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Artemis Clyde-Frog

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Everything posted by Artemis Clyde-Frog

  1. MC Username: doomday58 LOTC Username: Artemis_Cazador Amount of time available per week: Typically about 10-30 hours a week. Skills: I consider myself to be experienced at most things; combat, building, deception, stealth although what sets me apart is that whatever mission I get I will be completely determined to complete it. I also think that I am capable with redstone and with your permission I would like to try and implement a wireless redstone sender and receiver somewhere where it would be useful. Specialty: I think that ambushes and Maybe stealth would be be my specialty but when we update to 1.00 I would definitely be adding potions to my arsenal Good Deeds: Hmm, As I am new to the server the only thing I could think of is giving a flower to a stranger and fending off some pigs and cows from trampling some ones crops. Evil Deeds: Once again as I am relatively new to the server the only thing I have done that I would even remotely call evil is chopping down a tree, you know, environmentalists might get angry? Why do you wish to join (remember we are neutral to ascended and undead): I wish to join because I see this guild as a way to indulge in my love of PvP while not be seen as a entirely evil person. I also wish to join because I love the fact that the whole point about this guild is to stay neutral while attempting to good in the world of Ageis, In the past I have always been split between being good and loosing most opportunities I have for PvP or becoming evil and being hated by everyone. I find this guild is a good compromise between the two. Your Combat Focus (skill focus and write your style): I prefer to sneak attack a target when he/her is not looking to reduce damage taken to myself. I prefer when doing this to use a bow and arrow and attack from high ground (trees, rooftops, city walls, ect.) If a sword must be used I prefer to be accompanied by another so that it does not come down to a 1v1 battle. Are you neutral or do you lean one side or the other? Explain why and if you can be willing to the opposite? I planned to be evil, quite evil, but that was before I found this guild, now that I have embraced the neutral philosophy and am willing to devote myself to its cause. What is your reasoning for joining? I wish to join because as I have said previously I wanted a way to Pvp while still maintaining my reputation and not to be caught up in a you must uphold the law situation. What is your reaction to the following?: You have been given a mission from Shadri'Primus to assassinate a King. You enter the Kings' domain, just you and a fellow brother. All the sudden tides turn and the King has your brother with a knife to his neck, you are not carrying a bow and know that your brother will die if you continue on the mission.)) I would leave until a opportunity arises to free my brother regroup and then launch another assassination attempt at the king. Anyone traveling with me would be expected to know that I would never abandon them and they would know that I would do everything in my power to free them so we could then complete the mission.
  2. MC Name doomday58 RP Name Artemis_Cazador Why Do You want To join I would like to join because I wish to preform some experiments on a wireless redstone system in a safe enviroment. I would also like to join because my character could be deemed a scholar and is always willing to learn new things. Your education My character has spent a large portion of his life learning and the quest for knowledge has grown on him and this would be a good place to start his jorney in the would of Ageis.
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