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Posts posted by Tronan

  1. MC Username: tronan999

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): So'Tralnanai

    Character Skillset: swords: 75

    axe mastery :50

    cooking: 100


    excavation: 10

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): Tralnanai is a male and is around 35 he has blue eyes and is around 5'10 and has a scar across his chest .

    Personality: Tralnanai is out going and isn't slow to embrace new ideas. He will though fight for what he believes in and that is the holy mother Metztli. He isn't particularly racist towards the other races of Asulon and will help them out of the jungle if they ever get lost. But he does not like the other races disrespecting him,his family,or Metztli. He also likes to practice medicine and uses local flower and plant life in potions and medicine's he uses.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Tralnanai grew up in a small hut with his mother in Karakatua. He liked to cook just like his mother,so his mother taught him. He really wanted though to learn medicine. Luckily for him he lived right next to a fellow Kha'Panteran who practiced medicine. One day while his mother went to wash their clothes Tralnanai went next door to the supposed doctor.

    He knocked on the door anxiously waiting for him to answer the door. The doctor answered and said"what do you want little one?" Tralnanai said" I am no little one I am ten years old and I wish to learn medicine like you." The doctor motioned him inside and and said "If that is what you really what you want to learn then I will teach you it." For the next six years tralnanai was taught what herbs and plant life to mix and use in potions and how to treat a wound inflicted from a weapon and how to tell what type of sickness a Kharajyr has.

    This was really put to the test when a Kha'cheetra came stumbling into Karakatua. He obviously looked very pale and had a large gash on the side of him. Luckily Tralnanai was there and saw this happen. He then knew that he was bleeding out and without medical attention the Kha'cheetra would die. So he quickly tore a piece of cloth from his loincloth and wrapped it around the Kha'cheetra's

    side. He realized that he passed out, but he was still breathing and the bleeding stopped. He called over another Karakatuan to help him drag the Kha'cheetra to his little hut. When he awoke he thanked

    Tralnanai and gave him a few coins and left. This was when Tralnanai knew that he wanted to be like the doctor who trained him long ago.....

    Character's ambitions: Tralnani wants to become a doctor like the Kha'Panteran who taught him about medicine.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Tralnanai see's the man in distress and walks over to him and gives him as leather pouch filled with water. and hands him a piece of watermelon and tells the man to follow him and leads him out of the jungle and tells him not to get lost again and walks back to Karakatua.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    This angers Tralnanai as he does not like to be insulted but knows he will get in trouble and probably killed so he just ignores the dwarf and asks the barkeeper for some ale.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Tralnanai would first hit him because he killed a fellow Kharajyr over a slice of cake. Then he would tell them to turn themselves in or he would and that they should pray to Metztli and beg for forgiveness in the afterlife.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?I swear forever loyalty to the Tlatlanni and Metztli.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin: click here

  2. Name: Gralgor

    How old are you?: 35

    Where are you from?: Gralgor isn't really from anywhere but he is an orc so he originates from the war uzg.

    Have you had any prior experience workin' with vessels, or do you have any military experience, If so, please list all your experience, if any: Gralgor is a well trained fighter with swords and axes and fails at archery, but he is a supperior tacticion and has served on vessels before so he knows the layout

    How proficient are you with weapons?: Please disclose the weapon(s) you prefer the most. [[List levels aswell.]]: swordsmanship( 75) and axe mastery( 50)

    What is yer' race?: Orc

    Why do you wish to join the Seventis Navy?: Gralgor wishes to settle down and hopefully gain some minas but he mainly wants something to do in a military or naval career and serve that nation as either and will die fighting for it.

    What are some strengths, and also some weaknesses that you have?: He is a good tactician and knows the layout of a ship and has served on a ship before and is great with swords and axes

    Give a short summary of your life, some goals, motives, and other things you wished to accomplish, and how you perhaps accomplished them (A few sentences minimum, if you want to impress me, make more.): Gralgor is a good fighter and is extremely loyal to whoever he serves. He does not care about races and is not a racist. He wants to settle down and find a right job to do and excel at. Gralgor is extremely loyal and trustworthy and will not betray his masters or superiors and takes honor and loyalty more than he values his own life. His father taught him how to use all kinds of swords and axes so he can use any type of melee weapon but does not like using bows. He was taught by a orcish soldier in the krughai tactics and is a good commander and When he was old enough to leave he joined a merchant ship as a body guard and quickly learned the layout of ships and knows most things about naval tactics as well. He now wishes to once again take to the seas and serve.

  3. Name: Gralgor( he is an orc)

    Swordsmanship: 75

    Archery: 0 Gralgor thinks that archers are weak and cowardly so he only prefers his axe and sword to take care of business.

    Reason For Joining: Gralgor has become low on minas and needs the money and he loves to fight and has become bored of traveling and wishes to do something else that he likes to do.

    What you think you can do in the Guild: I can cook and fight as I am well trained in all types of swords and can serve as a body guard or anything really that does not require chopping wood, mining ,or archery

  4. *You notice a blood trail on the side of the road leading off into the forest, You follow the trail and find a mangled/torn body and find a journal in the mans hand and open it up and read it.

    The last writing of king Markus's Scribe James_Swiftan.

    Too anyone who reads this Know that I died an honorable death and Died defending myself. I managed to defeat the Zombies off but was gravely wounded and Probably will pass on. I wish my son If you are reading this I bade you farewell and am going to be with your mother and take all of what I am carrying and use it. Go and live your life and be free and have a good life and make an impact on the world that is what your mother and I would have wanted...*the journal ends and blood soaks the rest of the page.

    (( I am going to play my son ingame))

  5. Hi everyone I am looking for someone to play my long thought dead son pm me or post ere


    THE LORE: Before Aegis fell and The undead scourge reappeared James_ Swiftan and His Valletta Had a son By the name of Jonathan_swiftan or John as people would call him. James worked hard While valletta watched the baby. Times were tough They barely had enough money to pay for their house let alone a child. But It did not matter to them they still always loved each other. Until the dreadful day of the end of Aegis It started out fine and like any usual day then the sky's went dark and James heard news Of champions being prepared to go into the nether. John who at the time was around 4 was with his father working at a lumber mill. When the sky's grew dark James knew something was wrong and he asked around and heard of boats being prepared in the verge. He scurried John home and told his wife everything. They hurriedly packed all they needed and started off to the portal. About Halfway there they heard a booming voice and John started to cry James did not know what or who it was but he knew he had to get his family to safety. When they reached the cloud temple they saw a dark object flying in the sky not knowing what it was until they heard screams and people shouting die dragon. James started pushing his wife and his cart towards the portal but was pushed to the ground by a mob of fleeing people and the three were separated and frantically started looking for them. James soon felt someone tug on his shoulder and saw that it was a man pushing hi towards the portal. He tried to fight and getaway but the man was stronger. James took one glance back and saw to his wife crumpled on the ground trampled to death but there was no sign of John. James felt his heart drop. For months on a ship tirelessly searching for John James Gave up. But Still in the deep recesses of his mind James still thought he would be reunited with his Son.....

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