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Everything posted by Erdulan

  1. Thank you for the reminder, the hostile moody sections are not meant to be like that but reading back they definitely come across like that, just didn't establish tone well for them, corrected now. Also: 1) You did not say the child is freezing to death, he's just out in the snow shivering. That does make him a foolish child to my character who was raised in the snow and taught never to leave dressed inappropriately. Even though the tone should be improved not much else would change in that situation. 2) Word's aren't everything, but they're my characters best chance of making a difference. He is a miner, not a soldier or mercenary and in a fight is likely to lose. That's why he will only fight if there is another life at risk (for instance with the shade). Also, I tend to keep little of any value on me, giving him a small amount of items for the chance to change his behaviour is a good deal to me. Given this I cannot update my response without it not being how my character would act. Should the bandit attack however then he would defend himself to the best of his ability or run. 3) Updated the last section to soften the tone to what it should have been. It was a challenge for the man to better the world instead of asking God why it isn't better and as such I feel should be forceful, but should not come across hostile. I hope this is better. The whole thing will need to be read though, colour is not working for this one for some reason... For ease my original post has the corrections in green, should make them easy to spot. Thanks
  2. 1)MC Name & RP Name: Fluffikin and Erdulan 2)Chosen Patron: Gazardiael 3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): I seek to dedicate myself to serving the Aenguls and God on Aegis, as they have served, protected and provided for us for time without measure. I was raised in a family which placed a high value on the lessons the lives of the Aenguls and Daemons have provided and still wish most I meet their protection when I leave them. It seems most disasters which have been averted are likely thanks to their intervention in our past and it seems fitting to try and honour them through service. 4)Race: Human 5)Flaws in Your Character: Until recently I would have said cowardice, being forced without option to fight for my life over and over has cured me of this however and I find a new thrill in vanquishing the undead with my own hand. I did hold extreme fear of losing friends, or family, which led to me often agreeing to things I shouldn't. They were all lost in the fall of Winterfell and Al'Khazal, which gives one a new perspective. It is sad and yet uplifting. Perhaps currently my biggest flaws are vanity and honour. I say both because, at least in my regard, they go quite closely hand in hand as I am proud of being an honourable man. I lost my honour once and now I can put people at risk, and sometimes myself, rather then risk losing that again. 6) How long have you been on the server: One week exactly. Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation. 7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] I would ask the mage what a mage could possibly gain from terrifying a poor citizen of the town, and see if I could mediate a solution. Last I checked harassment may be annoying and possibly receive a fine in some towns but will not be enough to arrest him. Unless he displays outward signs or resorts to magic I doubt I could convince others he is a shade also. Last it could also be that the man owes the shade money, or has stolen from him. Should he not be placated by this I would ask if his superiors are aware of what he does with his leisure time, and ask who his master is that he risks bringing ridicule or possibly retribution down upon by harassing citizens like this. Should this also not work, and the mage became aggresive, then with reluctance I would draw my axe and tell the citizen to leave and fetch the guards before defending him until he is gone or guards arrive. 8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. In a warm tone like a parent talking to a child doing something emdearing and with a smile I ask what the foolish child is doing out in the snow dressed inappropriately and to go home to his parents before he catches something. Should it turn out he has no where to go I would bring him to a place I know is safe and look for foster parents (the parents if he is lost) for the child. 9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. I chuckle lightly and ask the bandit if we may sit. I explain that I don't carry money on me, or keep valuables, both being far more useful with others that truly need them. I ask what he needs the money and valuables for and give him what I can, telling him that it will make no difference to me or to him. I explain that if he continues one day he will be arrested, or threaten the wrong man, or threaten a man who attacks him, leaving his neck exposed for the noose. I tell him that a steady income, food on the table and a roof is all he truly needs, and stable employment is the most likely way to this. I wish him the guidance of the Aenguls and walk off. Should he attack, I would draw my axe and do the best to put down this man who is a threat to others. 10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. I ask for their evidence against the patrons, since they have decided to put the patrons on trial it is only fair that the evidence be produced. I point out that Iblees left the protection of god, became as family to the first and still betrayed them all, so what hope do they have of him holding an agreement sacred with anyone? I put out that they may survive longer, should Iblees actually win, but that Iblees leaves behind him a miasma of death in which nothing can grow and food is tainted, so even after a conquer by iblees your slow death of starvation is assured. That is if iblees does not decide you would be better as a screeching playtoy for his beasts. I tell the woman that it is not too late to make a new beginnning under the patrons guidance. 11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" I turn to them and with a soft tone and a gentle smile on my face say God does not allow suffering to continue, god simply allows us to make our own choices. The outcome of this is those who chose not to follow him and his patrons making suffering for themselves and all around them. Should enough say to the man taking advantage of his neighbours, or beating his wife, who has turned from a good path 'Enough, WE with our choice choose not to let this suffering continue' then that will stop. We also have choice in how we handle suffering, which is the truest test of our belief and our greatest opportunity to grow. Without suffering we would not be as strong as we are. And ultimately, after all is done and our physical bodies lie in the earth, what remains of us will no longer feel any suffering as we return to what God created and provided. So I ask you to always consider whether you are allowing suffering to occur through inaction or turning a blind eye, and to spread the message that suffering such as we face does not need to happen, if we all care enough to change it." ((I would ask one favour, I play Australian times (GMT +10.5 right now) and, as there is a requirement to catch one of several people in order to join, can you please decline on the grounds that I will never get to pass the test if none of those tend to play similar times?))
  3. Do the clerics have a church, town, monastery, similar they will be based out of?
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