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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. (MC name):MysteryLuvsYou

    (RP) Name:Elleyun Calith

    Sub Race:Mali'aheral



    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you:Possibly one 

    ((Please state your time zone)):Est

    ((Please state your average playing time)):4-5 Hours a day

    ((Do you have any official offenses against the server? IE: Bans, strikes, revocation of a VA or MA, if available, please provide a link/brief description of the offense.)):N/a

    ((Can we trust you to take your job seriously and contribute?)):Yes

    ((Do you use skype?)):Yes

    ((How long have you been on the server?)):Three years

    ((Why, as a player, do you wish to join the high council?)):I wish to join the High Council to help contribute to the role-playing community.

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what:

    What is your opinion on the unification of the Mali?: The unification of the Mail would be fantastic so long as everyone gets along. 

    Do you hold any allegiances to other nations and or organizations/guilds? If so state them, and their nature:No.

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses:No.

    Express why you are suitable to be a Prince/Princess of Malinor: I consider myself suitable because of all I have been taught. I don't look at any race or nation would disrespect until they have done something to deserve it. I am not quick to judge and carefully think over my decisions.

    State your history of leadership or political role and how that experience benefits your leadership/political skills: Currently I am making sure that the Mali'aheral camp is staying safe and leading those in need of help to where they need to be.

    Explain how the high council works in detail: The High Council is Ruled by a Council of Princes and Princesses. All things that go through the High Council must be voted upon. High Princesses and Princes votes count for two, whilst everyone else's counts for one. Princes and Princesses have no allotted amount of time they must run for. On the other hand, High Princes and Princesses only run until they are either voted out or step down.

    State any comments that you think may add to your application here:

  2. *Elleyun reads the message, frowning as she continues throughout it, She writes a short response back.*


    "Why would you want to do this? I haven't done anything to you, neither have many of the other Mail'aheral.. You are just very ignorant note maker. You are sickening! We are safe inside our walls and I would like to see you try to hurt us!"

  3. Denied,


    You application seems like it was rushed. You seem like you wish to get on the server, but you need to put as much effort into your application as possible.


    Please make sure your bio makes sense.. Dwarves do not just dig holes for fun..


    You have some pretty bad confusion with rp and mc. You cannot just build a bridge with blocks in roleplay, you would need to gather the materials. Please don't confuse roleplay with minecraft mechanics.


    Lastly please fix your definitions they are very vague.


    Please wait 24 hours to re-apply.

  4. *Rancel reads the note and smiles faintly, seeing a chance to impress Delphine again* 


    MC Name:MysteryLuvsYou

    Rp Name:Rancel

    Skype name:Already added you :D

    What do you want to play as? (Bosun, First Mate, etc...):Someone with power who would also have the chance to fight.

    Do you have experience in sailing RP?:No. :(

    Will you obey the OOC rules?:Si Senor!

    Do you accept to not be an a-hole?: As Long as you don't act like one ;)

  5. Denied, 


    The whole application was really solid, the next application should be accepted like that.


    The only thing you have to do is fix your darn Q&A's. They are just a little to short, try to rp the situation. You can play as both your character and the /merchant/older elves/whatever/. 


    Good Luck,


    Please wait 24 hours to re-apply.

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