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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Scipp3r

  1. OOc Information:

    Mc name: BobVIII

    Prior Experience on Roleplaying: Well, I have been playing Lord of the Craft for several months now, and have played play by post rpgs, as well as tabletop roleplyaing games.

    Any past ban/strike reports (Links if any):No.


    IG Information:

    Name: Oseric Ivansen Cyrielle

    Age: 28

    Race: Northerner, Human

    Reasons on joining: I wish to bring honor to my family by serving in the army of the Kingdom of Renatus, King Godfrey and House Lycian.

    Weapon of choice and experience with it: I am moderately skilled with the sword, and hope to increase my skill through training. ((Level 64))

    Other information: I may leave your service and one point, if my family ever manages to gain lands to establish a house of our own.

    * receives a note from his recruitment box. As he reads he smiles and nods to himself pleased. Pleased so much he decides to write back

    "Accepted, I will have a housing and weaponary ready in Duke Lycian's Duchy as we build his grand city. For now stay near Arethor for I will meet you there."

  2. [[minthanel moved to old ascella. This used to be Seventis's and I was believing they gave it to us. Even if they didn't it's still theirs but they joined us so it's still they Duchy of Norjun's land unless they gave it to you]]


  3. ooh yes i did forgot to say i do have 1 warning because i did want to be accepted on my app :D

    [[i am sorry but you are still mixing ooc and rp info into your application. Don't use smiley faces in the rp threads without placing bracets around them and after it says IG info, that is strictly rp not your ooc life]]

  4. OOc Information:

    Mc name:

    Prior Experience on Roleplaying:

    Any past ban/strike reports (Links if any):


    IG Information:

    Name: Sakirma (RP: Dreadric)

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Reasons on joining: i have to find something to go start with and i like to guard and getter resources or build, and i find this topic.

    Weapon of choice and experience with it:

    sword, arrow

    Other information:

    nope, only i do play minecraft like for 3 years for now

    ((Please fill out another application with more detail and please fill out the ooc part too



  5. *watches as a runner from the crown lands sprints to Florin Castle. The Runner quickly takes one of the many scrolls and hands it to Lord Marshal Denims. Patrick nods and rides on his camel back to his men to share the news.


    "Men, the time has come! Saddle up and make camp on the edge of Corpathia."

  6. *Passing through Arethor you see a large mahogany plaque. The beautiful wood draws you attention to read such a marvel.

    Such a noble day it is in Renatus as you read this. Men in all settlements of Corpathia train to be glorious fighters in the Greater Noblemen of the House Lycian garrisons. This plaque is one the same all around Renatus's domains on recruiting strong and hearty men to join the Lycian Bannermen. All starting men are given a payment of 200 minas each elven week and veterans offered 250 minas an elven week. Fine shelter, rich food, and suitable display of wine and ale are all available when in service.

    Bannermen Captain: Ellessar

    Man at arms Senior Leader(s)

    Man at arms Sergeants(s)

    Man at arms Veteran(s)

    Man at arms(s)

    Bannerman recruit(s)

    *you look side to side to see for an application and notice several of them rolled in scrolls and a quill dabbed in ink.

    OOc Information:

    Mc name:

    Prior Experience on Roleplaying:

    Any past ban/strike reports (Links if any):


    IG Information:




    Reasons on joining:

    Weapon of choice and experience with it:

    Other information:

    ((****NOTE THIS IS OOC:


    x: -1035

    z: 1722


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