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Posts posted by Blackdragonhole

  1. OOC:

    MCName: Blackdragonhole

    Forum Name: Dragel

    Timezone: Eastern Time United States

    Time spent weekly on LotC: Tuesday through Sunday mostly.

    Method of contact: (Use my skype account,) (My Email is not safe for Certain reasons)

    Guild Experience: (Used to be in other Guilds in another Online game where it was always constant war and no Roleplay unless Roleplay was Authorized in a Certain Server.)

    What is your Roleplay Experience? In a military/guard if any?: Ask "Oi what is your business here sir/Ma'am" Another is "Sir/Ma'am your going to have come with me" Also "Halt!" and etc...

    In Character:

    Character Name: Dedicant_Dragel(Part of the druidic order for now) (Old name was just Dragel)

    Race: Elf (From the Village of Klah which is now a wasteland)

    Combat Experience: (Fought many from the Simple zombie to a Orc) (One time killed a Undead and got his staff.)

    Other Skills: (Swordmanship and Archery)

    Short Bio: "After the Last Couple of undead attacks from Al'Karazar to Galahar I begin to think that this place was the Freedom I sought it would be... Instead I see that this world might become a wasteland as well... But me wish for not that to happen... I wont let it fall as like 'Klah' did..."

    Recite the Vanguard Creed:

    "I will always protect Malinor.

    I will never accept defeat.

    I will never leave a fallen comrade.

    I will never quit.

    So help the grace of Malin, I swear it."

    Other Information: Im still looking into this. I'm still thinking about this but I may leave the Druidic order and join the Vangaurd... Not for sure right now my choice will be made sooner or later.

  2. OOC:

    MCName: Blackdragonhole

    Forum Name: Dragel

    Timezone: Eastern Time United States

    Time spent weekly on LotC: Tuesday through Sunday mostly.

    Method of contact: (Use my skype account,) (My Email is not safe for Certain reasons)

    Guild Experience: (Used to be in other Guilds in another Online game where it was always constant war and no Roleplay unless Roleplay was Authorized in a Certain Server.)

    What is your Roleplay Experience? In a military/guard if any?: Ask "Oi what is your business here sir/Ma'am" Another is "Sir/Ma'am your going to have come with me" Also "Halt!" and etc...

    In Character:

    Character Name: Dedicant_Dragel(Part of the druidic order for now) (Old name was just Dragel)

    Race: Elf (From the Village of Klah which is now a wasteland)

    Combat Experience: (Fought many from the Simple zombie to a Orc) (One time killed a Undead and got his staff.)

    Other Skills: (Swordmanship and Archery)

    Short Bio: "After the Last Couple of undead attacks from Al'Karazar to Galahar I begin to think that this place was the Freedom I sought it would be... Instead I see that this world might become a wasteland as well... But me wish for not that to happen... I wont let it fall as like 'Klah' did..."

    Recite the Vanguard Creed:

    "I will always protect Malinor.

    I will never accept defeat.

    I will never leave a fallen comrade.

    I will never quit.

    So help the grace of Malin, I swear it."

    Other Information: Im still looking into this. I'm still thinking about this but I may leave the Druidic order and join the Vangaurd... Not for sure right now my choice will be made sooner or later.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: Blackdragonhole

    -How old are you?: 17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: United States and Time Zone is Eastern Time.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I have good grammer but at times I will have a typo when it comes to long words.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Im a nice person. I have a good time with my life at sports like bowling at the School League.(I dont like to talk about myself alot)

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: From about maybe Thursdays - Sunday.

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Hours I would have to say about 725hours not really good at time.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? Roleplaying is what you are relating it all to what the server is about such as this is a old medieval server with classes, and much more you are suppose to relate it to what medieval was such as you cant say stuff that is modern today. Instead you talk how like a Person back in the past from around 1200A.D. to 1600A.D would say. Have like a different personality and act as if you were forigen.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Hoping that this server is right for me cause the last other servers that were roleplaying they would always kill me instead of acting of a roleplayer. Hoping for new experiences and looking forward to the money currency and the Cities that I have seen in the Trailers.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Ill tell you one it was called the "Herobrine Server" I know that it should have the herobrine in it but it didnt and only 10 people in the server. After a month everyone left and I was the last one left and I just walked and walked till a creeper killed me in a cave. Then when I respawned I left and never went back. It was interesting being alone at first I had many materials and such but when the creeper got me I was basically out of supplies so basically that was the life of the "Herobrine Server".

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes I looked at the rules. Heavily strict which I like. I dont like places with no rules cause to many people greif your homes and it just gets you angry and you cant do nothing about it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Dwarf, Elves, Undead, Orcs, Humans?

    -How did you hear about us?: Yes from a friend that plays this game his name in Lord of the Craft is "CommanderCaleb"

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Blackdragonhole


    -Character Name: Dragel

    -What is your Race?: Elven

    -Biography: "Hello my name is Dragel... I know that you are looking for a last name but I keep my real name a secret for a reason. To much has happened in my small village called 'Kralh.' I'll be honest with you mate it was never a good life there. Famine, diseases spreading around, trading was forbidden. We have nothing their it was a hard life. Father died of a disease that could not be cured I was 21 when that happened. Mother.... She died when I was born. My job at Kralh was watching over the cattle. Cattle? What cattle.. All you would see was basically dead ones lying on the brown grass. When I turned 26 I heard a rumor of a place.. A place that was more pure and green grass and perfect trees for miles on end. Some place where Elves had a better life... I wondered? Thought about it?... I decided to leave and journey off into the wilds. When I reached a mountain I climbed it with all my strength. My hands bled from the sharp rocks I graved onto. I was almost their but I started to lose faith. When I looked over that ridge............. The Elf was right? I see it! Green grass! Tree that are green! I began to climb down the mountain to otherside that I would now call 'Freedom.' That mate is my life. Well I'll be on my way now. Good day to you now."

    -Character Age: 26

    -Character Appearance: white colored, pointed ears, short blond hair, blue eyes, Commoner Clothing, small bronze sword for only defense, use to have a bow.

    -Character Personality: Kinda Hyper but mostly has few emotions ever since living at Klah from childhood.

    -Your ambitions: Can watch over Cattle, Can repair small items, Has some survival skills, Very little farming skills.

    -Can your character read or write?: Only knows the Elven Reading and Writing.

    -Can your character mine?: Hardly knows anything about mining.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Can build small and Sturdy homes.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Knows very little about sword fighting. Only has that small sword for defense.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Farming can drive your patience to its limits sometimes I just need to take a break from it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: Can evade really well.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=8591 (Sorry screenshot wasnt working so I posted what the skin im wearing.)

    -Other Information: Yes this took me about 54minutes to finish writing up so I hope you enjoyed it. If a spelt anything wrong I apoligize about that.

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