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Roy Mustang

Bedrock VIP
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Posts posted by Roy Mustang

  1. *a clattering of tools and metal can be heard banging together loudly, A dwarf with an odd pair of goggles nails a note to the noticeboard*

    "Oi it be very hot down in t'a mines , iffin ya don want roast dwarf fer dinner i suggest ya send down some water! and by all t'at is 'oly SEND ME DOWN MORE MINERS! Might be some left O'er tools in the smithee"

    *the surly dwarf walks fast and disappears as soon as he emerged

  2. *A stocky dwarf makes his way through the Dwarven lands. As he approaches each city he is met by a guard with the same question...

    “Wat beh yer business ‘ere?”

    *The Dwarf nods his head at the guard and pulls out a piece of paper.

    “Th’ ‘igh Priest of ma order ‘as asked meh to deliver a note. A request fer a trade.”

    *He hands over a parchment that reads:

    “To the Dwarven leaders,

    Due to recent expansions to our city, we have tapped out our source for dirt underneath our own lands. Being that the Dwarven people are masters of the deep, I would assume that you have a vast overstock of dirt within your vaults. I would like to propose a trade to take some of this off of your hands.

    We require eight large chests of dirt to complete our current project. We offer 1,000 minas per large chest. Please send a letter my way if you feel a deal can be struck.

    ~ Lock'eed Ironheart

       High Priest of the Hammerite Order”

    ((Note to any forum mods… This has been placed in “Dwarven Roleplay” as we are only looking to strike a deal with this particular group. This is being used more as a relationship ground breaking [no pun intented] roleplay between our Order and the Dwarven Nation.))

  3. *Observes and responds to the note, pulling out a small hammer from his toolbelt, Nailing it harshly under it*

    It reads:

    "I be the one your looking for, Send word to the port city of Ceru and i will get your job done.

    Please include the depths i will be working at as i will need to pack accordingly"

    Bofric Ironfist

  4. Bofric slams down his drink spilling ale in his beard

    "All ye be spineless! Wot ye all need ta do is form a party and take care ov it! I 'ave fought back lotsa creatures deep in ta mines of Ceru! Let 'em come! Ill bury mah pickaxe in there skulls!"

    *Bofric brandishes a blue tinted pickaxe, almost embedding it in the tavern wall*

  5. i plan on donating to bedrock next month.

    Drama its all drama i know it all to well. I'm an admin/leader on a different game and boy do i understand drama...

    I've only been here a short time and im not the best RP'r but this servers pretty cool and i have no idea what happened as i just joined recently but... I know that admin teams dont do anything that serious as to remove a founder without what they thought is a LAST resort

    So if the guy was absent and the server was suffering for it then the logical choice to keep the place alive is to take action and make sure it survives at all costs. Sometimes that means doing things that arent popular... thats the choice a leader makes.. its the for the best of the group and not everyone is gonna agree.

    So far i think Vaqs done a pretty good job if that changes ill let people know what i think could be better or changed... until then have fun?

    also i think Availer coulda just emailed Vaq or on site if he was serious about wanting to rejoin and possibly work things out instead of just bombarding the public to sow seeds of distrust.

    thats just my opinion dont hate me for it :)

    EDIT:edited good reason and put last resort.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:Bofric

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:


    How old are you?: 25

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Est/United States of America

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: If i am honest i never did well in English class.

    I did better at science, so no, my punctuation sucks so does my grammar but i do really well at spelling.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    i am a guy who has always been fascinated with the possibilities of fantasy and just trying to find magic in the real world. Sadly there isnt really, our world is boring while the world of RP is rich

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Few hours almost daily

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:

    To me role playing is where i get to put on a suit of imaginary armor and im suddenly not in podunk town USA i am in an ancient forest, the trees are as tall as mountains and you can hear the crickets and birds chirping. I get to pretend i am in a magical world.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.

    Meta-Gaming. Meta gaming is where you learn knowledge about workings or people in the game from a source outside the game that your character hasnt possibly been to and using that to your advantage. An example would be

    John is talking on skype with Fred. Fred tells John that Dark User256 buried a chest under his bed and if John wants free loot he should go and dig it up.

    Power-gaming: this is where you force a situation that the other person or persons cant possibly get out of. An example would be to say You just walked into some quick sand and can no longer move then you proceed to kill them. you basically just told them there is no way for them to even engage you in conversation or RP it.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:Well i hope it will be a place where i can meet new friends as well as join old ones. I expect it to be better than these other RP servers where kids just walk up and kill you for no reason at all.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:


    I left because i would like a change of scenery from the constant Non rp kills.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    How did you hear about us?:

    friends who joined

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?

    no i havent

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:

    Roy Mustang


    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Bofric is a young dwarf, born with 3 other brothers all who had some claim to fame and all who wanted to please their father Bokran. Bofric's father owned and operated a large mining operation and didn't think it was fit that his sons work there and encouraged them to seek grander things.

    Bofric usually wore a suit of armor everywhere he went, mostly due to growing up with 3 brothers who always wanted to fight, he learned quickly to be prepared for his brothers sudden attempts to wrestle and do mock battle.

    Bofric had a woodsy brown beard and hair that he wore long down his chest. he avoided battle when he could so he had no discernable scars. His skin was a creamy white mostly darkened by coal he often dug up underground. He was a fan of food and drink so was kinda on the large side but he carried it well.

    Bofric has a short temper and is big on drinking games as a way to sort out disputes.

    Instead of battle he would focus on his skill in mining and smithing. Bofric would spend as much time as he could digging in the earth and mining valuable resources. Unlike his brothers who would do nothing but quest in underground caverns slaying hordes of monsters and bringing back long forgotten gold they had guarded.

    Your characters ambitions:

    Bofric wants to own and run his own mining outpost and craft decorative armor and weapons for others. He wants his creations to be used by people of nobility and importance. More so he wants to show his father that he isnt useless, tho he will deny it.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?

    Bofric tosses the bread from his hand and grips his battle axe with two hands. he moves his short body to the nearest tree as quickly as possible. His armor loud and clunky drew the attention of the bandits who were busy pummeling the poor woodland creature in the stomach. noticing the bandit who had started making his way over ,he drawss a smaller throwing axe from his belt.

    With a loud clunk Bofric jumps out from behind the tree and yells AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH as loud as he can and embeds his throwing axe in the unsavory fools head, without stopping to look back he runs as fast as his short legs will carry him and charges down the path till he comes to the bandit holding the elf hostage.

    "There is two ways this can go down short stack, you can either pay me and ill be on my way or you can watch the elf die, what will it be?!" Bofric knows he cant reach the elf in time to stop the blade at its throat so he decides to use a trick his brothers would play.

    "Alright alright lets get head of ourselves. i will put this purse of gold coins in your hand and we will exchange at the same time.. deal?"

    The bandit motions for Bofric to come closer

    Bofric gets as close as the bandit will allow and begins moving the bag to his hand.

    Bofrics other hand is gripping his axe in a somewhat relaxed fashion then suddenly

    giving the bandit no notice he swings his body around and his axe with it in a sweeping motion taking out the bandits legs.

    The bandit cries in agony and the elf drops from his grip to the ground where Bofric finishes him off with a chest splitting blow.

    Your character walks up to a shop in a quiet market. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?

    "Oi i have had the worst possible day and i am in need of some libations to ease the concerns of the world" "give me your strongest ale and your finest salted pork"

    "You got it sir is there anything else i can get you?" says the shop keeper,

    "I am in need of a quiet place and a bed. Replacing my tools would be a small miracle if i can find anyone with the skill to make them. Is there anywhere in this bloody place to get either?"

    "Well we dont have any dwarf sized accomadations so your gon have to take a larger bed and there is a smithee down the street and to the left. By the looks of it you might want to visit Rosmertas bathhouse and get your self cleaned up. You look like donkey dung."

    Bofric chuckles, "thank you for the supplies here's your gold. I left a little tip"

    A screenshot of your skin:


    Other Information: If you have any questions pm me i suppose.

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