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Status Updates posted by Bucky_24

  1. Dia-Sidian Armor! I can only dream of your potential!

  2. Two hours later.... Still in Jail.

  3. Is considering rolling a peasant that Role Plays with his other peasant friends. roleplayception?

  4. "Bad fish, you go squish now!"

  5. Does anyone have any good Tactics for Walls 2? Defensive style? Hit me up, can't beat this dude who just builds a small tower and jumps into the middle and gets all the good stuff.

  6. Ahh, LoTC how I have missed you so.

  7. Back In Black... Literally. Dark Elf baby!

  8. How does one get started with Self-Taught Fire Evocation? I don't want to get passed like tier 2 until I get a real teacher though!

  9. Looking for a Fire Evocationist who will mentor me in Self-Taught, I am aware it is the slower process, but I have wandered all of Anthos and have not found a single 'teacher' to even RP with.

  10. Psht, Martial Law. They could have at least put someone scary in-charge :P

  11. What should I comment on for my 100th post... Hmmm

  12. Decided to make an Orc! And drag my two brothers along with me! Now, I just need to find a few guides...

  13. "The First To Fight, The First To Kill, The First To Die." - Nicholas Grey. Join the Crimson Legion Today! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90484-recruiting-the-crimson-legion/

  14. Who would have thought people wouldn't like the idea of using Criminals as Meatshields. Silly Oren!

  15. Lord of the Craft doesn't accept Debt Visa Gift Cards... Darn.

  16. Klan Thrago is off to a good start. In one day, the Red Giants have recruited two players! Hopefully we can help the Orc Population grow! We have Cookies and Blood!

  17. Fake Waagh, GO! lol

  18. Whats the usually 'waiting time' for VIP to become activated on an Account/Forums?

  19. If you have RPed with Kilgor and liked it, please give me a Reference! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91172-kilgors-va-attempt-1-05/

  20. How come the Monks can reattach my head, but they can't fix the server! :P

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