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Posts posted by realslimshady

  1. We do in fact have a Gorkil Storage area, enjoy your trip and make sure you have a list of what was stored if you haven't left already.

    If you know where my house is, I only have about 2 double chests worth of storage. Priority goes to two golden swords and iron armor though.

    In case I forgot...


  2. So, I'm going away first to Lake Umbagog, Maine for a three-and-a-half-week whitewater kayaking trip, and then immediately to my usual vacation in the Catskills for 3 weeks. I'll be back around Labor Day.

    In case my sign I put up earlier in-game was not substantial, I'd like my belongings stored in a Gorkil storage area (if there is one). If not, I'd be happy with them in a safe place in the Krug.

    I'll miss you guys. Gu piss un sum stowt skullz fur mi.

    - Toldor

  3. I've had a tendency to be inactive on this server, I've been doing other stuff and building up a part-time career as a DJ, turning 15 on July 1. I'll be around until the 22nd of next month, and maybe later into the school year.

    No new characters, I'm going to stick with Toldor <3

    And that's about it. Any huge changes/controversies while I've been away?

  4. *walking through the capital you see a note scratched into a piece of sandstone in the road~

    " Dis ston Toldor blarg! Toldor nub get hut! Toldor sad! Toldor get ta brudda land wit nuting phor Toldor! TOLDOR UNGRY!!!! "

    OOC from now on in this entry~

    I need region perms... that would allow me to farm and build a house. Toldor currently has no possessions of any sort... RP is fun, but there's barely anybody to RP with, and Toldor doesn't really have a reason to go to Salvus where all the orcs are already at.

  5. (( this is OOC so I can explain some))

    Jutra lists of needs for farming and cooking:

    Coco beans - excavation - dirt and sand - coco beans = cuukies! Each bean (along with 2 wheat) makes 8 cookies - it's a really good item for me to stock up on.

    Wheat seeds - hacking at tall grass - some passive mobs drop them. I don't need melon or pumpkins seeds just Wheat. Wheat is used for bread and cookies and for breeding the livestock. It takes 192 wheat to make one stack of 64 bread. Also due to the seed bugs - I can't harvest a full field with a hoe (which gives me 3 wheat per seed planted) and expect the same or more seeds I need to replant it. I'm left hoeing only a few fields and using the water method on the others (which gives me more then enough seeds but only 1 wheat per seed planted. and you thought you had problems! )

    Bones or Bonemeal - Bones are from skeletons and other mobs - I don't know all of them. I know I got some from culling the city's cows. I try not to have to use bonemeal on the Wheat as it's just too much to do. But it's useful when I have a 97% mature wheat field and I only have to use the bone meal on 3% of it to make it a full batch to harvest.

    Mushrooms - from dark places. Either kind. Used in making muchroom soup - you make hate that it doesn't stack but it's the BEST food for satifing hunger and it's the easiest for me to make in huge batches to feed you.

    Charcoal or coal, or logs or stacks of saplings - basically anything that I can burn in the stoves to cook meat.

    Raw meat - donated for the good of the warnation. I have no problem cooking up your own personal stacks. I get up to 3 times the cooked version of what ever you give me to cook with my skill - use me, so we all can eat well and make the meat last longer.

    Wheat - I know other clans have camps with running farms - donating so I can make bread or cookies would be appreciated.

    Eggs - eggs equal chickens (1 out of 8 throws) either give them to me or go throw them in the chicken coop yourself. (it's fun when you throw one egg and get 4 chicks)

    Occasionally I need the following for various projects I have going in the valley:

    Sandstone - I'm making paths around the valley and my choosen stone is sandstone.

    Inksacks - for when someone re-dyes my sheep - Inksacks are used to make black, dark and light grey dye.

    Shears - we currently have enough of these so maybe just having the ones we have kept in good repair would be nice.

    Not items but still usefull to me:

    Take the shears from the wuul chest and go shear the sheep. Put the wuul in the proper chest - leave the shears there to be repaired.

    Repairing the shears - always helpfull.

    Stand near the back of the farm - seems that the wheat only grows when someone is actually in the vacinity of it. The back and front of the farm seem to be in different areas as the front is always maturing faster then the back half. Come stand around the back where the chickens are that would help me greatly and save on having to use bonemeal.

    Cull the live stock - this is another thron in my side as folks do this but keep the meat! Leave the meat for the warnation and for me to cook. When you are done culling - you should leave me with at least 2 or 4 of that livestock alive with babies already breed!

    Keep in mind I'm not just making food for the orcs everyday needs I'm also the cook for our military so when we are called upon to be stationed somewhere I have to have stockpiles to leave with our troops - the demand for food is huge so any and all help is greatly appreciated.


    I have a necessary excavation level for cocoa beans. Although my previous character never fished, I'm determined to fish quite a bit!

  6. General

    Orc Clans







    Feorc Nesting Behaviour


    Child Rearing


    The Warlord The Rex


    The Clash of the Clans








    Tale of Dom


    Orc Mythology




    ((Thanks. Also I never planned on playing a cub as there's tons of controversy surrounding that topic right now, and I would be more interested in playing some sort of bandit king...))

    Edit: ((I think I meant to post this somewhere else... :???:

  7. Rothicus had been sick for years. He would sleep for weeks on end. All he had to combat the disease was hot water and his own will to live. But Rothicus had begun to lose that will. Ezra and Rohn had abandoned the house long ago, and Aegis was falling apart before Rothicus's eyes, with a convenient window view.

    On the day when Rothicus felt the worst, he decided that he would walk outside and get one last glimpse of Aegis. Rothicus managed to get up out of his bed and stagger down the stairs, despite rotting muscles, and used his whole body weight to open the front door. Rothicus almost fell flat on his face, which was chafing away.

    The land was charred. The abandoned forts and structures nearby were either burnt to the ground or trampled by the force of fireballs raining from the sky. Rothicus wanted to go back inside, but some force kept his near-limp body out there. Then Rothicus noticed a gold glow out of the corner of his eye, and was drawn nearer.

    It was the festival record.

    Whenever there was a festival in Rothicus Brady's village, his father would play the sparkly gold record and get everyone dancing and reveling day and night for as long as he wanted.

    "Look at Roth dancing - he's a Brady all right," the town crier would say.

    Rothicus reached for the record - his hand dissolved as he touched the record. Rothicus Brady felt no pain, and reached more carefully for the record with his other hand. Rothicus managed to get the record back in the house and upstairs without another limb withering away.

    As Rothicus entered his room he carefully set to work modifying a music box to play records by carving in a record niche and mechanism. The process took about 3 hours, accounting for Rothicus Brady's poor condition. Finally the record mechanism was done, and Rothicus inserted the record.


    Walking down the path to the village, Rothicus noticed decorations and scraps of confetti in various places in town. Rothicus quickened his pace. There was a celebration! In no time Rothicus Brady found himself smack dab in the middle of town square, people cheering, hugs and kisses from his mother, and a watchful dad adjusting the trebles on the record player to match the mood of his son's return.


    In reality, Rothicus crawled back into bed. The village developed a gold overlay as fire enveloped his body and Aegis was destroyed... Rothicus had returned home at last.

    REASONS FOR KILLING OFF ROTHICUS: (ooc from now until end of post)

    1. He was my first char - therefore in a way reflects a "novice roleplayer" profile imo.

    2. I never really got into the job of a fully RP bard after a long time, really should have done that earlier.

    3. During my period of inactivity, I want to come back to a new world and a new character.

    My new char will be an ORC named TOLDOR! I'll write a story for him in a bit, probably in my villain application - right now he's a middle-age orc that experienced lots of battle, but wants to live a more peaceful life. I'm excited to read up on the orc language and expose myself to a different community.

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