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Everything posted by Sawses

  1. Ooh, I just saw. There's going to be a library? This question is kinda-really-very on a tangent regarding the witches, but... Where will they get books? Will they write them, since they don't really have much to do in a tower aside from eat men, or will they just collect them from around Asulon?
  2. Haha, again, I say I love this idea. I hope Keya comes into contact with one of them, since it'd be pretty awesome RP, to say the least.
  3. We're #14 on the minestatus website, guys! Keep up the voting! Don't just vote with your main account, if you have any alts, you can vote with them, too.

    1. Sawses


      If you've got a way to access proxies you can, anyway.

    2. Space
    3. Everman111


      I thought they IP ban you from voting until the next 24 hours. So I've been voting with one account.

  4. Check out our new villain rules. Check 2b under the "Application" section! Good news for you mates who have already been denied three times. :3 http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/55510-updated-villain-rules/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      I don't see a 2c.

    3. xmrsmoothx


      Ah, scratch that.

    4. Sargeblub


      Yay! I rushed all of my VAs and I really regretted it :L Hopefully in a month or so I'll send in another VA

  5. Hey, everyone! Go to the VAT section and check out the updated rules! I'm sure some of you will be very happy. :3

    1. bungo


      and yet, the open ended questions are still out of date. ^^

    2. Sargeblub


      I'm pretty happy that I'll be able to lie now but I wish I would've taken more time on my VAs because now I can never be a full villian with this character :/

    3. Sawses


      @Vekaro Yeah...we're updating those.

      @Erat Such is life. :/ Look on the bright side, there are always other characters!

  6. Well-written, Smooth. Good job. :3
  7. Sawses


    I'll probably apply once I get proof from Alan that this is accepted, since one of the members wants to defile my sweet, innocent Keya... >.< Heh.
  8. Ouity, now I'm just waiting for you to nuke a child who walked through your flower bed. :P (joking!) But yeah, I like this lore. One of my characters had already assumed this was how things worked. Sort of, anyway. She's wrong about a couple things. I do have one question, though. How do you plan to handle app visibility? Will you post a list of accepted apps or link a google doc of it? So people can check to make sure no one power games, that is.
  9. My grounding's almost over! :D Monday night, I'll be back on 24/7, as always.

    1. xmrsmoothx


      I had a dream last night that you became GM

  10. Hmm...Nothing to say at all. Just feel like saying this. Wait...Does this mean that I -do- have something to say? Hmm...Questions, questions.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aislin
    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      It means you have too much free time on your hands, like all of us.

    4. Sand Viper

      Sand Viper

      Or too many free hands on your time?


  12. Works for me, Smooth. And..I WILL, OKAY? xD After I finish my stuffs.

  13. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THE HAIR? And...Everyone said it looked like armor. T.T

  14. Well, what would you have me do? xD

  15. Gunna try Tera. Seems fun.

  16. Yay, gotta love world wars! Thanks for the backstabbing, Mirtok!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      I think Sawses was trying to be positive about the matter Ursolon, not sarcastic. :3

    3. HappyShackles


      You're welcome for the World War.

    4. Sawses


      Indeed. Ursolon, I absolutely love it. :P

  17. Intriguing, really. I don't like that it made Dawn quit, but...well, that's her choice. I've been expecting everyone to just gang up on Salvus for some time now, so really, this is legit RP.

  18. Keya shivers a little as she passes by the witch-hunter in the Cloud Temple. She clutches her birch staff tightly in her hands, holding it more for comfort than for any real hope of defending herself with the useless piece of wood. "I-I didn't know people hunted good mages...Only the bad ones..." She says quietly to herself in a rather frightened voice. "I-I guess I'll h-have to tell Ambros about that..." ((OOC comment: I love the idea. It has semi-legitimate reasoning and looks like it would be amusing. Good luck!))
  19. Good to know! ^^

  20. Thanks! You're great, too. Dagwood switches between hilarious, derpy, and awesome at irregular intervals. :P

  21. xD Yeah. I think I'm the only VAT without an actual villain.

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