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Posts posted by Arathandamus

  1. Everything regioned. Prebuilt capitols and towns. Very small wilds. No more player created wars. That is a forced pathway for the player. Building and Pvp go hand in hand to create Rp. Rp cannot stand on it's own without the support of the two.

    Remove one or the other and it will wobble around ready to fall. Remove the two and you're left with a pitiful excuse of Rp. Rp doesnt go very well when these factors are removed or scripted by gm/admin onto the players. It's called forced Rp and it's not fun for the entire playerbase.

    A haven of the perfect balance between RP, PvP and building does not exist here and will not exist unless LotC becomes some kind of elitist environment of only the best RPers and even then you must know someone who is in the server IRL.

    The reason that there are very small wilds is because in the wilds you can do whatever whenever, and then when you get banned you feel hurt because they were wilds that no one really cared about. The reason everything is regioned is so that everything remains and to get rid of any bickering that might occur due to people saying "You can't build here" or "This is where I was going to build" or things like that as well as preventing things like block-jumping or digging tunnels under someone's walls into their city.

    Players can create wars. But to prevent bickering and flaming a GM must moderate it. I wouldn't have it any other way. If you can point out one piece of writing that says players are NOT allowed to create war please show it to me.

    The only thing I actually agree with you about is the prebuilt capitols and towns. The players should work hard to create their own town/city, not have some build team do it for them.

  2. It may indeed be a building game, but it must be limited in a way that it does not detract from RP as much as it would if it was just there. Minecraft gives you a lot of freedom for building, yes, but that does not mean that stupid buildings and duplicators and the such should be allowed.

    Also, "a stale game of emotes and typing". Haha. That is basically what RP is on this server. "Emotes and typing". I'm pretty sure no serious RP gets put across via only building without the aid of "emotes and typing", but serious RP can be played out in "emotes and typing".

    I don't see how by limiting building you are forcing RP on people...

  3. Honestly, guys, fix your heads. Survival doesn't damned add to RP. Freedom does.

    Perhaps the new maps shouldn't be so... mapped out if y'know what I mean. If people were sort of allowed to go off with some friends and camp wherever they wanted it would work to an extent.

    But plain ole' MC + RP does NOT WORK. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SAY IT ADDS TO IT, IT IN FACT DETRACTS. There is a reason that everything is protected and you need an application for everything. It was not something the GM's just decided would be fun one day. I'm sure that spending about three hours down your strip mine mining 1x2 tunnels in a giant network without supports and the occasional torch and not returning until you have full diamond tools, weapons and armour and Prot IV enchants on everything, and then going on a rampage killing people on a whim because you are an almighty god who has the best enchants and becoming the super bandit that only asks for bread, and if you don't give it he kills you--- Yeah, that doesn't add to RP. Also being self-reliant means you don't HAVE to RP at all except for PvP events. BLEUIEUEURHG

    What does add to RP is flinging you and your friends into the wilds on an epic adventure, only to find you don't have a professional miner so you must send out two at a time of your people to find someone who is free and willing to help, or at least be on loan before finding a settlement, promptly joining it and creating a happy RP community together. That's quite nice, isn't it.

    Or maybe taking the most cunning people you can find and flinging you and them into the wilds to forge a nation built on cunning and treachery anywhere, not just in the zone your race was assigned before coming into conflict with another growing rival, meeting in glorious battle upon the fields of Ter'Alan'Andrehoid (Seriously, guys, we need more apostrophes in place names) in which you suffer a crushing defeat and go into hiding, your characters driven insane by their loss and become psychopaths, the stuff of legend that is only spoken by mothers in the way of threat, and even then a whisper for it is said that if you say their name loud enough they will surely come for you. And then having a young band of guards coming out to find you, with a game of cat and mouse ensuing, while they chase you across the continent you set up your diabolical traps and eventually the kingdom falls into ashes again, and the cycle restarts but with infinitely different options.

    Not survival, kids. Freedom.

  4. With all of the new things and the supposed beautiful world your bound to find more people on the roads then before... Its a larger more beautiful map being said by GM's So I wouldn't worry.. This map will defiantly enhance Role play Much More...

    P.S: I think it is also based on how people center their characters, I know I will be traveling a bit more, rather then being stuck in one city all the time!

    You really think so? :3

    I hope everyone takes your attitude :D

  5. I think there will always be a bit of people on the roads, especially right when 2.0 comes out, as everyone will want to see the world. I like random RP as-well, and it's usually better RP then in the capital cities.

    You give me faith! Bless you, good sir/lady!

    I believe it's all based on the players. Some of us will be more wander-y. But, a lot of people are simply goal centered, so they don't just wander about, looking for RP. Can't say how the RP situation'll look, but I imagine it'll be more town based, and event based ,what with the whole Mori'Quessor bit, and all the resettling. I'm afraid it's all I can really offer on the matter.

    Hmm, I agree with you there. But mebbe after a few weeks people will start looking for more and more random RP... * throws a coin into a well and wishes hard *

  6. Okay, so I know *cough*almost*cough* everyone is getting hyped up about Aegis 2.0. Me too! I don't blame you. It's awesome. Plus, the new world is built around the large playerbase we have.

    Anyway, not to go off-topic. I've been wandering around for a while looking for Random RP and it doesn't seem to happen often. Apart from bandits, of course. But even they don't happen often. So, usually, I wander aimlessly. <_<

    Going off topic again!

    So, I was just wondering, since I like wandering and random RP, it can be an awesome RP experience to talk to IC strangers 'n' stuff.

    Will RP be centered in the Cities?

    You see, while trying not to sound like a bum, I'd prefer Legendary Quality RP with one friend anyday, rather than Mediocre Quality RP with a bunch of people that are more like a disorganized mob. Not saying you cant RP with loads of people, it's just hard to without pre-planning.

    So, I will most likely be travelling, seeing Aegis 2.0 without buildings cluttering everywhere, and visiting random towns etc. But, if RP is aimed to be centered in the cities, does that mean, apart from bandits, I will meet even less random RP on the road than before?

    I'm asking this question to both GM and Players, and while I think that this new world is gonna be awesome, and I am hoping for more conflict, does this mean it is unsafe without a group, thus extremely hard/impossible to find Random RP?

    I really need to know, since I establish all my ties through Random RPers. Just like how I managed to randomly RP on WoW, got an engineering night elf chick and roamed around, ICly slaying Vanilla Old World Dragons with some other Elves that were in a guild. We would go around for ages, travelling, exploring, all that c***.

    All through one person's random RP.

    So, please, will Random RP outside cities and towns be killed off? If I can know, then I don't have to spend fruitless hours searching for it -.-

    EDIT : Also, post what you think about guilds/organizations like the Military or whatnot. Do THEY enhance your RP experience?

  7. why cant there be more people like you <3 great post people should read the whole thing and think about it and stop being the rant brigade!

    GREAT POST! Arathandamus People should def read it I like what your puttin out there and it seems like a great idea for packages and such. Im just ready to start my new life my in game character is starting to feel a old storm in his bones but what can it be... Im ready for a new life in a new land but whatever will cause that who knows Im just ready for change :D

    Thanks very muchly guys :D I appreciate it

  8. Ahem. I am going to make this brief.

    I have no clue if this has been mentioned before, but I'm going to say it.

    The amount of WHINING on this thread is unbearable (not pointing any fingers) and I'm fed up. Some sensible comments from both sides got me inspired, so here's what I came up with.


    The Exodus is going to be a huge event, that spans about a week. During this week the blight or Undead or Deathwing or helicopters or Memes will spread across the land. Slowly, but surely. Homes will be destroyed, cities abandoned as everyone heads to the seas to board giant boats the Leaders of each race are building. To sail away, DUH!

    There is limited space, so not everyone will be able to take a chest. Only people who can buy chests.


    The working class will be given little packages of food, neccesary working tools, etc to survive. The rich will be expected to provide for themselves. Come on, they are rich!

    No need to rush, though. The event takes some time, so it's okay. No need to scramble for your lives, until, at least, the Trolls arrive. Or Memes. Or Helicopters. Or Deathwing. Or Undead. Or the Blight. But that's not the point!

    Let's move on.


    Now, a LOT, and when I say 'a LOT' I mean 'A FRICKIN' LOT' of rich people will want to bring some of their wealth along with them. Understandable. What's not understandable is the very few, and I mean the tiny portion of them who go WHY CAN'T I BRING EVERYTHING I EARNED IT IF THIS HAPPENS THEN THIS SERVER SUCKS DO SOMETHING shift I DON'T WANNA LEAVE ALL MY STUFF BEHIND!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA - Alright, end of screaming.

    So, for the rich, you have an option. Carry the hotbar and one row of inventory space along with you, or...


    Basically, the races will spend s***loads of money building boats, and they need to compensate. How? Sell inventory space to richies! Yaaay! Basically, you have a price for a chest. A single chest, for example 10,000 minas for one chest. So, for a full double chest you will need 20,000 minas. Capiche? BUT! You cannot just hoard you wealth of items worth 535459237598027529375239857239875975298572 Minas onto the chest. NO! You can only put in as much as you bought it for, so for a Single Chest I would be able to put 10k worth of Minas in there, for a double chest 20k and for two doublechests 40k and so on and so forth.

    Good idea, eh?

    Every character can only carry his/her hotbar and a row of his/her inventory. You're not superman. Also, those items are restricted.

    **** Caps Lock Alert ****



    Well, that was a good rant. Ahem. Minas is limited too. You can't goddamn carry 50,000 minas with you. That's nuts - and don't say 'Well, I've done it before!' WE ARE TRYING TO RP THIS OUT, DAMNIT!

    Unless you have servants you can only carry a certain amount of Minas.

    Of course, because I am a crafty bum, you can also put Minas into those chests you bought.

    So, in that double chest I bought for 20k, I put my fortune of 15k before depositing an extra 5k IN THE CHEST! HOW COOL IS THAT!

    So, that solves our inventory and Minas problem for the rich. But what about the working class?


    If you are working class then you can carry a 18 spaces of loot, with the same restrictions as the richies, BUT! You have a choice. The Government (King, Queen, High Cheiftain, Matriach, High Shaman, God, GMs, whatever!) should supply for you, giving you the choice between some tools. Everyone has basic tools (Wooden Axe, Wooden Spade) and some food. But then there are specialized choices. WHICH CAN BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF, BUT NOTHING'S PERFECT!

    The Packages are as follow: (might not be balanced, this is just an idea)

    - Lumberjack : A Stone Axe, maybe two porkchops and a wooden sword. Also, you get some sticks! yay!

    - Miner : A Stone Pick, five torches, wooden sword. Limited food, like two porkchops.

    - Farmer : A Stone Hoe, twenty seeds, two porkchops, one sugar cane. You guys are the lifeblood of this new colony, supplying food (if the richies haven't already brought chestfulls along)

    - Warrior/Hunter : A Stone Sword/Pick, five porkchops, and leather chestplates and boots. Or, if yer and archer, a Bow and ten arrows.

    - Blacksmith : A Forge (ooh, risky), furnace, whatever basic blacksmiths need. Plus two porkchops

    - Fisherman : A fishing rod, two porkchops.

    - Excavator : If you really want to shovel dirt all day, then a Stone Shovel, two porkchops and some other stuff.

    Every package gets a little Minas, to kick-start the economy.

    WARNING! : All benefits listed above (the packages) are only for people who have less than 500 Minas and nothing worth more than an Iron Ingot. Harsh, but these are the guys in poverty.



    You can choose between some packages...?

    Uhhh... you still have the 18 inventory spaces and no chest since you're middle class. MIDDLE CLASS. Um....

    You can choose between these packages:

    - Merchant : You get about 500 Minas or something to stabilize you financially. Maybe some goods, depending on your current wealth or something.

    - Guard : You get an Iron Chestplate, Iron Helmet and Iron Sword. Also, a little bit of cash to bide you through and some other Guard-ish stuff.

    - Some other packages : I can't really think of anything else, I mean it's 10:30 and I'm tired as hell.

    You only qualify as Middle Class if you have over 500 Minas currently, have three or so items that are worth more than an iron ingot in your possesion and you have less than 10,000 Minas and do not own housing larger than a normal house. Also, you cannot have any servants and diamonds mean you don't qualify. Anything to do with diamonds.


    Now this is a difficult part. Much ado about much... to ado about.

    Royalty! You are the people who are in charge of the costs of the boats! You are going to lose s***loads of money! I mean it!

    Right, let's make a list of what you need to pay for.

    1. Tools to gather resources.

    2. Labourers to gather resources.

    3. Overseers to make sure nothing goes wrong.

    4. Architechts to design the boats.

    5. Engineers to help design the boats so they survive in the waters.

    6. Labourers to transport the resources.

    7. Guards to make sure bandits don't attack the resources.

    8. Overseers to make sure everything goes okay (because everything needs overseers :D)

    9. Labourers to turn the resources into the correct resources (wood logs into wooden planks and chests and masts and wool to sails etc)

    10. Overseers to make sure they create everything correctly.

    11. Facilities to transfer resources into other resources.

    12. Labourers to build the boats. MASSIVE ONES, THOUGH. IT'S LIKE A NOAH'S ARK, DUH!

    13. Overseers to make sure the boats are build correctly.

    14. Means to make the boats (begin from part 1 again pls :D)

    15. Possible extra dock space to house the boats.

    16. Then you need crewmembers, competent ones to man the boats.

    17. Navigators to chart courses.

    18. The packages for the Lower and Middle class.

    19. Then, you need to transport yourselves and your goods.

    20. You're all set! You should get some money back from people buying ridiculously overpriced chests!

    To summarize, a s***load of Minas will be taken off of you, and some of it will be refunded by the richies.

    Nobles, wishing to keep their status, next!

    You have a few choices.

    A: Build your own boat, going through most of the steps above! You should be able to keep your name if you build your own boat!

    B: Pay loads of money for loads of chests to store loads of Minas! That way you can reestablish yourself as a Noble when we get to Aegis 2.0!

    C: Kill yourself, and be a new person fleeing to Aegis 2.0!

    D: Get loads of mini boats, tie them to the back of the big boats and go boat surfing on a boat. Awesome. :D


    Bugger off.

    I don't mean it seriously :P. What I mean is if you don't qualify for Working or Middle Class, and are not rich enough or don't want to buy a chest, then you take 18 inventory slots and thats it. I'm afraid that's reality. Once you get off benefits you're on your own!


    You know the packages? They DO NOT COUNT AS YOUR 18 INVENTORY SPACES.

    You can have 18 inventory spaces + the package.


    Also, with diamond stacking...

    I know some people are dying to take three stacks of 64 diamonds in your inventory.


    The most you can stack with diamonds is 9, and you cannot in any way whatsoever stack ore blocks of any kind. If someone says, well I have 10 diamonds and so that's a wasted space of inventory just for ONE diamond, then guess what.

    Decide between that ONE diamond or something else. It's reality, mate.

    Concerning VIPs.

    If I had my way, you would still get your plots, but not the things in the plots.

    If I had it my way, then when you donate to this server you don't donate for benefits, to use CraftBook or to get your own plot.

    You donate because the server is goddamn awesome.

    The VIP packages are simply saying, 'Thanks for supporting us!'

    If I had it my way, the packages wouldn't be there to bribe you (not saying they are, btw).

    They would be the thank-you card you send after recieving your present. Gottit?

    Moving on.

    Valuable items will have limits on how high you can stack them, like with diamonds. Same with food. Minas will be limited unless you have servants to carry it for you. Also, if the package gives you Minas exceeding the limit, it's fine. The package comes in its own little bag, so it can carry it's own Minas. Okay?

    And finally... housing that you have bought in the game, in Aegis pre 2.0.

    Look, pleasy. You can have it one of two ways.

    A: You get a refund, huzzah! But, you loose all housing priveleges.

    B: In the new continent, you get a house with equivalent value to the one you bought in Aegis pre 2.0. No whining, no groaning.

    That's about it. *Acting-like-a-GM-mode deactivates*

    This is my proposal. Also, sorry if I sounded like I owned the place. As if I had power over my fellow players. It's just how I express myself. :D

    Other than that, lighten up! It's like moving school/country/world/galaxy/head/inanimate object. You feel bad and dreadful before it happens, but when it does happen usually you feel awesome. It's a brave new world out there. Someone's gotta populate it! :D

    EDIT: Scrap the 18 inventory slot idea. You get a full inventory.

    EDIT EDIT: Sorry if there are grammatical errors, this is late at night after a long read through boring coursework. <_<

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