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About Nu'Kash

  • Birthday 02/19/1994

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    Movies, Comic books, role playing.

About Me

Here, I have started writing again and thought I would tell it to you through that. The paper reads... "Nu'Kash (Nikoli) was traveling with his family to the Oren Kingdom, they were on their way to their shop to set up its goods. On the journey they were attacked by a group of bandits, forcing Nu'Kash and his sister Cecilia to hide in the potato sack while their parents handled the bandits. Usually this would happen and the parents would pay them off giving them some Minas and one or two of their goods, but this time they wanted more. Nu'Kash looked through a hole in the potato sack and watched his parents die a miserable and painful slow death, what seemed to be the leader, took his mothers necklace (her name was Aurora), which has her favorite gem, an amethyst. The bandits then took some goods leaving Nu'Kash and his sister in the sack, with them not noticing they were in there." *AHEM* Sorry sometimes it's painful to read and remember you own terrible memory. Just like a nightmare. Okay, I think I'm ready to continue...

"Once everything was clear Cecilia and Nu'Kash fled and hid into a cave, which they were welcomed by some very unfriendly wolves. Resulting in the leader of the pack killing Cecilia, his beloved sister. Nu'Kash was filled with rage, and fought back at the wolf. Killing the leader of the pack, strangely the wolves showed respect and cared for him, somewhat becoming his brothers. Nu'Kash became one with the wolves. Nu'Kash had tasted blood after he hunted with the wolves and set off for a mission to revenge his parent's death like he did so with his sister.

After days of tracking them down he found the bandits. He climbed up the tree that was over their little camp, most of them were drunk and dancing by the fire. The leader was no where to be found. Nu'Kash jumped down from the tree and assassinated them one by one, hiding into the shadows after each kill. Finally the leader emerged from his tent, wearing Nu'Kash's mothers necklace. They fought and fought, even though the leader had the upper hand of a weapon. Nu'Kash had the shadows and that was all he needed. Finally he killed the leader. Nu'Kash took his mothers necklace. He then dropped down onto his knees and cried, he felt unsatisfied. He felt he hadn't done his family good. He then got up and burned the body. Nu'Kash then took the remains and brought it to his pack of wolves, feeding it to them. Once he left he promised himself that he would kill all the Bandits, thieves and mercenaries in the land of Aegis or forever may he be damned." Haha, yeah... That's my story..

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