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Everything posted by gao252

  1. Application For The Rangers: Out of Character information [MCname]: gao252 [Age]: 15 [Time-Zone]: Eastern Standard Time [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-3 [How long have you been playing on the server?]: About 8-9 months but I left for almost 6 of those due to other interests, when Asulon was announced. [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He is a man, or elf for that matter, who seeks to explore the world, but not by roaming it. He seeks to learn it's secrets though his own path, and improve his skills along the way. Pretty much, this guild suites him well. [Do you have TS and an email?]: I have both, if you wish to have them then please PM me since I would rather not post them out in the open. In Character Information Name: Ien_Lyevi Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Breeze Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes, I read the creed and agree with it. I like how we can question higher commands but betrayal is still not an option. Race: Wood Elf Age: 168 Years old and as agile as ever. Experience: Although he doesn't have to much experience in the whole style of the Rangers, he had always functioned in this way. Staying hidden when he must both physically and mentally is one thing he knows much about. He also has decent skills wielding a bow and dagger (This is IC, OOC he has almost no bow skills.). Of course, his sharpest weapon is his mind and tries to out smart his opponents. Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Woodcutting - 44, Swordsmanship - 43, Mining - 12, Cooking - 55, Fishing - 2, Farming - 46, Excavation - 8, Archery - 2, Wrestling - 5, Axe-Mastery - 1. (Please note that these skills are OOC and the his skills IC vary alot in some places. Describe your personality: Ien is a level headed but curious and cunning person. He likes to keep his secrets to himself and can often fabricate lies on the spot when needed. He enjoys discovering things most do not know but always stays loyal to those he knows well, in a good way. Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:One hundred percent loyal is to high, he can be tricked slightly and will question authority if he sees that something is amiss. Of course, when all is fair then yes, he is a loyal person. Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have been loyal to many friends I have meet, I was also loyal to the White Ravens but I have left them since. On the other hand, I don't plan on attacking them any time soon. Some Additional Out of Character Questions [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] The command: /ch OOC Commonly used system: ((Example)) [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] I don't have a villain app.
  2. b]Application For The Rangers: Out of Character information [MCname]: gao252 [Age]: 15 [Time-Zone]: Eastern Standard Time [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-3 [How long have you been playing on the server?]: About 8-9 months but I left for almost 6 of those due to other interests, when Asulon was announced. [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He is a man, or elf for that matter, who seeks to explore the world, but not by roaming it. He seeks to learn it's secrets though his own path, and improve his skills along the way. Pretty much, this guild suites him well. [Do you have TS and an email?]: I have both, if you wish to have them then please PM me since I would rather not post them out in the open. In Character Information Name: Ien_Lyevi Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Breeze Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes, I read the creed and agree with it. I like how we can question higher commands but betrayal is still not an option. Race: Wood Elf Age: 168 Years old and as agile as ever. Experience: Although he doesn't have to much experience in the whole style of the Rangers, he had always functioned in this way. Staying hidden when he must both physically and mentally is one thing he knows much about. He also has decent skills wielding a bow and dagger (This is IC, OOC he has almost no bow skills.). Of course, his sharpest weapon is his mind and tries to out smart his opponents. Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Woodcutting - 44, Swordsmanship - 43, Mining - 12, Cooking - 55, Fishing - 2, Farming - 46, Excavation - 8, Archery - 2, Wrestling - 5, Axe-Mastery - 1. (Please note that these skills are OOC and the his skills IC vary alot in some places. Describe your personality: Ien is a level headed but curious and cunning person. He likes to keep his secrets to himself and can often fabricate lies on the spot when needed. He enjoys discovering things most do not know but always stays loyal to those he knows well, in a good way. Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:One hundred percent loyal is to high, he can be tricked slightly and will question authority if he sees that something is amiss. Of course, when all is fair then yes, he is a loyal person. Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have been loyal to many friends I have meet, I was also loyal to the White Ravens but I have left them since. On the other hand, I don't plan on attacking them any time soon. Some Additional Out of Character Questions [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] The command: /ch OOC Commonly used system: ((Example)) [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] I don't have a villain app.
  3. Application MC name: gao252 Character name: Ien_Renijh Short Biography: Ien is a blinng him a man but a determine one at that, though he is no longer blind thanks to a jaded glass eye he obtains IC. He is ok at the bow and has gotten a very nice education. He isn't a great fighter but he thinks while he fights making him posing a threat to unprepared warriors. He has a small amount of arcane abilities taught to him while he was young and in school. He knows very little about magic but knows enough to stay alive. Why do you think The Walkers is the guild for you? I found your guild IC and it looked very fine. I feel that a guild like this will server my rp thirsts weel. Which branch will you choose and why: DayWalkers/NightWalkers? I would choose the NightWalkers but would probably assist the DayWalkers thanks to the fact that he is intelligent. He doesn't like the role of a merchant though and feels that a merchant can't become to important. He also enjoys to fight to a certain extent. Which special skills will the guild have use for in you? I feel the guild will most likely use his intelligents to aid them the most, though his fighting skills might come in handy and in time he might become better at the Arcane Arts.
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