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Everything posted by Herinoth

  1. I might be new to the game so I didn't know if a lot of people do that, but that was very kind
  2. ------------------No need to read just a story of my experience today------------------------- So Guys I got a story for you! So I died by our new base, then with nothing in hand but some melons I ran back to our base only to get stopped by somebody who wanted melons. I told him i had none to spare since i was going to try to run the whole distance to our base during the day. Well then he attacked me, not expecting this since I never experienced this I was quickly down on health because of the unexpected attack. I was sadly defeated. When I spawned again I chased him down to kill him, but someone stopped us. (she could easily kill us both due to her all diamond stuff) Then when she was trying to sort this stuff out the other guy ran. Long story short she believed my story and gave me a whole load of money for supply's. I wish I took a screen cap so i could give you her name so if any of you saw her you could thank her. If i do see her again i will tell you her name. So then I caught up with the person who killed me because I saved another person from his tricks. So then the man I saved and I ran after him. Eventually I killed him with my fist. But urmm ahhh I fell off the building and died...... So at the spawn with the man I killed we laughed it off and became Frenemies! Sorry if that kinda long but I felt I needed a bit of background info for this part to make sense --------------------------------------Now Please Read-------------------------------------------- So with my new found money I went to buy armor and weapons in case I ran into the man who killed me again and to make it safety to our fort. Well I was in the shop "The Jackals Paw" (if you don't know where that is its the first shop on the left on the way to the cloud temple from our first fort) I was having a chat and about to buy some goods when some Orcs came in. They Demanded that I come with them, I said no then the shop keep demanded that they leave. The shop keep told me to join him in the back of the shop as the Orcs went on the offense. Two Orcs with full armor against me with my iron sword no armor and the Shop keep with full armor I felt it might be a losing battle. Then the shop keep activated his trap and killed them and allowed me to get the armor and weapons that were dropped. So please thank him for helping a fellow member in his greatest time of need! (Because I didn't want to die again and it seems like everyone was attacking me) Even stop by his shop he is a friend of ours and said he would like to help. Even after I offered to help him for saving my life. Then after all that he gave me free food. This man is one of the true hero's of Aegis. This Hero's name is Trazier. TL:DR Thank Trazier for saving me in my greatest time of need!
  3. Name:Herinoth MCName: Unkindpanic A bit about yourself: Brought up with his dad he witnessed his father being killed at a young age by the undead. Running away he came upon a camp of bandits. Learning the way of the bandits he soon grew in rank. When leading an attack on a caravan, he witnessed a little girl run in the forest like what he has done years ago. Filled with emotions from the past, he killed the camp while they were sleeping. At age 23 Herinoth hopes to escape his evil past and set up a future for himself helping others and making a honest living. Your skills: Sword fighting, but only in the way of the bandits. Your goals: To gain higher ranks in society. To protect the weak and to protect the good people. What do you bring: I am very loyal, will help in any way possible. Give me a task and the task will be completed. Other notes: This is exactly what I made my character for. I just literary joined this server so I have nothing with me and to be honest a little lost on how to start up. Other than that I am excited if I am able to join. Also i read that you needed skilled builders, I believe that I am pretty decent builder and can show screenshots once my friends server is back online. Battle Record: none for I just joined the server a short time ago.
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