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The Cleaning Crew

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Posts posted by The Cleaning Crew

  1. Minecraft Name: DragonDePlatino

    RP Name: Psychic_Platino

    Other groups you belong to: None.

    Skills: Not a great fighter, I fight mainly with stone swords and my wolf Slowpaw. I don't mind drudgery like gathering, cooking and farming, and I get very well along with animals but not people. I know a ton since I have been adventuring in Minecraftia since the Alpha age.

    Why you want to join: Start Aegis' biggest pumpkin farm, become max level in Mysticism when it comes out and perhaps become an ascended! Just note that I'm not gonna be grinding to do these things in the guild. I'm just using the guild as a footstep, as these are my long-term goals.


    OOC: You'll have to find me ic to get a position. And I won't be much help until I get permissions back in my house.

  2. well i will apply but im not accually on the server yet(ive aplied though so hopefully soon ill be there)however, when i join i will be a dwarf if you dont mind it

    Minecraft Name: FullmetalA RP Name: Burgund Other groups: N/A (i have not yet gone into the world of Aegis Yet..) Skills:I'm going to strive to be a master BlacksmithWhy i want to join:I'll be new to the server and i feel that you guys would be the best place to start


    Being a dwarf is fine :) OOC: And you'll have to contact me ic to get a position. Tell me when you're accepted into the server.



    Hello. Most of you know me as The Flower Goblin, but that's not really my name. In fact, I never had a given name. I claimed one for myself. Gooms. I know it sounds a little silly but there's a reason for it. Before I stumbled across my first camp of orcs in Aegis, I can't remember ever knowing anybody besides myself. I lived in the wilderness, hunting and gathering. But I have always had two things: a pumpkin with a eye holes and a big hole in the bottom, and a note. Of course, not being able to read the note, I didn't know what the pumpkin was for or what it represented. But like I said, I came across an encampment of orcs, who were nice enough to take me back to their city. When I realized that the writing on my note resembled the writing on their walls and signs, I grabbed the nearest orc, pulled out my paper, and asked him to read it for me. He was a goblin, I was surprised to realize, but much older. He seemed mildly annoyed at how shriveled and torn the note was, but he could make out some of it. I remember his eyes widening slowly before he looked up at me, finished reading. First, he told me it wasn't the orcish they had in this city, but from a place where he used to live. This is what he could tell me:

    The Pumpkinhead Underground was created long ago by a group of goblins who were trying to survive in a land where most conflicts between, or even within goblin clans were resolved with war or violence. The land was fairly fertile and there were plenty of animals to hunt, so goblins rarely left their lands, and if they did, it was for fighting and they never went far. Because of this, they didn't even know other intelligent beings existed in the world. The Pumpkinhead Underground was created by some of the more open-minded goblins. Members could come from any clan, whether they were bitter enemies or reliable allies. Members usually had powerful positions in their clans, but they could bring along others to meetings, hearing their say in matters. Membership was marked by pumpkins, which members would wear on their heads most of, if not all the time. Why they chose pumpkins, nobody knows. Easily recognized, I suppose. But basically, what the the note said was that I was a descendant of the Pumpkin King, one of three goblins who led the group's secret meetings. After telling me all this, the old goblin grinned, crumpled up the note and tossed it into the nearest fire. Looking back, I suppose he could have made the whole story up, and I'll never really know what the note said. It still seems like a good idea, though. Anyway, there have only ever been goblins in the Pumpkinhead Underground according to the old goblin, but since that wasn't an actual rule and there has been a saddening decrease in the goblin population, I am now inviting others to join.

    (( Texture pack with no pumpkin blur HERE. If you know how, you can just replace the pimpkin blur in your current texture pack with the pumpkin blur in that one. Also if you just don't feel like wearing a pumpkin and you have some form of skinedit, you can put the attached file, wayyyy down at the bottom, in your parts folder and use partpicker to add it to your skin. Edit the Pumpkin to your liking, so we don't have any two of the same design. ))


    The purpose of the Pumpkinhead Underground is to help those within its ranks become successful and get anything one could possibly need, within reason.


    1. No violence between members

    2. Members will ALL help eachother. I can't do everything! But I'll help as much as possible.

    (( I'm sure there'll be more later. ))

    Positions(They weren't mentioned in the note, besides Pumpkin Lord. I've had to make my own):

    Pumpkin Lord: Gooms

    Pumpkin Lord: Lykos the Scarred

    Pumpkin Lord: Goob the Goblin

    The Horseman: (not decided)

    Story Keeper (scribe): (not decided)

    Deliberators: (not decided)

    Recruiters: (not decided)

    Hunters: Psychic_Platino

    Seeders: Shragly

    Builders: Shragly

    (( As you can see, there's a LOT of room for advancement. Eheh. Like all of it. ))


    As we're very new, the applications will be very easy. Just tell me this.

    Minecraft Name:

    RP Name:

    Other groups you belong to:


    Why you want to join:

    If you happen to receive a special note inviting you to the group, and you want to join, simply say you have it and I or one of the other Pumpkin Lords will find you and look at the note. If we approve it, you will become one of us.

    Everyone is welcome, but since I'd like to stick to the goblin traditions as much as possible, goblins may be favored members.


  4. Name: The_Flower_Goblin

    Minecraft Name: TheCleaningCrew

    Location: It says 53 above the door now. One of the houses above that storage space next to the gluttonous merchant.

    Proof: There's a book in one of the bookshelves up in the loft called Goblin's diary. Also one called Rediculousness. There's a pumpkin in the wall on the main floor. The chests in the loft have a ton of flowers and mushrooms in them and a few sets of chain armor. One chest has nothing but mushroom soup and bowls in it. Another chest has a few swords in it, including a diamond one. There'd be a gold one, but I'm holding that. Lots of leather stuff.

    Shop, house, other: House

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