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Everything posted by cutforth

  1. IC Name: Ulfvarr_Stigandr MCName: Wellweee A bit about yourself: I'm a 52 year old Dwarf. I don't remember how exactly I came to these lands, but I quickly relised that I was a long way from home. Hearing tales of the Undead in the lands, and the disasters that have occured I've decided to do my part to help out, until I work out a way home. Your skills: I'm Competant with a bow and sword, and have experience mining. I can farm enough to live, and am willing to learn. Your goals: I wish to raise enough money to return home, or failing that to become a respected member of the comunity What do you bring: An experienced fighter and quick thinker. Sadly I'm new to this server, so really just experience and a good attitude. Other notes: My Character takes oaths seriously, so if you do accept me he'll be sticking around, through good times and bad.
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