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Posts posted by Valzar

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: alex_246

    -How old are you?: 14, 15 on the 8th of October

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: United Kingdom

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes I have good grammer but I tend to keep my language to the easy side.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I like to play alot of types of games with my friends in my spare time, I go to alot of sport at school and at weekends when I can. (Eg football, Badminton.) I like to hang around with my friends and listen to my music.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[/b I would be on the server about 6/7 days a week.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have played Minecraft for about a year now, but I played minecraft before I bought it.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I played alot of games which are Role playing games such as, Borderlands (PS3) fallout (PS3) World of warcraft (PC) Elder scrolls oblivion (PS3) and more. I have been playing these kind of games for a long time, since the time I played runescape (haha I know, runescape) which was when I was about 9. I know it takes some skill to be good at Role playing when you talk, but I think I will get along just fine!

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect the server to be like how my friend told me it was, REALLY fun and great people to play with.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I play on my friends (Chris) server most of the time, but I left due to him being hypocritical by saying alot of rules that everyone has to oblige to and obey to him but all he does is burn down our houses and destroy the surroundings. (and me)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I understand and have read the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Dwarf, Elf, Human, Orc.

    -How did you hear about us?: I have heard about you from a friend who plays on Lord of the Craft. (BullyReece)

    -Did you vote?: Yes.

    -What was your favourite Law?: Definatley no hacked or modified cliets, nothing I hate more then someone cheating to get all the diamonds they can.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: My least favourite law would probably be no innapropriate names, because I dont mind the names as long as they play the game properly.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Valzar


    -Character Name: Valzar

    -What is your Race?: Dwarf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: alex_246

    -Biography: Valzar was raised by his father, Bavradai. Valzars mother had tragically died. She had burnt to death some say. Valzar doesn't even know. Valzar's mother had died when he was 2, her name was Glokna. After she had died Valzar was raised by his father. He had tought Valzar well to wield a sword and live in the wild alone. Unfortunatly Bavradai was killed in war when Valzar was 17. Valzar is very passionate for his kind. If someone invaded dwarven property and harrased dwarven women, Valzar would be the first one there to stop them.

    -Character Age: 32

    -Character Appearance: Valzar looks like a warrior with his diamond sword on his back, he always carrys this around just incase someone trys to jump him.

    -Character Personality: Valzars personality is a very quiet one. He keeps to himself most of them time. but then again very passionate for his race.(so he can be loud for his race if need be)

    -Your ambitions: To make the Dwarves rich with diamonds. Lots of diamonds. and maybe some iron.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes Valzar can read and write.

    -Can your character mine?: Yes.

    -Are you a capable builder? Yes, depending on what he has to build. Small houses are his speciality.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, quite a skilled swordsman.

    -Enjoy Farming?: No, not at all. All Valzar does with a hoe is hit someone round the head with it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] Hunting and mining.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.minecraftskins.com/api.php?mode=preview&type=both&id=207434

    -Other Information: Valzar is a very quiet, helpful peaceful dwarf. He may have some hidden secrets inside but thats only for him to know.

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