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Posts posted by Sawses

  1. I feel that due to the severity of the punishment given due to cybering, cybering should be something defined with powergaming and metagaming on the whitelist application.

    Arguably it is more severe due to it being an indefinite ban over a temp ban from meta or power, and many people especially youth may not understand what cybering is and may assume that RP sex is okay.

    It should definitely be prominently known that cybering is against the rules, but adding it onto the application would be going rather far. If I'd seen something like that on the server application when I was joining, I'd have run away. Quickly. It indicates that the server has lots of issues with cybering, and some people would conjure up images of creepers (the human, IRL kind.) everywhere.

    Also, I never understood why people would break the rules for this at all. If someone wanted to ICly...engage in such activities, they could just fade to black in the server and use a third-party client of some sort to conduct their business. That way, it's no skin off our proverbial backs.

  2. Ooh, I just saw. There's going to be a library? This question is kinda-really-very on a tangent regarding the witches, but...

    Where will they get books? Will they write them, since they don't really have much to do in a tower aside from eat men, or will they just collect them from around Asulon?

  3. ((Bahahaha, I love this idea. Amusing RP, at the very least.))

    Keya shivers, revulsion running through her. What kind of man would pay money for something like that? A better question would be what kind of woman would take money from a man so he could lay his hands on her. She walks away shaking her head sadly.

  4. Keya grimaces after reading the notice, reliving a few less-than-pleasant memories of Orcs in her head. "Poor monk..." She says, shaking her head, "Don't those Orcs know that if they kill all the monks, no one will be here to help us?"

    ((Hahahaha, I got the reference about leaving "thousands of orphans" across the land. Well done. xD))

  5. I've had little to no experience with the Undead and Ascended, but I have heard all kinds of viewpoints, and many seem to agree on one thing. The scripted events sucked. Apparently lots of people enjoyed just RPing about with the Undead and Ascended when there wasn't some kind of plot rail that had to happen, since as with all RP, things get de-railed. If you completely removed the scripting and just let the Ascended and Undead--That is, supposedly some of the best RPers in the server--do their own thing. If they can be trusted with extreme IC power, they should be trusted to create fun RP without a bunch of pre-scripted events. The same applies for if the staff adds another sort of conflict. Less scripting and more free RP.

    Anyway, on to my personal opinion. I think you should add a new kind of evil and good, preferably one that isn't cliche. Make it so that they aren't extremely powerful, just very influential. I can see lots of potential from some factions currently in the game that could become huge 'evil' groups. Keep in mind that most evil people don't label themselves as evil...Unless they're completely loony. Iblees was self-admittedly evil, and even his followers would agree, I think. Maybe make a group that real players can support without just being off-the-handle pure evil.

  6. Okay. Just leaving a note here so Gaius doesn't delete this in his cleanup project. I am still working on this idea, and don't want it removed, if possible.

    On another note, if anyone's interested in playing one of the original 20 priests and/or following the Enclave's teachings, just me a PM first if you're RPing a priest. ^^

  7. Ooh, I love this idea. It'll definitely help me to remember, selfish jerk that I am.


    1: 95

    2: 284

    3: 609





























  8. Thanks, everyone. I've updated it a bit, adding in a few suggestions I've gotten plus some stuff I was too lazybusy to write yesterday. I'll be editing it all a bit, and I'm open to ideas, as always. I'm still working on things that will help increase the amount of RP that goes on between members outside of special events. Maybe ritual greetings or the like. Not sure, yet.

  9. Thanks, Gaius! I'll be spending a bit more time fixing this and making it all pretty before I actually bring it IC. Need to add all the rituals in, flesh out the history, edit the theology a little bit, etc.

    Meet, I'd love to hear your opinions and ideas on it. Can't wait for the PM! :)

  10. Keya sighs as she sees yet another slaving business. The thought briefly crosses her mind that she should do something to stop this, though her logical side reminds her that she is powerless in this matter. She sighs tiredly, "If only someone could stop this..." she mutters to herself as she trudges away.

    ((Interesting idea, having a 'shop' to sell slaves. Be sure to keep the RP as much fun for the slave as it is for you, and don't OOCly get more interested in the minas than in the RP. Slave RP is great fun if the master cares enough to try.))

  11. Ouity, now I'm just waiting for you to nuke a child who walked through your flower bed. :P (joking!)

    But yeah, I like this lore. One of my characters had already assumed this was how things worked. Sort of, anyway. She's wrong about a couple things.

    I do have one question, though. How do you plan to handle app visibility? Will you post a list of accepted apps or link a google doc of it? So people can check to make sure no one power games, that is.

  12. ((Man, it really sucks that I'm grounded while this is happening. I hope it's still going on tomorrow. :/))

    Keya looks down on Normandor from the tree, keeping herself and her family carefully locked inside. They have provisions, fortunately, but those won't last long. And her daughter...she prays that her daughter will be safe. The guilt that she feels for not going to go help the infected gnaws at her day and night, never ceasing.

  13. Keya sighs resignedly, though she suddenly gets an idea. She giggles mischievously as she edits the 14,400 in the Orc's offer into an 18,800 offer. She quickly glances around to ensure she was not seen and quickly walks away.

    ((P.S. It'd not be hard to tell that the new increase was fake, if you looked closely.))

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