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Posts posted by FalconByte


    MC Name: FalconByte


    Character's Name: Arhadir


    Character's Age: 90


    Character's Race: Adunian 


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Demi-Ascended


    Teacher's MC Name: Jallentime


    Teacher's RP Name: Heial


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  2. Teacher Application format:

    MC Name: FalconByte


    Character's Name: Arhadir Roke


    Character's Age: 80


    Character's Race: Adunian


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Air Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Elemental Evocation is based around the void and its infinite nothingness (along with a bit of mana), just like all other Arcane arts. Learning an Elemental magic requires the user to study a particular element (E.g Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Electricity) and gain a deep understanding of how that element works in the natural world. The whole point of gaining this deeper understand is for the mage to be able to summon and utilize the element in the real world. The element that is brought into the natural world from the void will only remain in the natural world for a short period of time, because it is an unnatural part of the world and because its and unnatural part of the world the continues use of it weakens the user, making them less fit for physical activities such as combat.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Arhadir stands with his hands behind his back, facing his apprentice “You must use your knowledge of wind and its movements to be able to properly bring it from the void to the natural world.” he pauses and lets that statement sink in. “Now take a few deep breaths and think only about the movement of the wind, Imagine you're on top of a snowy mountain and you can feel the wind passing by” Arhadir would once again pause and letting the thought sink into the students mind “Now imagine you standing in a forest, listen to the wind move through the trees, feel the movements as it passes between the trees, Image you are that wind.” once more would he pause to let this sink in. “Have you done this?”


    The apprentice stands in front of Arhadir with his eyes closed “Yes I have master”


    Arhadir would smile before saying “Now open your eyes and face the target to your right. Now Imagine air you felt on the mountain top and that you felt flowing through the forest tree’s, Now aim your hands towards the target and take a few deep breaths.”


    The apprentice would do as Arhadir instructed as he takes aim at the target which is now in front of him.


    Arhadir watches his apprentice get into position and take a few deep breaths “Focus on the target in front of you, image the winds from the forest and the mountain top firing out of you and hitting that target.”


    The apprentice would take a few extra breaths as he focuses on the target in front of him. He would think about hitting the target with what he felt from the forests.


    [!]A small disturbance in the air in front of the apprentice would appear as it shot out towards the target, upon hitting the target which stood only a few meters away from the apprentice a small puff of dust would be disturbed but would show a successful hit.


    The apprentice smiles as he rubs his head and seats himself on the floor looking exhausted.


    Arhadir would stand over his apprentice with a smile on his face before saying “Well done but we still have a lot of work to do”


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Yes I have applied but due to my hiatus, it was set as inactive here is the link:



    Name: Aryan Roke
    Address/Property: Cathedral
    Nationality: Marnan

    Party: OSL


    [ ] Aran Talraen

    [ ] Alexandre Ashford d’Aryn

    [X] Godwyn Crast

    [ ] Abstain

    [X] Force these structures into vassalization

    [ ] Assimilate these settlements peacefully

    [ ] Destroy and displace said settlements

    [ ] Leave these settlements be

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [X] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [X] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [X] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [X] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain


    Student Application format:

    MC Name: FalconByte


    Character's Name: Arhadir Roke


    Character's Age: 87


    Character's Race: Adunian


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Air Evocation & Telekinesis


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Yes but it has not been denied, rather it was made inactive. I was asked to post this by Niv_Mizzet. Here are the links to all the Old Apps





  5. Name: Illern Winterleaf Deathsbane
    Age: 77
    Race: Mali'ame
    Registered magics: Paladin of Xan
    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Name: Artemis

    Age: No clue

    Race: Human

    Registered magics: Clericism; Tahariae

    Past Offenses(if any): N/A

    Signature: Artemis

    Name: Rosalyn VonSchlichten

    Age: 30

    Race: Human

    Registered magics: Mental Magic

    Past Offenses(if any): None.

    Signature: ~Rosalyn N. VonSchlichten

    Name: Vaerus Irongut

    Age: 193

    Race: Adunidorf

    Registered magics: Fire evocation & conjuration

    Past Offenses(if any): none

    Signature: vaerus irongut

    License Format:
    Name: Skale
    Age: 244
    Race: Mali'aheral
    Registered magics: Clerical; Xan's Boon
    Past Offenses(if any): N/A
    Signature: Skale Asul'ker

    Name: Andriel Elrè Z'lorn

    Age: 117

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Tahariaen Clerical Healing

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Signature: Andriel Elrè Z'lorn


    Teaching License Format:

    Name: Andriel Elrè Z'lorn

    Age: 117

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Tahariaen Clerical Healing

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Fahim Nasir

    Signature: Andriel Elrè Z'lorn

    [!]A letter is sent out to all the applicants, inside the applicants would fine their magic licences

  6. Street Address or Area of Residency - Palace

    (If your home has just a #, put down that #. If you're living in a farmsted like the Proudfoot residence, or within the palace, or anything else, put that down.)


    Full name [MC name in Brackets] - Arhadir Roke [FalconByte]


    Race(Include culture if able) - Human


    Are you the Household owner? - Yes...


    If not, who is the Household owner? - Roke


    What faith do you follow? - Canonist


    Who else resides within your Home?(Full names & Race [MC names in Brackets]) - N/A




    If living within the Capital of Al-Wakhrah, does your home have a basement or any self made modifications? (One that has been built by yourself, or by a specially appointed steward.)  - No



    Citizen door keys will be redistributed to ensure the safety of all citizens. With that, a new law is to be set out for use of the citizen doors located near the docks and the main gate. 


    The Citizenship door near the main gate of the city, as well as by the docks, are to ONLY be used by citizens and trusted companions of that citizen. Citizens are to NEVER let in someone they do not know, especially a large group wishing entrance upon the city. This means you are to never let in a group of bandits or raiders, even if they pay you. If you are found guilty of letting in someone that is banished within Khalestine, bandits, a raiding party, or anyone that enters the city that is not a citizen but ends up breaking the law, you are subjected to the one or more of the following consequences, depending on the severity ; A fine of up to 2000 minas, the possibility of revoking citizen door keys, the possibility of banishment and eviction, the possibility of public execution.


    Do you understand this law, and will ensure to follow it? This also applies to all household members as well. - Yes

  7. OOC

    MC Name: FalconByte

    Skype User: jonathan.andrews46



    Name: Aryan Roke

    Age: 17

    Race: Kaedreni

    Prior Merits and Service: None of note


    Do you agree to submit yourself to the Hierarchy of the Order, and in doing such, serve with loyalty undying to both your superiors and to Owyn himself? Yes

  8. Name: Ash'ya Norodiir

    Age: 330ish

    Race: Wood Elf

    Registered magics: Earth Evocation

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Signature: Ash'ya~



    Name: Glacio Nereus
    Age: 89
    Race: Wood Elf
    Registered magics: Water Evocation, Fire Evocation, Conjuration.
    Past Offenses(if any): None
    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Kelthran, Daniel.
    Signature: Glacio Nereus


    A licence would be sent out to both the applicants with a big stamp saying "Accepted"

  9. MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Arhadir Roke, 66


    Character’s Race:



    Link to your accepted magic application:


    [Old App]



    What magics do you desire to teach?:

    Elemental Evocation - Air


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Elemental Evocation is based around the void and its infinite nothingness (along with a bit of mana), just like all other Arcane arts. Learning an Elemental magic requires the user to study a particular element (E.g Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Electricity) and gain a deep understanding of how that element works in the natural world. The whole point of gaining this deeper understand is for the mage to be able to summon and utilize the element in the real world. The element that is brought into the natural world from the void will only remain in the natural world for a short period of time, because it is an unnatural part of the world and because its and unnatural part of the world the continues use of it weakens the user, making them less fit for physical activities such as combat.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    Roke stands with his hands behind his back, facing his apprentice “You must use your knowledge of wind and its movements to be able to properly bring it from the void to the natural world.” he pauses and lets that statement sink in. “Now take a few deep breaths and think only about the movement of the wind, Imagine you're on top of a snowy mountain and you can feel the wind passing by” Roke would once again pause and letting the thought sink into the students mind “Now imagine you standing in a forest, listen to the wind move through the trees, feel the movements as it passes between the trees, Image you are that wind.” once more would he pause to let this sink in. “Have you done this?”


    The apprentice stand in front of roke with his eyes closed “Yes I have master”


    Roke would smile before saying “Now open your eyes and face the target to your right. Now Imagine air you felt on the mountain top and that you felt flowing through the forest tree’s, Now aim your hands towards the target and take a few deep breaths.”


    The apprentice would do as Roke instructed as he takes aim at the target which is now in front of him.


    Roke watches his apprentice get into position and take a few deep breaths “Focus on the target in front of you, image the winds from the forest and the mountaintop firing out of you and hitting that target.”


    The apprentice would take a few extra breaths as he focuses on the target in front of him. He would think about hitting the target with what he felt from the forests.


    [!]A small disturbance in the air in front of the apprentice would appear as it shot out towards the target, upon hitting the target which stood only a few meters away from the apprentice a small puff of dust would be disturbed but would show a successful hit.


    The apprentice would smile before having a feeling of tiredness overcome before he suddenly faints from exhaustion of  connecting to the void.


    Roke would stand over his apprentice with a smile on his face before saying “Well done, lad but we still have a lot of work to do”

  10. Name - Arhadir Roke (FalconByte)

    Age - 66

    Race - Human

    Citizen of Khalestine? - Yes

    Brief description on who you are and what you currently do - I am steward of the once noble house Roke. I have come to the Caliphate to join my brothers who once lived in Aesterwald and as of right now I assist Rilkor in the creation of enchantments.


    Position applying for - Court Sahooru

    Why do you wish to take on this position? - I wish to take up a proper job within the Caliphate as well as assist with the operations of the government and growth of the nation. With my high levels of skill and knowledge of magical arts I thought it best to apply for this position of Court Sahooru and see what positives I can bring to the already thriving Caliphate.


    What do you hope to accomplish by taking on this position?- I hope to accomplish the responsibilities delegated to me which of course are, protecting the Caliphate and the Caliph from magic forces as researching any magical threats/opportunities that might come along. I also wish to assist in setting up a school for individuals who wish to train in enchanting and for a select few in the Arcane arts.


    What makes you qualified for this position?- I personally have spent most of my life studying the Arcane arts along with the tactics of battle so in these aspects I am prepared to defend the Caliphate. I also served quite a long term as the Court Mage of Aesterwald assisting the Waldenians, during my time in Aesterwald I assisted in the basic running of the capital city of Vanderfell and the nations military.


    Anything else you wish to add? - I do not wish to add anything at this time.


    Signature here: Arhadir Roke

  11. MC name: FalconByte

    Character's name and age: Arhadir Roke, 65


    Character’s Race: Human

    What magic/s did you learn?:

    -Elemental Evocation - Air Evocation



    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Arhadir learnt air evocation through study of books and study of the element of air itself, while Telekinesis was introduced to Arhadir from a fellow mage before he took it upon himself to learn more through study of books and the meditation.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    -Air Evocation is pulling an element in this case air from the void and bringing it into the real-world and using it in creative ways, such as a projectile or a quick blast/thrust of air. 

    -Telekinesis is the use of the void to manipulate the spare around objects, and simply being able to move these objects without psychical contact.


    Arhadir is a Master of Air Evocation as is adept in Telekinesis.


    Links to old magic applications:





  12. Teacher Application

    MC Name: FalconByte


    Skype: Jonathan.andrews46


    IC Name: Arhadir Roke


    Magic/magics you use/know: 

    -Air Evocation


    Magic/magics you wish to teach: 

    -Air Evocation


    How long have you been practising these magics?: 

    -Teacher Application:https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99208-falconbytes-teaching-app/?hl=falconbyte

    -Initial Application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/93047-self-taughtair-evocation-falconbytes-magic/?hl=falconbyte

    I have been involved in magic role-play for about 2 years now.

  13. Username: FalconByte

    Skype: jonathan.andrews46

    Testing experience: Tested plugins for old minecraft server that friends used to administrate as well as a few of my own servers...

    How long have you played LOTC: About 3 years now

    How familiar are you with our plugins (Nexus Craft, Claimable Regions, Professions): I would say I am Very familiar.

  14. The Dwarven Legion



    The Dwarven Legion, defenders of Urguan, protectors of the Faith,

    guardians of the people. The sole purpose of the Dwarven Legion is

    to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It is the main military

    force underneath the Grand Kingdom, and also one of the most prestigious and oldest military guilds. It is currently led by Grand Marshal  Theryn Grandaxe.  The Legion

    is known for it’s notable order and discipline, excessive training and precise execution.




    Notable Battles




    Battle of Ugluk Fort

    The Legion siege the Orcish fort of Clan Ugluk. The result is a Legion victory and the land is claimed for the Grand Kingdom. This particular land would become the site of Storm’s Crossing and eventually Kal’Ithrun.


    Battle of Snow/Battle of Nation Crossing

    The Legion and it’s vassals face off in an open field battle with the Empire of Oren. The result is a loss due to a surprise flank by House Flay.


    Battle of the GM Village

    The Legion sieges the GM Village defended by the Orcs and the skygods. The result is a staggering massacre as the Orcs turn sides in favour of the Legion.


    Battle of Frostfall

    The Legion and their allies siege the tower of a Harbinger and are eventually pushed back under the waves of drudges and ridiculously overpowered magic.


    Battle of Shadow Castle

    The Legion, Tuetons and Elven forces siege the Orenian fortress of Shadow Castle. The result is the eventual retreat of the Legion forces under the onslaught of an orcish flank and flying Strelts.


    Battle of Thoringrad

    The combined forces of the races of Anthos siege the Legion fort of Thoringrad and the obsidian wall stretching from coast to coast. The result is the Legion retreating to the depths of the tower of Thoringrad where the great powers of the Green Skygod remove the ground above them, the ensuing fight results in an Orenian victory.


    Battle of Indagolaf

    The Legion, pushed back from the trenches surrounding the remains of Thoringrad, entrench themselves in the depths of Fort Indagolaf, an underground superfortress. After a lengthy siege, the Legion forces emerge from the fortress in a charge that would route the human, orc, and elven forces.


    Battle of Kal’Azgoth

    The Legion forces alongside their allies, led by a dwarf freed from the clutches of Ondnarch, make their way through the deeproads and into the sealed city. It is here that Igor Ireheart, wielding the Hammer of Baradin, sacrifices himself to destroy the essence of Ondnarch and free the trapped Aengul Wyvern.


    Battle of the Dreadfort

    Human forces backed by the Legion siege teams attempt to retake the Scourge-held fortress of the Dreadfort. With brilliantly engineered weaponry and the precision of the siege teams, the dwarves blast a path for the human infantry to retake the Dreadfort with their very own Commander Borin Grandaxe killing the Harbinger of Conquest.


    Battle of Anthos

    The Legion backed by the forces of Anthos valiantly defend the gate between Anthos and The Fringe from the coming Scourge before they are pushed back by rising flood waters. Anthos is lost.


    Battle of Vengeance

    The Legion and forces of the Treaty of Zion participate in an open field battle in the Orcish sands against the Orenian forces.. After the magic of the realm failing and many persons being teleported across the realm and the Zionists dominate the remaining human forces.


    Battle of Mt. Augustus

    The Legion and its allies siege the fortress of Mt. Augustus. They eventually retreat under the onslaught of their forces.


    Battle of the Red Realm

    The forces of Anthos, led by the Legion and the Golden Lance (Guild) push several offenses into the realm of Setherian. In the final offensive the legion siege weaponry is used to destroy the Harbinger’s Tower. At the climax of the battle, Setherian breaks his way into the mortal realm and the Golden Lance (Guild), using a special ballista built by Lord Protector Zahrer Irongrinder, destroy him.


    Military Ranks


    Senior Offices


    Grand Marshal

    The Grand Marshal is the Leader of the Dwarven Legion, his

    gallant and audacious actions have caused him to take the role.

    Everything he says, everything he orders, will be upheld.

    Disobeying the Grand Marshal comes with terrible consequence.


    Grand Marshal: Theryn Grandaxe




    Commanders are exemplary soldiers and confident brave leaders,

    they take commands directly from the Grand Marshal and convey

    them to the lower ranks.


    Commander: None


    Duties of a Commander:

    - lead practices

    -Recruit Dwarves into the Legion

    -Show fair leadership and ability

    -Appropriately promote Legionnaires

    -Give Legionnaires duties, such as:

    Gate duty


    Tunnel Clearancing

    Surface checks





    Legates are the first Senior Officer rank as well as the third highest ranking Legionnaire.

    They are selected from the most worthy soldiers who

    show potential to be great leaders in battle.


    Legate: Heus Grandaxe

    Legate:  None


    Duties of the Legates:

    -Lead practices (1-2 days)

    -Recruit Dwarves into the Legion

    -Keep the legion organised,

    -Give legionnaires duties, such as:

    Gate duty


    Tunnel Clearancing

    Surface checks


    Junior Officers



    Pridebearer is the next officer rank, even though they are

    officers they are still required to partake in such

    activity such as Guarding and Patrolling.

    Duties of the Pridebearer:

    -Assist in Leading practices

    -Recruit Dwarves into the Legion

    -Give legionnaires duties, such as:

    Gate duty


    Tunnel Clearancing

    Surface checks


    To be a PrideBearer you must have vast amounts of combat

    and leadership experience.




    Ironbreakers are the first officer position obtained after the

    legionnaire has proven himself to the commanders

    and the Kingdom and become a veteran of the battle field


    Duties of the Ironbreaker:

    -Assist in Leading practices

    -Recruit Dwarves into the Legion

    -Give legionnaires duties, such as:

    Gate duty


    Tunnel Clearancing

    Surface checks





    LongBeards are previous Officers in the Legion, if they

    have stepped down and wish to stay in the legion this is

    what they are made. As a result the Longbeard rank is

    both honorary and equal with an Ironguard



    Kings Guard

    Kings Guards are those chosen to take up the specific task of

    keeping the Grand King safe. As a result the rank is both honorary

    and equal with an Ironguard





    A position for those legionnaires who have shown promise and the diligence of excelling to this rank. An Ironguard is the hardened Legionnaire.




    They have proven themselves worthy as a Grunt and advanced onwards. This rank makes up the bulk of the legion forces.




    A grunt is a recruit and initiate in the Legion. Any dwarf is liable to be a Grunt, however as a grunt their powers are limited and restricted. As a result, any and all grunts are, by default are not in the Legion.






    Duties are tasks given to Legionaries of all ranks (including commander). Duties are to be handled by the Officers of the legion.


    Guard Duty

    The Duty of Guarding is a crucial role within the capitol, Militants within the Legion are expected to serve for one Dwarven year with pay to protect the Hold and may after obtain more pay by doing more guard work.


    Gate management

    Is the duty in which a Legionnaire is to protect the mighty stone gate way of the capitol, during this time it is his or her goal to open and close the gates depending on whom is requesting entry, there are two types of phrases a Guard must adhere to when challenging someone who wishes entry and a list of features a person may bear that will not allow them access.

    The “challenge” Phrases:

    “Remove aneh koinds o’  coverin’ articles”

    “W’o be ye?”

    “Wut duh ye wunt in da city?”

    "Wut weapons duh ye 'ave?"

    Continuing the “challenge”:

    If the figure requesting entrance of the Hold has any of the following features he is to be denied entrance to the city unless stated otherwise by an official from the Grand Council,

    clothing; Hoods, Helmets, Masks, Goggles, and other forms of face covering articles.

    appearance; Bone like structure, lacking flesh on “his or her” bones, glowing eyes, and scale like hides,



    Patrolling is vital to the Hold’s well being be it either tunnel clearances, when a guard goes into the deep mines and disposes of creeps and critters who may harm the miners, or doing surface checks where the militant will do tasks similar to the tunnel clearance but on the surface.. Any peculiar sightings are to be reported to the Legion Commander for further inspection.


    Tunnel Clearing

    A guard is to travel deep into the underbelly of the Capital known as The Mugdor (Mines) where he or she will patrol and examine tunnels slaying beasts whom challenge the well being of the miners, other duties during this time include the lighting of tunnels and the reports of collapses, or peculiar holes.


    Surface Checks

    The Guard is to wander about the perimeter of the capitol where he or she will be charged with examining the wall that protects the Hold’s border as well as slay any critters who threaten travelers, any peculiar sightings such as wall breaks, mysterious structures, or orc presence, is to be reported.


    Trials of Combat


    Before becoming a Tier Two Legionnaire, every Legionnaire must complete

    the trials of Combat. The Trials of Combat involve three stages.


    Stage One: Training


    The Legionnaire will be led through the Default Training

    program that all go through.  This includes fitness, combat

    and discipline, practices, raids and patrols.


    Stage Two: Discipline


    The Legionnaire will be tasked with leading Patrols and

    Practices, this proves that the Legionnaire is eligible

    to take Tier One Legionnaires in to training.


    Stage Three: Tactics


    The Legionnaire will head up a small team of Legionnaires

    in a small war game. The other team will be headed by

    another Legionnaire at the same stage. The Leader

    of the winning side will have completed his third Stage.


    After all three stages are complete, the Legate

    will promote the Tier One Legionnaire to a Tier Two

    Legionnaire giving him seniority over a Tier One

    Legionnaire of his same rank.








    Vel (Line)

    - Formation always has the leader in front

    - Line must not pass leader or break form during march

    - Not default stance when inactive


    Dree Vel (Three Lines)

    - Formation always has the leader in front

    - Line must not pass leader or break form during march

    - May be default stance when inactive if number exceed 8 soldiers

    - Continues going down in rows to accompany all soldiers


    Aemiz (Row)

    - Formation always has the leader in front

    - Row will not be used during march

    - Default stance when inactive if number is less than 8 soldiers


    Tekom (Box)

    - Formation has leader in the center

    - Important individuals will be hosted on the inside

    - Line must not pass leader or break form during march

    - Rarely used during march due to difficulty to maintain

    - Not default stance when inactive




    The Dwarven Legion is paid on the representation of active service that is done per year, (weekly) the wage increases as one's rank increases as well thus allowing for a higher income on the well performing soldier's behalf. All Legionnaires are offered housing.



    Grunt: - Minas

    Stoneguard: 25 Minas

    IronGuard: 50 Minas

    Ironbreaker: 75 Minas

    PrideBearer: 100 Minas

    Legatus: 150 Minas

    Commander: 200 Minas

    Grand Marshal:  250 Minas


    Armour & Uniform


    All Legionnaires are required to wear the uniform suitable to their rank.





    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/HRU76Zx.png

    Helm: http://i.imgur.com/uiIIASQ.png



    Option 1



    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/fNS7MPs.png

    Helmet: http://i.imgur.com/my4mdj1.png


    Option 2



    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/xE7uxid.png

    Helm: http://i.imgur.com/my4mdj1.png


    Ironbreaker - Longbeard



    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/N9k6kcC.png

    Helm: http://i.imgur.com/haQbhEl.png


    Stoneguard - Ironguard



    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/iERxDbT.png

    Helm: http://i.imgur.com/Y8fDnJk.png





    Uniform: http://i.imgur.com/J0upKNA.png

    Helm: http://i.imgur.com/kV1v0BS.png




    A Dwarf wishing to apply must send the following applicant to the Grand Marshal





  15. Daycia frowns and rubs her hands together as she reads the notice. "But I tried to pay my taxes. They wouldn't let me because I was drunk." She mumbles out loud then sighs quietly. Her eyes flicker over the paper again and she nervously rubs the end of her sweater then looks around, as if expecting a tax collector to appear out of thin air. She turns back to the paper and reads it over once more. "But it doesn't who to pay them too!" She groans and leans her head against the billboard. "This is quite terrible..."

    A tax collector stands at the entrance to Aesterwald leaning against the town pillar


    ((You pay at the Town pillar))

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