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Everything posted by xFrozt

  1. I think we should expand instead of destroying the houses. We do not have enough space underground to rebuild the homes and so on.
  2. Sorry to intrude, but are you guys related to the Platinum Knights or anything?
  3. Wait, what is this formation about?
  4. ((I don't know what to write for the lore....since you left the server you should write the lore ben, for PUNISHMENT!))
  5. ((that's sick! :D what sports do you play? and when are you planning to play again?))
  6. Revenge is not what the Ravens are....you should know that by now..
  7. We have quite a fair mount of iron ourselves thanks to Eldor. Right now we need to sell our iron pickaxes I think.
  8. Sounds good, but right now I think we're trying to sell some items ourself. What can they provide any ways?
  9. ((btw did you make the skin or got them off the internet or something?))
  10. ((don't you need an accepted VA?)) Are we ever going to make Aliquam Purus a city?
  11. ((You are you character.)) We did not wish to cause any war, but according to Seraph some of the men we tried capturing was trying to murder Seraph. We were not wanting to kill the innocent, we were just capturing the bandits that causing the real trouble. It is your choice to leave and so I bid you farewell and take care. -Daegrim ((btw does anyone know how to multiquote >.<))
  12. I might join depending on how far it is from base. If we're setting a mini base at the trees, am I allowed to create a merchant shop as like a disguise or something like that? Character Race: Human Time Zone: GMT +8 Weapon Skill [weapon kind, skill]: Sword level 100 Mining Skill: level 40 Blacksmithing skill (to add in a little more info :D): Level 100 Lumber-jacking Skill: level 21 Mina Balance: 1.4k
  13. ((psh I still want you in the guild! You've been in this guild since...idk..the grey wardens or something? xD just try not to be naive or do something irrelevant that can cause trouble any more :3))
  14. ((that is for you and the other bishops to find out or you can remove it temporarily))
  15. ((Ogedi just pm us and we'll escort you back to town or something. Seraph banned?!?! how?!?!
  16. hm...how in the world do you find that many ores?!?
  17. welcome back ben :D

  18. Aye, it was a lot of fun but I was unable to attend the feast. I was able to buy 4 bundles ((stacks)) of bread and 1 bundle of apples. I'll start selling them to the everyone to earn some money for the guild so yeah..
  19. Aye, I'll visit Ascella much more often now to see how it's going
  20. ((Yeah this could work and it will also make the meeting room much more useful :D I guess these thing could be promotions, alliances, etc.))
  21. Nay. Attacking them could cause more trouble. If we just stay and defend, they will soon give up and know that we're much stronger than them. Like you said, we're protectors and right now we're protecting our town.
  22. why are the important people leaving the guild... First seraph...now winston??
  23. ((guess we'll have to put seraph as M.I.A))
  24. ((are you srs??!? Don't leave :o))
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