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Posts posted by Lucas

  1. Okay, it's like a game of chicken except I don't think any good will come of this.


    For the sake of fun (even though my bet is that its going to be something horrible like its poisoned or drugged or something and we die/get knocked out and raped/kidnapped etc.) I'm voting we drink this shizz xD Hardcore! woooo!


    If no one else votes, chance will take its course/due!

  2. I have a warning from SerenityOnyx for an argument which occurred between certain people a long while back. I petitioned to the head Admin at the time to have the incident reviewed, but alas it seemed they were too busy to read my pages of documentation (which is fair enough I suppose - not many people have time for petty disputes).


    No reason is given as to the warning, I would appreciate it being cleared.

  3. How often d¿o YOU breathe: I lost the question mark sorry, I forget where I put it.

    Do you like nabanas?: It is not possible to squeal at that type of pitch, sorry.

    Will you bring bananas everrdei to our only and only BANANABOGNISTOR? Eating is for wimps, it must be drawn, DRAWN. That';s what he really wants.




    You will write in the banana color every single time you write banana?: Basnda. Nabaanana. ABanabana. Bandana. Banana!

  4. ((I would love to meet this creature! I find it very interesting and rather realistic in a sense about how people reacted to this creature. A very few in this sort of society, realistically, would react without initial hostility I should think, given that the world is filled with monsters that want to eat/cut/maw/maul/tear or other wisely hurt you. Even so, that doesn't want the me who isn't my character want to give it a big cuddle and show it that not all sentient beings are hostile blaggards!

    Also, why peeps gotta pvp default this poor lil innocent creature D:))

  5. To be honest, I don't see why both this and LotCBC can't co-exist.


    I would like to see a bit more variety of the news in LotCBC, which I hope will come from increased player involvement with the project so that news can be drawn from a wider variety of sources. The reason I liked LotCBC was because I was able to learn about more happenings on the server than I ever would from the RP events which seemed to "get around".


    The media morning herald is, well, an information service about the media team and its projects - which, don't get me wrong, I like! It seems to me that it has a very different focus to LotCBC is all.

  6. I like the idea of having to maintain an active playerbase in certain locations to keep them protected. Conditional regioning! Woo! Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? (or maybe they did? I dunno!) :D



    I personally think its a great idea. Those bases that stay active will be protected from random thefts and greifing when there isn't enough players online to defend it actively, and those that fall abandoned and forgotten into the mysts of time may be destroyed by people who wish to instead claim that land if need be.


    A couple of issues may arise I think.

    • People going on holidays and come back to find that because they were a couple people under their place has been taken over by another faction and they weren't there to prevent it.
    • People complaining that certain areas require too many people and their smaller faction/group wishes to protect it but find that they cannot (fixed through communication with GMs or Admins I would assume would make it pretty easy as long as the region-member-requirement areas are easy to modify without having to restart server or something)
    • Buildings being partially greifed and looking weird once abandoned

    Probably some more issues which I am unable to think of, (people are notoriously good at finding issues ya' see!) but these are the main things. To be fair though, I think these issues are pretty minor. Aside from the complaining of region-member-requirements being too damn high which could be negotiable or explainable by the staff as to why the requirement is so high the other two may be solved through either GM negotiation or mod-reqs.


    So a pretty solid system all round is my vote! :D

  7. Ah, I remember now! Just a little piece of information which I believe would be valuable to this discussion. I am sure Shiftnative remembers this as well, as I think it was he who was the one who had spoken it.


    Lord of the Craft was originally designed to be a roleplaying server, not an RPG server. The difference is, one revolves around quests, NPC's and player to environment interaction. The other is strictly player to player interaction, and the stories involved therewith.


    It was, at one point, envisioned that Lord of the Craft Roleplaying server was to be the initial stepping stone into a vaster roleplaying community. That, from this, Lord of the Craft would exapand into a vast Roleplaying hub, not only encompassing minecraft as the largest roleplaying server there was, but indeed extending its reaches into the wider internet. Spanning games and forums and the Lord of the Craft logo being that which represents more than just Minecraft Roleplay, but a giant community of roleplayers of all sorts of games.


    Perhaps Shift, you yourself remember this? It was, at one stage, the plan after all.



    Alas, times do change. Perhaps it is not the past you should be using to justify your position, but rather what the playerbase has become now. For there is without a doubt a shift in the wants of the playerbase, for better or for worse. It does seem to me that the vast majority of those who speak their opinion on these forums wish for a more laid back, less roleplay intensive experience. Who am I to argue with the majority?

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