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Status Replies posted by Blackdragonhole

  1. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  2. Missing the times of Whispering Isles.

  3. 3am + 2 glasses of wine + Awkward pet photos = happy Valie

  4. Lol dat spam. *I totally saw that. My eyes burn*

  5. (My right eye is starting to give up on me.)

  6. ...I don't need a valentine... *closes drapes*

  7. Word of advice: Don't follow elves in loincloths. They're probably Mori.

  8. (My right eye is starting to give up on me.)

  9. Sulking through the hallway as usual, when a short freshman friend just runs up to me from behind and hugs me yelling out: "SUPER DUPER FREE HUG~". Then she smiles whilst I patted her head, and she just skips away. I feel fuzzy.

  10. My in game family is so adorable I can barely stand it!

  11. Dear stomach flu: I hate you...

  12. Seth and I are overjoyed to announce that on the 31st of Amber Cold, year 8, our twin sons were born :)

  13. So alone... So alone... Why must I live a lonely life now...

  14. I thought this was a 15 second restart...guess I was wrong. Then again none of the restarts now a days take less than 15 seconds...

  15. The Update is slow.... I waited like 3 hours....

  16. 150+~ Donors populating the server >.>

  17. "Ashur, we're naming you a Prince of Malinor." ...Well, I didn't see THAT coming. ._.

  18. OMG, I'm going to cry...

  19. Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings!

  20. Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings!

  21. Peace or War... I choose Peace... What about you? *Curious look*

  22. It is my great joy to announce that on the 22nd of Malin's Welcome, 1342, that my daughter Dahlia D'Avore was born

  23. finaly sent my application.ii hope i get accepted.

  24. finaly sent my application.ii hope i get accepted.

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