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Posts posted by Lita

  1. Pending


    Your powergaming and metagaming definitions need a little work, and Elves do not reach the age of majority until 50. Other than that, you seem just about set. Update these things in your application, and I'll change my verdict. You have 24 hours to do so, good luck!

  2. Pending


    Unfortunately, your app needs some work before you can be accepted.


    First off, your powergaming definition is incorrect. Please refer to the RPG section of the Wikipedia entry of Powergaming, or previous Implemented applications for help, but don't copy word-for-word.


    You have 24 hours to make these changes. When you're done, or if you have any questions, reply to the PM I've sent you and I'd be more than happy to assist.

  3. Pending


    While a valiant attempt, there's still some stuff you have to expand upon before you can be accepted.


    Your powergaming definition still isn't quite right. Refer to the Role Playing Game definition on the Wikipedia or other, previously Implemented applications as a reference, but make sure you do not copy it word-for-word!


    You still need to alter your weaknesses a little bit. Look for character fatal flaws if you're at a loss, those might help you expand! It couldn't hurt to do the same for your strengths. 


    You have 24 hours from the time of this edit to make these changes. When you're done, or if you have any questions, simply reply to the PM I've sent you and I'll help you out!

  4. Denied but not Really


    Please edit this information into your original application, do not post a new one. Once you're done, make sure you let Connor know so he can revise his verdict! This will not count towards your denied application count for the month, as it's a simple misunderstanding. 

  5. This forum is screwed over for me as well. I can't paste, colored text and fonts are messed up, I can't do spoilers, images, or anything. The only reason they are seen in my posts is because I memorized the codes to put around it. Say if I wanted to do colored text, I'd have to do {color=rgb(255,255,255)} [text] {/color} for white, except with [ ]s. However, on other computers, I see it fine. It's just a few of us like this for some reason.

    For you, I believe it's because the little light switch to the upper leftmost side of your post box is turned off. Click that once.


    As to the copy/paste issues, that sounds like an OS side thing. Is it only on our forums?

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