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Posts posted by CraigWazHere

  1. [MCname] : angmar1

    [Time-Zone] : UTC/GMT +2 hours

    [How much time you can be online per day] : 2-7 hours and maybe more

    [How long have you been on the server for?] : I have been playing on this server around 3 months and i know very well Oren and Kings road, Alras or other places

    [Do you have and use TS? If no then will you be able to?] Yes but i dont use it that much

    Name : The name is Aldron

    Your Race : I'm an Elf

    Your Age : I am 22 years

    Your Experience : I've killed some Bandits and saved peoples life from starving or from undeads

    Describe Yourself : At the beginning of his Adventure he had it a little hard to survive but later he got a job and got money, house and he tries to help the people Aegis against the Undeads

    Why should we recruit you? : I want to be a better Fighter and i think that Oren might need more guards to protect from Bandits or Undeads

    What are your strengths? Weaknesses? : im very strong with Sword and bow and i always think before i act, but Im not so good against other people with bow in the night

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level] : Yes i can handle most of the weapons but im not that good with Axe, im better with sword

    Ambitions For The Future? : To defend Oren from bandits or Undeads, make Oren a better place for all the races

    What would your character do in the following situation.

    :A group of bandits are camped on the Kings Road. Ordering a toll for passing. Its only you and two other recruits on duty. You decide to grab some armour and head out there. What do you do? [+Points For Thinking About It And Being More, Tactical] : First i would ask them to stop or i would have to jail them and if they wouldn't then i would move back a bit and try to make a plan. And i would try to make an ambush in the forest (if there are any trees) and shoot arrows at them to make them weak and then Strike when they are injured and then we might catch them or kill them but i would try to jail them.

    ((A 22 year old Elf?? that's like the equivalent of a 2 year old human, misspell or are you a toddler?))

  2. Falains Application For The Guard:

    [MCname] : CraigWazHere

    [Time-Zone] : GMT+0

    [How much time you can be online per day] : 2-8 Hours

    [How long have you been on the server for?] : 2 Days.

    [Do you have and use TS? If no then will you be able to?]Nope, But I can definitely join.

    Name : Falain_the_Stumpy

    Your Race : Dwarf

    Your Age :254

    Your Experience :I've done bad things.. I attempted to rob a man but he ran off to the military, I was stopped and I'm in their debt for not throwing me in jail! I've reported a few crimes in the town of Al'Khazar.

    Describe Yourself : I can keep law and order at times, I can threaten people well and use my skills to persuade them not to do things.

    Why should we recruit you? : Well, If I can't get a non-evil job ill turn back to crime to earn money, and I love the beauty of Al'Khazar and I'd love to work there!

    What are your strengths? Weaknesses? : Swordfighting, ((Roleplaying!)), hunting, exploring and talking to people. Although my weaknesses are that I'm only good with a sword, any other weapon I am hopeless with, and that I do not know much about the undead.

    Do you know how to handle a weapon? [sword/Axe Skill Level]: ((Skills aren't working))

    Ambitions For The Future? : To be a high class guard of Oren, and live in a nice house in Al'Khazar, I wish I could become a part time architect, if that was possible.

    What would your character do in the following situation.

    :A group of bandits are camped on the Kings Road. Ordering a toll for passing. Its only you and two other recruits on duty. You decide to grab some armour and head out there. What do you do? [+Points For Thinking About It And Being More, Tactical] : Wait until its quiet, and then me and the other recruits storm in, we made a plan that one man would sneak behind the bandit camp, ready to ambush. Me and the other man would have bows at the ready and stay at a distance, to try and negotiate with them. We'd tell them to either come back to the castle and be fined/arrested, Or resist arrest. If the bandits resist arrest we will shout a certain keyword which will let the man behind the camp know that they are resisting arrest, at which point we will all ambush the men, but give them a chance to give themselves up.

    If the men offer to go back to the castle, me and the man I'm with will escort them, the man who was ready to ambush the bandits will stay close behind in case any of them make a run for it.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: CraigWazHere

    -How old are you?: 13, but seriously, if you didn't know my age you'd think I was much older!

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT +0 Scotland

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yeah, I've lived in Scotland all of my life and we live next to the country that invented the language!

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: When I'm not at school, or out riding my Bmx, I'd probably be inside playing MineCraft. I've been looking for a server that's serious on roleplay for quite some time.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 25-40 Hours a week!

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since around May, I started during beta 1.3

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: Roleplaying is the idea of playing as the character in the game, completely separate from yourself in real life and as serious as possible, so no speech or actions that would be irrelevant to what the character would do. I've roleplayed at school, as a child and on Runescape and other games.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I hope, it will be full of people playing seriously (No 'OOC' talk in Rp channel, 'Metagaming'), and from what I've seen so far, it has extremely detailed architecture (<3 Love it!) and amazing scenery, and I can't wait to experience the full package of member rank.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: MinecraftOnline, I left because it was overpopulated and the moderators never listened to a players problems. And also Towny Crafters, which I will probably continue playing occasionally, if I'm accepted I'll play Lotc 100% of the time.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, the rules are fair. And I can see why they are put in place.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Dwarve, Human, Elve and Orc, and sub races (Undead and Ascended)

    -How did you hear about us?: On MineCraftForum, a user made a topic that he was looking for a server, and Lotc was mentioned in a comment, I came and checked it out.

    -Did you vote?: Ofcourse! I voted on all 'Vote' buttons on the MineCraftForum post.

    -What was your favourite Law?: Using an Rpg skin, it adds immensely to the whole experience this server is trying to create!

    -What was your least favourite Law?: Can't say any of them are my least favourite, I like all of them.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: CraigWazHere


    -Character Name: Falain the Stumpy

    -What is your Race?: Dwarven.

    -Biography: As a child Falain grew up in a fairly small, multicultural town. He led an easy life, his parents were also fans of the two Dwarven hobbies they like most, food and war. His mother, Mabela, was a hard working farmer, Falain, and his dad Orlan, were fed well by Mabela, his mother mysteriously disappeared when she was working at the town farms, rumors say some humans took her away, and hired her as a slave. Falain hopes to find her one day.

    Roughly 2 months later, his father, Orlan, worked as a miner for a Dwarven mercenary crew, he was killed in a mining accident, where some human slaves wanted to know what the big, red, shiny button did, however.. that button was connected to 15 blocks of Tnt, his father wasn't blown up, he was instead caved in to serve a long and painful death, but Falain doesn't know if this is true, he believes his father escaped in some way.

    Falain was now aged 170, the legal age for Dwarfs to start work, The day after Falain heard the news of his fathers fate, he had already signed up to be part of the mining operation his father took part in, fearful of joining his father in death, he decided he had to run away from that terrible line of work. The mercenary company continues to search for him, as being truant from work is an offence punishable with death.

    -Character Age: 254 Years of age.

    -Character Appearance: A topless warrior, with diamond trimmed helmet and shoulder pads. He wears torn tan shorts and brown shoes, he occasionally wears a black hood and cloak when he doesn't want to be seen.

    -Character Personality: Falain's a quiet guy, he feels like he cant trust anyone -Especially humans- due to the capture of his mother and death of his father. You need to spend much time to him and prove your worth before befriending Falain. Apart from that he's intelligent and quite strong.

    -Your ambitions: He wishes to be involved in designing houses, Architecture. But a more 'Down to Earth' ambition is that he wants to work in an army, or town guard.

    -Can your character read or write?: Falain went to a good school, but never really paid attention in class, therefore he's not brilliant at it.

    -Can your character mine?: Falain's got a fear of caves, but he feels safe if he's with other people, his father taught him a lot about the Earths underground.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Building and designing things has always been a strong hobby of Falains, he hopes he can seek a career involving building.

    -Can you wield a sword?: As a child, in school Falain focused more on his physical education than his grammatical knowledge, so he has became a good swordsman and fast runner, he prefers stealthier tasks, and a sword is the only weapon he can use, any other weapon is useless.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Nope, Falain was grown up in a society where slaves are considered normal, he prefers his food served to him, he dislikes making that food himself, but he will if needed.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: His father gave him a good knowledge of the Earths caves that he rarely puts to use, and he has a gift in the world of architecture.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://flowdev.co.uk/skin-view/?user=CraigWazHere , and my profile picture :)

    -Other Information: Brilliant looking server! (and if you've read this far be sure to tell me what you thought of my application ;)

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