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Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

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Posts posted by Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

  1. The White Tiger Yakuza Syndicate


    The White Tiger Yakuza Syndicate,  is a group formed by the legendary Kais Ishikawa. The principle of the Syndicate is to be a prevailing business group in Anthos. Evolving from the Sutōmu Military of Yamamoto, the Syndicate has kept the strong mentality of a Military. The Syndicate mostly deals in the transportation of goods and that of hospitality business, using unconventional tactics yet keeping its business legitimate. The Syndicate seeks Enforcers, shop related staff and is open to accepting specialists. The goods dealt with range to all corners of the commercial spectrum.







    Oyabun: The Head of the Syndicate, he is the supreme leader of the organization.  He handles the high level deals and gives orders to his subordinates.





    Wakagashira: The Second in Command and Right Hand of the Oyabun. He or she handles the muscle of the Syndicate, leading the hired guards for whatever the job the Syndicate takes on.




    Saiko-komon: He or she handles the administration of the organization. He or shes duties include pay, supplies and other things of that nature.




    Shateigashira: A mid-level position in the organization usually is in charge of leading a group of enforcers. He or she works directly with the Wakagashira or Saiko-komon.




    Kumi-in: These are the enforcers of the organization, they guard the shipments and make sure property the White Tigers own is kept safe. This rank also includes covert operatives of the Syndicate who mostly remain unknown to many.




    Kyodai: A Kyodai runs a shop under the Syndicate. They are in charge of their shops sales and searches for jobs in its local region.




    Kaikei: The Kaikei assist the Kyodai with whatever they need and assist in the Kyodai’s endeavors.




    Shatei: The Shatei is an entry-level position in the syndicate. They work under a Kyodai, they can be assigned in several different jobs such as harvesting, smithing, cooking, hunting, gathering. A Shatei has an option of taking two paths either in sales as a Kaikei, or defence as a Kumi-in.








    Yubitsume is a form of penance or apology. Upon a first offence, the transgressor must cut off the tip of his left little finger and give the severed portion to his senior. Sometimes an underboss may do this in penance to the oyabun if he wants to spare a member of his own gang from further retaliation.


    Its origin stems from the traditional way of holding a Easterner sword. The bottom three fingers of each hand are used to grip the sword tightly, with the thumb and index fingers slightly loose. The removal of digits starting with the little finger moving up the hand to the index finger progressively weakens a person's sword grip.


    The idea is that a person with a weak sword grip then has to rely more on the group for protection—reducing individual action. In recent years, prosthetic fingertips have been developed to disguise this distinctive appearance.




    The Enforcers wear masks sometimes that which resemble animals or demons in Easterner culture, it is used for protection, intimidation and for easy identification during jobs.





    Armour worn by the enforcers is that of the former Ishikawa Sutōmu type that was the Tosei Gusoku armour. Day to day attire for employee’s of the Syndicate includes that of a kimono or other traditional wear. Enforcers carry swords at their belts at all times, they do so to protect the interests of the White Tiger Syndicate.







    -OOC Part-


    MC name:


    Do you have Skype? If so, send it through PM or post here:


    How long have you played on LotC?


    Do know what the Yakuza is?


    Do you have any additional applications (VA’s MA’s) or Ban Reports?


    Can you make this character your main one? If not how active can you be?:












    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc):


    Legal History (Crimes etc):


    Previous Experience in Sales and or Combat:



  2. Holding (e.g. Barony of Frostlake):

    Yamamoto County

    Liege Hierarchy (e.g. Within the County of Northal, within the Duchy of Upper Hanseti):

    Within the Duchy of Furnestock

    Relative location (e.g. Central Northal, east of the Barony of Nordstock and west of the Barony of Gren):

    East of Abresi, East of Stolistis Forest, North of Riven, 

    Borders (e.g. Determined by the wooden palisade to the east and west, the great ice wall to the north, and the base of the mountains to the south.)

    River Raev, Gravel strip in Stolistis Forest, Viscounty of Yeklar

    House holding the land, if applicable (e.g. House Winter):

    House Ishikawa

    Individual directly in control of the land (e.g. Edward Winter II): Count Tetsuzaru Kamura/Ishikawa

  3. Tetsuzaru approaches the poster and reads it

    "I am interested in serving the Republic. My name by birth is Erito Doragon. I am practiced in the katana and hope to train with the yew bow. I will not be able to come to the Republic for quite a many elven days but I hope there is a position waiting to be filled?"

    he reads the Katana wielding mans note. He opens his pack fumbling through various papers, he finds a copy of the poster he’s looking for:


    After this he takes out his notes and writes while walking away “Erito Doragon” and says it aloud several times, he then puts the note in his pack to join the sea of papers most likely to be forgotten.

  4. If you could add 3 items to vanila minecraft what would they be?


    If you had to choose how you were to die how would you die?


    If you had to choose between knowing how you were to die and when you were to die which would you choose and why?


    If you could rename 3 food what three foods would you rename and what would you rename them?


    How’s your day been?


    How many sovereign country leaders can you name without using help/google


    If you could tame any wild animal to be your pet what animal would you tame?


    If you had to switch lives with a LOTC member which LOTC member would you switch with?

    Also ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  5. Jielin12's Ishikawa Sutomu Application.

    -OOC Part-

    MC name:


    Do you have Skype? If so, send it to me or post here: 

    Yes I do have Skype. Take a look at my Personal Profile. I prefer not to disclose it here.

    How long have you played on LotC?

    I have played on LoTC for quite some time now. I believe one and a half years max. But I have sudden intervals in between where I may take breaks off MC for school, etc. But once I'm commited, I'll be on everyday. I also have plans to join the Ishikawa House once I have settled back into LoTC.


    Have you fully read the Rank descriptions?

    Yes I have fully read and understand the Rank Descriptions.

    Can you make this character your main one?:

    Yes I can. This is the only Character I plan to have.





    Kenji Ryu






    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc):


    Previous Combat Experience:

    Has a basic knowledge of offensive and defensive stances while training on his own. 

    I , Kenji Ryu, swear utter and complete loyalty to the House Ishikawa. I forsake oaths to other nations, and recognize the House Ishikawa, Glory to it’s name, is my master, and I am obligated to serve them until I am released, or I am dead. Should I fail to uphold this oath or severely dishonour myself, I agree to accept my shame through the act of Seppuku*, or proper punishment befitting the situation and circumstance. 


    Tetsuzaru Kamura reads over the application. Seeing the last name he pauses, he stands from his desk and walks to his office balcony he looks over the Garden recalling the recent events. After a while he returns to his desk and stairs at the 3 letters R Y U , slowly he writes the letter, pausing before writing Kamura




    Kenji Ryu




    Contact General Tetsuzaru Kamura

    for sleeping arrangement, and armor.




         General Tetsuzaru Kamura of the Sutōmu


  6. If Aegis was as great as they say, I simply don't understand why we don't create a role-play time thing like a paradox, and re-create Aegis... It really does sound great, but I guess not when you haven't experienced it.


    Another thing I don't get... Why did we change from PvP to RP if it was so great? Why are we ONCE AGAIN changing something that needn't be fixed?



    Aegis was pretty great, I don't think they mean the Map of Aegis but the way it worked, as it was pretty lax as Boy wonder said up there. Also I don't think many people would like another big change such as that. 



    The plugin before had issues and people were found just spending there time getting skill points, so the system was removed and has been a work-in-progress for a long time. 

  7. Application:

    -OOC Part-

    MC name: crazymajor1221

    Do you have Skype? If so, send it to me or post here:

    How long have you played on LotC? Almost 6 months

    Can you make this character your main one?: Yes


    Name: Hasimoto Shimazu



    Gender: Male

    Age: 42

    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc): Shimazu Clan

    Previous Combat Experience: Have not fought in many battles in any wars. I fought in the latest battles against the Dwarves.




    Hasimoto Shimazu




    Hasimoto will continue his previous duties as Drillmaster.

    Hasimoto contact Hadokame as soon as possible to work

    out a new training schedule





         General Tetsuzaru Ryu of the Ishikawa Sutōmu


  8. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0

    Name: Tetsuzaru
    Surname/House: Ryu
    Age: 26
    Race: Easterner
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Weight:155 lbs
    Eye Color:Dark Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color/Shade: Easterner
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos:
     Scar on right eye
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): Yamamoto County
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis):  Renatus
    General in the Ishikawa Sutomu

    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Tetsuzaru Ryu, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  9. Application:


    -OOC Part-


    MC name:matheu3


    Do you have Skype? If so, send it to me or post here:matheu37(you already know it :P)


    How long have you played on LotC?About a week


    Can you make this character your main one?:I can try :3




    Name:Fumetsu Shimazu ((Your brother))






    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc):Nope


    Previous Combat Experience:I have trained in the art of the sword since i was little, since i was around the age of 7 years old, i have been in quite a few battles myself .


    I ,Fumetsu Shimazu, swear utter and complete loyalty to the House Ishikawa. I forsake oaths to other nations, and recognize the House Ishikawa, Glory to it’s name, is my master, and I am obligated to serve them until I am released, or I am dead. Should I fail to uphold this oath or severely dishonour myself, I agree to accept my shame through the act of Seppuku*, or proper punishment befitting the situation and circumstance.


    *This would be a perma-death you agree to, and can only be issued by the leader of House Ishikawa, after an OOC explanation of why it happened, and an IC military trial. A Seppuku is a suicide by impaling oneself on their blade.


    Once accepted be sure to contact either Satomi Shimazu(Yopplwasupxxx) or Tetsuzaru Ryu(CoroRexCereidon) for your Uniform










    Fumetsu Shimazu




    Contact General Satomi Shimazu or Tetsuzaru

    for sleeping arrangement, and armor.




         General Tetsuzaru Ryu of the Ishikawa Sutōmu


  10. -OOC Part-


    MC name: samyham


    Do you have Skype? If so, send it to me or post here: thelancecore


    How long have you played on LotC? I have recently played for about three weeks, but I’ve been whitelisted since Asulon.


    Can you make this character your main one?: No, Erik Wodesome will continue to be my main, it would not make sense for me to make a subordinate my main when I have a clan to run on my alt.




    Name: Shin Shimazu



    Gender: Male


    Age: 28


    Other Obligations (Guilds, Orders, Shops etc): None ((On this character))


    Previous Combat Experience: Shin has had little combat experience apart from an informal training from his half-brothers.

    I, Shin Shimazu, swear utter and complete loyalty to the House Ishikawa. I forsake oaths to other nations, and recognize the House Ishikawa, Glory to it’s name, is my master, and I am obligated to serve them until I am released, or I am dead. Should I fail to uphold this oath or severely dishonour myself, I agree to accept my shame through the act of Seppuku*, or proper punishment befitting the situation and circumstance.


    Looks over the application and sighs when he sees Shimazu


    “Satomi wasn’t lying when he said he had a busy family...”







    Shin Shimazu




    Contact General Satomi Shimazu or Tetsuzaru

    for sleeping arrangement, and armor.




         General Tetsuzaru Ryu of the Ishikawa Sutōmu


  11. Tetsuzaru walks through the county he goes to the cherry blossoms. As he nears the cherry blossoms he sees Old Man Chu sitting and smiling to himself in the Children's area. He looks curiously as the crazy old man without pants stands beginning to walk away. He looks to were he sat and sees an unpleasant poo. Walks away attempting to clear the image from memory.


    ((Yes I said unpleasant poo because everyone knows Lord Kais Poo is pleasant))

  12. If I may, perhaps a glassmaker's glass could be better fortified, better for keeps and castles. Or it could be picked back up after placement. Personally though, I would just put it under masonry.

    A glassmaker would probably have multiple jobs and masonry seems to be a likely choice. I agree that glass making should just be put under masonry as well.


    As for the stain glass I think that would be a great addition to have.

  13. Tetsuzaru Ryu, walks through the forest of Furnestalk keeping his distance away from the other easterners.

    Quietly he makes his way behind one of the processions and follows them to through the Main gate. While the others are distracted being greeted he slips out of line and makes his way to the manor. He waves down the Samurai guarding the entrance to the Manor and makes his way up the stairs. Once reaching his room he begins to put on his Generals armor. He smiles at the fact that Haruhiko has kept his room in order. Once dressed and ready to greet the guests he confidently open his door and frowns as he sees the snowy trail he has left behind.

  14. NnfJN7y.png


    Tetsuzaru Ryu wanders the North of Anthos, his hair has grown nearly covering his ears. He looks up to the sky to see the circling bird above the snow capped trees. He notices something familiar in the birds shape and colors. He pauses and waits as he sees the letter tied to it. The bird swoops down towards him and gently lands on his arm. He unrolls the letter and reads it.




    General, I am gathering all of those of easterner decent for a meeting. I will inform you in detail when you arrive at the county.





    Checks his pack seeing his sake supply is low.


    “Good excuse to refill my supply, I hope Haruhiko is out and working again.”


    Turns around and begins to retrace his steps back to Yamamoto County.


    “I wonder how  Hadokame is handling my position in my absence...”


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