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Posts posted by Adkai

  1. Um I have a Question. Recently I was watching my friend play Lord of the craft, as I have also been becoming more active on the server yet again. And it's been a LOOOONG time. I'm slightly scared on what to do with my Kharajyr. And I also noticed when my buddy was playing as his Elf.. That there were a few Kharajyr at the main spawn. Does this mean you are allowing Kharajyr go out in public, and interact with these 'Apes' so to speak?

  2. I am accpeted, but im going to die with all my stuff, I asked eailer to get the cords pm to me so I didn't have to die, but if there is no other way I will.

    Simple, be a VIP.. Have 2 soulstones, have a chest in your home.. Put all your stuff in chest... Die.. Set your 1st soul location at Kha island, and keep your home location, go to home, get stuff, go back, TADAH!

  3. I noticed that, thank you. I will change it RIGHT AWAY :)

    -Edit- Done, I chose Do' Considering his father taught him the way of blades. And that he would make a good warrior because of that.

    "Apart from that, everything fits together nicely. A well thought out app."

    By the way, i'm honored that you think that Fernwick, thank you.

  4. (I'm not a Kharajyr, but I made an application) I have been hearing how every Kharajyr must have the correct 'Prefix' and it says learn about it on the info thread, I can't seem to find this. May anyone give me a link?

  5. MC Username:THEBOMB1999

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):Do'Shamek

    Character Skillset: Do'Shamek is a master with blades, if a dagger or claymore. He knows how to skillfully use it. This great skill with blades is an amazing advantage. Although, Do'Shamek finds hunting a thrill, yet, he seems to enjoy a type of farming. Farming wheat, or other crops. For some odd reason, Do'Shamek is intrigued by farming. He uses his blades, his hoe, and many other tools to get through the day. Not to mention is, lower then decent lumberjack skills. He doesn't enjoy swinging an axe on a tree all day, thus he isn't very good at it.Swordsmansip - 75Farming - 41Lumberjacking - 13

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): Do'Shamek is a 27 year old male, Kha'Pantera. With a scar across his face from past events (Which will be in the bio), A shining zircon gem necklace. (Also has to do with something in bio.) He is 286 pounds and 6,1ft. Wearing a redish colored cloths around his waste with silver lining. And leather shoulder caps as a small amount of protection. His glowing green eye (Aside from the scarred one) and his silky black fur is what makes him proud of his looks.

    Personality: Do'Shamek is sometimes arrogant, and a backstabber. It depends, he will do anything to keep himself alive, or pleased. Even if it means killing a family member, yet he can also be sweet, and compassionate on many occasions. He is AWFULLY rude and hostile around people that are not of his own. Whether or not it's an orc, or a human, he will hiss and growl. Come too close and he's not afraid to either slice, or even bite your hand off. I would have to say Do'Shamek's personality consists of, being a liar to save himself, but being loyal when he feels like he should do so. A close friend, that you feel as if you can trust. But if he has to save himself, he will leave you in the dirt to decay.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life: Coming into this world

    The moon is up, and my mother can feel Metzli in the moonlight. Or was that her new son? As she was looking up to the stars, and the moon of course. She felt a strange feeling in her stomach, knowing that she was pregnant she shouted to my father. "It's time! Metzli has prepared us for this moment!" They were excited, my mother thought it was going to be easy- Like I sad, she THOUGHT it was going to be easy. After 7 hours of endless screaming and shouting in pain, I was put into this world. As soon as I was brought into Asulon, I could feel the cold and soothing air of the night. I looked to the moon, grinning, and I was born.

    My days as a young Kha'Pantera

    My days as a kitten were nice I suppose. Ate a lot of fish, used little wooden swords to and practiced on chickens. Taking mighty little blows at the age of 7 to a bird, my father would watch me and chuckle away. After he watched me, that entire day. He said to me. "Son, you're becoming a warrior." He said this with a big smile on his face. I smiled along with him, as he walked up to me. Once he got right up to me, he kneeled down to my height and said. "Do'Shamek, I think you're ready to use a REAL sword." I smiled heavily and shouted with my tiny voice. "REALLY!?" I was so excited, literally jumping in excitement. He pulled out only a sharp sword, made out of stone. Well, it wasn't THAT sharp, but it was lethal. I tried it on the chicken, and decapitated it's head. That chicken was our dinner, to celebrate. This was a milestone in my life, because I earned pride from my father. And that's all I could ask for at that age.

    I was intrigued, thanks to my mother.

    At a, much older age, 16 to be exact. My mother told me. "Do'Shamek, it's time for you to learn how to farm." "Why?" I asked, she said that it was an important thing our family did. Later, in the afternoon, my mother took me to our small little farming spot. It had little flowers around it and old wooden fencing. I crossed my arms, as the ignorant teenager I was. I thought farming was stupid, then my mother told me ALL about the crops and why we needed them. This intrigued me, and I wanted to learn more. A few years go by, and i'm 18. I now know how to farm melons, wheat, and sugar cane. I used to bring these crops and foods to my mother, so she could make us lovely dinners in our small cottage. Although this was a good hobby, I felt like I needed to do something more, productive. After dinner, I couldn't sleep, I felt useless. And I muttered at night. "I need to do something worth while."

    Something productive, for my father.

    I am now 25, and I haven't done anything that I wanted to do. Pacing the house, looking irritated, my dad walks up. He sees me looking conflicted and stressed. "What's wrong Do'Shamek?" "I haven't done anything important, for you, or mother, not even for Metzli!" Said I with an upset voice. "That's alright, you will find your purpose." Said my father, with a comforting tone. I sighed, and thought about something for a moment. "Wait, father said a few years back, that he wanted his own land to farm and have a larger house." I thought to myself. "Father, didn't you say you wanted your own land?" Asked I with a curious voice. My father nodded, and I grinned. "Well, i'm going to travel! Far, far away! And find us some land to take! And you will have the biggest home farm,and land you want!" My father smiled and said. "Then go, go son! Go get us some land!" I ran off with 3 large bags of food to keep me going. All filled with cooked beef, fish, bread, and more. A year goes by, I still have 1 and a half bags of food left. I come across yet another Kharajyr in the woods. "Hey! Where are you headed?" Asked I with a solid voice. He frowned and growled at me. I was confused, I was just asking a simple question. As I looked over to his left hand I saw it was bleeding and infected. I walked closer, thinking I should help the fellow. He growled horribly loud and pounced on me, he was a Kha'Tigrasi, I was much smaller and weak in comparison. He shouted "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" And slashed my right eye, I screamed in pain. Nobody could hear me from miles. He ran away, into nothingness. I was in too much pain to carry on, sleeping on the grass floor, with a possibility to get infection. I woke up, luckily with no infection. I continued on my journey, with my left hand (Or paw) over my right eye constantly. Walking for 4 hours, I finally found what I was looking for! I found perfect, fertile land, flat too. All only a few paces away from a river! I was amazed. I marked it on my map as soon as possible, running back home with JUST enough food left.

    The necklace, and the suprise.

    I've came home, I have FINALLY made it. I ran into our cottage with excitement and adrenaline rushing. Screaming "I found perfect land!" But nobody responded, the cottage was empty. Some blood stains were on the wood floor, laying there, was a note. It was from my mother, and it read. "I'm sorry Do'Shamek, but I had to kill your father, he became sick, and I put him out of his misery." Tears welled up in the eyes, the right eye burning from the cut. I wondered where my mother was though, maybe she just left me? No, it couldn't be that. I was just so confused, but as I searched the home. I found a zircon necklace, my father wore it every time he prayed to Metzli. I slipped it on, and it fit well. I thought to myself. "I will follow in my father's footsteps. And I will make him proud, even when dead. Whether if I have to kill, steal, or even commit suicide. I want him to be happy." I slightly lost it, I would hear voices of my father, telling me to steal, sometimes assassinate. I tried to ignore them, but I followed his orders. After another year, I thought once again where my mother was. I thought "She would know, she could answer all my questions. I must find her!" From this day foward, I have still been searching for my lost mother. But on my way, I have been 'Obeying' my father's orders. Hopefully, to make Metzli happy, as well as my father above.

    Character's ambitions:To find his mother, and please his father through evil, and good actions. On the side note, if he does complete these, he wishes to become a great warrior, or even a master farmer. _---Situational Rp Questions---_

    1. As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?: Do'Shamek growls and hisses, saying nothing. The human steps back in fear, hoping to not be harmed. Do'Shamek stares at the stranger, seeing the depression, pain, and fear in his eyes. Do'Shamek thinks for a moment "What would my father do?" He says to himself in his head. Thinking for no more then 25 seconds Do'Shamek frowns heavily. Do'Shamek knows his father would kill the man, now making a ear piercing growl, Do'Shamek bolts around the trees and bushes. The human turns slowly in a 360 over and over again, scared and not knowing which direction Do'Shamek could come from. Do'Shamek pounces on the human's back and pulls out a golden, shining sword. Stabbing the human in the back, and stabbing him in the head as well, just to assure he's dead. Walking away with blood spatters on his chest, Do'Shamek can only hope he pleased his father with this kill.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?: Do'Shamek lifts his chin up, trying to look proud. Shouting with a weird, growl fused with his voice. "What did you say!? I'm no kitty you bastard!" The Dwarf just grins because he knows his teasing is working. Do'Shamek uses his claws and grabs the Dwarf's beard and pulls him up close to his face, growling. The Dwarf is intimidated, but the rest of the people in the tavern stand up from there seats. All of the other people are staring at Do'Shamek, while holding the Dwarf's beard. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The Dwarf shouts, but Do'Shamek doesn't like mercy to racist people. Do'Shamek tightens his grip on the Dwarf's beard, causing him to scream. Multiple people at once start to crack there knuckles and run towards Do'Shamek. His facial expressions turn to a nervous look. As more then 5 people beat him, he whimpers on the floor as he's kicked and punched brutally. The Dwarf who insulted him is now stroking his beard as he chuckles, and watches Do'Shamek being beat. Later on, Do'Shamek wakes up on the street, with a sign next to him that says. "***** cat." And an arrow pointing to him.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response? "Why the nether would you do that!?" Shouts Do'Shamek. "I don't know! He just was really mean and irritating, so I took care of him!" Replies the fellow Kharajyr. Do'Shamek slaps him across his face, accidentally cutting him with his claws. The other Khararjyr frown heavily, and cuts him. This goes back and forth for a while, until both Do'Shamek, and the other Kharajyr have cuts ALL over them. Eventually, getting into a fist fight. Now Do'Shamek is not good with using his fists, he's man of the blade, nothing more. Thus he takes many blows, as adrenaline flows through him, he takes another blow to the stomach. Ducking, and dodging the next punch and uppercutting the other Kharajyr. He hit him so hard, that he just sat there on the floor, rolling back and forth groaning. Do'Shamek slams his door shut, and sleeps with one tooth missing.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred? "I swear to follow Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and I do indeed swear, more then ever to hold Metzli and all of her actions as sacred."

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin:Prs2y.png

    Tell me if I should change/fix anything about the skin!

  6. Actually if you can set your soulstone to two places you can do it just fine, just make sure to keep any items separated and keep track of who got how much mina, and keep their RP paths separate unless they are meant to converge.

    Honestly its rather easy, I've managed to pull off up to four characters, though I've trimmed it down to two and a half now because I've become rather lazy.. >w>

    But what about my character card? It would say Kharajyr would it not? It's fine, I have decided otherwise.

  7. [[i know i'm not a Kharajyr, but the more I look at the things about them. I want to be one, yet I don't want to kill off or get rid of my Elf Adkai. Is there a way I could alternate between them? Like race changes every now and then, so I can stay as Adkai. And still be a Kharajyr, because this is a very interesting race.]]

  8. (I also posted this same application [With a few more questions] Here)

    MC name: THEBOMB1999

    IC name: Adkai (Full name: Adkai Phetoric Lekos)

    What weapon you are most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling and smithing): I feel that daggers and blades are my sweet spot in weaponry. (Swords lvl 76)

    How long have you lived in Salvus: 47+ Elven Days (IRL days)

    Why do you wish to join the Peacekeepers: I wish to join the Peacekeepers because, I believe in order. And I want everything to be correct, as it should be. Salvus is a beautiful place, and it deserves all protection and care it can get. This is why I want to join the Peacekeepers, to take care of our beloved kingdom, of Salvus

    What military experience (if any) do you have: I have never been in a legitimate military. But I have helped Dwarves fight in battle in multiple occasions.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it.): Killing livestock, stealing crops, and much more go up to a 2000-5000 fine or 3-7 days in jail (MC days)

  9. MC name: THEBOMB1999

    IC name: Adkai (Full name Adkai Phetoric Lekos)

    What weapon you are most comfortable with (and your stats for swords, axes, archery, wrestling and smithing): Swords and Daggers (Swords lvl 75)

    How long have you lived in Salvus: For 43 Elven Days (IRL days)

    Why do you wish to join the Peacekeepers: I wish to join the Peacekeepers because, I believe in order. And I want everything to be correct, as it should be. Salvus is a beautiful place, and it deserves all protection and care it can get. This is why I want to join the Peacekeepers, to take care of our beloved kingdom, of Salvus

    What military experience (if any) do you have: I've never been in a legitimate army, but i've helped some dwarves on multiple occasions in battle.

    Where were you before you came to Salvus: I lived in Elandriel, finding it a gorgeous area full of life and trees. It became abandon, so I decided to travel to Salvus. Now I have became attached to the land, never wanting to leave.

    Have you read and understood the military order and laws post? (Name one of the laws of high accord and the fines that can be imposed from it.): Killing livestock, stealing crops, and much more go up to a 2000-5000 fine or 3-7 days in jail (MC days)

    .RP related questions. Answer to greatest of ability

    .It is your first day as a recruit in the Peacekeeper force, and as you are patroling the back streets of Solace you here the sounds of a argument in a back alley way. You see no other guards around and notice you are alone on the street. You decide to round the corner and find what the commotion is about. As you round the corner you see two men arguing about something intelligible to your ears. You see one wielding a stick, the other with nothing in his hands. How will you react. "Halt!" Adkai says with a solid voice. "What's going on here?" Adkai asks. "This man killed my livestock!" Says the one with the stick. "And what do you plan to do to this criminal?" Adkai asks with his left eyebrow raised in question. "Beat him! Until he bleeds out!" Shouts the infuriated man. "No, no, no!" Adkai says. "I will take him to a commander, and get some details. Only then, may we take action. Possibly a fine, or a week or so within iron bars. It all depends my citizen." Explains Adkai, holding the livestock killer's arms as he takes him to a commander. Later on, the man refused to pay the fine. Resulting in an execution, may the ascended take him to a better place.

    It is a calm day in the outer city of solace as you watch the farm workers work their fields. You are eating a small meal of bread and apples. You hear the clanking of armored men over the hill, and go to investigate. you see a line armored bandits approaching the city, shouting war cries and foul language. You yell to the Farm hands to retreat inside the city. After they get inside, dodging arrows along the way. you prepare for a battle, but the bandits do not attack. They stand outside the gates shouting demands, and threats. What do you do in this situation "What should we do?" Asks a fellow Peacekeeper. Adkai thinks. "The threats are merely to intimidate us, and we must not open the gates!" "Well what do we do!?" The Peacekeeper asks with a seemingly paniced voice. "Are you good with the bow?" Adkai asks. "Of course, I grew up using the bow." Replies the Peacekeeper. "Then get up on the wall with me, and we will do business up there." As Adkai walks up the wall, with his ally following behind him, they pull out there bows, still hearing the screeching shouts of the bandits. "Pull your string!" Commands Adkai, as the Peacekeeper on his left is pointing a readied bow at the bandits, Adkai asks them questions. "What is your business here!? What is it you want!?" Adkai shouts with question. "Money! Gold! Blood spilling from you annoying little shits!" Says the bandit chief. Adkai takes offense. "Shoot the chief" whispers Adkai. Perfectly, the Peacekeeper's shot went through the eye hole of the bandits helm, going though his eye. Adkai grins as he sees the chief fall to the floor. The rest of the bandits stand in shock as the Peacekeeper readies yet another shot. "Leave now! Or that will happen to each of you! One, by one!" The bandits start running away in fear, still one left. An orcish bandit, with quite the amount of bravery. "What are you still doin' here!?" Shouts Adkai. The Orc says nothing, as he stands there silent. Adkai climbs down with a shining sword. The Orc sees Adkai climb down, readying his axe. Adkai walks up to him, the sword dragging on the ground, as if Adkai assumes this will be an easy battle. The Orc bluntly swings his axe, as Adkai swiftly steps behind him, places his sword on his vertebrae. "If you don't do as I say, you will end up like your chief. But in a much more painful way." Adkai whispers in his ear. The Orc frowns, making the slightest move. Adkai feels his movement, impaling the Orc in the chest. As he falls to the ground, Adkai drags the two bodies to the most nearby commander. Reporting of the happening, and still wondering, if the other bandits will come back.

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