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Posts posted by Mankaar

  1. Yea that's unfair he was already accepted this is bad I hope xerdun see's this and makes it right....

    and who says you have more power then any other person in KAT..... lykos has done a crazy amount of app's and I have never even seen you accept or deny a single app if any one he has more of a right to accept apps ... especially when its already been accepted by him. To me that seems like an insult twords his skills at being a Kat member...

  2. sername:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    My current skills are for a warrior and honestly I want to start fresh

    I want Mraal to learn as he grows but I would like him to start with these skills

    Cooking: 20

    Archery: 15

    hand to hand: 15

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Mraals Appearance:

    three years old



    Short description:

    Mraal is a small dark black kitten who has thick clumpy fur. He has deep purple eyes and usually wears a ripped blue shirt he also has a stomach of white fur.


    Mraal is a shy and lonely kitten. He is usually spends his time with S'zheff and if he is not with him, which is a rare occurrence He is spending his time playing with oddments such as slime balls, armor, and his favorite glass bottles which he tends to get his paws stuck in. Mraal also likes to go into the deep jungle with his father and hunt. He is young and is a very undeveloped hunter but he finds it more fun to chase and catch animals rather then use a dagger. He also loves to play with spices and to cook this however usually ends with a fire. Lastly Mraal has a love for cookies of all shapes and sizes and it is said that his love for them is unmatched by any kitten in all of the Karakatuan jungle.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Sa'Majh is the birth mother of Mraal, During the birth process Sa'Majh lost to much blood and died almost immediately after M'raal came into the world. S'zheff was given a beautiful black kitten with deep purple eyes. S'zheff had no idea what to name his son due to the fact that his life long love had just died before him. He was happy yet stunned he lost his wife but received a child, His emotions were in despair he did not end up naming the child until the next day. The next day he woke to the sound of his son crying and smiled widely. He picked up his son and pronounced " My beautiful Sa'Majh! ... This son will be our legacy!" He then noticed that the kitten had started sucking on his thumb. S'zheff saw this and began to tear he then proclaimed " You my beautiful son ..." a tear started falling off his cheek " I name you Mraal!".

    It has been three years since then... Mraal is still a small child but has matured fast for his age. Due to his mothers death many other children make fun of him they tend to call him" motherless mal" and sometimes he is beaten by the children. Mraal has become very distant and quite he often cry's at night and wishes his mother would come back to life. His only true friend has become his father they hunt and play together and he loves him deeply. Mraal is only himself around his father he is incredibly shy around other people. Sometimes when he is sad he likes to cook, however he often forgets to put the flames out and has caused a few forest fires in the past. He also loves to go to the end of the island and look out at the sea and ponders if there is a new land beyond the sea. He also loves cookies of any kind and shape he loves to go into the jungle and eat whole jars of cookies while watching the other children playing from afar.

    Character's ambitions:

    Mraal wants to be a cook for the great Xerdun. He also wants to learn about the lands beyond the jungle.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Mraal is very interested in the lands beyond the sea and would want to help him and ask where he came from. However he is very shy and would most likely run from the strange person and watch him trek through the jungle from afar.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Mraal would be to scared of the dwarf to do anything brave . He would try to leave or get his father to escort him

    Inside if he really needed to be inside of the tavern. If worst came to worst and the dwarf attempted to hurt or keep him in the tavern Mraal would use his natural swiftness to try and escape and if need be avoid the dwarf if he strikes.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Mraal would be to shocked to understand exactly what his friend did. He would most likely invite his friend inside and talk about what happened. After he learns that he actually killed someone M'raal would stall from telling his father because Mraal has very little friends. but eventually he would come out about the whole situation and the judgment of Mraals friend would lie in his fathers hand.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Yes he fully takes on this oath

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's


  3. Im standing next to my caretaker ornaro and my char has never been to the jungle as explained in my app and in a few posts on this thread.. as for the question in Alras im assuming this will take place there because I live in Alras its overall a hard question to answer because I am two and was lost on the journey to the khar's island and ended up in Alras as again my bio explains... and thank you for informing xer lykos and also thank you for your time :)

  4. exactly Vhan will have no idea what he is or where he comes from he was never actually on this island.. I think It would be interesting rp for me to figure out what I am and where I came from... I would like one of the Kat team to speak with me about this if they find loop holes but I really want to see how this will work out with me traveling and such when im older trying to find my true land and home.

    Edit: also by that time the island will be complete, I Dont expect me to be old enough to travel for another ooc moth I sort of want it to be like I was lost while coming to the island and found myself in auslon alone and scared

  5. sername:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): Ornaro my father named me Vhan

    Character Skillset:

    My current skills are for a warrior and honestly I want to start fresh

    I want Vhan to learn as he grows up but I would like him to start with these skills

    Cooking: 15

    Archery: 10

    hand to hand: 10

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Vhan's Appearance:

    two years old



    Short description:

    Vhan is a small kitten with purple eyes he has dark black fur that is clumpy and thick. He tends to wear a dirty ripped light blue shirt.


    Vhan is a very shy and lonely kitten he does not stray very far from his care taker Ornaro and if he does he gets quite scared and yells, screams , and begs for Ornaro to come for him. Vhan loves to play with oddities such as slime balls, helmets, shoes ect., He particularly likes to play with glass bottles where he will often get his paw jammed in the bottle. Vhan also loves to play with spices and cook, he loves cooking for Ornaro and only Ornaro . Vhan has also become found of playing "catch" in which he either chases Ornaro or various small animals down. Vhan also loves cookies of all flavors, shapes, and sizes.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Vhan was born an orphan he has no recollection of who his parents were or where he was born. Vhan has been alone in asulon ever since he can remember he was doomed to die then he found Ornaro a captain in the Alrasian guard he is known as a human of kindness and love. I will now tell you the story of how they met.... Vhan had somehow ended up in Alras he was lost alone and afraid. He was also starving and sick. It just so happens that Ornaro was at home that day baking for his enjoyment he had finished making a batch of cookies just as Vhan had walked into Ornaros street. He was so hungry and tired he fell to the ground and began to cry loudly. Ornaro heard this and quickly ran outside to see what the problem was he saw a small black kitten weeping on the street and asked what was wrong. It merely squeaked and then went back to crying. Ornaro had no idea what to do so he went inside and brought out a cookie because to Ornaro it seemed like the kitten had not eaten in a while. Ornaro gave him the cookie and at first the black kitten ignored it and continued weeping. He then smelled the cookies wistful aroma and was over taken by it, He then started little by little eating the cookie. When he was done Ornaro smiled brightly and tried to get him inside his home. He would not budge .. Then Ornaro came up with an idea he went back inside and brought out a tray of the freshly baked cookies. He placed them down on the ground creating a trail leading into his house. The kitten loved these cookies so much he fell for it and ate all the cookies. When he finally came inside he saw Ornaro holding the last cookie and he quickly jumped into Ornaros arm and ate the final cookie out of Ornaros hand. Ornaro had only held him for a few minutes when he realized the black kitten was purring loudly and dozing off into sleep. Ornaro went to his room and placed Vhan on his bed and let him sleep. From there on he took in the kitten as his own and gave him the name Vhan.

    Character's ambitions:

    Vhan wants to learn where he came from and who his real parents are.. He also aspires to be a chef.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    ( Because my character is not living in the karakatuan jungle im assuming its taking place in alras )

    Vhan would be scared of the new comer but he would understand his situation due to the fact that he has been in it himself.. he would try to help him the best he could. He would give as much food and water as he could spare to the man and send him on his way as quick as he could.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Vhan would be to scared of the dwarf to do anything brave . He would try to leave or get his caretaker Ornaro to escort him

    Inside if he really needed to be inside of the tavern. If worst came to worst and the dwarf attempted to hurt or keep him in the tavern Vhan would use his natural swiftness to try and escape and if need be avoid the dwarf if he strikes.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    (Vhan is to young to even understand the aspect of death. He only understands that it is a bad thing and there's not much I can do here as I am very young )

    He would not want to lose a friend that is like him so he would discuss what happened and try to hide him from the guards. Vhan would do anything in his power to keep another person like him alive as they are rare and his only link to his birth place and understanding of who he is.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Vhan Does not even know where he came from never mind knowing this god so he would not

    swear or even know of this oath.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's


  6. Has Morgroka said that if we make the ritual more complex / harder he'll let us keep it?

    I'm thinking something along the lines of the person placing their hands on the stone, 2 priests are required to hold them and channel their energy into them and the transformation takes place over a number of days? Transformations would take time and Metztli's energy would need to be refilled through sacrifices between each transformation? Thoughts?

    Everone's gonna have to do an app ;)

    It will be released as soon as I have permission to enter the Applications subforum :P

    Great idea .. actually fantastic I really enjoyed the idea of transformation .. thank you for keeping this :)

  7. That's why everyone is so upset because they all really want to do this and things keep poping up again im not rage quiting the race or anything like that as I said in my last post this is a race I really want to be ... My earlier posts were me just venting anger im sorry about that but this race is going to be fantastic and once I heard that I just ... idk flipped In any case keep up the good work

    ~ Avantis :3

  8. It just upsets me that they would change the lore this late in the game :/

    But It happened .... Hopefully I get to see some new lore tomorrow and I'm expressing my opinion I think I have all the right to be upset ...

    However I do enjoy this race very much hopefully we can get some things straightened out .. as for me until this whole thing is fixed im going to stay off lotc because I really need to backtrack my char...

  9. This ruins my past 6 long hours of work and I rp'd that my char had deathly illness for the past few days just so I could do this ... this angers me beyond what I can put in words now I have to kill off my char and I still wont even be able to join the kharajyr until who knows when ... I need something ... I need to know when we will actually be able to become a kharajyr because now I have to kill off my char or ruin a weeks worth of detailed role play..

    Edit: somehow had turned into and

  10. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: My out of character name is Picklesickel

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: No I did not attend minecon and therefore was unable to sign up at your booth.

    How old are you?: I am fourteen years old

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Eastern standard time, United states.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I tend to not make mistakes in grammar and yes I do have a good grip on the English language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am currently a high school student working on my future. I enjoy video games particularly The Elder scrolls series its just fun to get away from school life and even family sometimes, playing as whatever you want to be in a large open world. I tend to think of myself as kind and light hearted I enjoy the company of friends and family.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Weekly I would say at least 32-60 hours a week but that all depends on school, activities, and day to day occasions.

    What do you know about Role playing? What is it?: I know role playing is the acting out of a role and becoming immersed in it. Role playing is like being something your not able to be in the real world or something more or less then you actually are. I think of role playing as a big movie and your a character acting out your role in the story.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Metagameing is the act of taking information from the outside world of your character and using them for your own needs. An example is just say someone finds out where a burglary is going to happen that day/night from an ooc (out of character chat) and your in game character uses that information to stop the burglary that's metagaming. Powergameing is when a player forces something upon another player such as /me stabs the old innkeeper*its the act of using force to control another players actions without them knowing or being able to respond.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be just a big old adventure full of a great community of role players.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on a role play server called lodainn I left because the server head was never on and I never felt immersed in the servers role play and from what I have seen I believe Lord of the craft will be an immersive and exciting experience.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: yes I have read all the rules thoroughly and agree most definitely.

    How did you hear about us?: While on youtube searching for a good role playing server a I came across your youtube channel and was immediately interested after visiting your website and watching your videos I knew this was a server I wanted to be a part of.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?: No I have not voted for Lord of the craft on minestatus I have not actually played on the server yet and it would be unfair for me to vote for something I have not even tried.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: My account name is Faldor


    Character Name: Faldor

    What is your Race?: Human-Northerner

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Faldor was raised by his mother Silvina and his older brother Varkin in their cottage on the northern edge of Aegis. Faldor's

    father was a magic user and was an associate for the mages guild, however his father was kicked out of the guild for practicing necromancy only when Faldor was a mere boy. His father who had been called Kalarn became increasingly interested in the dark art of necromancy and would leave for months at a time in search of dark artifacts to use for his needs. This left Faldor's mother and older brother to raise him while his father was out on his artifact hunts. Silvina and her son raised Faldor to the best of there ability but without a father Faldor sometimes felt lost and depressed wanting a father that would care and be

    there for him.

    After thirteen years Faldor's father finally came back looking old and sick like the zombies Faldor used to read about in his spare time. Faldor was about to speak when his mother walked in and saw her husband she was dumbstruck. Kalarn pulled out a dagger from his side and stabbed his mother before Faldor could think . His brother Varkin walked in shocked , he ran for it but somehow Kalarn's magic pulled him back then Kalarn said,"I need you now son" and vanished holding Faldor's dead mother's body and Varkin.

    Without any explanation for his mothers death and brothers kidnap Faldor fell into a deep depression for the next five years. During those five years Faldor kept to himself often reading books on ancient magic's trying to find out why is father took his brother and killed his mother. He eventually came to and started talking again he is continuing his search for clues on where his brother may be (if still alive). Faldor is now sixty years old he wears some badly burnt mages robes. He almost looks sick his eyes are very heavy from studying the histories of the magic's trying to find out what happened to his brother and mother. Faldor is not very talkative he spends most of his time in the cloud temple library. Faldor is an understanding person and tries to resolve conflicts.

    Your characters ambitions: Faldor wishes to know all about his mothers death and brothers abduction. He wants to find out all he can about the magic's so he can finally find out why his father took his brother.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?: My character would confront the the elf and bandits and try to work out the problem without force.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? yes, may I take a look at your book collection particularly ancient magic's?

    A screenshot of your skin: Faldor.png

    Other Information:I would love to join your community thank you for your time.

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