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Posts posted by corlark

  1. ((Mc name:)) corlark

    ((Skype:)) corlark123

    Name: Corlark

    Race: Human

    Age: 22

    Brief description of yourself: Young man, roughly 6'1". Very protective, and quiet. Can be overly trusting at times. Strong upper body.
    Combat experience: Fought in the arenas where he grew up, also slew monsters that attacked his family.

    Other skills: Very strong lumberjacking skills. Doesnt speak much, but when he does, it's usually for problem solving.

    Any other info: 

  2.  RP Name: Corlark

                Character Bio (short):  Very loving, and charming young man.

                Reason for joining: Feels that he needs to make something of hims. Believes that his purpose is to help people, and to care for those who cannot care for themselves.

                Specific Chapter interested in: Dragon.

                Do you have a criminal record: No.

                If so where:

                ((OOC Information))

                MC Name: Corlark

                GMT (your time zones): EST.

                Average amount of time spent online: Couple hours a day, unless I'm engaged in RP.

                Most common time you are on: 2:45 til whenever, weekdays. Weekends are usually random for me.

  3. Malinor Citizenship Application

    Name: Ezra

    Truename ((MCName)): corlark

    Race: Dwarf

    Origin: Never met real dwarven parents. Adopted by humans, raised as a human, speaks like a human. Has a human brother, who is around the same age, lived on an island with his adoptive parents until they passed away, and he has just been wandering for a while.

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor: I want to become a citizen of Malinor because Ezra has recently met an elven girl who wishes to live somewhere in Malinor, and so Ezra can get a job in Malinor.

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: Yes.

    Skills: Lumberjacking (100) blacksmithing (50)

  4. IGN: corlark ((Rp = Dusty ))

    Greatest Skill: Woodcutting ((100))

    Swords Skill: 5 ((Due to lack of monsters / mobs to kill))

    Bow Skill: 0 ((No mobs = no string ))

    Postion of Interest: (Chef,etc...) Lumberjack. Also, could be farmer.

    Short IC Background Info: Dwarf who never met his parents, adopted as an infant by humans, raised as a human, has a dwarf's stature, but is abnormally tall, and speaks as a human would.

  5. Just to offer some sort of out of the box comment, what about a castle mounted onto the side of a cliff?

    Wouldnt work due to the fact that 1: People could scale the cliff, and jump into out base.

    2: we would need support coming up from the ground

  6. ((I have around 15 stacks of wood, and if the Verge is in 2.0, (I've been hearing that the Verge is in 2.0, but I do not know) I will store it there, and the builders can use every last bit of it. I'm also still gathering more. My woodcutting is like 48 :D)) ((Also, I need to get to the Aegis base. ))

  7. Sorry for not being around lately waiting for the server to go to 1.0, Or maybe LOTC 2.0 ( if it's out soon ) things have gotten kind of stale and I'm hoping for the new world soon so we can start fresh and better than ever (( we'll start with more Knights this time so starting up training ect will be easier )) Hoping to be bedrock VIP by monday.

    (( also other IRL things like work are preventing me from being on, but I assure you all will be good come 2.0 for sure, Might be on when the map is updated to 1.0 ))

    I might be donating bedrock as well..

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