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Posts posted by youlovesocks

  1. DeniedPicture.png

    Your biography is cliche and not very well justified. Giving your child up for adoption is a very difficult decision to make, did your character's parents try anything else? Why would Priscilla adopt if she was such a meanie?. The biography is a chance to really explore your character, explore how they gained the skills they have and explore why they chose their ambitions. Also, you need a roleplay skin.

    Please fix this and repost your application in 48 hours. Remember, denial does not mean that you won't ever get onto the server. It just means that your application needs more work!

    Rhisereld now you're denying my friends. we need to talk. Haha jk. I'll probably see you in Aegis, bye.

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: youlovesocks

    -Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: no I did not due to work schedules but I would've liked to go.

    -How old are you?: I am 16 years old.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern time/USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Living my whole life in the US I like to believe I have quite a good grip on it, as much as a 16 year old kid does. Few typo's here and there but it's nothing that is unmanageable.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I wake up on the early side for school because I like to be completely ready and prepared for what is to come. Afterwords when I come home from soccer practice I play a few games to pass the time until dinner time. The games include RPG's on the xbox360 such as fable, dragon age II, Skyrim, and the fallout series. As of PC gaming I tend to stick to minecraft because my computer can't take much more.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I would be on the server quite often actually. I would say around 3-4 hours a day and even longer on weekends so about 25-30 hours weekly. (that is of course if my work load doesn't pile up)

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played Minecraft for around 10-11 months.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: I have a short grip on what roleplaying is. It is where you take the life of another character and live not through yourself but live as them and what their background story describes them as. You have to chose what you say and do carefully because everything can have negative or positive effects on your fictional character. What you know is not what your character knows. Your characters knowledge is based off of what he/she learns in game.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be an extravagant adventure, and revolutionize RP as it is rarely found in a game such as this. As long as I've been playing minecraft I have never seen something like this and it looks like a blast.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I played on a server called God's minecraft server. Although it was fun and everything, it had no purpose. It had no story like this one has.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Of course.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: The races are humans, orcs, elves, and dwarves. As to my knowledge from a little research there are also undead and ascended.

    -How did you hear about us?: I saw my friend playing on it being confronted by a guard outside a castle. I asked what he was doing and he simply said "roleplaying" I was instantly interested and he explained everything about it.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: youlovesocks


    -Character Name: Kayne

    -What is your Race?: human

    -Biography: Kayne was very misunderstood as a young boy. Born on a farm on the plains, his mother was killed during child birth. Living in a small town known by the name of Centirium, he was unlike the other boys around him. The other boys would run and play games like hide and seek or kick the bucket, but not kayne. Kayne would much rather be working on his thrusts with a simple wooden sword on a scarecrow, or target practice on a hay bale with his boy and arrow. His father did not understand why he was like this. Why he didn't hang out with friends, or enjoy helping out on the farm. In search of a great adventure and something different, kayne's dream was to go into the army of the nearby city of Aspargen and fend off the crusaders who have been trying to take control of the city for years because of it's rich soil and amount of resources. To have the adventure of a lifetime. After days of stressful thinking, Kayne finally made up his mind and left home, leaving but a note that read

    "Dear Father,

    I'm not sure what i'm after, but I do know that my life is not here, farming in the town of Centirium, but is out there, fighting for what I believe in! Please do not take this as an attempt to get away from family because it is nothing of the kind. All my life I have dreamed of adventure and sitting here doing the same thing every day is not it! By the time you read this I will have been well on my way...

    I wish I could have told you face to face, but we both know that you wouldn't allow me to go.

    love, your dearest son Kayne."

    -Character Age: 37

    -Character Appearance: Dark brown hair with a five o' clock shadow. Dressed in the leather tunic he received from his father on his most recent birthday before he set off on his journey.

    -Character Personality: On the shy side and quite cautious of strangers. Very friendly when you have gained trust.

    -Your ambitions: Kayne is tired of living life as a farmer. He wants to have an adventurous life as he knows life is short, and you shouldn't waste it doing something you do not enjoy. Wants to pursue life as a knight in the war.

    -Can your character read or write?: He has a small amount of knowledge with reading and writing but often cannot recognize common gramatical errors.

    -Can your character mine?: Despite his adventurous attitude, he tries to stay away from mining as there is a constant threat of cave ins, and the smokey air is very bad for his health.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Growing up in a small town that required much construction, he enjoys thinking of new ways buildings can be made.

    -Can you wield a sword?: It is like a second nature to him.

    -Enjoy Farming?: He doesn't enjoy farming as it is what he tried to get away from in his home town but if you give him a hoe and some seeds he knows what to do.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He doesn't have any special skills besides having an ambitious mind and ability to wield a sword.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://www.minecraftskins.com/api.php?mode=preview&type=both&id=231123

    -Other Information: I am amazed of this incredible idea of a RP server on a game like minecraft. Keep up the hard work :)

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