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Posts posted by TwilightWolf

  1. A humble invitation is hung on noticeboards around settlements in the Enchanted Forest and Druidic Circles.





    Come join the Underlight Grotto as the final of the Fae Moons pass, and we welcome the arrival of the next lunar year! Named for the first full moon during spring's first emergence from winter, or the Season of Birth, the annual festival indulges in a time of music, dancing, and craftsmanship with the lauded Kuila Crystals of the realm. As the second annual gathering, the theme has been decided; the dress attire will be inspired by the very crystal the corresponding faerie tale the festival honors!




    In folklore from the chroniclers of the fae, the Aspect Cerridwen awakens from her winter sleep at the height of the first full moon of the lunar calendar. From her chrysalis hidden deep in the Fae Realm, she emerges and heralds the arrival of warm spring air and green revival. Likewise, Cerridwen's Devoted of the Mother Circle celebrate this tale with the yearly festivities: A flower dance in which the seeds of wildflowers are sown while enjoying jubilant music, an open air market featuring artisans from around the realm, a dress competition, tiva crafting, and performances featuring the Druid Bard and his trusty living banjo!


    Come spend an evening with the Grotto at the beachside meadow!


    Vendors send a letter via the aviary to Aerendyl Hawksong to have space reserved for a booth.


    [[ OOC: Sunday, February 25th at 6:30 pm EST. IGN CornerianArwing for inquiries.]]

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [W&S]


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach Book


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transcendence is a feat under the umbrella of druidic magic that focuses on the ability for a character to project their spirit and enter the Eternal Forest. This is achieved through the Ritual of Transcendence, and once the feat is achieved the character will experience marked physical and mental changes respective to achieved tier. These changes begin as relatively mild shifts that progressively become more pronounced and severe as the druid's mind and soul becomes more attuned to the Fae Realm.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Yes, they can be broken into three categories: Ritual of Transcendence, Mental and Physical changes, and Abilities.


    The Ritual of Transcendence is both the beginning and the means in which the magic functions. Through connection to the fae realm itself is the druid able to access the other two categories once the initial ritual is complete, achieved after the three lessons needed to transcend to the Eternal Forest. Once the Ritual has been completed the transcendent druid will begin advancing through three tiers over a course of 4 weeks, experiencing progressive mental and physical changes and attaining different abilities.


    The mental and physical changes subsection pertains to the effects of the growing connection between druid and fae realm. In the beginning stages of change they are exclusively mental, physical changes only manifesting at tier two. By tier three the effects may be dramatic, with some of the more severe examples being the onset of schizophrenic behavior or outbursts of extreme violence. The physical changes are also most pronounced at tier three, with the character experiencing aesthetic changes such as different colored skin, horns, bioluminescent features etc.


    The final subsection of the magic details the abilities of a transcendent druid which are mostly non-combat, Fairy Fire and Father's Warden the exemptions. At the first tier the druid will learn how the fae ring can be used to facilitate unusual infusions such as the warding Wildspirit Chimes. By Tier 2 the druid will be proficient enough to lead the Ritual of the Fae Ring, a unique ability to create a waypoint between the Fae Realm and the Mortal Realm, as well as summon fae companions with the Father's Warden ability. After four complete weeks of study the druid is able to call upon departed druids or fae into the ring via the Call of the Eternal Guardians, or venture into the Eternal Forest itself in an ST approved event.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Fairy Fire


    Aerendyl approaches the fae ring with a wide bowl of recently processed kuila in the center of the mushroom ring. Sifting his hands through the fine dust to ensure quality, his passive communion focuses and brightens the dim glow of his eyes. [1/4]

    The space around the focused druid becomes gilded with delicate golden light. An aura of fireflies radiates off Aerendyl's body and slowly takes flight around the faerie ring, spiraling slowly inward towards the bowl of kuila dust. [2/4]

    Aerendyl reaches to cradle the bowl between his hands, guiding his aura to infuse into the living crystal dust, the inferno shade of the dust beginning to shimmer like crimson glitter. [3/4]

    With an exhausted sigh, Aerendyl expends the last of his druidic energy to permanently seal the infusion into the dust. In a benign burst of light, the ritual completes to leave the inferno kuila dust with an everlasting shimmer. The aura around the fae ring dims into nothing, leaving the druid totally exhausted. [4/4]




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?       

    Lesson for Infusion of Wildspirit Chimes


    "Sulian, these rib bones will do nicely for your first Wildspirit Chimes." Aerendyl notes after inspecting the materials provided by his student. "I know this was likely a task you've completed before as a dedicant, but always ensure nothing is wasted." he reminds. "Let us cross the ring and suspend the rib bones from something we can hang. As you might expect, the chimes won't work unless they can sway back and forth and collide against eachother."

    The student nods, entering the fae ring with the cleaned animal bones.

    "Here is twine and a simple wooden disc to suspend them from. You can decorate them as uniquely as you like after you understand the basics." instructs the druid. The student quietly gets to work hanging the bones so that they dangle against another.

    "They're said to keep mischevious fae away; a story much, much older than I." says Aerendyl as the student listens, crafting a simple set of bone chimes. "Something you'll undoubtedly encounter as you grow into the gifts from Transcendence." he adds. "With these, hopefully you'll hear them before you see them."

    The student presents the completed bone chimes to Aerendyl. He spends a moment ensuring that the bones were able to produce their marimba-like sound, then lays it in the center of the fae ring.

    "Now, this is where we will call upon our gifts." the druid teaches. "The core gift we will call upon now is Infusion. Generally when we infuse, it's a specific gift we're sealing into the object... But not so with this. You'll always need the light of the moon and the fae ring." Aerendyl gestures to the setting, emphasizing the necessity of both. "We aim to seal the essence of the animal within the very bones it left behind. It will ward off the fae... look for the swaying of the bones when you hang it up later." the druid takes a step back from the chimes and takes a step back from the chimes, extending his staff in the air and focusing his communion. "I will powershare with you to ease the strain. As always you will focus your communion first, then allow your reservoir of energy to build. Expel it entirely into the bones, and with any luck we will have successfully crafted your first Wildspirit Chimes."

    The student also takes a step back across from Aerendyl, allowing their communion to focus. The passive glow in the student's eyes brighten and a cloud of aura surrounds them. Aerendyl too hones his passive communion, perceiving the flow of life around him. His attention was on his student, preparing to share the energies building in a feat of powersharing.

    Around the student, a fantastic display of aura in ribbon streams curl off the student's shoulders and hands. The student becomes quiet, absorbed in the tremendous focus needed to build up the infusion. Aerendyl extends his arm toward his student, a double helix of golden aura slowly twisting to the student. He nods to his student quietly as if to encourage his efforts.

    The student's aura swallows the chimes in an ethereal cloud. As the student reached the height of focus, he guided the energy to infuse into the bone chimes. A sudden rush of palpable powersharing from Aerendyl finally manifests, a brief display of sparking energies erupting in the air around them. As the extra burst of energy becomes available to the student, the overflowing energy seeps abundantly into the chimes.

    A halo of glimmering mist encircles the chimes for a brief moment under the dappled moonlight. The student gives a final push of the combined efforts, sealing the infusion into the windchimes. They appear gilded in a etheral light for a moment, a silhouette of wild ivy along the length of the rib bones before it dimmed down to inactivity until it was hung. The two druids stumble and gather themselves at the exertion.

    "That was good... This will put us out of commission for a while, as I'm sure you recall." Aerendyl reminds breathlessly, taking a knee and slowly dabbing his forehead free of sweat.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Powergaming during teaching is easy to correct. I will provide clarification to lore and why it is power gaming to ensure understanding. If it occurs after teaching I will reach out to the player and walk them through the corrections needed or seek staff in the event of non-compliance. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. Name of the Artifact:

             Spirit of the Wildwood


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    Initial Awakening











    Infusion of Grasping













    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A polearm staff grown and shaped from living, flowering dogwood, with wicked bumps and jags that form the haft until it branches wildly into a beautiful crown of white, dainty woodland flowers. Phoenix feathers and emerald beads hang loosely from the branches, and above the blossom bouquet a druidically sculpted head of a wolf stares forward with watchful, studious eyes of gleaming moonstone. The wood of the sculpture provides a sturdy base for the support of the elvish blade, turning this druidic artifact into a beautiful and effective lance should the need arise. Within the awakened wood is a voice discernable by any attuned druid in its presence.







    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Veil of the Packlord

    When the well of druidic energy sealed within the staff is accessed, misty twilit aura clings to the wielder’s form like a thick cloak of ethereal fur. Depicting the spectral appearance of a wolven faerie guardian, the Veil of the Packlord appears most frequently and most clearly when great feats of druidic mastery are performed.



    • This ability is aesthetic only. It can appear during combat as a visual flavor due to spell casting but provides no mechanical or combat advantage
    • The Veil of the Packlord is ethereal and bears the same qualities of air


    The Guardian Awakened
    In a fae ring deep in the wilds, the staff was awakened by the TimberWolf druid himself and the late Snow Druid. Since that day, ethereal fireflies danced among its dogwood boughs and druids could discern a voice within the dogwood. It has since captured the quiet, sagely demeanor of its creator while also inheriting the tendency to be territorial with a righteous sense of duty. In sentience, the Spirit of the Wildwood is often a fast friend to those it perceives to be authentic and respectful to the natural world, while bearing a harsh tongue of contempt for the deceitful, the disrespectful or the fool. The staff may choose to project its voice into the imagery of its creator’s Luonto or commune directly from the artifact itself.

    • The staff has developed sentience and manifested a voice over time spent with its creator, the Timberwolf Druid
    • The staff cannot teach characters spells or feats
    • The staff cannot make knowledge privy to another character in a manner that would constitute metagaming
    • The staff is unable to be heard by any but an attuned druid
    • When projecting its voice onto the Luonto, the staff will discernibly become silent. The voice of the staff cannot be split, and must either be sourced from the visible Luonto or from the artifact itself
    • If combat arises and the staff is speaking through manifested Luonto, it will retreat back into the staff immediately

    Spirit’s Emergence
    The soul of the wolf is one of fierce, unyielding protection. When a situation is dire and nature is assaulted by foul magic, the sentient staff may be called upon to unleash the boon of Grasping sealed within. Like a swelling tidal wave, the druidic energy is released en masse as the imposing emergence of the TimberWolf Druid’s Luonto as an unwavering barrier against anything that seeks to harm that which it is bound to protect.


    • Follows all the redlines of Grasping
    • The active radius may not exceed eight blocks, and may not exceed a duration of more than six emotes.
    • Requires 4 emotes to activate: [1] Connect [1] Concentration [1] Invoke Mists [1] Manipulate Mists
    • When casted successfully, a 3 day cooldown starts where no other staff ability may be used by the wielder, and the voice within is silent. The wielder who calls upon Spirit's Emergence will find that the gift of grasping may not be called upon for three days (essentially, no double dipping while the staff is in cooldown)
    • This spell can only be casted once per encounter.
    • If interrupted, no matter how many emotes have occurred, the staff is done. The druid cannot recast, and the above cooldown is still applied.
    • Holy magics are unaffected, being things that do not harm nature.
    • Mystic Hindering will be temporarily negated if casted within its area. The same for the pollution formed from Smoggers. This will let druids within the radius cast without their penalties. However the penalty increase to emote counts WHILE setting up the spell will still apply
    • Deadbreath, Voidal Spells, Malflame and other magics that are considered harmful to nature are blocked. The exception to this is Azdrazi fire, which will contact and cancel out the barrier like water on fire (ironically), ending the spell prematurely. Trying to get rid of the barrier by hand can be done within a span of four emotes, requiring sharp weapons. 
    • Constructs and CAs formed by dark means will find themselves struggling if they enter the radius. The exception is Voidal Atronachs, who are so voidally dense they will take two emotes before their bodies are suitably repressed.
    • Mechanical Movement rules would be cut in half only for the aforementioned constructs and CA's formed by dark means. Voidal atronachs will resist this debuff for two emotes before succumbing to halved movement. 
    • This effect immediately goes away exiting the radius.
    • Anything tainted within the region is purged and cleansed of blight as long as it is natural and falls within blight healing redlines. If casted within dead land, the radius will be brought to life.
    • Will not resurrect animals, will not heal druids. 
    • Any thanium or thanic steel upon the persons within said radius will explode due to the sheer scale of natural mana being utilized.
    • Requires a MArt to be used in infusions.

    Howl of the Forest
    At rest, the Spirit of the Wildwood is a beacon of constant tranquility and security. At times when blight is encountered, or a threat to nature, to the wielder, or to fellow druids is clear, the staff’s singing voice often turns into one of an inspiring rallying cry. Where nature can be stirred to alertness, it can also be soothed to silence or quiet lullaby through the melancholic howl from the voice within.


    • Follows the Redlines of Singing
    • An aesthetic effect that can arise any time, but can never provide aid in combat.
    • Range: 15 metre/block radius


    Spirit Link
    The reservoir of druidic power sealed within the staff can be shared with fellow druids through rich streams of aura, linking additional energy and splitting exhaustion with no more than three druids at a time as a stationary conduit planted into the earth.


    • Follows the same casting emote count and effects of Powersharing
    • The artifact is capable of offering a total of six exhaustion-free spell emotes between one to three druids. This number is always evenly divided by the total number of druids receiving the spirit link, and can never exceed the support of more than three druids. Once the spirit link is established, the emotes afforded to the receiving character(s) cannot be reclaimed under any circumstance and cannot be split again. If even one of the druids receiving the spirit link is attacked or otherwise disrupted, the entire link for all parties involved is disrupted and cooldown is initiated.
      A single druid receives the spirit link. After three emotes, a steady stream of druidic energy grants the receiving character six emotes before the Spirit Link is exhausted.
      Two druids receive the spirit link. After three emotes, a steady stream of druidic energy grants the receiving characters three emotes before the spirit link is exhausted.
      Three druids receive the spirit link. After three emotes, a steady stream of druidic energy grants the receiving characters two emotes before the spirit link is exhausted.
    • The staff must be planted upright in soil and must have line of sight between the 1-3 druids it is affording mana to.
    • Spirit Link cannot powershare with a target that exceeds 8 blocks in distance. Moving outside of the 8 block distance constitutes a break in the link and the spell will fail, sending the aritfact into cooldown
    • The Spirit Link will be disrupted if the staff is broken or uprooted from the earth, immediately ending the spell and initiating cooldown.
    • The use of spirit link will send the staff into a period of dormancy lasting 24 hours, during which no ability may be accessed.
    • Other druids cannot powershare with the staff to extend the life of the spell.



    Wild Recall
    Grown into the likeness of the legendary polearms of House Hawksong’s Rochirran, the staff can be used as both a ranged and melee weapon. When thrown, the Spirit of the Wildwood’s wooden branches will reach out towards the earth to pull itself back to its current wielder.

    • The Spirit of the Wildwood cannot be thrown and/or recalled past a distance of 15 blocks.
    • After a series of three emotes to raise, aim, and throw the Spirit of the Wildwood a second series of two emotes may be expended for the staff to return to its wielder. In the event that, upon impact, the blade is implanted into rocks/sticky ground/ armor etc, an additional emote is required for the staff to dislodge itself and begin a journey to the wielder.
    • In the event of the wielder's death in combat, the Spirit of the Wildwood will recall to the nearest druid within the allotted 15 blocks.
    • The Spirit of the Wildwood cannot recall out of a secure location such as a chest or safe even within the 15 block distance.
    • The Spirit of the Wildwood, in the event of attempted forceful removal from the wielder, will animate violently at the branches and shaft in an attempt to prevent separation from the wielder. Physical theft requires two emotes to complete.




    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    • The Spirit of the Wildwood requires constant replenishement of energy either through the presence of druids or a fae ring.
    • If a consecutive seven OOC days pass without maintenance the staff will fall into dormancy and return to a normal wooden staff 
    • Over a period of 1 OOC month a new wielder may bond with the Spirit of the Wildwood after falling into dormancy and assume the maintenance of the staff much like the druid who originally awakened it
    • The staff is still made of wood, and while dogwood is a sturdier species it can still break and/or burn.
    • Voidal fire, dragon fire, and malflame can burn the staff within 2-3 emotes.
    • Mundane flames can burn the staff within 3-4 emotes
    • If burned or destroyed to the state of ash or dust, the artifact is damaged beyond repair.
    • Azhl and Thanhium blades that cut into the artifact will force it to become temporarily dormant, requiring a feat of blight healing's Cleansing to restore the Spirit of the Wildwood
    • In the event of the staff being broken, it can be repaired through the gift of growth by a druid and requiring all emotes relevant to tier. A hard cooldown of 3 days will start after the staff has been repaired.
    • In the event of destruction or breakage, the voice within the staff will emit an audible cry of agony that any attuned druid can discern through the song of nature within mechanical shout distance.
    • In the event of destruction of breakage, the druid wielding the artifact will experience a despair similar to the death of a druid.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Decades ago, the Timberwolf Druid and the late Snow Druid awakened the dogwood staff. Over time, the staff was constantly fed druidic energy and infused with powerful gifts of druidic mastery. As the druid and staff traveled the realm serving the balance and embarking on grand adventures, the staff developed a voice of its own among the countless voices in nature. 



    Follows the redlines of awakening

    • Awakened staves can only become Sentient Staves after being with a Druid for 50 irl weeks.
    • Try to develop your Awakened object as if a character. It will not immediately have a personality or be able to move, instead have it slowly progress to that point as a roleplay device.
    • Awakened objects are considered enchanted under ST policy. They require ST-signing as a result.
    • Awakened objects which go on to develop the capacity to move independently, or which undergo Infusion to create other effects, should be submitted as a MArt.

    • Non-Druids cannot use Awakened objects. Should an attempt be made, it would just be a regular object to them. Example: An Awakened stave would just be a regular stave with no added abilities in the hands of a non-Druid.




    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Herblore for the new rewrite has been streamlined into a feat but largely accomplishes the same goal. The magic focuses on granting druids the ability to alter the properties of plants to accomplish greater use from medicinal herbs, extend the duration and potency of psychedelics, and much more. Traditionally used in the healing arts and cultural events, Herblore affords Druidism another sense of depth to what it means to live with and within nature.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    No, there are no subsections.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Sealing Moss


    [1/3] Aerendyl rushes into the edge of the forest after a skirmish on the roads to provide first aid for his friend. Delving into the nearby brush, the druid collects clumps of liverwort and descends back to the side of the wounded. He kneels to the small but heavily bleeding slice onto his friend's arm, and firmly holds the clump against the wound as his eyes alight with connection.

    [2/3] The druid's attention focuses onto the liverwort dressing as glimmering golden mist infuses into the plant from his hand. The liverwort appears to shift and grow over the wound.

    [3/3] After a few moments the liverwort seal thickens like a rind, effectively stopping the bleeding and giving the slice a suitable dressing to begin the healing process.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Alter Flora


    [1/3] "While we shouldn't do this in excess, it is possible to ask plants and herbs in nature to grow in a certain way for a desired effect... Especially useful in medicine, as you might expect. Here is something that's a little more visible, for now." the druid explains as he held the lesson, placing down a small pot with three white roses blooming. "First, connect to nature and focus on what you're trying to accomplish. Let us try with color, first." Aerendyl instructs, waving the dogwood crown of his staff over the pot. A waterfall of golden shimmer flows over the leaves and petals of the rose.

    [2/3] As the student observed, the golden aura seemed to seep into the rose blooms, leaves, and stems. "Never lose focus, or you might end up with something unintended." Aerendyl instructs, keeping his focus as the first changes are seen. The thorns and stems of the roses darken in color into deep emerald, the changes creeping up to the bloom.

    [3/3] Before the student's eyes, the white blooms darken in color until the petals were as dark as night. The druid places his staff back at his side as he stopped casting, turning to the student. "This is one of three ways we may alter the form of plants... You can ask herbs to grow more potently, or even guide them into producing more lasting effects. For now, let's try and change these blooms back, ti?"



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    During teaching is easy, I would correct it then and explain why it is powergaming. If this occurs teaching I would reach out to the player and communicate with them about what went wrong where, why, and what not to do. If unsuccessful, contact ST


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. Between the moments of inconsolability, a pup of the Lynx druid held his head high to the sky. He was distraught to see her go, but so proud of his haelun and teacher. One day, he hoped, he'd be able to join her in the Eternal Forest with a story to make her proud and keep her legacy alive.

  7. Spoiler



    Far in the South, in the last vestiges of the realm untouched by ruination of the ages, a cub of the Snow Druid sat in silence on his porch. His eyes were weary and reddened with the sharp sting of sorrow. In secret he wept, away from his students, his friends, and even his wife, only emerging when the elflord could swallow back the heartbreak that dug its sharp nails into his spirit. From the moment of revelation that his other haelun, Tailesin, was to trade her life for the balance, he knew in his heart that Liri would follow, somehow and someway... It was something that he hoped he would be brave enough to do one day if it were him or Nemea.


    Seeing the worldly body of his mother age faster than his own gnawed at his heart more than he'd liked to admit, but he never dared to share this with her in life. He recalled the cool nights in the Moonlit Forest they'd share together, the way that she'd brew his tea extra sweet as he loved, and listened to his music with joy and a motherly smile. She was one of the few that that faith in him when he did not have any for himself, and from her guidance he emerged a Sage. How he missed how nature seemed to sing a lullaby in her presence, and the mortal realm felt a little less dim without the Snow Druid.


    Knowing that she'd gently scold him for overly lingering upon the sorrows of the present, he shakily picks a tune on his living instrument. He sang in prayer and in thanksgiving to the Aspects for the realm of eternal rest and never ending joy, even if his typical golden voice cracked in barely contained weeping.


    "Aspects... I hate to see her go."





  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Transcendence is a newer feat of druidic magic that is undergoing a rewrite currently, but could be best described at the time of this writing as spirit walking for druids. Intended primarily for flavor roleplay, the feat functions as an ST event that transports the druid both mechanically and in roleplay to the Eternal Forest, or Fae Realm. Specific conditions must be met, such as the full moon and the fae ring, and the feat does pose risk to any traveler to the fae realm. However, the feat provides druids with unique interactions such as crossing paths with departed druid, mani, or faeries.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    No, Transcendence is a feat with no subsections currently.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The following emote would occur after two prior emotes of meditation/spirit projection.


    [!] Above the druids, rays of silvery moonlight pour into the glade and illuminate the fae ring with a gentle, ethereal glow. Their bodies, still as statues seated far below their drifting spirits seem to become distant as a bridge of radiant moonbeams beckon their projected spirits up and away from this realm and into the forest of enchantment. The spectral forms of the druidic spirits carefully step onto the bridge and are carried deep into the alluring boughs of the emerald forest, leaving the meditating bodies behind.

    ST guidance required after this point


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Aerendyl's staff leans up to part the hanging vines with his staff, revealing the ring of mushrooms nestled within the clearing in the woods. "Most druids know of the potent energies flowing from these natural fonts... but it is not merely a natural occurance." the elflord explains. "On nights when the moon is full and at its highest in the night sky, our realm and those enchanted woods connect briefly. That is not this night, however... Come, enter the ring and meditate. Allow the mind's eye to open as you might with greensight, and strive to understand how the energies of life flow. Go on now, close your eyes."

    The druid enters the fae ring with a nod, and takes a meditative seat as instructed. After a short while to calm the mind and silence all distractions to the student's focus, peculiar silhouettes of green wisps illuminate all living things around the druid. Even in blindness, the druid detects the flow of life around them. In surprise, the student's eyes open and the suggestion of green outlines fade immediately.

    Aerendyl chuckles a warm laugh. "When your focus fades, it will elude you... Again, and for longer this time." the elf instructs, continuing to guide his student through the first steps of understanding Transcendence.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Powergaming is typically detected by ST before teachers due to the nature of the magic needing an ST to oversee the journey, but I prefer to prevent powergaming by highlighting the severity of possible consequences while using this magic as there is a PK clause. For first instance, the student would be contacted. If it persists, ST will be notified.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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