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Status Updates posted by lugarthecougar

  1. Finally home from the shore, can't wait to get in and RP!

  2. Time to get some sleep, I'll tackle some of those apps tomorrow >.

  3. And so begins the 3 days of back to back closing shifts.. Kill me now..

  4. Eli Manning: The Sling Balde of quarterbacks,

  5. Oh server, how I miss you :(

  6. So I finally got my new phone which means with the unlimited data plan I have doing Apps on the go is a reality!

  7. An orc just walked up to me, only he didn't look like an orc, he was a STEVE! Ahhhh!

  8. Finished making the skin for my new halfling, and took some pictures in SP to make a nice RP introduction, now I just need to think of a name..

  9. Off to lower campus for class one of the day, But fear not! I'll be back in about an hour and a half!

  10. So if they call the patch of hair under a regular man's lip a Soul Patch, what do they call it for gingers..? Perhaps a Pumpkin Patch?

  11. Hopefully getting a much needed care package from home today!

  12. So, which plugin is causing the server to crash? Because it seems like we have a plugin that needs something client side. Could be wrong though.

  13. If I had to recommend one youtube channel it would be Vice, so many interesting videos!

  14. Anybody know where a guy can get some Old Tom Whisky?

  15. Well I guess I don't get to RP my new character tonight :( Hopefully the server will be up tomorrow!

  16. Back home for Thanksgiving, time for Skyrim!!

  17. Drink. Drank. Drunk.

  18. Tearing down a castle while listening to a lecture on The Paris Commune

  19. Wouldn't it be weird if when the server goes down, there wasn't a tidal wave of statuses? I think it would completely throw everyone off!

  20. Did the White Rose crash the server with their nonsense again?

  21. Our lord goes by many names.. Jack Knife, Robin Longstride, Ben Wade, or Maximus. But though his names change his power is eternal and steadfast and he shall guide his people.

  22. Someone needs to do some RP to invent a phonograph or similar object so I can RP listening to "classical" music in my manor.

  23. So on a whim I went into my bathroom and used gel to make my mustache into a handle-bar mustache.. It looked alright. I am contemplating shaving my beard and keeping the mustache and a soul patch..

  24. My feet hurt. Land mines hurt ;-;

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