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Posts posted by Luke_Meyer

  1. *A fancy written note is written next to the parchment*

    Greetings, I have aquired a sheep from the fields. For as right now, it has been caged in the Stafyr settlement. I wisht to excange it with goods. I be talking about food and other supplies such as fishing rods and books, if that can be arranged.

    I be appreciating if ye would inform me of where you are with a map, perhaps.


    Finnlyn Longleaf

  2. MC Name:


    Duty you'd like to apply for:

    Natural Dungeons, Honey Bee work and Terraforming.


    I want traveling in 3.0 to be interesting, dangerous and a way to gain knowledge.

    Custom biomes can make a terrain a lot nicer to look at.

    Some examples of what I had in mind:

    - Forests where the plants, trees and mushrooms are enormous in size. Roots, big enough to guide a person over a lake and take you up a mountain.

    An idea of how the giant flowers would look like:



    - Enormous mountains where the snow, the ice and the cold becomes a threat for the one who travels trough them. Glaciers will obstruct paths or even destroy them. Half broken pathways above deep ravines where you have to jump from one to another piece of a broken bridge. This will get people's attention so they won't jump-sprint while traveling 'because it's so boring'.

    An example of a mountain I made:



    Here I an made old, broken pathway into the mountains, these pathways could bring a person to, for example, a city in a snow biome:


    Ice and water have overflooded the path. It serves as a dangerous obstacle for the player:


    Another wave of ice has swept away a pillar that kept the bridge up. The player has to jump from one to another:


    - Huge custom swamp biomes, lots of water, big scary trees and long roots that can be walked on, paths only showed by some laterns here and there. We could make a intresting new spiecies (imaginary NPC's) that could live in these biomes. While traveling in these, the player could find, for example, houses or writings about these creatures so they could gain knowledge about them.


    Other things I'd like to make and see:

    - "Vulcano biomes", lands with ash, lava and craters everywhere.

    - Custom jungle biomes, the player could walk ontop of the leaves and branches to avoid the danger from below.

    - Mountain biomes in water. Big platforms of stone protruding out of the water, connected with eachother by wooden bridges.

    - Manmade area's with buildings that are in ruins. This could be a church with a graveyard. The graves digged out and destroyed. A lore could be made around it, why did raiders destroy this particular graveyard? We're they searching for something? A group of people, a guild perhaps, could investigate these area's and find the treasure. This could be just a item, or a book that has secret information written on.

    - Big half broken dams that hold back enormous amounts of water or ice. This could become a threat to the city that lays near this dam. This could also bring more RP, for example the city has to find a proffesional engineer that could fix the dam or watch over it.

    Other works:

    I've been working as an architect in several towns in-game. Here's a house I designed:


    And just a big tree I made:


    Do you have teamspeak?:

    Yes, I have teamspeak and a microphone.

    (Sorry if there are some spelling errors, English isn't my first language.)

  3. MC Name: Weeberlore

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Teraforming and Natural dungeons.

    Concepts: No drawings.

    I recently discovered I'm fairly decent at building ships.

    Halfling burrows

    Serene areas

    Large/giant Trees

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) Yes, I do.

    Your ships look amazing :) Good luck!

  4. *A big note is posted on the message board in Khabbi. It reads:"

    Hello people of Khabbi! If you read this, you are probally wondering, what is this? Well, here you can find all the plans for the architecture, the infrastructure and the planning of Khabbi. Drawings of designs and maps will be posted here for you to see. This is also the place where you can write down your own opinion and ideas! All plans and ideas will be taken in consideration. So don't be shy!

    First up, I have designed the general style of buildings, altough, these are not confirmed to be used yet.

    As stated above, I want YOUR opinion and feedback so I can see what will fit the best.

    *Some drawings of buildings are pinned down on the message board:*


    This is a design of a normal wooden house.

    First floor:

    - A nice little kitchen with some furnaces

    - An eating table with two chairs

    Second floor:

    - A single bed

    - Two chests

    - A crafting table

    - Another table with two chairs

    The house has many (big) windows so it doesn't feel like you are trapped.

    It has a nice winding staircase, not one of those ugly once that can be seen in most houses.

    *Drawings of the inside of the house are posted:*


    If you don't like wood that much, here is another design that I made. It is mostly made out of stone. It's completely the same, only the material is different.


    More will be added soon! Check this board daily!

    *The note is quickly signed:*

    - Luke, the head architect of Khabbi

  5. MC Name: bluesky574

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Terraforming

    Concepts: The area which I would like to work with is the use of large bodies of water and its surrounding terrain. The use of water features will add natural beauty as well as a certain degree of tranquillity to the new map. Some of the landforms that I wish to implement into the map include:












    Other works: This is a canyon a whipped up (competent with Voxelsniper)

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) Yes, as well as a microphone.

    That looks good! I wanted to make something like that too, but I don't know exaclty how to use VoxelSniper. Do you need a server to get it, or can you have it in singleplayer? Could you explain it to me?

  6. *Chuckles at the little drawing and then writes a new message*

    Excelent, I will be visiting your city/nation soon, and I also will give you some previous designs of mine.

    (( I have no acces to my computer untill saturday. But don't worry, when I have time, I will send you some screenshots and I will meet your character in-game. ))


  7. *A quickly wrote message is written below the post*

    I have no projects going on right now, so I may be able to work for you as an architect.

    If I could meet you at this place, we could discuss more, I also could give you drawings of some designs I made.

    Please send a bird to the Temple, where I currently stay (( Luke_Meyers )).

    -Luke Meyers

  8. *a note is written under the post*

    Name: Luke Meyers ((Luke_Meyers))

    Items: 20 big stones ((blocks)) of glowing stone ((glowstone)), 10 big stones of red firestone ((netherrack)), 10 big sacks ((stacks)) of clay and a weird looking potion ((potion of poison)). I also have three and a half quiver ((stack)) of arrows if you are intrested.

    Price you are selling for: I will sell my glowing stones and firestones for 40 minas each. The clay and the potion can be negotiable. And the arrows cost 250 minas a quiver.

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