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About Stryker

  • Birthday 08/14/1987

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  • Location
    Connecticut , USA

About Me

-In Game Character-

Stryker was left at the doorstep of a human couple living on the outskirts of the Oren kingdom. Never knowing that he was abandoned by his birth parents, Stryker never put much though into how he looked or aged different from his parents. Growing up with a father and mother on a farmland was heaven for the boy. He learned to farm and build by working on the farmland and repairing the house and barn when needed.

He very much enjoyed growing plants, but even more visiting the forest and tending to the trees making it into a beautiful place. That was his favorite thing till the first day his father brought him bow hunting. He picked up on his use with the bow quickly practicing whenever he could. The years went on the very quickly without much event, when he finally came of age he went on a hunt with his father like he always would, but he never could have expected it would change his life forever.

In the middle of their hunt they were ambushed by a group of undead creatures and realizing quick they could not get out of this situation alive. They were ready to accept their fate, Suddenly right before the end came arrows flew through the trees like lighting. The undead creatures fell to the forest floor, Stryker stunned with awe and confusion saw in the distance a group of elven rangers. Before he could yell anything to them, they disappeared into the forest, this brought up many questions of which he did not care to ask before.

Who was he why were his parents different from him and those strangers? His parents explained to him how he was left on their doorstep as a child. They told him he and those men in the forest were from the race of elves, and that they never knew who had left him or why. Over the next few months questions nagged him until he could not accept it any longer. He had to leave to find out about his birth parents and his race, leaving all he has ever known was the hardest thing he had ever done, but the urge to discover his origin was overwhelming.

Hugging his parents goodbye he departed to go on his first adventure hoping it would lead to the answers he yearned so deeply for. Thus he headed in the direction of the elven kingdom of Malinor hoping that one day he would Find what he needed and possibly return home to his loving family.

-Out of game-

I am a laid back gamer just started playing minecraft because of my little brother, mainly to help him learn everything. Then realized it wasn't just a little kids game and started to play myself unfortunately got bored with most servers nothing could keep my attention long. Most servers were don't grief, have fun not much story or options for the players. Then i found out they had RP servers and i love RP in video games so here I am.

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