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Posts posted by gao252

  1. Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information

    [MCname]: gao252

    [Age]: 15

    [Time-Zone]: Eastern Standard Time

    [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-3

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: About 8-9 months but I left for almost 6 of those due to other interests, when Asulon was announced.

    [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He is a man, or elf for that matter, who seeks to explore the world, but not by roaming it. He seeks to learn it's secrets though his own path, and improve his skills along the way. Pretty much, this guild suites him well.

    [Do you have TS and an email?]: I have both, if you wish to have them then please PM me since I would rather not post them out in the open.

    In Character Information

    Name: Ien_Lyevi

    Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Breeze

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes, I read the creed and agree with it. I like how we can question higher commands but betrayal is still not an option.

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: 168 Years old and as agile as ever.

    Experience: Although he doesn't have to much experience in the whole style of the Rangers, he had always functioned in this way. Staying hidden when he must both physically and mentally is one thing he knows much about. He also has decent skills wielding a bow and dagger (This is IC, OOC he has almost no bow skills.). Of course, his sharpest weapon is his mind and tries to out smart his opponents.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Woodcutting - 44, Swordsmanship - 43, Mining - 12, Cooking - 55, Fishing - 2, Farming - 46, Excavation - 8, Archery - 2, Wrestling - 5, Axe-Mastery - 1.

    (Please note that these skills are OOC and the his skills IC vary alot in some places.

    Describe your personality: Ien is a level headed but curious and cunning person. He likes to keep his secrets to himself and can often fabricate lies on the spot when needed. He enjoys discovering things most do not know but always stays loyal to those he knows well, in a good way.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:One hundred percent loyal is to high, he can be tricked slightly and will question authority if he sees that something is amiss. Of course, when all is fair then yes, he is a loyal person.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have been loyal to many friends I have meet, I was also loyal to the White Ravens but I have left them since. On the other hand, I don't plan on attacking them any time soon.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] The command: /ch OOC Commonly used system: ((Example))

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] I don't have a villain app.

  2. b]Application For The Rangers:

    Out of Character information

    [MCname]: gao252

    [Age]: 15

    [Time-Zone]: Eastern Standard Time

    [How much time you can be online per day]: 2-3

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: About 8-9 months but I left for almost 6 of those due to other interests, when Asulon was announced.

    [Why do you as a player feel you deserve to be a Ranger?]: He is a man, or elf for that matter, who seeks to explore the world, but not by roaming it. He seeks to learn it's secrets though his own path, and improve his skills along the way. Pretty much, this guild suites him well.

    [Do you have TS and an email?]: I have both, if you wish to have them then please PM me since I would rather not post them out in the open.

    In Character Information

    Name: Ien_Lyevi

    Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Breeze

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes, I read the creed and agree with it. I like how we can question higher commands but betrayal is still not an option.

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: 168 Years old and as agile as ever.

    Experience: Although he doesn't have to much experience in the whole style of the Rangers, he had always functioned in this way. Staying hidden when he must both physically and mentally is one thing he knows much about. He also has decent skills wielding a bow and dagger (This is IC, OOC he has almost no bow skills.). Of course, his sharpest weapon is his mind and tries to out smart his opponents.

    Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Woodcutting - 44, Swordsmanship - 43, Mining - 12, Cooking - 55, Fishing - 2, Farming - 46, Excavation - 8, Archery - 2, Wrestling - 5, Axe-Mastery - 1.

    (Please note that these skills are OOC and the his skills IC vary alot in some places.

    Describe your personality: Ien is a level headed but curious and cunning person. He likes to keep his secrets to himself and can often fabricate lies on the spot when needed. He enjoys discovering things most do not know but always stays loyal to those he knows well, in a good way.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?:One hundred percent loyal is to high, he can be tricked slightly and will question authority if he sees that something is amiss. Of course, when all is fair then yes, he is a loyal person.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have been loyal to many friends I have meet, I was also loyal to the White Ravens but I have left them since. On the other hand, I don't plan on attacking them any time soon.

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] The command: /ch OOC Commonly used system: ((Example))

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] I don't have a villain app.

  3. Ah cool, I'm guessing though that if our town gets a bunch of people and makes it up another rank you will improve it to be more than a camp, am I right? Oh and, estimate on how long it will be before construction begins?

  4. i will make it almost like a small camp, maybe with some wool tents and some bigger cottages

    could look cool i think :D well we will see when this charter gets accepted

    Small camp until we grow right?

    I don't want to stay small camp, that would suck, having to go to the non-regioned land for stuff.

  5. Application MC name: gao252

    Character name: Ien_Renijh

    Short Biography: Ien is a blinng him a man but a determine one at that, though he is no longer blind thanks to a jaded glass eye he obtains IC. He is ok at the bow and has gotten a very nice education. He isn't a great fighter but he thinks while he fights making him posing a threat to unprepared warriors. He has a small amount of arcane abilities taught to him while he was young and in school. He knows very little about magic but knows enough to stay alive.

    Why do you think The Walkers is the guild for you? I found your guild IC and it looked very fine. I feel that a guild like this will server my rp thirsts weel.

    Which branch will you choose and why: DayWalkers/NightWalkers? I would choose the NightWalkers but would probably assist the DayWalkers thanks to the fact that he is intelligent. He doesn't like the role of a merchant though and feels that a merchant can't become to important. He also enjoys to fight to a certain extent.

    Which special skills will the guild have use for in you? I feel the guild will most likely use his intelligents to aid them the most, though his fighting skills might come in handy and in time he might become better at the Arcane Arts.

  6. Out-Of-Character

    Mine Craft Account Name: gao252

    How old are you?: I am 14 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the USA East Standard time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I tend to have very good grammar and I live in America so I do know the language well.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am very creative and relaxed person, and I often work hard to finish what I started. I will enjoy a good book any day and love to help my friends write them. I also run my own server, and because of this I understand the problems of running a server and will not interfere, possibly even help.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: When I am home, I will be able to be on for about 10-20 hours weekly including weekends.

    How long have you played Mine Craft?: I have played Mine Craft since Beta 1.2 and played free Alpha, too.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know much about role play and completely love it. I have been doing it for almost 4-5 years now and have really perfected the art. I tend to enjoy just doing tasks around town in a Role Playing style and just seeing where things go. Every now and then I like a quick fight but I know my place. In my mind, roleplaying is like write a book but your actions are the pen on the paper.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I have a feeling that this server will be like no other I have heard of or been on.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on a few servers, the first being a server called Mordrum which was just a basic Mine Craft Server, the server was hacked and then I got bored from starting again and left. Next, I went to a Role Playing server called Navia, because my character didn’t mine I could even break blocks of dirt or any cobble and they kicked me for clearing a little dirt under me house and was told to leave. Last I played on a server called Hero Craft which ran a plugin called Heroes and had classes and such, but this server focused on PvP. This is the server I currently play on but a group of people calling themselves the Tree Creepers greifed the town I lived in. Because of this, the owner of the town who was a good friend of mine left, and another friend of mine decided to come here, so I’m going with him. I have also been on a few other Role Playing servers that just weren’t very good so I left, searching for an actually good one to play on.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the rules and fully understand them, I all the rules after thinking about them for some time I now understand each of their importance and agree with them all. Also, I think the lore is great and I love how you left a lot of room for us the players to sculpt the Lore with our own hands. I have been on a server in which they made the Lore so in-depth that the player had no say in the matter, of course this is no fun at all.

    Name the 4 races on this server: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, and Elves

    How did you hear about us?: My friend Spotcho from HeroCraft told me about this server when we decided to leave HeroCraft and go to a different server.

    Also one of my other friends decided to leave with me named SoloKill.

    Did you vote?: Yes, I voted for all 3 voting places.

    What was your favorite Law?: My favorite laws must be the way the government works and that each race has a different form of government. I also greatly approve of all the restrictions on war, given that I have witnesses war tear a RP server to shreds.

    What was your least favorite Law?: Honestly, I don’t really have a least favorite. I pretty much agree with almost all the laws.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? gao252


    Character Name: Eirin, Male

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Im not sure what you want for this, if you what my forums account name the here it is, gao252

    Biography: Eirin was sired into a very rich family that cared much about education and intelligence. He was schooled at a young age and was taught to play a wooden flute that his family passed down from generation to generation. After many years of schooling he grew a special interest in writing poems and books, most of which were based off the history of Old Aegis which he enjoyed learning about. He lived happily with his rich family for many years. To make a profit he started writing books and performing his music to those who were willing to listen.

    One day at high noon, 3 black figures appeared in the town center of the town Eirin lived in and started setting the houses ablaze. With no experience in anything even close to fighting capabilities, Eirin and his family fled the scene into the surrounding forest. After wandering in the forest with no real navigational skills, Eirin and his family got hopelessly lost. Trying to act brave, Eirin offered to go look on ahead and his family, with no other choice said agreed. He wandered off into the dense cloud of plants and he quickly got hopelessly lost, just like before. The only difference is the he managed to find a small elven town after climbing a tree to see what was nearby. He went to this town and started to write and perform here again just like before and started a new life in the quaint little village.

    He stayed in this village for most his life, scared to death at the thought of doing anything even remotely dangerous. Eventually he decided to try and rebuild the wealth his family had lost and headed down a heavily protected road to a much larger city to try and publish his books in hopes of getting them well know and amassing large amounts of riches. He settled down in this city and has stayed there ever since, never managing to collect the money his family had long ago. All the time thinking and wondering what had happened to his family and hoping he could help some day.

    Character Age: 48

    Character Appearance: He is a moderate size for and elf, and remove the ears might be mistaken for a tall human.

    Character Personality: He is creative and resourceful but extremely sheepish and would run like a coward in the face of danger. He always wanted the wealth his family but is horrible with his money and tends to spend it on delicate foods which he enjoys to taste.

    Your ambitions: To finally reclaim the glory once had and to become well known in the realm of literature and music.

    Can your character read or write?: He can and write very well hence the fact he is an author. He can also write down music for him to remember.

    Can your character mine?: He cannot mine and frowns upon the use of stone.

    Are you a capable builder?: He is only a partially decent builder but would much rather buy a house.

    Can you wield a sword?: He doesn’t know how to use a sword or any weapon for that matter, he runs instead.

    Enjoy Farming?: He doesn’t enjoy farming but will do it if needed, again he would much rather buy delicate foods to taste them.

    Does your character have any special skills?: He can write very well and play his wood flute like a master.

    Other Information: I like to go outside the box and that’s what I tried to do with this application. I noticed how bland my other applications were and hoped to change that in this 3 application. I’m also writing a guide on Role Playing called The Role Players Guide to the Galaxy.

    A screenshot of your skin: http://tinypic.com/r/2mqokue/7

  7. First of all, I am truly sorry about my miss post yesterday.

    I got very exiteted about join this server and I posted the app before 2 days.

    I removed it yesterday and I hope you understand how bad I want to get in this server.

    If I had to wait 2 days from my miss post, then please tell me so I am not locked.

    I apoligies for any confusion that I created and didn't mean to cause any.

    This was posted 2 days after my First app and not my miss post.

    So if I was supposed to wait 2 days after the miss post please just tell me.


    Mine Craft Account Name: gao252

    How old are you?: I am 14 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the USA East Standard time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I tend to have very good grammar and I live in America so I do know the language well.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am very creative and relaxed person, and I often work hard to finish what I started. I will enjoy a good book any day and love to help my friends write them, I also think of Role Playing as write a story and I love Role Playing to.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: When I am home, I will be able to be on for about 4-2 hours depending on the amount of homework I get.

    How long have you played Mine Craft?: I have played Mine Craft since Beta 1.4 and played free Alpha to. I have alot of experience and know all the crafting recipes along with all the game mechanics.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know much about role play and completely love it. I have been doing it for almost 4-5 years now and have really perfected the art. I tend to enjoy just doing tasks around town in an role playing style and just seeing where things go. Every now and then I like a quick fight but I know my place and don’t god mod. In my mind, roleplaying is like write a book but your actions are the pen on the paper. I use to roleplay on WoW 4 years ago which isn't saying much. I have also played table top D%D along with Online D&D. Last I have RPed on other RP servers but they weren't nearly as good as this server.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to leave me completely dumbfounder with my jaw touching the floor.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on a few servers, the first being a server called Mordrum which was just a basic Mine Craft Server, the server was hacked and then I got bored from starting again and left. Next, I went to a Role Playing server called Navia, because my character didn’t mine I could even break blocks of dirt or any cobble and they kicked me for clearing a little dirt under me house and was told to leave. Last I played on a server called Hero Craft which ran a plugin called Heroes and had classes and such, this server focused on PvP. This is the server I currently play on but a group of people calling themselves the Tree Creepers greifed my town I lived in. Because of this, the owner of the town who was a good friend of mine left, then I and another one of my friends on that server decided to come to this server and have a blast.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the rules and fully understand them, I all the rules after thinking about them for some time I now understand each of their importance and agree with them all. Also, after thinking about the lore some more I understand why things were made a certain way and also greatly approve of it.

    Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Orc, Dwarf, and Elf

    How did you hear about us?: My friend Spotcho from HeroCraft told me about this server when we decided to leave HeroCraft and go to a different server.

    Also one of my other friends decided to leave with me named SoloKill.

    Did you vote?: Yes, I voted for all 3 voting places.

    What was your favorite Law?: My favorite law is that your only able to steal Moderate amounts of stuff from a chest. On my last server the Tree Creepers would empty whole double chests full of stuff.

    What was your least favorite Law?: Honestly, I don’t really have a least favorite. I pretty much agree with almost all the laws.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? gao252


    Character Name: Idrin, pronounced Ie-Drin, he is Male

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Im not sure what you want for this, if you what my forums account name the here it is, gao252

    Biography: Idrin was born in a small forest village were living was very tough and stealing was the only way Idrin could survive with his brother Edrin. In this town he developed very keen senses to keep from getting caught. He also perfected the art of theft and robbery. After much time in this village he decided to leave and wondered off into the wilderness, after stealing a bow, arrows, sword, and food that is.

    He spent many years in the wilderness learning how to stay hidden and greatly improving his archery skills and swordsmanship. He had grown fawned of the wild and became a great hunter for his day and age. But then one night while he was sleeping in a small wood hut he had made, he heard a streak of blood red lightning pierce the sky. He jumped out of his tent and saw dark cloaked figures casting dark magic to burn the forest to the ground.

    He launched an arrow at one but the arrow stopped midair and fell to the ground. Then the black figure fired a ball of fire which burned Idrin badly and launched him backward out of the fight. The figures then vanished into thin air leaving a note reading, We are the Undead, do not try to interfere with our matters. Idrin then fell unconscious, to wake up to what was left of the burning forest and swore to improve his skills and defeat the undead that wrecked his home.

    Character Age: 34

    Character Appearance: Tall and thin with a very fragile frame which looks very bony.

    Character Personality: Determine and very creative, and often gets annoyed at people for being obnoxious. He is also usually the one to find answers to problems. He is extremely agile and often studies the past. He also knows his place in the world and acknowledges his lesser existents.

    Your ambitions: To set up an alchemy shop and eventually set up a forest village.

    Can your character read or write?: He can read, and write. He can also right in an old forgotten dialect.

    Can your character mine?: He cannot mine and frowns upon the use of stone.

    Are you a capable builder?: He can build very well but only with natural materials and hates the use of rocky materials.

    Can you wield a sword?: He does know how to use a sword, he would much rather use a bow.

    Enjoy Farming?: He does not enjoy to farm because he thinks that farming is abusing and bending nature to a simple want.

    Does your character have any special skills?: He is very stealthy and likes to hide, only to strike his foes when they don’t expect it. He can conjure cures and poisons to.

    Other Information: I apologies for some of the stuff I had said in my previous app and now understand why the lore and laws where made the way they were, and greatly approve of them now.

    A screenshot of your skin: Skin Screenshot Link

  8. I would like to know why I wasn't accepted so I could improve my application.

    This server seems amazing and I would really like to join.

    I have been looking for a very good rp server and this fit the bill.

    So may you please explain why I wasn't accepted?

  9. Out-Of-Character

    MineCraft Account Name: gao252

    How old are you?: I am 14 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the USA East Standard time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I tend to have very good grammar and I was born and have always lived in America so I do.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am very creative and dedicated person, and I often work hard to finish what I started.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: When I am home, I will be able to be on for about 4-2 hours depending on the amount of homework I get.

    How long have you played minecraft?: I have played minecraft since beta 1.4

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know much about role play and completely love it. I have been doing it for almost 4-5 years now and have really perfected the art. I tend to enjoy just doing tasks around town in an role playing style and just seeing where things go. Every now and then I like a quick fight but I know my place and don’t god mod.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to leave me completely dumbfounder with my jaw touching the floor.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on a few servers, the first being a server called Mordrum which was just a basic Minecraft Server, this got boring so I left. Next, I went to a Role Playing server called Navia, because my character didn’t mine I could even break blocks of dirt of any cobble so I got annoyed and left. Last I played on a server called HeroCraft which ran a plugin called Heros and had classes and such, this server focussed on PvP. This is the server I currently play on but a group of people calling themselves the Tree Creepers greifed my town I lived in. Because of this, the owner of the town who was a good friend of mine left, then me and another one of my friends on that server decided to come to this server and have a blast.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I have read the rules and fully understand them, I also agree with almost all the rules though disagree with a few. Of course you can’t satisfy everyone and compared to other servers the rules and very fair. I also think that the lore of the server was pretty nice, although some of the lore was alittle dull, I really like the fact that not much lore was made allow us, the players, to sculpt the server more.

    Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Orc, Dwarf, Elf

    How did you hear about us?: My friend Spotcho from HeroCraft told me about this server when we decided to leave HeroCraft and go to a different server.

    Did you vote?: Yes, I voted for all 3 voting places.

    What was your favourite Law?:My favorite law is that your only able to steal Moderate amounts of stuff from a chest. On my last server the Tree Creepers would empty whole double chests full of stuff.

    What was your least favourite Law?: Honestly, I don’t really have a least favorite. I pretty much agree with almost all the laws.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? gao252


    Character Name: Trein, pronounced tree-in, he is Male

    What is your Race?: Elf

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Im not sure what you want for this, if you what my forums account name the here it is, gao252

    Biography: When Trein first came into the world he was a very delinquent and relatively dumb person. After wondering off in to the world, he quickly came to realize that he couldn’t stay this way for long. He put it to himself to train him self to be intelligent, wise, calm, agile, and understanding. After journeying around for a long time, he grew very fond of nature and decided to learn its past and try to communicate with the trees towering above him. After studying nature and its ways for many years, he had gotten to the point where he knew which plants cured what, what plants could kill, and after awhile he noticed that nature could talk to him in a totally different way. He practiced archery and alchemy for long hours until he understood Nature and it’s ways. He then decided with these new skills he would venture off into new lands and see the world with his own eyes. But after leaving the safety of the forest he had lived in for so long, he saw that there were enemies far greater the just wolves out there. After walking for months he can across a city that had been burned to the ground, he talked to the survivers and the all told him about the undead. After seeing the destruction these undead had done, and thinking about what they could do to his forest, he grew infuriated at the undead and sweared to launch an arrow though each and everyone he sees.

    Character Age: 21

    Character Appearance: Tall and thin, with green hair and pale skin with a tint of green because of all the different herbs he has eaten.

    Character Personality: Calm and very creative, often gets annoyed at people for being obnoxious. He is also usually the one to find answers to problems. He is extremely agile and often studies the past. He also knows his place in the world and acknowledges his lesser existents.

    Your ambitions: To set up an alchemy shop and eventually set up a forest village.

    Can your character read or write?: He can read, and write. He can also right in an old forgotten dialect.

    Can your character mine?: He cannot mine, but does know how to swing pick in case he has to get rid of a little stone.

    Are you a capable builder?: He can build very well but only with natural materials and frowns on the use of stone and iron and such.

    Can you wield a sword?: He does know how to use a sword but knows very little about it, he would much rather use a bow.

    Enjoy Farming?: He does not enjoy to farm because he thinks that farming is abusing and bending nature to a simple want.

    Does your character have any special skills?: He is very good at alchemy and can make many kinds of poisons, cures, and such.

    Other Information: Nothing really.

    A screenshot of your skin:


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