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Posts posted by Baconthief

  1. Lightning does not affect your body, when it strikes you nothing will happen towards you besides some at rare cases 3rd degree burns, lightning only affects your insides, Organs, your heart with enough voltage shuts down, your lungs can burst, liver fails, all these things can occur, On a rare case lightning can do nothing towards you.

    ((Just elaborating on what you said because I happen to know this stuff fairly well))

    This is dependent on the ampere(amount of electrons) and the voltage(speed at which electrons travel). For example a fast moving highly electron dense "bolt" will undoubtedly cause a fatal attack. However, little ampere and high speed will do nothing. (same is said for High ampere and little voltage). Lightning strikes potential for fatality are dependent on these factors, as well as the ohms(resistance) of what you are wearing.

    And the reason there is little cases of burns(like you said) is because the passing current is so brief that it has little time to create a "thermal" burn.(If you hold the lightning strike for a long period of time, expect plenty of nasty burns) However, what causes the death is how the current affects the nervous system and muscular system (Some lightning strike survivors are unable to feel heat/cold, or anything at all...while electric current can also cause muscle spasms) Pain is unavoidable with electric charges. It "tears" apart your nervous system too much.

    When cells are effected they will create large gaps in the cell membrane, which basically kills the cell. They can no longer properly retain water and it's organelles if it is severe enough. The skin or wherever it passes will be severely damage if plenty of fast moving electrons pass through. Expect internal bleeding. When it comes to complete organ shut down it's the fact that a massive magnetic field is created. This is what has potential to shut organs down.

    Edit: And +1 for this. Love the idea...I was going to write this myself, but I have too much time restraints to write any decent and acceptable lore. Look forward to seeing this rped.

  2. (Before the mask was taken)

    The man once known as Skyler walks down the path, his mind fixated on the conflict that engulfs his troubled family. The mental battle rages on, causing him to step atop the wrist of the skeleton with no notice. He hears a crunch and looks down at his feet, and sees Cataris looking up at him.

    At first he expects to see a bow laying next to him, given that all skeletal creatures seem to carry one. His eyes glide across the body but lock seeing the mask. At first instinct his hands tremble and his arm hair raise in sheer terror. He will never forget this mask, it was worn by the man who stole something very important in a manner most traumatic and horrific for a young boy. The crusher of his dreams, the destroyer of his youth, and the master of the man who ruined what was left of his life.

    His hands calm and a small smile slowly formulates, as he sees no reaction from the corpse that he is stepping apon. The man who was second on his list of revenge has been removed, with no effort from him at all. He kneels down, looking the mask that has haunted his dreams for years. He shows no fear now, contrasting the last time he gazed upon the mask. The former skyler says out loud "It seems I have the last laugh." He stands up and walks away, his day slightly brighter and merrier.

  3. Thank you, and honestly I'd love to teach more people and encourage depth in RP fights. Hell I had to be told to slow down (my first ever RP fight with jistuma we had to stop several times while I both explained my art and we had to verify what we were doing.) Yeah the fight ended up in a lost for Meta as he was over confident as a younger warrior, but it was a great bonding experience and this is what I want the server to have.

    Rosso and his stick XD

    I try using Jui-jitso( Been doing it since I was little) in my own rp. Not for the playing to win of course, just to make things exciting and less bland combat wise. However, It will normally nearly shuts down the roleplay when I do it. I sort of stoped because of it, the moves get pretty complicated. So I totally understand the stoping.

    I could add to the unarmed bit of the martial art if you liked : )

    Edit: Only problem is it's more of a "on the ground" martial art. Not really standing up, few rp situations call for "on the ground" combat

  4. Rethlor Juicidius

    Lol XD Juicidius....sounds...juicey

    I've seen you rp this and how you rp in combat. It's very good! (Very clever what you did with my shield wall XD)I sort of put more thought into my own rp combat because of it. I'd love to learn your martial art, would really spice up Fiyem's. As one of three people who rp using a shield, Fiyem would fit perfectly with the earth stance

  5. Name: Lovac

    Truename ((MCName)): Baconthief

    Race: Mali'ker, or dark elf

    Origin: Outer Oren

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor: I am seeking a work, whether it be military or working in the kitchen. Also peace from the imperialist Oren empire

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: I do

    Skills: I have worked in many inns, I am able to cook well. I am open to learning any other form of skill if someone is willing to teach

  6. Fiyem steps off his boat and onto the docks of Silvia. He is bares his shield on his back as while his sheath swings side to side as he walks. He inhales the soothing sea air and forms a faint smile as he walks down the board walk, paying no attention to the brothel. He passes the guards, nodding to them as a greeting. Fiyem looks up the sky and watches the birds fly, play and sing in their own world that is set on top of his. He enjoys this moment alone since Vallel's hormonal driven emotions are getting a little too much for him to handle. He cannot wait for the pregnancy to be over with so he doesn't have to listen to her infernal and unyielding nagging and biting criticism He walks into the inn, hoping to see some of his old friends.

    He finds it empty and sits down in a bench, laying his shield next to him. He reaches into his shirt and retrieves the various poems he keeps there, resting against his heart for that is the origins of the words of said poems. He lets out a long sigh as he finishes reading the last one. He does not know what the future will bring A mental battle between his current wife and wife too be rages in his mind.

  7. *A note at all the major cities and cloud temple*

    My family is currently in need of two large bundles of spruce logs. I am willing to pay 1000 minas in total. Send a Bird south of Haelun'or to contact me((Baconthief)) We will then go to the bank at cloud temple to enact the business.

  8. *A letter is delivered to you personally by a half-ling*

    Guild Name -Anonymous until further discussion

    How many warriors do you have -8-10 soldiers...The amount of soldiers that will be lent is unclear at the moment, but all the individuals crave the freedom that oren deprives them and are willing to die for it

    Will you be supplying yourself - Our group can supply and support itself

    How many are trained warriors - Many of them are very well trained. For those that are untrained can be trained by us

    Will you be willing to fight - We are willing to fight for freedom. Fight against the tyranny Oren thrusts onto the shoulders of the commoner. Fight for the liberty that has been taken from us at our "unnoble birth". Those that rule have been put there unjustly by claiming power from the right of birth. While the organization I am representing(I am not the leader, I was simply asked to contact you on behalf of this organization) claims of power deriving from the masses, the common man. However, many of us have families that are in need of support. I myself have two children, one niece, two adopted children and another child coming soon(All of which I have to care for with little to no aid). I know of four other families among our ranks. I will be willing to step out of my comfort zone in my current homeland to fight for this cause, but with a small fee for each individual. I know the others feel the same; however, I would not be surprised to see many of us work for free. Send a bird to the south of Haelun'or(It will land at my island) so we may discuss a sort of "deal" between our groups.

    ((MC name:Baconthief))

  9. So I was thinking to myself as I write a biography for a character I am planning that I should let actual roleplay develop my character. The norm. for developing a character is formulate a backstory of a character. This backstory never actually happened in that your parents are not actual people, just characters made up to form your character. I want to have a character whose backstory actually happened, so that is why I made a post here. For what I want to do however is age him to his teens rather quickly seeing that toddler rp is fun for the first week, then gets bland and you never see your child again. I intend to stick to this character, but in order to do that I want to "speed up" the more bland years.(I will still rp a toddler, just it will go by quicker than actual IG time)

    I want only three things:

    -A male

    -He be at least half human, I would prefer full human(Black hair would be best for the ideas I want to do, but I won't be that picky)

    -His name is Lovac(Meaning hunter in croatian, and I am willing to give up this name depending on the culture of the parents)

    -Parents need to be in similar time zones (-6)

    What I have planned

    I have some personality plans that I will attempt to lean towards oocly, but if the upbringing doesn't allow for it I'll rp with what is given to me.

    How I plan to roleplay him as an adult....or attempt if the Rp allows (Pictures say 1,000 words so here are two)



    Look forward to being your child : )

    Oh, and I do rp another character often.

  10. *Note at Normandor, Haelun'or, Cloud temple and Arethor*

    I am in need of ten bundles of oaken planks. Payment will be discussed at the bank at Wilven Sanctuary. Send a birt east of Normandor or north of Haelun'or to reach me. The bird will land at my estate. (Baconthief)

  11. *Note at Normandor, Haelun'or, Cloud temple and Arethor*

    I am in need of ten bundles of oaken planks. Payment will be discussed at the bank at Wilven Sanctuary. Send a birt east of Normandor or north of Haelun'or to reach me. The bird will land at my estate. (Baconthief)

  12. *note at Cloud temple, Normandor, and Arethor*

    My home is in desperate need of lumber. I require sixteen bundles of oak planks. While also needing one blundle of spruce logs and one bundle of spruce planks. We will meet at the bank at cloud temple to discuss pricing. Send a bird to the east of Normandor and it will land at our estates ((Baconthief))

  13. +1 I've probably seen this individual role play longer than any other. I helped his first character with his first home. To later on meeting the second character, Vallel, who has become my mentaly unstable wife(Role played very well, you always keep me on my toes). I've also known him oocly longer than everyone els (Except for Pixie who is his wife irl XD) I believe he can handle a position in the event team easily and could bring unique ideas to the community

  14. *a note posted at cloud temple, Arethor, and Normandor*

    I am in need of one single diamond for a necklace I'm making for my wife. You can contact me by sending a bird south of Haelun'or or east of Normandor. We will make the trade at cloud temple for safety reasons. I'm willing to pay 400 minas for the single diamond.((PM bird Baconthief))

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