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Posts posted by welshnutter

  1. DDT MK1 (Deployable Dwarven Turret)

    [picture here]



    Sat Hunched over his desk Bwelch finally puts down his charcoal stick and smiles at a stack of papers to his left is a small model of a weird looking ballista and behind him in his workshop is his new invention.


    Grabbing an ale from a nearby chest he reminisces how the idea started.


    ~~ While scouting with a few of his fellow dwarfs (Dorimnur Goldhand, Kragdin Starbreaker, Redwin Hammerforge, Thoradin Darkmantle) and coming upon 2 giant beast (elephants) he starts to wish he had one of their ships in close with its ballista and bolts to take the beast down. 


    Mentioning it to one of his kin he started to think of a way to make a smaller ballista that can be carried in to battle and mounted on a light weight stand or even on the back of a fellow dwarf on all fours,


    The only downside to him focusing on this he misheard what the plan was and jumped out on a infernal bear and decided to just throw one of his beloved axes.


    This only annoyed the bear and in turn it made a horrific noise alerting the demon scum to our positions and c making the dwarf run to thiar small boats to get away fast.


    After meeting up with the dwarf back at the pub at the city feeling that he had failed his brethren he handed over the green eyed twin axe as a show of humility and then went straight to his room to start work on these designs, hoping to earn his breathing trust once again and maybe give them a leg up in this battle with the demonic scum that plagues the lands. ~~


    Now after days of hard work and some minor mishaps the prototype is built to the best it can be now he just needs to show his breverin and see if they can help test the new weapon. 




    The body is made from a sturdy but lightweight wood, its length is around four foot long and the two detachable limbs are made from Black Ferrum, there is a crank system attached to the limbs that hold the rope and the rope is made from entrails treated and made to be highly elasticated to allow for some higher power on the underside is bracket that allows it to be mounted on a variety of surfaces. 




    an fire bolts with the same power to the normal ballista but the accuracy is very poor so the closer to the target the better, the rope also doesn't last too long so the mobile ballista only has a low number of shots before the rope needs to be changed out.


    Siege Information:


    To use this you will need two people to carry all the pieces and it takes six emotes to set it up and use it.



    … placing and setting up the legs 

    … attaching the body to the legs

    … attaching the limbs and rope 

    … cranking the weapon to fire state

    … loading bolt

    … firing


    A 100 roll is then needed to see the success of the shot and based on the bolt how much damage it does, if it fails there is a chance of the rope breaking or even the body snapping (if roll a 0 -2).




    -: difficult to make so can't mass produce them 

    -: the accuracy is very bad thus needing to be within 100 blocks of the target to even get a hit

    -: it can break and become extremely useless 

    -: once set up it takes 3 emotes to dismantle and move to new location 

    -:requires two people to use 


    OOC Explanation:


    This will allow for more mobile sieges and events and allow for a much broader range of RP (Example: stealth teams to sabotage the enemy from a flanking position)  


    People who Helped in and out of RP:





    Posted on my phone so I will update the format and stuff and add pictures soon.

  2. 3 minutes ago, lev said:

    You can’t use chat during warclaims.

    the rules on siege are 

    “Assign a Siege Leader, a player responsible for typing /roll for each of the siege weapons. Both siege leaders will /roll to determine initiative.”


    which means that chat must be enabled to do the /roll command 

  3. 1 hour ago, Bluee said:

    Then why upload a unfinished product? That makes no sense.

    Given the time frames between each post, you’ve gave these no previous thought and are writing them up on the spot on your phone which doesn’t give any consideration to how these would actually play out in a war. You’re just coming up with things on the spot with no previous thought. Seems all a bit sketch to me.

    There is no draft system i could use which i would have used and these items i have planned out but i didnt save the siege documents to my phone so i cant look at them to get everything right 


    And once i find out why i cant upload images either from mu phone or pc then i can correct it and upload the irl historical images and the MC builds i have done for them and to cover the intro to each post im going to put that in a spoiler box so you can read that section only if you expand it.


    Once i get to my pc i will do a more intestive post and it will look a lot better and read alot better 

  4. As stated i am on a mobile device so the page is very limited in view and hard to get everything right with spelling and grammer 


    I will be sorting this out when i get to a pc and i will aslo post pictures once i am able to as the forums arnt alowing me to post pictures i have messages mod staff but no reply on why that is happeing 


    I may just postva imgur link 

  5. Origin/Backstory.

    (OOC) While i was building the wall to my settlement i started to think of diffrent siege equipment that could be used to breach the defences so i started work on desinging a few siege items for the server based on actual siege weapons used.


    (Rp Character history)


    Bwelch Azaghul after the failure of his last invention started working on some new inventions that may benefit his fellow dwarf or the citizens of Atlas but only coming up with more failures  or hitting a wall when it come to the logistics of getting it all to work.


    He eventually designed a forge for the city of Agnarum and upon the approval of the king and his kin he started work on building it all the time thinking if new inventions.


    Then came the day he had to leave the land and head for a land know as Arcas, upon arriving he decided to head to the wild lands and build up his own hold hoping to rebuild his ancestors name and status, all the while he was building he was thinking of new inventions that could help him or his hold, he also thought of inventions that would pose a problem for his hold.


    He started to design siege equipment that could breach his walls as well as siege equipment that could hold back attackers. 




    Bwelch Azaghul started to redesign the siege tower to allow it more heath and more options as in its defensive and attacking capabilities. after a few weeks of studying the current version he came up with some old school dwarthen fixes, “why not strap stone to it” this new version would have a stone clad front and a longer rear that will counter the new waight at the front, there were some other problems that had to over come and this took bwelsh another couple weeks, in the end he added 2 more wheeel that took it to a 6 wheel base the rear of the base has a stone floor as to off set the weight and the internals were name more light weight .


    he then looks at making it have the abilities to attack, this came easy just strap a ballistic style crossbow to the top or maybe some archers so bwelch just reinforced the roof and added a anchor point tot he top where different attachments could be connected, happy with the new version he began work on the attachments 





    the tower looks hefty and heavy with its stone cladding being very prominent 



    Siege information

    Weapon: Siege Tower

    Weapon Cost: 3f00

    Ammo Cost: N/A

    Ammunition: N/A

    Function: Allows players to climb over enemy defences via a moving tower. This tower moves at a rate of two blocks every two minutes when attackers of 10+ or more are standing by.


    Red lines and restrictions

    • Due to its wight its slower and can be attacked more as well as cant go uphill
    • Flammable 
    • As this is a alteration of a current design it is fitting with lore 



  6. Origin/Backstory.

    (OOC) While i was building the wall to my settlement i started to think of diffrent siege equipment that could be used to breach the defences so i started work on desinging a few siege items for the server based on actual siege weapons used.




    Bwelch Azaghul after the failure of his last invention started working on some new inventions that may benefit his fellow dwarf or the citizens of Atlas but only coming up with more failures  or hitting a wall when it come to the logistics of getting it all to work.


    He eventually designed a forge for the city of Agnarum and upon the approval of the king and his kin he started work on building it all the time thinking if new inventions.


    Then came the day he had to leave the land and head for a land know as Arcas, upon arriving he decided to head to the wiled lands and build up his own hold hoping to rebuild his ancestors name and status, all the while he was building he was thinking of new inventions that could help him or his hold, he also thought of inventions that would pose a problem for his hold.


    He started to design siege equipment that could breach his walls as well as siege equipment that could hold back attackers.


    while looking at the design of a battering ram Bwelch thought to himself why can we send in men via a roofed ram with out the ram in it he started work on a design that would offer a lot of defence for the troops inside tho allowing then troops to get in and out fast so he came up with the tunnel design allowing the men to run in and out but providing them defence on all sides.





    the galley is a covered ram design with its ram internals taken away the wooded room provides defence from falling objects but the walls hay is vulnerable 


    Siege information

    Weapon: Battering Galley

    Weapon Cost: 1000

    Ammo Cost: N/A

    Ammunition: N/A

    Function: Allows players to get close to the walls safely, The galley must have six players to operate and will move after those six players stand in place for  1 minutes in time total.



    Red lines and restrictions. 


    • Due to the hay the galley can catch fire and injure the men inside. 
    • can only fit 12 troops. 




  7. Origin/Backstory.

    (OOC) While i was building the wall to my settlement i started to think of diffrent siege equipment that could be used to breach the defences so i started work on desinging a few siege items for the server based on actual siege weapons used.




    Bwelch Azaghul after the failure of his last invention started working on some new inventions that may benefit his fellow dwarf or the citizens of Atlas but only coming up with more failures  or hitting a wall when it come to the logistics of getting it all to work.


    He eventually designed a forge for the city of Agnarum and upon the approval of the king and his kin he started work on building it all the time thinking if new inventions.


    Then came the day he had to leave the land and head for a land know as Arcas, upon arriving he decided to head to the wiled lands and build up his own hold hoping to rebuild his ancestors name and status, all the while he was building he was thinking of new inventions that could help him or his hold, he also thought of inventions that would pose a problem for his hold.


    He started to design siege equipment that could breach his walls as well as siege equipment that could hold back attackers.


    after noticing that units attacking walls were left open when approaching the walls and once inside heaving a lack of defence he began work on a small lightweight item and cam up with a Mobile defensive wall after seeing a broken scarecrow in a field .





    the wall is made up of a 2 high fence post on the sides connected with some small planks on top and hay in the middle.


    Siege information 

    Weapon: Mobile Defence Wall

    Weapon Cost: 250

    Ammo Cost: N/A

    Ammunition: N/A

    Function: provides a defence wall that can fit 3 troops behind, the wall can be moved to a new location but only if 2 troops stand still for 10 seconds to dismantle and rebuild it.





    Red lines/restrictions 

    • Very flammable.
    • May be used by only 3 persons at a time.
    • If one of the crew is killed or injured then the wall cant be rebuilt as the materials are lost.



  8. Origin/Backstory.

    (OOC) While i was building the wall to my settlement i started to think of diffrent siege equipment that could be used to breach the defences so i started work on desinging a few siege items for the server based on actual siege weapons used.




    Bwelch Azaghul after the failure of his last invention started working on some new inventions that may benefit his fellow dwarf or the citizens of Atlas but only coming up with more failures  or hitting a wall when it come to the logistics of getting it all to work.


    He eventually designed a forge for the city of Agnarum and upon the approval of the king and his kin he started work on building it all the time thinking if new inventions.


    Then came the day he had to leave the land and head for a land know as Arcas, upon arriving he decided to head to the wiled lands and build up his own hold hoping to rebuild his ancestors name and status, all the while he was building he was thinking of new inventions that could help him or his hold, he also thought of inventions that would pose a problem for his hold.


    He started to design siege equipment that could breach his walls as well as siege equipment that could hold back attackers.


    Bwelsch thinking that the ladders used during sieges was unsafe with its easy to knock over and its stability being dependent on the floor its placed on he began to come up with ideas eventually settling on this a wheeled base with the ladder strapped to it and by applying iron hooks at the top it will grip the walls making it virtually impossible to push away or topple 






    The base is a simple flat bed with 4 wooden wheels and a section that holds the ladder upright the ladder is a standard ladder with a iron hook on each arm top that will swing in to place when pressed against a wall 


    Siege information

    Weapon: Siege Ladder

    Weapon Cost: 500

    Ammo Cost: N/A

    Ammunition: N/A

    Function: Allows players to scale walls, moves 10 blocks every minuet when 2+ are stood close to it 


    Red lines/restriction

    • Crew can be easily killed as no protection
    • Weak to fire as made from wood and rope 



  9. Origin/Backstory.

    (OOC) While i was building the wall to my settlement i started to think of diffrent siege equipment that could be used to breach the defences so i started work on desinging a few siege items for the server based on actual siege weapons used.


    (RP) history of the character


    Bwelch Azaghul after the failure of his last invention started working on some new inventions that may benefit his fellow dwarf or the citizens of Atlas but only coming up with more failures  or hitting a wall when it come to the logistics of getting it all to work.


    He eventually designed a forge for the city of Agnarum and upon the approval of the king and his kin he started work on building it all the time thinking if new inventions.


    Then came the day he had to leave the land and head for a land know as Arcas, upon arriving he decided to head to the wiled lands and build up his own hold hoping to rebuild his ancestors name and status, all the while he was building he was thinking of new inventions that could help him or his hold, he also thought of inventions that would pose a problem for his hold.


    He started to design siege equipment that could breach his walls as well as siege equipment that could hold back attackers.


    Bwech Azagul thought to himself what if you got a horse on a wall that would be hard to deal with and quite funny so he got to work coming up with some weird catapults and sling devices but he eventually came up with was the "Agger siege ramp" this large ramp design is a alternative to the ladders that are currently used, the ramps are made from a wooden frame with cladding and 6 wheels it seemed to be the most appropriate design.







    the main body it made up mostly of a solid log frame with plank cladding the ramp it self is designed in such a way that nearly anything can go up it even have a section at the start that can fold up for easy movement 


    Siege Information.

    Weapon: Agger Siege Ramp

    Weapon Cost: 2000

    Ammo Cost: N/A

    Ammunition: N/A

    Function: The ramp has 2 phases 

    1.  This tower moves at a rate of five blocks every two minutes when attackers of 15+ or more are standing by. docent move is less than 10
    2.  deployment and use - the siege Leader, will /roll for each group to use the ramp  low numbers have a chance of insta braking the ramp and injuring any nearby men


    Red Lines/Restrictions.

    • Can not be operated with 9 or less members on the crew 
    • Fire can easily destroy it
    • If it brakes the crew are injured and unable to fight anymore 
    • Can only be used on flat ground as it can not go up a block





    Sorry for any misspellings and lack of format i am posting it useing my phone 

  10. I like the idea but maybe i found this hard to read maybe format the sentence structure a little more and a lack of Specific Red Lines would mean that it may not get applied.


    tho the idea is a good one and it would be nice to get some more RP alloys on the Server.

  11. MC Names of all involved




    I have received no rewards so far except the basic 20 minas each time 

    **Date of occurance**

    this week

    **In game specifications*

    i was using my Bwelch Azaghul persona

    **Steps to Reproduce**


    **Expected Behavior**

    received the rewards for voting

    **Actual Behavior**

    got nothing

    **Additional Information**

    screenshot for evidence



  12. Hi all i am a hapless dwarf that needs some help i have set up home in the wildlands and need help.


    The traveling is making it hard to build any sort of settlement so i can start RPing properly and was woundering if anyone was willing to help me.


    I either need somone who cam imbue a soulstone pillar or around 300 minas to buy the book so my persona can imbue the pillar.


    I know most of you will think im being lazy or cheeky asking this but i have to travel around 3000+ block fron CT to the area im in each time i need to take resources back.



    So if you are happy to help message me 




  13. Deep Iron

    Rarity: Rare
    Color: Matt black with waves of shiny black
    Value: Valuable
    Note: This mineral cannot be obtained via standard mining, this is purely a lore mineral.
    Obtaining this metal is costly and dangerous as you need to mine the ores from the deepist depths you can possibly go.
    It is a very tough and very light metal and can retain a sharp edge for a very long time. The durability of this metal makes it great for tools but very good for armour and swords




    The smithing guild of agnarum

    Gimli "Gimler" Metalfist

    Balrog "Tunnelrat" Grandaxe

    Tesel Silvervein Hammerforge

    Bwelch Azaghul

    Aridan Grandaxe

    Belestram Sylvaeri

    Vagronda anvilaxe 


     The dwarfs of the smithing guild of Agnarum noticed just how some of the iron from deep in the mines looked off and didn't behave like the common iron we all know. This iron would normally just get thrown away but this time they decided to look in to it.

    They tried to work it like any normal metal but noticed that it seems to compact itself down thus needing more ore just to make a single ingot. after noticing that i will take a lot more than a normal forge to make this ingot they began work on a better forge, when they were able to finally make a ingot it took 10 ore chunks just to make a single ingot and extreme heat but once in a ingot it became extremely resistant to heat and surprisingly light thus making it hard to reforge in to items.


    To forge this metal it required extreme heat to the point where the smith doing it would have to wear a protective suit or treated leather as well as having someone apply water to cool them down often.

    Once the metal is up to heat, A new piece of equipment that Agnarums resident inventor. (Bwelch Azaghul) had made a "Power hammer " needs to be used to draw out the metal in to blank or armour piece or tool head as no-one can stand close enough to forge out the metal.  



    Sword use

    Once in a blank form the smith will grind out the sharp edges with a pure quartz grindstone turning at high speeds, the smith then go about tempering the blade the water used is brought in from the top of a mountain where it is very cold and contains little to no impurities the blank in.

    The blank which now can be classed as a blade is heated back up and tempered.  

    It then goes back to the grindstone to finish off the sharpening as well as polishing the blade.

    The blade now has a very unique look being matt black with waves of shiny black running through the blade also the blade is also very light.  



    Armour use

    Once the armour plate is formed the piece is reheated and placed in water from a top a mountain to strengthen the piece one last time the piece is then polished to reveal the unique pattern in the metal (thus cannot be formed in to a solid breast plate as the metal don't flex much and would restrict movement too much)

    Tool head

    Once formed in to the tool head it is then ground down on a grindstone at high speed to sharpen the edges and then tempered in water from on top of a mountain.  It then goes back to the grindstone to polish and finish sharpening this will reveal the unique pattern of the metal.

  14. A more relaxed charted system 


    Have it so the amount of land is dependent on the amount of people, a single person wont need the same amount of space as 10. 



    1 person can claim 32X 32 

    5 people can claim 64X 64


    Basicaly enought room for a farm and a house that can sustain the population and maybe we could see formings of new nations that way as more and more people band together to get more and more land. Maybe even seeing the groth of cities like irl 

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