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Posts posted by racingbrother

  1. Ignore anything that says Followers of Argile. The guild name is the Keepers of Argile.

    The Followers of Argile are a group of people who believe in and worship the god Argile. They preach his good word and spread his message of life prospering in Asulon. They are, for the most part, a peaceful community of peoples. They believe in the values of world peace, individual freedom, prosperous lively hood and love for anyone now matter what they have wronged you of before hand.

    The Core Idea

    In the beginning of time, there was light. There was light and nothing but light. The light was the effect of a single orb, lodged deep out in the plain void of space. But one day, the orb decided to stop shining its light. When the orb decided to stop, it released a new substance out into the universe. The substance was darkness. The light scattered away from the orb and hid in the deepest corners of the universe. And so, darkness ruled the universe for billions of summers.

    But one day, the light decided to return to the orb. This made the darkness upset. The two great forces finally met each other in a great confrontation. The light with its speed and agility struck quickly at the darkness. But the darkness stood its ground with its toughness and stubbornness. They pushed at each other for millions of years, until the orb decided enough was enough.

    The orb allowed the darkness to rule half of the universe, whilst the light ruled the other half. The orb said that he would leave the universe, and let the two forces rule the world covalently. So, the orb created one last substance, this substance was the void. The void was a special area of the universe that nothing went into, or came out of. So it goes, the orb threw himself into the void and forever left the universe.

    The light started to create great structures, such as the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Earth. The darkness took everything that was not ruled by the light. The void just stayed where it was with no disruptions, until the light upset it.

    The light began to make life; he made cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, and humans. The void didn’t like the creatures that inhabited the light’s structures, for they were much too curious. They would wander around his creations and fall off them, then fall into the void’s territory.

    The void was not happy, for he was supposed to be forever alone. No disruptions. But there was. There was a Human named Krug, Krug was quite the nomad, trying to conquer the lands that other humans had not yet conquered. He found the end of the Earth, but he was much to wise to jump off the edge of the planet and into the void.

    So he gathered up chickens and threw them into the void. They fell and fell forever. But one day, the void noticed Krug’s doings. So, the void told Krug that he no longer would be able to throw the chickens into the void, for the void had cursed him. The void made Krug’s mind deteriorate. He realized that Krug would not be able to survive being stupid though, so he made Krug big and strong. This was the development of the first Orc.

    There was another Human, Urguan. Urguan did not like the light. So he started to tear apart the light’s structures and live underground. Whilst underground, he started to find things such as gold and diamonds. Urguan started to have a deep love with the ores, and did not tell anyone about them. He became greedy, and he kept digging for more. But one day, he found bedrock. Urguan tried to break the strong material, but he could not. So he kept at it for two score. Finally, Urguan broke through. But… there were no ores underneath the strong bedrock, it was nothing. It was the void. The void saw the light coming from the opening Urguan made. He was upset, for now he had to patch it up. The void swiftly punished Urguan for disturbing him by making him short and greedy. Urguan was the first Dwarf.

    The next human to upset the void was Horen. Horen was a modest human who wanted to rule all of the land on Earth. So he conquered all that he could, but with all of the land and people living with Horen, there was noise. The noise could be heard from miles away, including downwards. The void heard the noise, and was once again, upset. He came up to the surface and told Horen for disturbing him, he would curse him. He would make his life limited, and his peoples would never have peace amongst each other as a whole again. This was the first modern day human.

    Then there was Malin. Malin was a human that loved the world as it was. He contributed by making larger tree and flower structures. But the roots of his grand trees were so great that they stretched all the way down to bedrock. They were so strong that they were able to break the bedrock. This awoke the void again. The void came up through the opening that Malin’s great trees had made and he told Malin that he would be cursed. He would make Malin weak. Malin was the first Elf.

    But then there was Iblees. Iblees was a human who hated every other human that lived by him in Minecraftia. He lived by himself atop of a great volcano. He would shout atop the volcano everyday about how much he hated each one of the other humans. He shouted so loud that the void could hear him. The void was upset with Iblees for doing this. He could hear Iblees ranting day and night, and the void decided to take care of him. So, the void told Iblees he would be cursed. He made Iblees his own realm were he would live by himself until he found a way out. He then dipped Iblees in a pool of lava, making his skin dark and rough. This was the first Undead.

    The last person to upset the void was Aeriel. Aeriel was a nice girl and kept every human happy. The void did not like this for he sensed it and it upset the balance of good and evil in Minecraftia. So the void visited Aeriel one night and told her that she would be cursed. He put her in a far away land and made her forever hated by everybody. She was the first Ascended.

    There were other humans that upset the void that spawned off other races, such as the Kkarajyr, who were cursed with forever being forgotten. But the void realized he must do something. He created a protector that would seize all of the people to stop interrupting him. The man he made was named Ulfer. Ulfer was created on the sole purpose to protect the void from being disturbed. So he created zombies and skeletons, spiders and blazes. He did this to make every human and their offspring from overpopulating or doing anything that would ever disturb the void again.

    And so it was. Each one of the orb’s creations was happy. The void had peace, the darkness had nothing, and the light had a show. But, the darkness and the light realized that they one day may leave. So they would need something to keep their jobs going after their disappearance. This resulted in the keeper of the darkness, and the keeper of the light.

    The Keeper of the Darkness was made by the darkness himself. He made a human looking creature with the skin of an undead. This keeper was named Narsell So the darkness did one day decide to leave, and he left Narsell in charge of darkness.

    The light was the next to leave, so he made his own keeper. The Keeper of the Light was created with the body of a human, and the complexion of an Elf. The Keeper of the Light’s name was Argile. Argile took over the duties of the light.

    Everything was right in the universe. And so it was, universe was good and lazy.

    The Two Sects (For Now)

    (Subject to change)

    But one day, the secrets of these forgotten gods was revealed. A man/woman was travelling through the oceans of Asulon looking for land to set up a village. He stumbled upon an area that was grey and ugly. He was confused at what it was. The area was dull and boring and the man/woman's interests were ignited.

    The man/woman kept walking until he found a mountain on which a glowing figure was standing. The man/woman went to the figure and asked why the land was corrupted and what was going on. The figure looked at man/woman with a soft smile. He told the man/woman that his name was Argile. He was the creator of the all the physical things in the universe. He continued talking with the man/woman about Narsell, Ufer, and the orb.

    He told the man/woman that it was time to let the secret be known and for everyone of Asulon to know the truth of the universe. He told the man/ woman that the man/woman is the messenger of him. He told the man/woman that the message of civilization, freedom, and life should be spread through the man/woman's tongue.

    The figure walked away beautifying the land in front of him. The man/woman immediately went back to his home and started preaching the message of Argile.

    Little did the man/woman know, but he had started a sect of a religion known simply as The Followers of Argile.

    News reached Narsell about Argile's doings and conversation with the man/woman and he was not happy about it. Narsell had other beliefs than Argile. Narsell thought that the people of Asulon should try to tear each other down and be lead by a single person. So Narsell took matters into his own hands.

    He visited a man/woman in his/her sleep and gave him a message. Narsell told the man/woman that he is a god and he has chosen him to spread his word. The man listened with intent and agreed to everything Narsell said. He was told that he would spread the message of destruction and monarchy in the realm of Asulon. This sparked the other sect of the religion, The Followers of Narsell.

    The rivalry between the two gods escalated and Narsell told his prophet too rival the Followers of Argile and to overthrow their message, and to dominate the realm of Asulon.

    Followers of Argile membership

    If you wish to become a member of The Followers of Argile, you will have to meet some basic requirements. Here is the list;

    • Have been apart of the server for one week or longer?

    • Have a good reputation based upon if you have ban reports against you or have a negative reputation on the forums?

    • Must meet a 25 Swordsmanship skill to defend the base if needed. (If you lack this requirement, other things such as a high level in another specific area will do as well)

    • Must be approved by me.

    • Must be dedicated to the server. (I will ask around)

    • Must IC worship the deity Argile.

    • Must have an accepted application

    The Base

    The base will be located in Seventis. The town will be where the religion starts.

    Guild Launch

    The guild is soon to launch, I need a bigger plot of land and we will be all good to go.


    This is the application you must fill out before becoming apart of the Followers of Argile.

    Minecraft account Name:

    In character name:

    www.lordofthecraft.net forum name:

    Amount of time on the server. Have you taken any hiatuses? How come?:

    How much time are you on the server daily?:

    In game age:

    OOC age (this does not effect the chances of you being accepted into the guild, this is just for my own reference):


    Do you have any ban reports? What for?:

    Have you been banned from the server? For what?:

    Will you be dedicated to the guild?:

    Have you reached the minimum swords skill requirement of 25? If not, tell me a skill you have a 60 or above in:

    Biography (minimum one paragraph aka seven sentences):

    You have been asked to visit a jail to preach to the inmates. What do you do/say to the inmates?:

    A strange man wearing dark clothing and a hood comes up the the guild base. He asks to gain entry. What you do?:

    You are preaching the word of Argile in Solace. A man steps in front of you and starts preaching about Aeriel. What do you do?


    The rules will not be strict by any means:

    You shall not speak ill of Argile

    No thievery

    No destruction of another's land (includes the base)

    (More rules to be added once I've seen things that displease me in the guild)

    Other important information:

    You will be given a tent upon joining the guild. You will NOT be paid. If a leader of a nation sees this and wants to adopt the guild into their land, or adopt the religion, please PM me on the forums or IG. PM IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS WHAT SO EVER. And remember, the guild has not even launched yet, it will launch in approximately a week. So with that said, the application is for those who wish to become apart of the guild early. (everything still depends on where our land will be. If you see the Naxum Village charter, that has nothing to do with the village charter I will be posting for The Followers of Argile) And remember, I am only human with a somewhat busy schedule as of late, someone will soon arise to help all of you out, but atm I'm the only one. So don't be mad if I don't answer your questions or get the guild up as fast as you desire.

    With all of that said,

    Thank you reader


  2. Your Minecraft Name: racingbrother

    Your in Game Name: Oig

    Your Real Life Age: 16

    Your In-Game age: 32

    Your Race: Orc

    Your Combat experience: Oren guard/Golden Syndicate Guard

    A short summary of your character and what his role-playing is like? Oig is an Orc residing in Alras. He is not the most sociable, but has his true friends. He is at a standstill in his life, with not much happening. He is a wanderer, a swordsman, and a lumberjack for the War Nation.

    Are you dedicated?: Yes

    Past experiences: Oren military and Golden Syndicate Guard

    Current Job (Cooking, fishing ect...): Lumberman for the War Nation

    Useful Skills: Swords, lumberjacking and mining

    For the following list please put down what skills you have:

    Swords: 72

    Axemastery: 27

    Archery: 5

    Wrestling: 13

    Preferred weapon: Sword

    Why do you want to join this guild? Have you got a reason, or are you just a lost soul looking for a purpose in life? Oig has been educated by the great Thral'Mar. He is now able to comprehend the normal tongue. Along with the new found power to speak and understand words, he has gained a much higher intelligence. In fact, a much higher intelligence than most people in Asulon. He stumbles across the guild and hears their great message. Oig is immediately interested in the guild and would be VERY honored to be apart of something he sees as a worthy cause.

  3. psssh, we have bathhouses around the city and we have a proper aqueduct system for waste... the citizens of Alras are quite clean, sickness wouldn't spread too much as I would immediately have the secret police remove those whom are sick to never be heard from again, haha. But I welcome most RP and I believe this would be interesting.


  4. There is no such thing as - Your whole orc "land" isn't in Aegis and therefore doesn't follow our traditions or Lore. So showing you the errors of you orc lore - are out the window. Your orcs can do whatever they want to do.

    Asulon was never mentioned in Aegis (Aegis isn't a world, it's a continent, as well as Asulon, as we is Oig's homeland)

  5. Thanks for the help Jutra, and some of these things I DO need to come back and change, others are little things put in for people who knew me before I was an Orc, such as Gio's rose.

    Gio always carried this special rose with him. He figured he was old and was soon going to die, so he decided to put the rose in his family's graveyard. (actual place) But he died in Al'Khazar, then Thral noticed it was there and took it to the family's resting spot, where he put the rose and buried Gio. (the forum post is pretty far back in human roleplay)

    But other than that, thanks for pointing out the flaws, I'll make sure to fix them.

    P.S. Your avatar scared the living hell out of me XD

  6. (this is incomplete and will be completed later, please tell me what you think of it so far.)

    Know Thyself

    Born Noz’Igluk, Noz the Orc is an Orc who was born in a far land before the fall of Aegis. The land he was born in was called Kru’Muchton. Noz grew up there in a wealthy family of Orcs, and was among the most socially accepted Orcs in the nation. He was known not by his strength, but by his charisma. Noz was known for being one of the best charmers in his entire nation. He was so charming that he could talk his way out of most anything. Noz was happy, and had one of the most perfect lives an Orc could imagine.

    So relaxed and lazy was Noz. He led one of the most leisurely lives in the Nation. He never practiced being a warrior, or wrestling. No, he just did what he wanted to do. Most of his day to day activities included wreaking havoc in his Nation. He loved practical jokes, but Noz stopped the practical jokes one day.

    Reality soon hit Noz in the face. Not easily, but hard. Noz had to prove himself worthy of being called an Orc. His father announced to him that he would have to go on a hunting trip along with four other Orcs. They were sent to raid a village of people they had been brainwashed to hate, and had been culturally told to kill and consume, Halflings. This immediately scared Noz, due to the fact that Noz wasn’t a warrior. But being Oig, he shrugged it off and thought it would be easy.

    The day had finally come when Noz had to prove himself along with his brethren by whipping out, and eating a village of Halflings. They were told by their fathers and elders that this would be the moment in their life where they would become men instead of boys. They sent them in the direction of the Halfling village and were told to raid and kill every last Halfling in the village. So the party of five set out on the journey that would change Noz forever.

    The squad arrived at the Halfling village while the sun was directly above their head. They had made great progress, and were having a very successful mission. As the tall boys walked through the heavy amount of tall grass and logs, Noz tripped on something. It was a twig and he had alerted the entire Halfling village. The Orcs didn’t care much that they were alerted. They were already in the middle of the village swinging their axes, shooting their bows, raiding, pillaging and taking the Halflings as slaves. Whilst the others of the squad were having the time of their lives, Noz was struck with fear and sympathy for the Halflings. He didn’t show the emotions though, just played along with the other Orcs.

    When the squad came back from the mission, they were told the news that this was one of the best missions ever seen in the nation. But the other Orcs did tell of disturbing news to the elders. Noz didn’t do anything, he just stood and watched. He looked as if he was sad for the Halflings. The elders told the other Orcs they would talk to him later, but for now, it was time for celebration. For these five Orcs had just become men, and deserved a large feast and day of honor among the other Orcs young and old.

    So the feast began, and what better dish to serve these new warriors that the food they had just caught. The main chef of the nation came out and lied down a huge amount of cooked flesh on the table. It was roasted Halfling. The Orcs were licking their chops waiting to get a piece of delicious Halfling. But Noz, Noz was trying to not thing about the moment he would have to consume on of the poor and helpless Halflings. So the feast began, and every one of the new Orcish men were served a large part of Halfling. They all dug in and ate the dead carcasses of the Halfling’s like animals. Except for Noz. Noz sat there, looking at his fellow brethren and his plate. He almost puked on his plate. An elder though was sitting across the table from Oig and noticed the strange behavior. He got up from his feast and pulled Oig along with him.

    Once outside, the elder began to insult and degrade Noz for not eating the Halfling with pride like he should have. He then called Noz out on not participating in killing the Halflings with the rest of his brothers who had done so, so nobly. Noz was ashamed that he was being told this by his elder, and was told to meet the elder at the gate of the grand city at noon the next day.

    Noz did as he was told to do by his elder and arrived at the front gate, but Noz was shocked when he saw the amount of people at the front gate. They all looked disgusted and ashamed of Noz. Noz knew the worst was coming. The elder met him and announced to Noz and the crowd that Noz is banished from the kingdom for not participating in the cultural act of finding, and killing a village of Halflings. The elder then proceeded to tell Noz that he was banished from the kingdom for not telling the elders at all. Noz would not get any of his belongings that he had previously owned. The elder banished Noz and told him that he is not allowed into the kingdom ever again or will be executed immediately.

    Noz had just been banished from everything he knew and everything he had. Noz was now alone. He was lost and had no guidance on where to go. So he figured he would go back to the place where his troubles began, the small Halfling village. As Noz neared the village, he could see black smoke and a rotten stench coming from the town. It was the smell of burning blood in the air. So as Noz neared the village, he found a child Halfling, with his arms around a tree and weeping. Noz touched the boys shoulder, and the boy just looked at Noz for a good hard ten seconds. The Halfling then kicked Noz in the shin as hard as he could and started to scream at Noz about the death of his parents and how he had caused it.

    Noz was shocked to see the strength that came from the small Halfling’s mouth. It reminded Noz of himself, strong with the tongue, but never with his fists. Noz then said with his broken English that he was sorry, and that he would do anything to prevent what had just happened to the boy. But the boy refused to listen and just stayed by the tree… weeping and sad.

    Noz was disappointed in himself. So he decided to go as far away as he could, he would leave his home continent and journey to a new. He set out for the fabled Aegis. Noz was strong and brave the way there, but it didn’t matter for he was weak at mind. He was clouded and saddened by what all had just happened to him. Was he wrong for not following the culture, or was he wrong for participating in the event. Noz tried to forget, but he couldn’t. He kept thinking and never stopped thinking about what he’d done. He lost count of how many days he’d been walking, then months, then years. Noz had walked for what he estimated to be six years before he stopped.

    A New home… for now

    Noz finally stopped when he came across the hellish walls of Al’Khazar. This surely couldn’t have been the fabled great human nation of Oren. Could it? Noz journeyed into the town while the miasma filled his lungs. Noz could have cared less about the miasma, but there was a man who could have cared more. His name was Giovanni Carminian. An old man who had lived in Al’Khazar all his life. He had to see it once more. He traveled to the King’s Cross and Noz stared at the man from a distance, for a long while. He saw a tear role down his eye, and heard the heart wrenching sound of an old man, weeping at the fact that he had lost everything. He suddenly fell over. Noz waited for him to get back up, but it never happened. Gio the Great had seen Al’Khazar one last time.

    Noz ran over to the man and looted his body of food and other surviving necessities. He also noticed a journal. It was old, dusty and torn. But Noz had the strange compulsion to take it. So he did, he took the journal and ran out of Al’Khazar as he noticed the miasma seep into his lungs slowly.

    Was this Aegis? It couldn’t be, look at its condition. Noz traveled more southward until he came across the Human city of Galahar. He almost fainted at the sight of the amount of human life in the city. Noz asked a couple of the people and they said yes. Noz had finally arrived in the legendary Aegis.

    But his stay in Aegis wasn’t long. He hadn’t been on the continent for a week when, as the locals called it “End of the World” happened. The forces of the undead rang throughout Aegis in one final showdown against Aegis’s forces united. Noz didn’t think much of what was going on other than to survive. He found a doorway that led to a place that the locals called the Verge, or for that second was known as the last safety.

    Noz followed the crowed confused by what was going on. He found a group of Orcs and followed them, he ended up on an Orcish ship, and was told not to leave. Noz was greeted by many Orcs and they asked what his name was. Oig thought that he shouldn’t use the name he had used in his home nation. So Noz had to think. He pulled out a book that had documented the life of the man who died in Oren. His name was Gio, so he turned the name around and got Oig. Now everyone on the ship knew him as Oig the Orc.

    The ship set sale and Oig had now come along for the ride, but to where? Oig heard he would be traveling to another new continent. Oig was ready to go to the new continent, he would be twice as far from his old home and would be able to start a new life amongst his new Orc brothers.

    A New Life, a New World

    Oig stepped off the boat and had realized for the first time, he had a home. A home where he was safe and where he would have a new start in life. He looked around on this small isle where the boats had landed, then followed some humans. He arrived on the path to the nation of the humans. He went north from there and ended up in the cloud temple. He looked around, then saw a sign that said Orcs go this way. Oig involuntarily went, as if it was a command. It took him 3 passing moons to get to the Orcish War Nation, but he was there. He was at a place where he could start over.

    Oig poured into the city along with the dozens of other Orcs arriving from Aegis. The area looked to be a valley, a quaint valley. Oig looked over the ruined tents and what ever else was laying in the valley. And right at that moment, Oig found his dreams and ambitions. He didn't want to be a glorified warrior, or clan leader. No, he wanted to be happy at mind. Oig stood looking over the valley, thinking as if this would be an easy task to accomplish.

    As he walked around, he noticed the ways the Orcs were speaking, and their strange customs. Oig heard things he'd never heard before, and saw things he had never seen. Oig was intrigued by these traditions and was eager to learn about them. He immediately found an elder Orc, and started a conversation with him. He found many of the traditions strange and exotic, but many the same. And the one he most dreaded was the same. The custom of many Orcs having a strange fetish for Halflings.

    The Elder Orc and Oig continued talking, until the elder asked Oig his background. Oig froze up and walked away. Oig was more embarrassed and scared of nothing more than his past. He had to forget, but he just couldn't.

    Oig tried to live with the other Orcs, doing jobs and helping out the War Nation, but he just didn't feel comfortable with his new family. He tried to live a normal life, he took up lumberjacking, got a house and was becoming well known throughout the War Nation, but something just didn't seem right. He wasn't strong like the other Orcs. He wasn't proud like the other Orcs. He didn't have the shape of the other Orcs. He didn't have the stench of the other Orcs. He didn't have the mindset of the other Orcs. He felt like he wasn't one of the other Orcs.

    Where to Now?

    Oig just didn't feel like he belonged to the other Orcs. He felt like he had to leave just for the pure fact that he wasn't like the other Orcs. He didn't know where to go, until he overheard some other Orcs talking about the Nation of Alras. A merchant nation, build on peace. Oig heard about this place and it sounded like a utopia. Oig made a split decision to leave the War Nation and move to Alras. He packed up his things and crossed the harsh desert and rugged terrain of the land that lay in between the two nations. He arrived on a dock in Alras. He saw his destiny, Alras!

    Oig looked around the city, and found suitable house for his liking. He found a house dealer, and gave him his life savings for the house. Oig was given the keys and began his new life in Alras.

    He immediately opened up an illegal shop in Alras without knowing he had done so. He made a large amount of money, but more important, a large amount of friends. Life was great in Alras, and Oig was finally happy for the first time since he had been exiled from his homeland.

    But his fairy-tale ending came to a violent stop. The Grand Merchant of Alras found Oig's shop, and took it down first thing, took Oig's keys away and had him put in jail.

    Oig sat there in the cold and hard jail. He didn't understand what he had done, and was deathly upset that he had failed at his chance at happiness again. Only if he could have read, he would have realized what he had done was wrong. Then Oig realized something. To become successful, he had to become smart. So that's exactly what Oig did. He began to teach himself how to speak the native tongue without slur in his speech. He found old books laying on the ground of the jail, and would practice reading them. Oig kept at it, he persisted and the final result was him becoming a geniuses Orc.

    He was let out of prison, and was given the keys of his house back. But Oig refused the key, and let the city of Alras take the house back for nine-thousand minas. Oig took all the money he still had and left Alras after having the reputation of a jail rat.

    Time to Think it Out

    Oig was confused about what laid ahead of him in life. He decided to leave the continent of Asulon for a while. He gathered up his best friends, the Steven brothers and Draeyin, and they decided to put their money together and live on an island of their own.

    They were able to find an area in the swamp marshes by Hanseti, and lived their lives out there for a couple years. They called their town Naxum, which meant new, symbolic for a new start. The men were able to build walls, a defense for the town against intruders. Oig felt happy again, but had learned to become pessimistic due to the fact that each time he had achieved happiness, it had been take away from him.

    Oig and his friends lived out their lives in solitary until the day came where Oig decided to step down as the town's leader. Oig felt it was time for him to move back to Alras, and sell all of what he had gathered in Naxum.

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