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Status Updates posted by Bucky_24

  1. Got to find a MAT member to speak to about the new 'Void Magic' I am writing. For the record, it does not actually manipulate the Void anymore!

  2. I can't believe my first Lore post, which sucked, got more attention then the redone version.

  3. Aveellohruth Burotcle!

  4. Seriously guys, if you have ever RPed with my character Vuln, and enjoyed it... Ref me! :/ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93290-15-vulnigne-mini-va-try-3/

  5. After a brief conversation on Skype, I have a question. Could one use telekinesis or Air Evocation to play musical instruments? Like a one man band?

  6. What is going on with all the remodeling?

  7. Can someone PM me and explain Domestic Magic? It might be a fun little thing to invest time into until I can find a OOC teacher for 'real' magic.

  8. GAH! I can't ever get my MA done if the server won't stop crashing! I need screenies! Quit ruining my practices!

  9. A big thank you to the gang at Abresi for giving me my first bit of Dread Knight RP! Had a Blast!

  10. #GaiusWarLeader2013-2014!

  11. Kitteh guut claws.

  12. Best Timing Ever, ILY Antags! ILY Ramon shop

  13. :/ I didn't know you can get a warning for posting in the Off-Topic section. Oh well, FIVE TO GO!

  14. What to do in Dwarfy land... :/

  15. Can you enchant items, like a golden nugget, with protection and rename it?

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