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Posts posted by CloakandDagger

  1. Please make a modreq 45 minutes prior to said event.

    Will do.

    For the post below mine

    Safen stands atop his hill, holding his son Solaris, he chuckles hearing of the call to arms to raid Syrio's Vault. Shaking his head he yawned a sarcastic breath rolling his eyes at the news. Deep down inside he knew that the Alrasian Order wouldn't fail in defending the city. Let alone something as valuable as Syrio's Vault, which in all honesty was the life-blood of Alras.


    Cheers. :rolleyes:

  2. ((No none of the Alrasian Government, military, civilians, etc. would know about this. Because seriously are we just going to tell them,

    "Yo Alras we be wanting to attack your city, so you should uh... get as many men as possible and try to stop us."

    No thats just stupid, so AS I STATED in my first post ALL information other than that which is ITALICIZED is OOC. So all the people who posted RP responses claiming they are preparing for the raid please edit your post accordingly.))


    I forgot to mention that i would like this "Event" moderated by a GM if that is possible.

  3. All information in this post besides that of which is Italicized is OOC.

    Opposing Faction:

    The Master Thieves Guild, The Dark Brotherhood, Armed Coalition of Asulon's finest.

    Defending Faction:


    Name of the battle:

    The Alrasian Job



    Time,(atleast 3 days warning.):4/7/2012

    The time which the event will commence is 10:00 PM GMT

    I ask that those WHO ARE INSIDE THE ALRASIAN GOVERNMENT be online at at least 9:30 PM PST and be ready for the events to follow.

    Sitting at his desk The Virtuous man contemplated his guild's next move. He knew what a success Karik had been but he also knew that for this time he had to go big, much bigger. How he ultimately decided on Alras as the location was no coincidence, taking time to articulate his plan he briefly remembered just a week or two ago when his tongue was almost severed from his mouth by the Viceroy. Getting back to his task at hand Virtuous finished detailing the layout of his plan and stuffed the piece of paper into a thin envelope which he then sealed with red wax and the seal of the Master Thieves Guild.


    We will be arriving by boat -that's all the information im willing to divulge to the public currently, for those involved (both defending Factions, Opposing, or GM's) please PM for the details of the event.

    If I can get a solid promise that none of the Information will be Meta'd in anyway then ill post ALL of the details of the heist on here.


    1. Stick to RP id rather not have a PVP bloodbath in the streets, not because i think we would lose( which we wouldn't cause we're going to have 20+ people.) but because I think an event like this is to unique to waste on a PVP pillage. All encounters are to be RP'ed using /damage yes there may be confusion with such a large group of people but I hope with what I have planned that some of the confusion will dissipate.

    2. It has come to my attention that those in Alras OOC'ly RP that their vault is impossible to break through due to some very Unrealistic "mechanisms".

    SO to avoid fiery backlash and raging nation leaders... I will need to ask that they accept our method of "entry". -counter arguments are prepared for any of you who may dispute this...-

    3. Players must accept that this is no ordinary "pillage" and it a pre-ordained event sanctioned by the Master Thieves Guild to provide some unique RP to the players RPing in Alras. And as such I would ask that they look at the event with our eyes - that is to say keep the RP enjoyable for EVERYONE, and if something happens to your character please dont whine about it, just continue to RP to the best of your ability.

    4. Have fun! No seriously that's why Villains are on the server, we want this event to be fun for ALL parties involved.



    Id like all of the rewards to be handled in game since we are only assuming that their is minas in the vault.

    Thanks for reading,



    I would like this "Event" moderated by a GM if that is possible.

  4. As for the criminal guilds that seems less likely. While I do not know of the Master Thieves Guilds intentions but I can imagine that thieves do not wish to be likened to assassins. At least being a thief doesn't run the almost absolute certainty of death for their crimes.

    Oh the things we've done...

  5. Like I said each guild has their differences, but their purpose is the same. The lore is simply context for their actions.

    Want an RP reason for merging? Survival. When big nation armies start wiping you guys out, you'll have an RP reason.

    BAHAHAHAHA I cant help but laughing... "Big Nation Armies" My friend you truly do underestimate the power of the Master Thieves Guild.

    -EDIT- If we wanted to we could go around and bring every nation to its knees while systematically wiping out its military, economic, and political infrastructure.

  6. Forum name: CloakandDagger

    What your wiki account name will be: CloakandDagger

    Wiki page name(s) you want access to & reason to have access:

    The Master Thieves Guild - I am Co-leader of the Guild.

    Mortullis(Might be spelled wrong) -A disease created by Cataris which I contracted currently i believe only 3 users have this disease.

    The Wishing Well - A Tavern which is based in Alras i currently co-own it...

    Shadowvale - Same reason as Dash

    Now i'm fairly certain these pages don't exist yet...

    EDIT- if the things describes above would fit better as part of a larger page than just access to the larger page would be better AKA Ailments of Asulon<Mortullis

  7. More than one thought passed his mind as The Lonely Shepard looks at the Dark Brothers fang's and then at Logan.

    Goosebumps ran down his spine as The Lonely Shepard anticipated the Dark Brother's next move...

    "I too, am hungry..."

    Following Upright's lead The Lonely Shepard hoists his bow whilst notching an arrow, preparing once more to let it fly on Upright's command.

  8. *The Upright Man sits atop a nearby building, his mask tight against his face, hiding his smile.*

    "I would suggest you do not attack my friend"

    *The Upright Man slowly takes out his bow, casually notching an arrow as he aims it towards Kael*

    "You cannot fight shadows, My good man, and I control many shadows"

    *As The Upright Man says this a group of cloaked figures -previously unseen- emerge from the darkness.*

    *The Lonely Shepard notches his own arrow, preparing to let if fly on Upright's command as the breeze blows through his Elvin hair.*

  9. To be truthful, I am EXTREMELY tired of the lack of intricate roleplay such as this. I don't see any governments with morals other than democracy. I don't see religions that hold power over governments, and many aspects are ruled by follies from the real world. Who said that molecules exist? Who believes in DNA and evolution? These factors greatly hinder our ability to fully immerse ourselves into this rich world.

    Addressing the issues of punishments; sure, they may seem harsh, but it is necessary to keep an iron fist over your people. Since there were no common morales we have now, their will is the will of the gods, and if God demands it, then it shall be carried out.

    The terrible governmental systems that exist are purely non-existent. They discuss nothing except warfare, forgetting economy, food, health, and safety. Due to the immense surplus of materials and jack-of-all trades, we get merchants who can safely traverse the wilds with a sword in hand and a cart by his side. Where are the merchants? Where are the shopkeeps who are actually dedicated to their jobs?

    EDIT: True, Cataris. We shape the world.

    But who wants a dull world filled with monotonous actors? Who wishes to see a play that reiterates the same concept?

    It also seems that every leader that is currently in place only cares about peace, love, and rainbows...

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