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Status Updates posted by Joe_Blackman


  2. "The secret of good cooking is to keep who's eating it, in mind."

  3. Welp server, I hope you're happy.

  4. So, Jon and Joe (J&J) having a good time in OOC, which was singing, has a outcome of the server crashing.... OPPA BLACKMAN STYLE!

  5. Ugh, oh gawd. I forgot how to pronounce the word "mortgage". 'Twas so shameful, I would've killed myself if more than one of my friends were there.

  6. Server?! What's going on?! Server...? Server?! SERRRRVEEEEER!!! *Game Over*

  7. Will stated his name is "I'm Awesome". *SERVER CRASH*

  8. He who laughs last thinks the slowest. (I'm such an attention seeker.)

  9. I despise the things what Coca Cola does to you. especially two cans, you can do the most stupid of things.

  10. asterisk, asterisk asterisk, elipses, elipses, characters, characters. Boredom. Boredom. Boredom.

  11. Why can I not talk in any channel whatsoever?

  12. I just had an INFINITY-SOME before the server closed down.

  13. Are people still vexated? Well... "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."

  14. Meanwhile, Silvos and I, wait tolerantly.

  15. Hey, Syth, remember our Chrono Magic idea? xP

  16. White hair > All hair. END OF!

  17. What's all this female-dogging about now? What are they displeased about now? I'm really confound of this gigantic situation at hand.

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