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Posts posted by Eaglestrike999

  1. Name ((RP and MC)):

    RP: Anakarin Nord

    MC: Eaglestrike999

    Age ((IC and OOC)):

    47 ((16))

    Combat skills:

    All my life, all i have known is war. My Father died at the age of 52 fighting for Alras, he was a blacksmith and taught me all i know about swords at a young age before he left with my brother. And my brother died protecting Aegis when the undead struck, even when there was no chance of success. Since my Father died i have fought for Alras. I began by joining the Alrasian Guard, and i served within it for 4 years before founding the The Order Of Vigilant Steel, which, was honored by the Alrasian Council after the battle at the Undead's Keep in Aegis. And later, joining up with Alras after travelling to Asulon to form The Alrasian Order of Steel that still runs today, but with new leadership. All my life i have fought for Alras. And now the great war is near, i would do anything to fight for her again.

    ((Swordsmanship: 52))

    Non-combat skills:

    Although brought up in a combat environment, the skill to war is preparation. And preparation includes skills that are not combat related. Setting up strategic fortifications for my guild meant hard labor. And through hard labor i built up my expertise as a miner, working long hard days to make sure we had enough materials to cater for the guilds need.

    ((61 Mining))


    Experience is where i excel, i have lived in Alras all my life and have fought through hard times. My first job was in the Alrasian Guard where i served 4 years of my life protecting Alras. I then retired and started up my own guild, which was then honored by the Alrasian Council for aiding Alras in its time of need. After the undead stormed Aegis, i went through a hard time in loosing my brother and so i traveled for 5 years in search of new experiences. Now i am back and wish to serve Alras once more. I wish to aid her in her wars, whether that means fighting as a soldier, or leading soldiers to glory.

    Why you want to join:

    I have lived in the Nation of Alras all my life, i lived the in the City that was only a dream for its High King, and proof that when challenged with impossible odds, you can come through. This whole Nation has been a inspiration for me all my life and i have lived in it and served it all my life. The people who make up the Nation are some of the most friendly, warm hearted and spirited people i have ever met and from living around them and with them, has given me a stronger urge to protect them and the City itself from all who threaten it. And now in its time of need, when it calls out for aid against a threat to Asulon and to Alras, i will sign up and help in any way possible.


    Although looking for a role as a Officer as personally i believe that is where my skills lie, i am more than willing to server Alras as a Officer or a Soldier without hesitation.

  2. Just pointing out....our characters know absolutely nothing whatsoever of any sort of new land.

    ((Your characters do know of other lands, Aegis is only a region of the world. Hence why i said 'a new land' and nothing in detail. :P))

  3. How did you gentlemen do in the battle?

    Fairly well, We lost around 2 men however that is to be expected in such dramatic combat. But there stuff was either recovered or remade for battles to come. So in my view we fared quite well. ((Also its confirmed, We will be making a new forum topic as soon as i have confirmed a few things with people and decided on exactly what we are doing.))

  4. ((To Caleb))

    -A bird lands at your feet, with a small, rolled up parchment tied to it.-

    My own Order shall soon be travelling to a new land. And with the current undead onslaughts i would presume you shall be too. Therfor i propose a alliance. I believe our two orders would aid each other through conflict and peace. We have a strong working force that can aid you in getting set up if you require the help as well. When you get this parchment, Send it back to The Alrasian Camp, Tent 20.


    The Order of Vigilant Steel

    Vigil Commander Anakarin.

  5. I believe the majority of you are neglecting that undead can, and will find a way around your walls. Either ghasts coming in, Or lightning striking undead into the heart of Laurelin. You need to not strengthen Laurelin itself. But you must strengthen your position in Laurelin. There are 3 key factors to warfare.


    How well are your troops trained, How good, tactically, are your leaders. Do they believe, what they are fighting for, is correct. Now since, Aegis has a common enemy i would say that they do believe what they are fighting for. But you must now look at the skill of your troops and leaders, Your army is relatively small and well trained, Laurelin however is a huge place. Firstly you will need to recruit more men into your ranks, Or call in the aid of other Nations.


    This one, in Laurelin and in all Nations, Will be the turning point in the battle. Al'khazar believed it was safe because of its mighty walls and huge army. That may have been some help, however when the undead appeared in the middle of Al'khazar, There was nothing anyone could do, Because the military, had lost there strong position. The walls. And once the keep fell to the same equation, the battle was lost. Laurelin has weak walls, agreed. However these will not matter. Laurelin in itself has a fairly defensive position that it can keep throughout the battle. You must use this.


    Deception, although because of the size of the undead army will not be on their minds. It MUST be on yours. Laurelin has a small army, It must appear large and strong in order to make the undead think twice about sending in their overlords, Since, if the Overlord is in any chance of danger, I doubt they will send them in. Or if they do it will not be at a active role at the front. You must deceive the enemy on your position, If they know you are on the walls. The overlords will call down undead behind you. You must deceive them into thinking you are near, But you are really far.

    My Analysis

    Alright so, Laurelin must learn to grow flexible. They must use the trees as best they can. Create wooden platforms for archers, And defensive bunkers at the trunks for swordsmen. Laurelin is too big for everyone to cover. However if the army is flexible and uses the trees towards their advantage, You have a strong position that can never be taken away unlike the walls of Al'Khazar. You must deceive your enemy into thinking one thing, So they shall place their army exactly, where you want that army to be. Lets call it, a killing zone. You must also strengthen your army, Laurelin will not be able to do this alone. Call in the aid of other Nations, and make sure this is organised by your leaders. Plan in advance. Or Laurelin will fall to the same failed tactics as Al'Khazar and Alras did.

  6. [[EDIT]]

    This charter is to be ignored. Huge misunderstanding between us and the owner. It is destroyed and abandoned for a RP reason that we did not know about. This charter is irrelevant now.


    MC Name: Eaglestrike999

    RP Name: Vigil Anakarin

    City Name: Lunavara

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    Me and my Guild came across Lunavara after the Undead Attack. With the old King dead and the council members long gone, Our Guild took it upon themselves to help the Citizens rebuild Lunavara. Since then we have reconstructed the Town and rebuilt it exactly as it once was according to the books of architecture found in the City Library. Since then we have begun work on reconstructing the Keep. And have now fully cleared the City of the undead that once attacked it. We then called a meeting with our Guild Council and the Citizens of Lunavara and asked what to do in the future. It was agreed that our Guild should attempt to take over rule in Lunavara. And restore it to its former glory. And carry on the legacy that its deceased King and council members began.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time?

    We have decided to carry on the political system enforced by the previous King of Lunavara, The City will be run by a Council, High ranking members of the Guild and leading citizens of Lunavara, And the final decisions will be decided by myself. Although i will uphold the final decision, it will be down to a Council vote on the majority of cases regarding Lunavara.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    Although the City will rely on its residents and council to lead it in its darkest hour. The Guild has friends in Alras and Galahar that if needed, would certanly not hesitate to aid Lunavara if the need arrised.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be, and how large? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).

    Our City is situated in a redwood forest area within a valley of mountains to the North West of AL'Khazaar. The layout of the city via the Dynamic map from the main page pieced together with photoshop ((Made by the previous owner. Still up-to-date.))


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):


    ((A Link to the video that the previous King made, Showing the origional layout and design of the City. Everything has been built exactly to this and nothing has been changed, Simply revamped after the attack.))

    We accept any race in Lunavara so long as they cause no trouble or harm towards the City and its occupants. Depending on our occupants races culture will be different however we primarily have a human culture although things such as weddings and other things will depend on the race of the citizens involved.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum):
















    There are more but i will edit them in as soon as they reply with their MC names.

    *Extra note: ((The previous King died of old age IC, This charter is for a leadership changeover. The region has no perms.))

  7. What is your name? (Both RP and MC please.)

    Amiria ((Pyrofries))

    What are your major skills?

    Enchantment, Cooking, Archery

    What role would you like to take up in the Order?

    I would like to be a Witch or mage after I receive training in that form

    Any current/previous Guilds/Orders you are/were in?


    Why you believe you deserve to join the Order and what you would bring to it.

    I deserve to join the order because I have stayed with them for some time and I think that they could use me as a valuable asset as I am elven and know some things about magic.

    Your Application needs to be more in-dept. It is very short.

  8. ((What do you actually do?))

    Currently we are constructing our Guild Hall and aiding the Vanguard in its investigations and arrests of the Hooded. In our spare time we also help Alras Guards on their shifts. We are very gratefull to the king for our Guild Hall and so it is the least we can do to repay his generosity.

  9. We are The Order of Vigilant Steel. We are a new upcomming Order with our Main Hall based in Alras. We offer a wide variety of services to both our members and members of the public. So, to answer some of your pending questions:

    A little bit of information about us!

    Our Order is based around combat however we are looking for a wide range of roles such as cheff's, blacksmith's and wizards. We accept most people who seem loyal, trustworthy and have shown themselves worthy, and have the heart required to join the Order. Although you will have to prove yourself in our training area before you are accepted, We are generally not as much of a though Order to get into. Our main goal is to watch over Aegis and defend Aegis and our home if need be. We also aid Capital Cities with bounty's and law enforcement. Our Main Guild Hall is in the Alras Housing district and we are currently trying to expand our Guild hall along to the housing area nextdoor. This would increase our member size and give us a larger area for storage and training. We currently have 6 members, all active. We are currently recruiting and have enough space in our Guild Hall for around another 4-5 members.

    Our Ranks?

    Our ranks are very different from any you will experience in all of Aegis, Based off our own Order name, Our ranks are completly independant to our Order. The ranks are as follows in order of Highest to Lowest.

    1) Vigil - These are the equivilant of the Orders High Council. They are the leaders of the Order and decide the Orders movements and tasks. Aswell as who is allowed to join. They all have designated sections of the Order to manage such as Engineering and Warfare. There descisions will be carried out by the Sentinals.

    2) Sentinal - These are the equivilant of Commanding Officers. Incharge different sections of the Order such as engineers and warfare.

    3) Enforcers - These are the equivilant of Officers. They enforce the Commanders orders and keep the troops inline. Unlike the Sentinals who are ussually planning. These troops take a active role in there job.

    4) Protectors - These are the equivilant of Knights. They are trusted members of the Order and have proven themselves in their role in the Guild. These members will have access to the Orders chests.

    Although we do not have many ranks. We feel that the people joining must want to play a active role in the Order and join it for all that is stated above, And not for the ranks.

    So what does the Military side of things do?

    Its very simple! We split our forces into blocks. These are colour co-ordinated and have 8 members per block. These blocks are lead by Enforcer's and follow out Sentinals orders. Each block would recieve a rotor for the month. Each month different blocks would swap tasks to make sure every member gets a enjoyable experience from the Order whilst getting the job done and doing it well.

    Plans for the future!

    The Order will soon be moving to a new land! (Aegis 2.00) Our plans are to secure a plot of land and build a independent Fortress and have outposts such as the Hall we own in Alras, In various Capital Cities. We would also install outposts and begin to expand our reach across the area. Units would run patrols and aid local villages in expanding and encourage civilians to ask us for help if they are near us! The Fortress has already been fully planned out and has enough room to secure roughly 4 blocks. More can be added with the support of the local villages. So what would you be doing in this future plan? Being part of a block you would be either patrolling our territory, aiding local villages, controlling one of our outposts or camps or be on a task such as aiding Capital Cities law enforcement.

    If you wish to sign up please post the following application:

    What is your name? (Both RP and MC please.)

    What are your major skills?

    What role would you like to take up in the Order?

    Any current/previous Guilds/Orders you are/were in?

    Why you believe you deserve to join the Order and what you would bring to it.


  10. 1) Minecraft Account Name:


    2) Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    3) How old are you?:

    15, Year/Grade 11 (School).

    4) Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    United Kingdom, Greenwich Mean Time, GMT.

    5) Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes. I am taking English A-Level so i hope so!

    6) Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    Currently doing my GCSE's but far enough through them to be able to be atleast 2 hours active each night. Love sport and any other outdoor activity, cant be active saturday afternoons because i am part of my local Marine Cadets and we train on Saturdays but i will be on in the evening for sure! I am also a avid online PC gamer. Bought Minecraft in the Alpha and have played it since, i have been looking for a perfect roleplaying server for a long time and if what i hear about this one, it sounds perfect for what i want out of minecraft.

    7) How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Roughly 2-3 hours each weekday, Up to 4-5 on weekends. Will be inactive saturday afternoon due to Marines but will be on in the evening.

    8) What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    It is playing as a different character, and playing him and his role in a way that is acceptable for the circumstances and rules of a server. For example, Tim, being given a role and a job such as woodcutter for the local village, collects wood during the day and turns them into planks before delivering them to the local wood worker and heading off to bed.

    9) In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are:

    Powergaming: Powergaming is unfair roleplaying, It is forcing someone to play along with your commands and not giving them a fair chance to fight back. In my opinion it completly ruins roleplaying and i am glad that you have included it in the rules.

    Metagaming: Metagaming is knowing things that the character you are roleplaying, would not know. And to give a example, reading the players nametag instead of asking for there name.

    10) What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what i have heard from friends, a fun, organised roleplaying world with no grievers and a helpfull community. Lots of PvP moments and a good friendly community. I expect it will be a mix of veteren players and new ones but all chosen for their passion for the server and the opertunities inside of it, and all trustworthy. Hoping for new experiences and looking forward to the money currency and the Cities that I have seen in the Trailers.

    11) What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played in personal servers with friends and tribal PvP servers, they where fantastic to build on my fighting and castle/defence building skills and was great fun at the same time however i did eventually feel that what i was doing had limits, and i started searching for a more open server. One with more opertunities. So i left them looking for a more in-depth role playing community.

    12) Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes. They sound very strict which I like. I dont like places with no rules because they are simply a home for griefers.

    13) How did you hear about us?:

    I play alot of MMORPG's and a few friends of mine, commandercaleb and blackdragonhole recomended the server to me when they saw me building, so i checked out the website, looked at the youtube trailer and did some research on the server and finally decided to try and join.

    14) Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    No, i havent voted, I only found out about Lord of the Craft recently and havent yet fully come to terms with all the different things it provides.

    15) What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:


    16) Character Name:


    17) What is your Race?:

    Race: Dwarf

    Appearance: Large build, A long matted beard and a scar across his eye and down his cheek. Hardened by battle and strong through training. Heavy chainmail and steel plated armour and carries a war axe to strike fear into his enemies.

    Personality: Friendly to friends and harsh to outsiders. He likes to get things done and how he does it is not important to him. He has seen alot of good friends fall in battle and although he will not admit it, he hides his emotions behind his hard appearence.

    Ambitions: To seek revenge for his familly and to protect his people. He aspires to become who his father was, an inspiration to all the men he commanded. He aspires to become the fiercest warrior he can be, and to lead his men into the dark times ahead.

    Skills: A superb warrior and a highly skilled in building. He is also a exellent leader.

    18) Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Anakarin grew up in the dwarven cave system of Azeroth. He spent the majority of his life in the great halls and barracks of the huge underground world and spent most of his days with the local guards. And when he wasnt there, he was out exploring the vast abandoned mines. It was a happy life, and a simple one. His father worked as a town guard, a captain. His mother stayed home and looked after him. Strangely he can remember his father more than his mother, life was perfect. Until the undead attack. The ground shook with a huge violence, people screamed and guards ran to man the defences, while huge roars sounded from further up the cavern. Anakarin doesnt talk about his past, it is said even now it haunts him. But what most people dont know is that his familly was crushed under a falling boulder, when the undead attacked during the first war. After that attack Anakarin was left in solitude and found refuge in the ruins of the once home of his happy familly. He struggled by the next 12 years, scavenging food left from before that horrid day. After bringing himself up, struggling for survival, and barely getting a education, Anakarin headed for the Dwarven capital, here he would do whatever he could to help the war effort. And to help those around him in need of aid. He would get revenge on those who killed his familly. And whoever attempts to stop him will feel the pain and wrath of many years of grief and haunted nights, struck upon them...

    19) A screenshot of your skin:

    See attachment

    20) Other Information:

    I have ALOT of friends who play on this server and i am a pretty decent builder on MineCraft, I love building Megaprojects and love the feeling of achievement you get when you build something that you have worked so long for, and has taken so long to build (A picture of a recent castle i made in attachments). I am a HUGE fan of strategy games and a HUGE fan of medieval and ancient warfare. Love the outdoors but equally a avid gamer, Adicted to MC since the Alpha...


  11. 1) Minecraft Account Name:


    2) Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    3) How old are you?:

    15, Year 11.

    4) Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    United Kingdom, Greenwich Mean Time, GMT.

    5) Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes. I am taking English A-Level so i hope so!

    6) Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    Currently doing my GCSE's but far enough through them to be able to be atleast 2 hours active each night. Love sport and any other outdoor activity, cant be active saturday afternoons because i am part of my local Marine Cadets and we train on Saturdays but i will be on in the evening for sure! I am also a avid online PC gamer. Bought Minecraft in the Alpha and have played it since, i have been looking for a perfect roleplaying server for a long time and if what i hear about this one, it sounds perfect for what i want out of minecraft.

    7) How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Roughly 2-3 hours each weekday, Up to 4-5 on weekends. Will be inactive saturday afternoon due to Marines but will be on in the evening.

    8) What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    It is playing as a different character, and playing him and his role in a way that is acceptable for the circumstances and rules of a server. For example, Tim, being given a role and a job such as woodcutter for the local village, collects wood during the day and turns them into planks before delivering them to the local wood worker and heading off to bed.

    9) In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are:

    Powergaming: Powergaming is the domination and unfairly playing of roleplaying. Such as forcing the person to play along or not giving them a chance to resist.

    Metagaming: Metagaming is using things like using Out Of Character in Brackets and In Character, And to give a example, reading the players nametag instead of roleplaying fully and asking for there name.

    10) What do you expect this server will be like?:

    From what i have heard from friends, a fun, organised roleplaying world with no grievers and a helpfull community. Lots of PvP moments and a good friendly community. I expect it will be a mix of veteren players and new ones but all chosen for their passion for the server and the opertunities inside of it, and all trustworthy.

    11) What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I have played in personal servers with friends and tribal PvP servers, they where fantastic to build on my fighting and castle/defence building skills and was great fun at the same time however i did eventually feel that what i was doing had limits, and i started searching for a more open server. One with more opertunities. So i left them looking for a more in-depth role playing community.

    12) Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes. And i fully agree with them.

    13) How did you hear about us?:

    Through a friend talking to another friend about making a forum post on why Nical should become independant and i started asking questions. As i had been looking for a server right for me for a long time now this really got me interested. So i looked at your website and talked to a few people about the server and finally decided to write my application.

    14) Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    No, i havent voted, I only found out about Lord of the Craft recently and havent yet fully come to terms with all the different things it provides.

    15) What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:


    16) Character Name:


    17) What is your Race?:

    Human, Aged 48. Strong heavy build. Used to hard labour. Grey shaved hair.

    18) Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    A soldier, Who has worked his way up from a young foolish recruit to a hard working officer. He knows how to manage a battle but is also determined to work his way up and prove himself if needs be. Not one to shy away from a fight, when young, constantly got himself into fights and taught himself to be independant due to his father being away on a military tour of duty. Over the years he has built up a strong personality relying on his fellow soldiers and others around him, and although tough on the outside, he can be very friendly to those he likes and will gladly help anyone who asks. Depending on what they ask of him. Aged 48 with a strong build and grey shaved hair, and in peak physical condition, he has chosen to fight for a new army. And take his skills elsewere in the world...

    19) Your characters ambitions:

    ~ To earn the trust of his fellow community.

    ~ To work his way up in the ranks of his fellow soldiers.

    ~ To fight for survival, for the thrill. To command once again.

    ~ To start afresh, In a new world, and a new life.

    ~ To improve the skills he already has and to learn new ones.

    20) A screenshot of your skin:

    See attachment.

    21) Other Information:

    Would preferably like to join the community of Nical, as i have many gaming friends there and i have looked it up and have decided if possible, would be the best option for me. I am a HUGE fan of strategy games and a HUGE fan of medieval and ancient warfare as well as 3D model making.


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