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Jay Lenos

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Posts posted by Jay Lenos

  1. *a large poster sits on the front of the message board of Arethor covering those below it*

    It Reads:

    To who it may concern,

    The past few weeks many of you now know that we were to have talk of a Holy Crusades. This currently is on a full pause and will resume once house, nation, and other issues are taken care of. I have heard many people as well as Flays saying that myself has taken there side and that they are under the protection of the church, which is a FALSE STATEMENT. With the crusades it was my goal to have the Flays be at full support, with there strong military which is my fault and I will apologize to all of you for that. But, the church will have no dealings with the Flays at all in the coming months and years until deemed TRUE right to be re-communicated to the church. So for those who wish to fight against the Flays or deal punishments do as you wish as it does not matter anymore. I am completely infuriated that they have attacked out Malinor and Holm allies and I will speak to both to remove what the Flays have done. But, this CANNOT be merely forgotten and there will be punishments dealt to those who were involved. August had nothing to do with these attacks but it was his men, who we WILL find. Also temporarily, unless proven otherwise, Divinus will be stripped of his rank as Comedor for breaking alliances between nations and being a heritic as proven what he has done for Throdo and others. What he has done in Malinor has made me uneasy with his actions against the Nation and His Majesty Godfrey himself. I will admit that in my first days as High Pontiff I have been not doing my job correctly as I should have, and this WILL change I will no longer be let those get away with there corrupt actions that I have seemed to be pulled into. There will be changes and I shall keep you all updated in the coming months, I hope that you all can ignore my actions as I will not be doing my job to the full and best of my ability in the name of God.

    -High Pontiff Gideon Silverblade

  2. [[i would just like to make a statement concerning Holm's current Navy. All coast-huggers and my flagship are currently far away on the other side of the world at Farport, not at Holm. Technically we wouldn't have time to sail back and save the day since we would be weeks late, nor would you be able to destroy these ships since they are currently on the other side of the world. I am willing to give information where specifically the ships are if it is needed, as long as it is kept safe, secure & private. I have a high fear of metagamers..]]

    ((To tell the truth I do not think we will need to know that information, so no need to worry))

  3. ((This is going to be completely roleplay I ask that no one posts unless they were added to the letter on the previous thread until the time presents itself where one will speak in roleplay, and that there is no ooc included at all.))

    *Gideon awakes from his long rest as he goes and washes in his fine bathroom inside of his Palace. He walks out and puts on his new fine clothes made from the best tailors of Asulon. Taking his holy engraves staff in hand he leaves his palace for Arethor with his many guards. After a long walk they finally come up to the main hall of the Arethor Keep, Gideon gestures for the guards to stay on the outside walls of the large and grand hall. Gideon slowly steps up to the top alter as he awaits for the others to show up*

  4. The Holy Crusade

    *Gideon sits back in his throne has he takes a large gulp of his fine wine from the Hightower Sprites. He stands up as he takes his holy engraves staff as he exits the Palace and sees his squire who has long been on his final task as he goes to greet him.*

    “Lerin it has been so long! How have your endeavours and task gone with the conversion of the multiple nations and races to that of the Church of Light?”

    *The Squire’s head drops low as he speaks in a modest and meek tone*

    “Your Grace I apologize greatly as things have not gone as planned. Those that I have spoken to follow other religions and have no chance of change, actually speaking bad of God and our Church. But I will continue on the best I can.”

    *Gideon raises his hand as he gestures for the squire to stop speaking. His voice sounds rather angry*

    “Nay you have done fine and shall be knighted as soon as possible, now go and rest in your quarters and I will speak with you as soon as possible.

    *The squire nods and bows, speaking just before he leave*

    “I thank you greatly Your Excellency and apologize once more.”

    *Gideon signs to himself as he lays back in his throne once more, places his holy engraves staff lightly to the side of him. A servant runs up quickly and takes his staff to store away for the night as Gideon thinks to himself in utter silence. After a good amount of time of self thought he notices a man with a hood walk into his hall. Divinus takes off his hood slowly as he speaks to Gideon*

    “Your Holiness Gideon it has been quite a long time since we have seen each other. I come to you today to show you my plan for the coming years for Oren.”

    *Divinus walks up the steps as he hands Gideon a large map with multiple marks.


    Gideon’s eyes widen as he sees a very well planned assault on the unholy nations that have defied the church for so long. A smile stretches across his face as he believes that it is time for some holy insertion throughout that of Asulon. He stands as he speaks to Divinus and his other men around him.*

    “Divinus we shall hold a meeting with those who will hopefully take part in this...”

    *Thinks to himself for a moment as he speaks in a loud and booming voice*

    “Holy Crusades!”

    *Turns to his noble page and advisor on his right as he speaks in a distinct and strong voice*

    “Prepare the town crier to make an official announcement of the re-communication of the Flays and the combining of forces within Oren for this gracious and holiest of battles.”

    *Divinus and the others nod as they exit, Gideon leaving his hall and going to his grand bedroom, to dream about what the next day holds.*

    Letter to Nobles

    People Letter is Sent To: August Flay, James Hightower, Artorus Elendil, Uthor Silverblade, Divinus Xiphias,


    To who it may concern,

    A meeting will be held in the grand hall at the Arethor keep about that of a holy crusade. In one elven day we will meet on the eighth hour of the day.

    -Gideon Silverblade


    The Roleplay will take place on this forum since most of us cannot get on at the same time. I will post first and then those who were included I ask to post after. Keep it to a minimal to four lines of Roleplay please.

    War Claim will be posted for the crusade on: Holm, Enismore, Haelun'or, Menorcress, Armaluna

  5. 1850590-towncrier1.jpg

    *The holy town crier stands out in the middle of Arethor by the fountain as he opens up his scroll in hand and begins to yell of the church's excommunication of Flays from mass.*

    "Due to the past and current actions that August and the Flays have shown it has been decided that on this day the Flays will be excommunicated from the Church. This house has been known throughout that of Asulon for being vile and actions viewed as unhuman to most. With these unholy atrocities they will not be able to attend any sort of mass and or have any relations with the Church. When they are deemed to be Holy and real men of God they shall be re-communicated and there past actions ignored, if deserved."

    *The holy town crier slowly rolls the scroll up as he walks past the crowd and back to where he originally was."

  6. *Gideon sits back into his throne as he slowly sips his wine, gazes out upon his land seeing the men train and workers tend to their jobs. Gestures for a page to come up as he hands Gideon a large black blunt looking like that of Lion's. A squire runs through the main doors as he comes up to Gideon panting, he informs him of Uthor and Alexander's conversations and what has gone on when he has last left the scene that he was watching. Gideon sighs as he wants nearly nothing to do with this situation. He continues to speak in a hushed and rather spacious voice*

    "Send a few squires and knights to go throughout the city and stop any conflict that goes on from this situation. Then I wish for you to speak with both Uthor and Alexander. As High Pontiff the head of the church I wish that the church have minimal to do with such situations between these houses who have been hitting heads for so very long. Make sure Alexander is also aware of the fact that Uthor does out rank him and he should respect him duely so."

    *The Squire nods and runs off as he tells both Uthor and Alexander the things Gideon as said, as well as telling most knights and squire Gideon's orders. Gideon sighs heavily to himself as he takes another breath of his blunt and prepares for a fight.*


  7. blinks as he sees Alyssia stumble into Arethor and shrugs. He speaks with a smirk, unnoticeable past his mask.

    "It seems as though the Elendil's have been corrupted making up lies about the Flays. This whole story is a lie and I duely hope no action will be taken on these utter words of false speech."

  8. +-OOC-+

    MC Name: Burkester

    Timezone: Eastern

    Skill Levels: 100 Swords, 100 Wrestling, 100 Blacksmithing

    Link to a VA? If applicable: Accepted for- 1,2a,2b,3,4


    Name: Gideon Silverblade

    Simple but Sweet Biography: Nah

    Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Good at pleasing women and awesome.

    Past jobs and/or experiences: Knight Commander, Second in command of Navy, and a lot more.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: I dun kno

    Have you sword The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): Scipp3r told me to do this..

  9. -snip-

    ((The mountains is where the army is going to be set up, so we are very close to your 'island'. Also your 'island' is attached to my land and very close which is the reason for the war claim. There will be no armor taking off at all most likely we will thing of something in roleplay to walk across or something of the sort. If there is any powergaming with armor then yes they should be banned and i will make sure to tell everyone who comes to not do this. Other then that we will also be attacking by water to go with the roleplay of the side with water))

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