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Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

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Status Updates posted by Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

  1. Im falling in love with capcom games... So many... Alright im going to watch em, see ya

  2. I can talk snail. Here listen. ......................

  3. How are my little seedlings today?

  4. Alright, heres a long aplogy Due to the actions of my failtroll cousin. I havent been playing mc for a while, and my cousin has been annoying ooc with constant Annoying messages, and much more. Personally i dont know the damage, but its enough to sink the whole Fleet of America and Russia. Sorry. for all who care.

  5. Why is it i have to go when the rp gets good? :((

  6. I am close to 5,000 prof. views. So keep it comin!

  7. 5,000 profile views. it is done.

  8. i have a dat ass of native and liri in my finder... -_-

  9. Just finished ocean eleven, EPIC!

  10. Proto jibsco lore is almost done!

  11. lol availer came and left again WUT?

  12. I need help on a tekkit pvp server, for like the 7th time, but its on a new world now. c'mon be nice and be intrested.

  13. I want help on tekkit pvp. this is da last tiem!


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