered Hierophants who have been given greater recognition for their substantial impact.


    Current Notable Druids:

    Wayward Druid, Respiren - The Founder (Respiren)

    Dawn Druid, Maiavel - The Reformer (Maiavel)

    Salmon Druid, Petyr - The Dreamer (drplat)


    The Hierophant

    Hierophants are retired Druids who have previously held important roles within the Order and were voted to be worthy of the title. Hierophants are most often retired Archdruids, however on rare occasions a Druid was neither an Archdruid nor a Guide but played a significant role in the Order may be bestowed the title. Since they are retired, Hierophants do not have any true responsibilities, other than what they have set for themselves, althought they often act as advisers to the Archdruids. They are able to be called to sway a vote one way or another, acting as tie breakers or simply, voting upon a matter they deem important.


    Current Seen Hierophants:


    Autumn Druid, Nivndil (Nivndil)
    Bluejay Druid, Hareven (A_keefy)

    Deer Druid, Dwyn (OhDeerLord)

    Cosmos Druid, Indra (Wytchlings)

    Hedgehog Druid, Harold (dkink14)

    Lynx Druid, Tailesin (DrususTheDumb)

    Metal Druid, Sharr Irongut (lordbobby123)

    Orison Druid, Awaiti (Irrin)

    Pine Druid, Gi'garun Ibar'ker (Gigarun)

    River Druid, Calius (ShadowedOblivion)

    Sable Druid, Ithuriel (Toodles)

    Scorpion Druid, Elenora (DaHazelWazel)

    Seed Druid, Kefi (Roxforbraynz)

    Shark Druid, Za (Druidic_Green)

    Song Druid, Arik (JMACKLES)

    Trout Druid, Kasfer (Archipelego)

    Current Unseen Hierophants:


    Apple Druid, Leyun (Katherine1)

    Arum Druid, Dover (racingbrother)

    Dove Druid, Elorna (birdwhisperer)

    Fox Druid, Valas (urpenguin)
    Ice Druid, Jameson (123trevmo321)

    Mushroom, Druid, Milo (Matt011011)

    Nightingale Druid, Kyral (Arkelos)

    Oak Druid, Thudrin (cmack1028)
    Oasis Druid, John (123devmo321)

    Scion Druid, Alan (rittsy)

    Sequoia Druid, Lillith Winterleaf (dagothagahnim)

    Serpent Druid, Vi (Pro_Whistler0)

    Solstice Druid, Callax (Werbles)
    Sunshine Druid Verden (Jallentime)

    Wilting Druid, Giovanni (racingbrother)


    The Archdruid
    Archdruids are heads of the inner workings of the Order as a whole. In addition to the responsibilities of a Guide, Archdruids are responsible for maintaining and managing the Order. This includes ensuring that the amount of members does not dwindle, up-keeping the grove they inhabit, maintaining relations with other factions and nations, as well as punishing those in the Order who have done some wrongs, among a variety of other things, including the overseeing of the Guides as they teach, if needed. Archdruids are seen as the managers of the Order, as without them it would fall apart and it’s purpose would be lost. Archdruids may call for a moot, or a shun, and are members of the Inner Circle, having a vote in making the decisions for the Order and, in some cases, making of executive decisions.


    Current Archdruids:


    ~The Mother Circle~
    Deer Druid, Dwyn (OhDeerLord)
    Hedgehog Druid, Harold (FloralHedgehog)

    Snow Druid, Liri (Kuila)



    The Druid Guide

    Guides are Druids who play the role of teachers within the Order. Their responsible for guiding Dedicants and assisting them in their journey to Druidism. Guides do this by teaching and instructing the Dedicants, as well as by giving them tasks and trials to test, and develop, their abilities so that they are prepared for attunement. Guides do not only teach Dedicants, however, as a Guide may also assist Druids who are still searching for their role within the Order. A Druid is officially made into a Guide when nominated, and voted for, within a moot. The Druid Guide is a member of the Inner Circle and has a vote in the decision makings of the Order.


    Current Druid Guides:


    Beaver Druid, Larry (Prologued)

    Cardinal Druid Kianna (Calioos)

    Coral Druid, Damien (Kitsunenokage)

    Flora Druid, [redacted] (nanoninja23)

    Grizzly Druid, Barry (Bazza546)

    Marten Druid, Eretria (UwUusowarm)

    Phoenix Druid, Seraphina (Endaaron)

    Rainbow Druid, Skylar (LaffenOutLoud)

    Spring Druid, Amaryllis (SorairoDays)



    The Druid

    Druids are the standard and fundamental position within the Order, a Druid is a servant of the Aspects as well as a protector of both the Order and nature itself. A Druid’s tasks are broad and numerous, tending to the wide range of balance issues in the natural world. A Druid who displays an exceptional dedication may be nominated for the role of Guide if they so wish to take it on.


    Current Druids:


    Axlotl Druid, Anthron (Zindran)

    Badger Druid, Kesegowese (VladimirZeroZero)

    Bean Druid, Vaishnavi of Maiv (Salvej)

    Brimstone Druid, Kaelwyn (Starfelt)

    Crocodile Druid, Damai Torena (_DropKoala)

    Equinox Druid, Gavin Greyhame (_Fid_)

    Death Druid, Ruaonna (Irrin)

    Dream Druid, Namir Taveira (Hedgehug)

    Ferret Druid, Vex (TwinWolf1)

    Fox Druid, Bolon (Darkelfs)

    Ghost Gum, Rukdug Gol'Tuth (Dragonslayerelf)

    Hare Druid, Taynuel (Eranikus)

    Hummingbird Druid, Becclain (TwistedFries)

    Ichor Druid, Quillian (TheIchorDruid)

    Iris Druid, Aedrie (searose143)

    Ivy Druid, Heroxis (Heroxis)

    Lupine Druid, Aneir’in (Jackal135)

    Melody Druid, Wendy (Musicoid)

    Octopus Druid, Saelian (Wytchlings)
    Rabbit Druid Hoppy Herbwallow (Liandry)

    Reindeer Druid, Nu’Mesia (Merisify)

    Tanager Druid, Aravis (TheWolfOfGames)

    Thorn Druid, Juniper Brambleblood (Aesopian)

    Viper Druid, Taeral (Sug_)

    Widow Druid, Menarra (Menarra)

    Weed Druid, Riv’su (Darksoundwave)

    Wolf Druid, Ouity (Ouity)


    The Dedicant

    Dedicants are the initiate level of the Order, Dedicants are the main trunk of the Order. Dedicants, in their study, and preparation to become an attuned Druid, are often given tasks and trials to prove their commitment, and integrity so that their character, strengths and weaknesses might be judged. Although an associate, a Dedicant isn’t truly considered a member of the Order until their attunement with the Aspects, marking their first steps as a Druid. Under normal circumstances, a Guide can undertake a maximum of five dedicants, Archdruids however place personal limits on themselves. Dedicancy is limited to those only at the age of sixteen and above, eighteen being the advised time to start and no Dedicant under the age of twenty will be attuned.


    The Lost Druid

    Lost Druids are given to those who have passed on to the Eternal Forests. They have not left the Order, but are no longer among the living, and have more often than not, passed on while doing their duties to the Aspects.


    Current Lost Druids:


    Bee Druid Ker’vuln (Mitt0saurus)

    Blizzard Druid, Kacper (Lockages)

    Briar Druid, Virmehn (_THE_FINAL_PAM_)

    Calendula Druid, Mare (PapiPollo)

    Caribou Druid, Abelas (TauFirewarrior)

    Carrot Druid, Bjor (Afoc17)

    Constellation Druid, Syllia (__TigerKitter__

    Coyote Druid, Veidan Torena (Ebonsquire)

    Eclipse Druid, Chloris (SorairoNights)

    Ember Druid, Khaine Csarathaire (iMattyz)

    Firefly Druid, Raine (Jaybleezy)

    Fungi Druid, Dri'killan (IronLich)

    Island Druid, Shiloh (Yewell)

    Koi Druid, Valor (Druii)

    Lamb Druid, Marie (Figglewigitz)

    Luminescent Druid, Carellith (LadyAmayo)

    Luminescent Druid, Laura (DefinitelyKnot)

    Mint Druid, Vivianne (Sybbyl)

    Mockingbird Druid, Sirari Caerme'onn (Vaynth)

    Mystery Druid, Thomas (Spychicken)

    Ox Druid, Popo (Merkaken)

    Owl Druid, Arinislia (Delmodan)

    Redwood Druid

    Snow Druid, Beth (Bethykinss)

    Spirit Druid, Saviticus (Saviordude)

    Squirrel Druid, Veren (legocrazy7)

    Stag Druid, Salhassan (Cave_Creature)

    Stream Druid, Yaehahn Des'Nox (Readicti)

    Tsunami Druid, Kythaela (Demigryph)

    Truffle Druid, Torren (UnfortunatePuppy)

    Veil Druid, Cecilia (SaysarSalad)

    Wind Druid, Mythel (Celtic_Clouds)


    The Forgotten Druid

    Forgotten Druids are given to those who have been distant from the Order for far too long without a single word, or explanation, and are assumed to be dead, or endless wandering. Despite being considered Forgotten Druids, many of these Druids will go unforgotten, and their names and accomplishments will live on in history.


    Current Forgotten Druids:


    Abyss Druid, Lyeko (MorningChill)

    Ant Druid, Athaen (Rickson)
    Astral Druid, Ordan (Bokratz)

    Bat Druid, Oropher (SimpleSuspect)

    Bear Druid, Isabella (TheEpicFiend)
    Beauty Druid, Quincy (Torranes)
    Bird Druid, Faolin (Evilbanana5757)

    Blood Druid, Briza (Pinsir99)

    Buffalo Druid, Sena (StayMoistFriend)
    Blossom Druid, Fleur (flexave)
    Butterfly Druid, Makayla (MonkeyCoffee)

    Cherry Druid, Nerah (ChiakiTheNeko)

    Chronicle Druid, Morek (CraftPrime)
    Cloud Druid, Karelynn (KawaiiGamerGirl_)

    Cougar Druid, Zyvia (claireanne)
    Cub Druid, Gildun (sambosefus)

    Dahlia Druid, Dalari (charlietheguy)

    Daisy Druid, Elizabeth (shorty794)
    Dark Oak Druid, Calethel Aetós (IAmLeets)

    Desert Druid, Seley (Noobcrafter14)
    Diamond Druid, Brahzin (Katanadude47)
    Direwolf Druid, Ketiley (VenymNyx)

    Dragonfly Druid, Draekos (Arkelos)

    Drifting Druid, Mith'laku (Tadmonster)
    Earth Druid, David (AfroDave)
    Eagle Druid, Ruari (OwynMorin)
    Elk Druid, Danic (jpiroden)
    Equidae Druid, Sabrae (Nemiisae)

    Faerie Druid, Thistle (OwletteTheOwl)

    Falcon Druid, Nym (_Elad_)
    Fire Druid, Argon (Epic_Potatoe)

    Firefly Druid, Kira (Anonymous_Potato)

    Fog Druid, Ahanrel (Aelesh)
    Fog Druid, Celthorn (Volutional)
    Forest Druid, Rindir (Black_myst)

    "Forgetful" Druid, Gideon (Burkester)
    Fox Druid, Anarane (casanova9)
    Frost Druid, Dain (candydeath13)

    Gryphon Druid, Erin (ThymeLeviathan)

    Hawk Druid, Artimec (iLeoyz)
    Hearth Druid, Jotham (candydeath13)
    Heron Druid, Raahil (Pandann)

    Holly Druid, Ashton (Morrisaye)

    Honey Druid, Mirabelle (HoneyBearHuggles)
    Horizon Druid, Makia (Themtdragon)

    Horse Druid, Lavinia Aureon (ImmaHorseRidda)
    Jackal Druid, Quinn (Not_Grim)

    Jellyfish Druid, Hecate (Devdog_)

    Leaf Druid, Gwendolyn (CupCwakez)
    Life Druid, Pebble (TheEpicFiend)

    Lion Druid, Henry (EpicSmith)

    Lunar Druid, Sage (jojoismcat)
    Lunar Druid, Thomas (StylishEmu7)
    Magma Druid, Pinsir (Pinsir99)

    Magpie Druid, Melethre (ElevenJellyBeans)

    Mountain Druid, Norik Grandaxe (Thumperjack_)
    Mouse Druid, Aydalyn (Kikiyami)
    Nexus Druid, Stia (Stia)

    Nightfall Druid, Glee (ElfenLied)

    Obsidian Druid, Emac (LordYuki)

    Orchid Druid, Isabella (Ellacohed)
    Otter Druid, Thalia (Amyy_)

    Panther Druid, Yelfir Everna (_Owen)

    Phoenix Druid, Fabelnight (Sode1)
    Pipeweed Druid, Yami'ni (The_Deaf_Seer)
    Porcupine Druid, Alinar (Kymera_)

    Primal Druid, Arlen (Finalhazard)

    Puppy Druid, Penelope (jyecarson)

    Python Druid, Aelin (GETSTUPID)

    Rain Druid, Valiel (WhiteVodka)

    Raven Druid, Eloh’ra
    Red Panda Druid, Lyemar (ZipZapMan)
    Robin Druid, Tevi (ImApplees)

    Root Druid, Mossbeard (Unstone)
    Rose Druid, Delfyr (Timayame)

    Sanctuary Druid, Yoshimi (DizPanda)

    Salamander Druid, Sorensil (DiscoLiquid)

    Sea Druid, Nimue (Jubiliee)

    Shadow Druid (Idolomun)

    Shadow Druid, Victivus (Swgrclan)

    Siren Druid, Nug (Liandry)
    Sloth Druid, Bod (Bawd)
    Solar Druid, Johnny (CharlieHorse23)
    Sphagnum, Druid Urugawa (Urugawa)

    Spring Druid Itiireae (Slayology)
    Star Druid, Clara (11lucy123)
    Storm Druid, Prishe (ZeroMasterZX)

    Sun Druid, Ameen (MisterDuckling)

    Swan Druid, Illithri (Chamosial)

    Tidal Druid, Halon (123devmo321)

    Tigard Druid, Rosemary Evocress (TheRiddleSphynx)
    Time Druid, Argos (Nabbasan)
    Time Druid, Eldon (snowshovel)

    Tsunami Druid, Syrila (Arklelos)
    Turtle Druid, Durdin (Tethras)
    Twilight Druid, Evelyn (Moorke)

    Water Druid, Lilyan (Lilyinflames)
    Wild Druid ???, (serenityonyx)
    Wild Druid, Astaroth (AstarothArcaine)


    The Unattuned

    There are many reasons a druid may be unattuned, many who come back from soul searching and request it, or more so from dishonorable means.


    Unattuned Druids:


    Affection Druid, Jena (jens6851)

    Ash Druid, Aurojia (Akiriza)

    Ash Druid, Elaphaba Gor'kil (kizumachan)

    Bronze Druid, Varis (DPFlamelynx)

    Bull Druid, Toren (RideTheSky)

    Caracal Druid, Renae (HeftyDonut)

    Crow Druid, Briar (Briar_Orphiuchus)

    Donkey Druid, Aeran (SpaceOfAids)

    Dream Druid, Ellser (tigergamer)

    Eclipse Druid, Arzota (Arzota)

    Foxglove Druid, Cheza (Aelsioln)

    Jaguar Druid, Van'ira (TwoFeatherQ)

    Mind Druid, Aeras (Paleo)

    Mist Druid, Earendur (ZBLBAC5)

    Nebula Druid, Xodorin (Potatatoes)

    Ocean Druid, Vahryu (Ragnio)

    Pariah Druid, Nesrine (loupgareu)

    Potato Druid, Balorien (Balorien)

    Raven Druid, Primrose (Natethegreat237)

    Raven Druid, Nynaeve (GoddessofNight)

    Seal Druid, Saria (WarsongFarseer)

    "Snail Druid" (LadyAmayo)

    Snake Druid, [Redacted] (Boruto)

    Solace Druid, Oliver (Gallic)

    Stoat Druid, Laethesia (Areln)

    Tempest Druid, Ariadni (LadyAmayo)

    Thistle Druid, Rin (Starfelt)

    Thorn Druid, Virella (Draoen)

    Thyme Druid, Rhova'dir (Jakeraes)


    The Shunned

    Shuns are individual whom have taken actions that threaten the protection, or the peace, of the Order. Any Archdruid may call for a shun without a need for a public vote, but it takes a public vote to call for a Kill On Sight shun (Noted as KOS). No Druid of the Order may speak with a shun whatsoever less they wish facing the fault themselves, if a shun speaks to a Druid the Druid should say “Much wind pours from your mouth” and simply walk off. If the shun persists, the Druid should either ignore them, or instruct them that defensive action will be taken if they continue; that action should be carried out if they do not heed the warning.


    Current Shunned:


    All September Cultists

    Ascanius, KoS (Ruibrium)

    Belestram (_Fid_)


    Eloh'ra (ImCookiie)
    Evark Evocress (Evocress)

    Glineth (Jelonny)
    Jackal (ScreamingDingo)

    Jexton Skorsgard

    Luxly/Ituri (XZaebos)

    Manus (Paaarker)
    Pigblees (Pigblees)

    Tajo the Bald


    ~{| Speciality Titles |}~


    Head Teacher

    The Head Teacher is responsible for, and in charge of all, teaching and advancements from dedicant to Druid Guide. This Druid organizes lesson plans and what is essential to be taught by the Druid Guides to their dedicants; trains Druids to become Druid Guides; and overall maintains and manages the Guiding branch and its records. The Head Teacher is a member of the Inner Circle and has a vote in making decisions for the Order as a whole.


    Current Head Teacher:

    Autumn Druid, Nivndil (Nivndil)



    The Librarian, also referred to as Head Scribe, is in charge of maintaining the library and keeping it up to stock, as well as recording both the history and moots that transpire throughout the druid’s time within the order. They are also in charge of a small group of scribes who assist with the collection of books, and therefor history, to be shared with all druids both present and future. The Librarian is a member of the Inner Circle and has a vote in making decisions for the Order as a whole.


    Current Head Librarian:

    Flora Druid, [Redacted]


    Current Librarians:

    Caracal Druid, Renae (HeftyDonut)

    Hummingbird Druid, Becclain (TwistedFries)

    Iris Druid, Aedrie (searose143)

    Sun Druid, Amaryllis (SorairoDays)



    Current Scribes:



    ~{| Druidic Literature |}~

    The Order, and it’s Druids, have a large collection of works of literature, both fiction and nonfiction, authored by Druids themselves, or their friends. They cover a range of topics, such as history, poems and even cooking recipes, with more included. Some are manuals, or compilations of saying even. How ever they are all kept within the fabled Druidic Library.


    The Druidic Library

    If you have work that you’d like to donate to the library, contact a Druid!


    ~{| Nature’s Bounty |}~

    Nature’s Bounty is a chain of shops run by Druids, from the Order and they sell a variety of items, mostly things that grow in nature such as leaves, plants, saplings, etc. Only Guides and upwards are given permission to have affiliation with the shops as owners, otherwise Druids and even Dedicants, are not only allowed but encouraged to assist in keeping the shops stocked.


    Current Nature’s Bounty Stores:

    Talus Grove



    ~{| Notable Locations |}~

    Current Location(s):

    Currently Unnamed Grove, Almaris


    Past Locations:


    The Laurelin Mother Grove - Aegis
    The Rose Grove - Aegis
    The Elandriel Mother Grove Grove - Asulon
    The Solace Grove - Asulon
    The Skravia Grove - Asulon
    The Elysium Grove - Elysium
    The Kalos Grove - Kalos
    The Luminaire Mother Grove - Anthos
    The Wandering Grove - Anthos
    The Equinox Grove - Anthos
    The Cross Roads Grove - Anthos
    The Leanniel Grove - Anthos
    The Arkon Grove - The Fringe
    The Thales Grove - Thales
    The Fiandria Father Grove - Athera
    The Sequoia Grove - Athera
    The Elavriel Island Grove - Athera

    The Spring Grove - Athera
    The Felsen Grove - Vailor
    The Verdant Grove - Vailor
    The Oasis Grove - Vailor
    The Mountain Grove - Vailor
    The Father Grove - Vailor

    The Stream Grove - Vailor

    The Cerulean Grove - Axios

    The Savannah Grove - Axios

    The Sutica Grove - Axios
    Druid Embassy of Sutica - Axios
    The Wandering Grove - Axios

    The Blossom Grove - Atlas

    The Mother Grove- Atlas
    The Silk Grove - Atlas
    The Sparrow Grove - Atlas

    The Maelstrom Grove - Atlas

    The Sutica Grove - Atlas

    The Sutica Grove, Arcas

    The Talus Grove, Arcas

    The Father Grove, Arcas


    ~{| Joining |}~

    Interested in our Order? One of, if not the, largest and oldest guilds on the server? It’s easy, the Druids are always looking for new members of any race to call their brethren. Simply find a Druid, who will lead you onto a Guide, Archdruid, or even, a Hierophant that will be able to give you an interview. Simply ask around in character for a Druid grove, these are well known places and will generally put you in the right direction. You can also  send a message to any of the Archdruids, or Guides, listed above, either in-game or on the forums and they’ll be happy to assist!


    If you are having trouble finding a Druid in-game, you could also contact an Archdruid via Discord


    Nivndil @ Luci#2666



  5. ~*~ Update ~*~


    The following Dedicants have been removed from the list:

    Liwyn (Lahirei)

    Damai (jarwquin)


    The following Dedicants have been added to the list: 

    Dedicant Otaehryn (FlamboyantMingo)

    Dedicant Indra Tresery (Morsmordre)

    Dedicant Cheza (Tiliena)

    Dedicant Milly (Haelun)

  6. ~*~ Large Update ~*~



    The Following Dedicants have been added to the list:

    Lyeko (MorningChill)

    Liwyn (Lahirei)


    Information on Shuns:

    Marcy (LPStalker) is no longer shunned.

    Eloh'ra (ImCookiie) and Illithri Rohkea (Chamosial) have been added to the Shunned Board.


    Information on the Guides:

    Ryn (Melodystar) has stepped down from Guideship and has been unattuned upon request.

    Tortoise Druid Muildir has been promoted to Guideship.


    Information on other Druids and a Position:

    Melody Druid Wendy has been added to the Active Druid List.

    Arin (Delmodan) has stepped down from Grand Druid and returned to Hierophancy. 


    The Grand Druid position has been removed.



    Blessed Be~


  7. ~*~ Update ~*~



    The following Dedicants have been removed:

    Elsiln (Skylez1)

    Mosswort (Thaddeus12)

    Floragain (flyingpanda2799)

    Virella (legocrazy7)

    Borri (Soresan)


    A new Dedicant has been added to the list:

    Dedicant Thalon (_Sug)

  8. ~*~ Update ~*~


    The following Dedicants have been removed:

    Lionna (Rockerkidd)

    Atlas (thatminecrafter0)

    Mason (masonf11)

    Tea (Valmir_)

    Llumi (MaddyKL)

    New Dedicants have been added:

    Dedicant Cyelle (UnfortunatePuppy)

    Dedicant Daneard (Snuggletress)

    Dedicant Wendy (Musicoid)

    Dedicant Reginald (JeffreyNiceJoint)

    Dedicant Borri (Soresan)


  9. ~*~ Large Update ~*~



    Astral Druid Ordran (Bokratz) has been moved to the Active Druids List.

    Cloud Druid Katelynn (KawaiiGamerGirl_) has been moved to the Active Druids List.

    Solace Druid Oliver (Gallic) has been moved to the Active Druids List.


    The following Dedicants have been removed:


    Themba (TeaRex)

    Saithor (CordialOblivion)


    New Dedicants have been added:


    Dedicant Mosswort (thaddeus12)

    Dedicant Salhassan (Cave_Creature)

    Dedicant Damai (Fassa)

    Dedicant Tierney (Rizumuka)


    ~*~ Congratulations to our new Brothers and Sister. Blessed Be ~*~ 




  10. ~*~ Update ~*~


    New Dedicants are added to the List:


    Dedicant Lionna (Rockerkidd)

    Dedicant Tea (Valmir_)

    Dedicant Virella (Legocrazy7)


    The Following Dedicants have been removed:


    Amras (TheOwnerlessOwl)

    Terra (Cover_Art592)

    Arlen (LordoftheCraft)

    Calius (ShadowedOblivion)







  11. ~*~ Updates ~*~


    Lion Druid Henry (EpicSmith) moved to Active Druids.

    Luminescent Druid Laura (DefinitelyKnot) moved to Active Druids.


    Swan Druid Illithri (Chamosial) moved to Forgotten Druids

    Raven Druid Eloh'ra (ImCookiie) moved to Forgotten Druids


  12. ~*~ Update ~*~


    Two Dedicants have been removed:

    Gwendolyn (TheMineWizard) is no longer a Dedicant.

    Frank (Silver_Espio) is no longer a Dedicant.


    Two Dedicants have been added:

    Dedicant Elsiln (Skylez1)

    Dedicant Floragain (flyingpanda2799)


    Aeras, once Mind Druid Aeras is no longer a Druid. We wish him luck on all his future endeavors and we hope he will visit in the near future. 

    Blessed Be~


  13. ~*~ Update ~*~


    Hare Druid Taynuel has been moved from Druid to Guide.

    Swan Druid Illithri has been moved from Druid to Trainee Guide.




    Maxwell (kallimar123) is no longer a Dedicant.

    Kailon (Dashing_Knight) is no longer a Dedicant.



    New Dedicants have been added:


    Dedicant Atlas (thatminecrafter0)

    Dedicant Mason (masonf11)

    Dedicant Amras (TheOwnerlessOwl)

    Dedicant Gwendolyn (TheMineWizard)

    Dedicant Hileia (Wisterious)

    Dedicant Arlen (LordoftheCraft)




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