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Posts posted by Krag'Thak

  1. Oh,patron saint of LoTC,shiftnative I humbly present my application ;)

    MC Name: KragThak

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Orc lands

    Concepts: I have ideas for Orc housing, structures, temples and so fourth.

    Other works: I am an excellent builder, but I've never worked with the Server before.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) yes, with a microphone

    Mogroka and Blawharag have seen some of my Work before and can Vouch for my building. I passed my year mark with this server a month or two back I believe, and I'd love to give back. For your consideration, Kragthak'Gorkil

  2. i love this. this should happen like Tomorrow.

    the only thing in your entire post that gave me pause was that a party can only attack once per week.

    its possible the Orcs would want to do more than that, not saying it would happen,but its possible.

    but honestly Danny,great suggestion,the old system has to go. this is awesome.

  3. r169_457x256_3480_Orcs_banners_2d_fantasy_army_attack_orcs_banners_picture_image_digital_art.jpg

    A few moments later, Horns, Drums and chanting are heard Many from the gates arise banners of the Gorkil Clan as the Gorkils Stream in through the Gates of the city, some mounted on Jabbernaks, others on War Boars. KragThak, leading a small band, rides his War-Boar hard, shouting and whooping, riling up Orcs all around him holding his Axe aloft. The Gorkils bearing shields Bash them against their weapons, those bearing two handed axes and spears slam the butts into the ground, the sounds imitating the tattoo of a war drum. Guttural growls and roars fill the air.


    KragThak stops a few feet behind Mogroka, along with several Elders of the Gorkil clan. Armor of all kinds decorates the Orcs, glinting steel and the smell of Leather and sweat fills the area. As they stop, Dust slowly begins to settle, and an eerie quiet rises. only the sounds of shifting armor and Grunting is heard.

  4. post-29848-0-75526900-1348775575_thumb.p

    i present,the fully fleshed out ship.

    i will now begin adding rooms.

    that was a *****,this part will be easier. and more fun.

    the front of the ship is made of a denser wood for ramming,and the support beams on the interior are arranged to help support the ramming end even further. this boat has the strength,design,and mass to ram through diamonds.

  5. on the subject of this boat im building: its the roughly the size of a city,so id like everyone opinions on what to include inside it. obviously im going to put in an arena,a mess hall,clan meeting halls(for each clan,and one for the rex to have war meetings),scaddernak/jabbernak pit,houses,shaman practice area, and an armory/storage facility. is there anything else a fellow orc thinks im missing? what does every orc city need?

  6. I will talk to the appropriate people in RP but i had an idea.

    As NelThok and I explored the ruins we are currently digging up, we noted on the eeriness of the place. I think it would be a great place for an event we do as like an initiation thing. When a new orc shows up in the War Uzg, he is normally lost and confused. We open our arms and take this new member of a small community and make him a runt of the Krughai. I think as an initiation sort of deal, they have to spend a roleplay night in the place, fending off things and learning orcish lore as we go. The runt would have to fight spirits(players rping as the spirit) and mobs(controlled by GM's). He would be given a set of leather armor and 2 stone weapons of his choice. If he did not survive the night, he would have to try again before getting admittance into the Krughai. If he succeeds, he would receive a round of praise from his fellow orcs waiting outside in the morning and some chain mail armor. This might seem a little elaborate but I think it could get some roleplay going with our army and such.

    This seems like an excellent idea!

  7. I will talk to the appropriate people in RP but i had an idea.

    As NelThok and I explored the ruins we are currently digging up, we noted on the eeriness of the place. I think it would be a great place for an event we do as like an initiation thing. When a new orc shows up in the War Uzg, he is normally lost and confused. We open our arms and take this new member of a small community and make him a runt of the Krughai. I think as an initiation sort of deal, they have to spend a roleplay night in the place, fending off things and learning orcish lore as we go. The runt would have to fight spirits(players rping as the spirit) and mobs(controlled by GM's). He would be given a set of leather armor and 2 stone weapons of his choice. If he did not survive the night, he would have to try again before getting admittance into the Krughai. If he succeeds, he would receive a round of praise from his fellow orcs waiting outside in the morning and some chain mail armor. This might seem a little elaborate but I think it could get some roleplay going with our army and such.

    This seems like an excellent idea

  8. ((I'd like to get up to date on what's changed/stayed the same, I was a little decimated to see my blarg gone D: and with it all my stuff..oh well.

    In any case the ship I'm designing can't be anything less than a flagship,it's barking massive XD, I'm gonna completely deck it out to be a floating city))

    ((Edit: ill talk to whomever about the build server,I'd be interested in helping with that, I'm good for more than just ships :P))

  9. OOC: sorry for the hiatus everyone, being a recently joined military member I needed a hiatus to move to my first station, get settled in, and get through lots and lots of shenanigans. i realize a lot of you may not know me,as we get new players all the time. hopefully the older players will know me. i am KragThak'Gorkil, son of Blawharag'Gorkil, son of Mogroka'gorkil. i will be coming up with an RP reason for my extended absence shortly,but in the mean time, i bring and offering to the War Uzg to appease my dissapearance. some of you may know of the "wave breaker" flagship, whose design was originally mine. with the new way wood works in minecraft, i thought id give it a little tune up. and by little tune up mean realize it was unsalvageable and make a new boat, and by make a new boat i mean make a boat 2.5 times larger and greatly improved. obviously rome wasnt built in a day so this is a wip,but it will be completed very shortly,then the design will be donated to the war uzg (though gathering that much wood might take..forever >>) without futher ado,a screenshot of the WIP product:


    edit: 9 levels >< what was i thinking?

  10. ive been gone a long while,due to joining the military,getting settled in,and a bunch of other shenanigans on my end,but as soon as these stupid DDOS attacks allow, KragThak'Gorkil will be making a comeback. not sure if my opinion matters anymore,but here we go:

    Desert: i liked back in the day when it was a desert,in the middle of a large and wide canyon, i felt like i was in a bowl of sand, i liked it. it also allows for sandstone roads,which look less like paved roads and more like trodden out paths. fitting. sandstone structures,with steel fences,and very minimal wood(like maybe a support frame and thats it) look good and orc-like to me. with the new decorative sandstone we can do some cool shaman shrines with what looks like inscriptions on the walls. id like to see an almost egytpian/roman style for us in the sands. id like to see the city design efficient and simple in layout, like a war nation would. skaadernak pits, arenas for fighting and training, obstacle courses for raising kubs,etc. of course a palace for the rex,and a house for each clan (hopefully leaving room for more clans to be added should they arise)

    i know this sounds like a lot,but its mostly simple stuff,and im more than willing to add a building hand.

  11. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: KragThak

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: American Eastern Standard Time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: quite fluent

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i am a Guitarist of many many years,and quite smart.i enjoy reading,esspecially fantasy

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: quite often,as i am a high school graduate, currently unemployed and living with my parents.

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: since the release of the beta.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: Actually im Already accepted on the server, i just wanted to roll an Orc too,so i bought a second minecraft account.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: i already know the server. its fantastic,you guys should just keep up the good work.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: n/a,none

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: of course,i even read them AGAIN :P

    -Name the 4 races on this server: elf orc dwarf human

    -How did you hear about us?: from myself?

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Krag'Thak


    -Character Name: KragThak

    -What is your Race?: Orc

    -Biography: i lived most of my life in a small Orc colony in Oren,with my mother

    Krugana (who was named for Krug himself,due to her near Excessive amounts of strength even at a young age).When Krugana was younger,before i was born, her colony hosted a tournament for travelling band of warriors from the Krughai. Krugana,wishing to show off her strength,participated. she fought in only one battle. against an Orc named Blawharag. she did lose,but the Orc was indeed impressed with her strength,so they mated,and parted ways as Orcs do.

    i was born,and raised by my mother,as the colony was too small for clan mothers.she herself was raised in Krugmar,and so raised me as she was raised.

    with the Orcs recent attacks on Oren, Racism against Orcs is on the rise. my colony was attacked by a raiding party of humans in the dead of night. we fought valiantly,most of all my mother.but the humans did not fight with honor.we eventually fended them off,but my mother was fatally wounded.as she lay dying,she spoke to me of the identity of my Father. learning of Blawharag,and of the Great Gorkil clan;i felt the desire,no the Need,to make my father proud,and fight alongside him for the Gorkil Clan.

    and so off to Krugmar,i will travel.

    -Character Age: he is between the ages of 19-23 but he doesnt know for sure

    -Character Appearance: Kragthak has a greenish hued skin,with some tints of brown,he has two tusks,protruding from his lower jaw,like his mother.and is roughly 6'5" and muscular.

    -Character Personality: Kragthak is an Orc raised similar to a Krugmar orc,just not in Krugmar,so he values the traits of honor,brotherhood,and strength. morally,he is neautral and cares most for his Father,and the clan his father belongs to,which he hopes to be a part of

    -Your ambitions: Kragthak wants to be a member of the Gorkil clan,and to find his father.

    -Can your character read or write?: some,but not very well.

    -Can your character mine?: no,he never learned.

    -Are you a capable builder?: yes,due to his strength,he can lift materials high without assistance,and is capable of building large structures,even if he only has a very basic and rudimentary understanding of architecture

    -Can you wield a sword?: extremely well.he has surpassed his mother in this skill.

    -Enjoy Farming?: no.boring.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: KragThak has two tusks protruding from his jaw,which he inherited from his mother.he may use them during combat occasionally

    -A screenshot of your skin: KragThak2.png

    -Other Information:

    my other account is Durzio,a Dark elf and noble in the Wardens of Malinor.i promise i wont let either char slip.they will both be played often,and neither will be a "bank" account. i know GM's hate that crap.

    Blawharag has already approved this RP,we dicussed it OOC.so if you approve this app,the RP is already well in place,please say yes soon :D

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