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Posts posted by Pliz

  1. Oren Guard

    [MCname] : Plizga123

    [Time-Zone] : EST (GMT - 4:00)

    [How much time you can be online per day] : about 3-5 hours.

    [How long have you been on the server for?] :About two weeks, I am a fast learner though, and I know the rules well.

    Name :Brad_Plizga (Its short for Bradford.)

    Your Race: Human

    Your Age : 25 ((12))

    Do you have and use TS? If no then will you be able to? Currently I do not have it downloaded on to this computer, but I would gladly download it if needed. I also have a skype, and a facebook.

    Your Experience : Other servers, where I have been an officer or official. I have also read the books upstairs in the recruitment office. I have also helped others in the server track down thieves, and give the items to the owners.

    Describe Yourself : I am a fun, nice person, but I can be strict. I can pick up on rules very fast, as I am a fast learner. ((I don't know if this is OOC or IC, but I'll use brackets for OOC anyway. I go to cyberschool, so I can spend a lot of my time on the computer, to play LoTC.))

    Why should we recruit you? : I will try my best to help the citizens of Oren, and help other officers when it is needed. I will do gate duty, patrol, and man the lookout on King's road. I will also do anything else the other guards need help with. I have also heard you have few guards in the EST timezone. (Correct me if i'm wrong?) Since I do cyber school, I am in the hours between 11:00 AM to about 5:00 PM (of course, my timezone.) I also know that if something is out of my league, It would probably be best to tell a higher-up.I understand that in a no-PvP zone you have to roll for actions, and if a villian wins I cannot just cuff them anyway, as to make sure not to meta-game, or power-game.

    What are your strengths? Weaknesses? : Swords if needed, Trying not to resort to violence, and using my brain. (Most of the time, JK) Weaknesses, probably, giving speeches? Haha, I don't know. I'm sure I have flaws like any human, I just can't pinpoint them all.

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level] : Skills are off, but I think I can handle a sword pretty well. Bow is about average.

    Ambitions For The Future? : Serve the Kingdom,help the people, defend Oren from enemies, whether it be Undead or other races. I am hoping to stick with the guard long enough to become full guard. I don't expect to quit right away.

    What would your character do in the following situation?

    A group of bandits are camped on the Kings Road. Ordering a toll for passing. Its only you and two other recruits on duty. You decide to grab some armour and head out there. What do you do? [+Points For Thinking About It And Being More, Tactical] :

    First, probably send a recruit (or me) in to ask them politely to leave or face the consequences.Second, if that didn't work, I would send one of the recruits in sneaking, hoping to gather information about the bandits or which ones are smarter/stronger than the other ones. After the recruit tells us the situation and the intelligence he gathered, we would try to find a flaw in their defenses, or try to attack when one of the weak ones is on lookout. We would go in, attempt to arrest them, and if they resisted, we would un-sheathe our swords to intimidate the bandits. I would postone of the recruits behind them to make sure they didn't run, and if they still resisted and/or fought back, we would then resort to violence.

    [Link to Server Application] : http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/23988-plizga123s-application/#entry113566

    I will most likely be adding to this through the week.

    Please tell me if the colors are annoying, and I will gladly remove them.

  2. ((new people are risky choices for the guard cause they aren't 100% clear with the rules. People hated the Oren guard in the past because of the amoun of meta and power gaming done by new players in the guard. Just saying :D

    Yes, I understand why that comes into play. I'm not completely familiarized with the rules, so it would be good for me to take a while to completely get into this server and the rules.

  3. [MCname] : Plizga123

    [Time-Zone] : EST

    [How much time you can be online per day] : Roughly 4 hours.

    Name : Brad_Plizga

    Your Race : Human

    Your Age : 25 (real age is 12)

    Your Reasons to join the Oren Guard :1, I wan't to help citizens in need. I see a lot of people fighting, or just in need of help. 2, I need a job to occupy my time, I spend most of my time doing nothing.

    Your Experience : Every night, I slay any monster I find. I have also helped people in other servers by acting as a guard. The batttle at Kramoroe. (Or however you spell it)

    Have you faced any evil before? What kind? : I've seen Undead slipping through the gates, and once one at Therving Brothers tavern. I also kill monsters every night.

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level] : Due to skills being off, 0. But I will train them up once skills is turned on.

    Describe Yourself : Kind, but can be strict, Everything is for the good of others, not myself. I want to hear the side of each story.

    Describe what "Being a Guard" means to you : Making sure no one "sinister" gets into the city, breaking up common fights inside the city, and sometimes just patrolling the streets. Every guard also has to remember to hear each side of the story, and to protect the people over yourself.

    How would you treat a citizen in need? : If the citizen needed directions, I would try my best to answer them. If the citizen was worried about someone looking suspicious, I would try to calm them down, then investigate further. If the citizen was in a fight, or planning to hurt someone, I would try to calm them, and try my best not to use violence unless needed.

    Ambitions For The Future? : Try to move up the ranks, hope to improve my swords, and I hope to help the people, and whoever is in need.

  4. MC Name: Plizga123

    Name: Brad_Plizga

    What you are best at?: Fighting, making strategies.

    What do you bring with you?: My tactics, food, some other items I will need.

    Race: Human

    Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a guild. I am the man you talked to, ayrealex.

    What do you want to be?: A fighter, and tactician.

    Do you accept the rules?: Yes.

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