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Status Updates posted by Anthrowolfgirl

  1. I was kicked for a reserved user?! Ill find him and kill him!

  2. I swear they seriously need to raise the damn cap I was kicked for a VIP member AGAIN dammit!

  3. I swear they seriously need to raise the damn cap I was kicked for a VIP member AGAIN dammit!

  4. Okay...I am officilly pissed off, MOST donators that are kicking havent even been on in like a year! plus they cant even RP correctly!

  5. *calms down after silent rage* Yeeaaah..if I said anything stupid or was being ignorant about the cap or anything Im sorry, I'm seriously having a bad day:Fever, ten page essay and what not T_T

  6. THIS is why I got up at six in the morning to play XP Lotc is like traffic to get on ALWAYS be the early bird

  7. I have something! Instead of whining Vote dammit!

  8. *sigh* Now my good RP friends are leaving because of this conflict...mabye Its time for me to move on as well...*ponders into the wind while listening to Kingdom Hearts music*

  9. Okay so I made a RP topic of a certin elven womans journal when she was young XD I was in the mood for writing so dont blame meh, check it out its in the Elven RP section.

  10. >.> Friends who know me, I AM NOT DEAD IC and I have not left the server, your just not online when I try to re add you to my buddylist

  11. I hate the Government especially when I have to learn it -_-

  12. *Is determined* OKAY! Im going to finish my work early from now on that way I can RP with my friends *points in the air* AWAY

  13. The Server died on me...

  14. Meh the Server is at it again, ah well I need to go anyway, I will she you tomorrow okay? G'night!

  15. Oh and I read your story of Gideon, it was VERY enjoyable, if you every make more make sure to add your own wife!

  16. The Bloody server is down...-__- curses!

  17. Hi, welcome to the forums! Hope you get in to LotC, but theres something that bothers me, have you been on a server called Age of Mines? Sorry to ask a question out of the blue like that, its just I had a friend on that server and your username sounds familar

  18. NUUU dont be said Gid Im sorry T_T I wont leave, its just Im getting annoyed that I cant get on :P

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