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Posts posted by Sovereign_of_Solaris

  1. Kingdom of Mal'aghar


    Grala took charge of the Irontusk Clan following her husbands death in battle against the Gnoll Bands to the south. Far more thoughtful and tact in her leadership she's proved immensely capable at leading war efforts in the field against the Gnolls to the South and the Freemen to the East. She however feels far more worried about the Elves to the East, feeling the Kingdom and Empires state might make their people the target of raids or open war ever since the Empire's failure to conquer the Elven Capital in the last war. Having no patience or knowledge of politics she puts her time to what she does best at protecting the Kingdom from its neighboring enemies, with Gnoll Warbands and raid ever increasing she can only hope the Kingdom she fights for can hold together.

    High Shaman Azhug


    Azhug is the only true remaining Shaman of the Kingdom, most of the Orcish Shamans had been lost in the bloody conflict over 100 years ago. This sacred position has slowly been preserved and attempts to rebuild the order have been slow and tedious. He watches the discontent within the Kingdom rising slowly, seeing the seams that hold it together slowly being pulled apart. He cares little of the Empire itself, but he doesn't wish to see the Kingdom torn apart and the efforts to create a prosperous home for his kin return to the inter-clan wars and bloody conflicts of old. He cannot take part in politics directly, the position of High Shaman is one of neutrality and to choose sides with the conflict between clans would only worsen the situation. The Spirits do not choose sides nor do they care for the ways of Mortals, however instead he puts his faith and work in his pupils to aid the Kingdom. For while he is bound by his position..his students are not..

    Mol'gara Half Orken


    Mol'gara despite her half-human heritage has taken to the traditions and culture of her Orcish Kin, though far more mild mannered and learned than some of her other colleagues she nonetheless takes her duties and training into Shamanism quite seriously. Often enough in argument with Azhug over his neutral position of the issues within and outside of the Kingdom, she has become one of his more favored and chosen students tasking her with many missions across the Clans. Her Half-Human Heritage has given her a unique ability to travel the Empire and engage with its members far easier, a trait her teacher ensures is not wasted as she spends time working between the Empire and the Warchief as a sort of Liason and Diplomat.




    These winged beasts share a ferocity and tenacity similar to that of the Orcs they have for so long lived beside. While many other cultures find these abhorrent creatures as nothing more than a cunning predator, Orcs have learned how to find a mutual benefit to living alongside such creatures. The Manticore's favored prey is the great Mala'har Boar. A pest that ravages many farms and homesteads, even hunting one of these great swine is dangerous for an orc who does not keep his wits about him.  While the Manticore is not truly sentient its high intelligence has allowed Orcs to form a mutual relationship with these creatures in mass hunting of the Mala'har Boar, slowly over time training and integrating these creatures for use in war and travel. Though the life of a Manticore Trainer is one with many scars and missing limbs. They serve as the Kingdom's Winged Cavalry striking fear into their enemies and foes in the air and on the ground.

    Winged Peaks

    The Winged Peaks, the tallest mountains of the Kingdom are home to the Manticore. While normally in small prides or even solitary as they spread across the Southern Mountains the Peaks are home to their ancestral mating and hunting grounds. When they gather it is always a dangerous time for those around the mountain. The Orcs have learned to live with these creatures and have developed a mutual respect for the Peaks. As such this area is often forbidden and left alone as to not stir the ire of the prides of Manticore that call the peaks home. This long existing relationship is what has allowed the Orcs of Mal'aghar to raise and train these creatures as well as this unique location, for it is only these circumstances that allowed this bond to ever occur.

  2. The Diushi Clans

    "We should move on, up and through the mountains to the East. I'm sure we'll come across easier prey." Zhen would say as he and several others were gathered in Hong Tao's tent. "Easier prey? What kind of attitude is that?" Hai Yun would interject. "So what if we lost a few warriors in our conquest, I say we move West to the villages and town. Who cares about what these...'River Kings' have to say about defending them."

    "Enough, both of you." Hong Tao would assert. "Zhen makes a fair argument, the summer months are the easiest to travel through the mountain passes. However we will not be leaving, we will remain here with the camps and finish what we started. This villages defiance will not be tolerated. We will deal with them first before deciding where to leave to."

    2 Caravans, 7 Parties

    C: 6,000
    F: 24
    M: 0
    B: 2

    F: -14

    C: 0
    F: 28
    M: 0
    B: 4

    Heh, wouldn't you like to know?

    check army description



    The forces of the Diushi Clans converge together against the walled village, intent on laying siege upon it and sacking it. Remaining in the tile they have come to since spring.


    Recruiting 5 Units One Handed Light Infantry (-5,000c +1,250 Light One Handed Infantry)

    Recruiting 2 Units of Light Archers (-5,000c, +300 Light Archers)

  3. The Diushi Clans

    Hai Yun rode along her scouts, south of the Clans gathering in the waste. Down from the mountain she could see a distant village, it wasn't much of a place but one village was like any other out here in the waste.  Hong Tao had trusted her to see this scouting mission through, it wasn't difficult and didn't do much to fulfill her or the mens lust for a battle but she was certain that would come quite soon. Seldom did a village in the hordes way stand for long, and seldom did they give up their things so easily which is much how she preferred it.


    Hong Tao walked out of his tent as Zhen was at his side.
    "High Chief..I do not question your choice to raid the village to the south, I simply am concerned about putting her in charge of an assault. She's young, hot headed and doesn't see beyond the next man she's going to drive her axe into." Hong Tao chuckled "That is precisely why I'm sending her, its a raid as any other. She's one of my trusted chiefs, she deserves the chance at least. Experience is the only power here, no reason for me to deny her such until she gives me a reason."

    Zhen sighed knowing there was no arguing this point. "So while she leads her warband south where are we going?" He asked as Tao mounted his horse. "West." he answered, though it had Zhen confused. "I thought we were going South?"

    "Yes the Clans are, I am leading my own warband west. I plan to lead us out of these wastes but there are still...many relics in this harsh place perhaps someone somewhere knows where to find them. You will be joining me, I'll need your...manners to engage with the Villagers."
    2 Caravans, 5 Parties

    C: 5,000
    F: 20
    M: 0
    B: 2

    F: -10

    C: 0
    F: 10
    M: 0
    B: 2

    Heh, wouldn't you like to know?

    check army description

    ---Construction/Recruitment Actions---

    The Warbands need to grow to ever hope to continue keeping the clans unified existence. New Blood is broken into the Horde's Warbands. 1,000 Light One Handed Infantry (-5,000c +4 Light Infantry Units)


    The Clans begin to move their caravans and warbands south (Red) with the intention of finding rest to the south along the edge of the mountains. Hai Yun (Yellow) will lead the warriors of the Clans to attack and subjugate the two Villages along the Horde's Path. She leads the remainder of the forces Tao did not take with him.

    Hong Tao (Green) leads a party to a western village in the wastes, upon arriving he demands tribute and information and in return he will spare the village from destruction. He leads 75 Heavy Cavarly, 250 Light One Handed Infantry and 150 Medium Crossbowmen. Afterwards no matter the outcome he will travel back and catch back up to the Clan's Faction.

  4. 1280px-Black_Flag_Army_Flag.svg.png
    Nation Name: Diushi (The Lost)


    Nation Government/Leader Rank: Tribal Chiefdom, High Chief Hóng Tāo
    The Collection of Clan-like Warbands forms a small council with each warband leader filling a seat as a chief, with Hong Tao as its de-facto leader and ruler.


    Description of National/Provincial History & Culture: The Diushi's history is wrought with death and murder but not all at their own hands, these people, or the Lost as some have called them are groups of criminals and exiles or even refugees from the warring kingdoms of the more fertile middle lands. As with many groups in the wasteland not all share a direct ethnicity or culture, the same is for the Diushi many in its ranks come from across the wastelands. If there is a common culture its a hatred for the Middle Kingdoms, a love for coin and a hope for a better life. Raiding is a core part of the Diushi's means of survival but many others partake in other simpler forms of living such as herding animals and hunting. Most of the Chiefdom's warriors are criminals or children of exiled soldiers whom lost their lands in the middle kingdoms centuries ago. But perhaps the time is coming soon for them to take their fight for survival to the Middle Kingdoms and carve out a place for themselves..if the stories of the Great Garden are true..


    Notable Characters:

    High Chief Hong Tao was once like many of the other desperate and broken groups of roving bandits in the wasteland, well known for his strength in battle he was also quite the charismatic man. Able to bring together a large group of people over the years, different clans and groups of roving wastelanders. Cruel but not unreasonable Hong Tao leads his Chiefdom with an iron fist while listening to the wants and needs of his lieutenants whom also lead smaller war-bands as part of a larger group. He truly wishes for a better future for those who follow under him and he is willing to do anything to achieve that future.

    Hǎi yún, one of Hong Tao's younger lieutenants is a naturally talented martial warrior. Eager to prove herself to the other Warband Chiefs she often doesn't put much thought into the tactical side of fighting but rather joining her warriors in direct combat and throwing herself into the thick of it. Known for her temper and brutal duels to handle disputes she's both respected and dislike by others in Hong Tao's inner circle.

    Nian Zhen is a well traveled man, not a warrior like some of the others he is often Hong Tao's advisor with his knowing of language and education being one of the few actually literate within the Diushi. Often greatly disliked by the other leaders in the Warband for being 'soft' or weak he is often pivotal in keeping Hong Tao reigned in and to attempt to appease to his more rational nature during stressful times. Though not always successful in his efforts his use keeps him safe and at Hong Tao's side.


    Unique Military Units: White Tigers, experienced warriors in melee combat. Fearless and Terrifying to their enemies these medium infantry serve as shock troops to break their enemies will to fight.


    National Idea: Blood and Coin - Due to the Diushi's nature of containing exiles and bandits as well as other unwanted peoples diplomacy with other groups is extremely difficult, having a significant debuff to all interactions with all Kingdoms and Groups. When Absorbing settlement populations gain its resources worth of production 1 time.


    Player POI:
    The Divine Garden
    A place of unrivaled beauty and peace, a vast valley with water falling from strange unknown structures. Odd workings that are over taken in natures growth. The water is said to be pure, the soil fertile and never withers, and the weather is never harsh or severe. Mentioned in story and according to some believed to be from the 1st Age as a blessing by the divine before their departure the Diushi believe this to be their Promised Land. Though it is far away and out of reach...for now.

  5. Realm of Xiāo


    The world of Xian sat isolated in the Realm, only one hyperlane both out and in it was the established de-facto capital of the Xiāo

     family's rule of Northern Altaire. A massive agricultural world that stored the vast resources of the realm ensuring should things ever go south the Capital had supplies for a final stand or to prolong a siege.

    Xiāo Hu, the Elder of the family and ruler of the Realm spends most of his days on the Capital seeing to the more political matters and backroom plays. Allowing his sons the more adventurous life of leading military units or traveling around the realm.

    “I will be leaving immediately aboard my ship and departing for Crimson to meet with the Stellarch to assure him he has our loyalty. I’ve no interest in being pinned between Warlords to our north and Altaire to our south.”

    “I’ve heard disturbing rumors..are you sure..”

    “Yes I am, it doesn’t matter otherwise. Our family has risen this far. I won't lose it all over a dispute of hierarchy or independence.”


    Building 6 Destroyers - 60,000c 24 NP 12M

    Attempting to Infiltrate the USSC (-5 I)

    Answering the Call of his Stellarch, Xiāo Hu sends his son Tian with his flagship and a small fleet towards USSC Territory. (will fill in details in PMs)

    Xiāo Hu heads to Crimson to meet with his Stellarch and assure his loyalty to Greater Altaire.



  6. Realm of Xiāo



    A brief description of National/Provincial History & Culture:


    The Province ruled by the House of Xiāo is what once was Northern Altaire before the Collapse. After the Empire's collapse the war raging in the south against the worker and communist uprisings, the local cluster had fallen into corruption and chaos. With Altaire unable to maintain control of all their territories they focused further south virtually abandoning the worlds. However amidst this chaos Xiāo Hu, a minor noble family that lived within Altaire used his families fortunes and connections to organize and expand his own forces slowly capturing or taking whatever they could initially bringing order to a small section of the area. Though unable to match the power of some of the other despots and would be warlords Xiāo Hu found himself and his forces trapped on one of the regions more vital Imperial Plantations.

    With no retreat and little options he battled on the world for months until a Irik Slave Uprising on the world greatly crippled the rival warlord's armies. A Three way battle ensued, Xiāo Hu and his men were able to crush the Warlord taking his life on the field his forces soon collapsed. The Leader of the Irik uprising came upon Hu in the field, the two fought a bitter duel in which left Hu missing both his left eye and right hand it costed the Irik leader his life.

    The remaining Irik rebels pledged their loyalty to Xiāo Hu. In this he saw an opportunity that would prove unpopular, he accepted the Pledge of Loyalty and took it a step further recognizing the Irik as his subjects not slaves. While unpopular the combined efforts of Hu's forces and the Irik's support allowed him control of the region for his family of which he personally rules.

    Hu personally appoints governors of his worlds to handle things and ensure resources flow as required. These planetary governors answer directly to Hu and his twin sons.

    The Culture has gone much unchanged with only ruler-ship of the Province changing hands. Governors and minor nobles, and merchants aid in keeping stability in this fledgling province, keeping to a system of Governance not too dissimilar from the old empire.

    Notable Characters

    Xiāo Hu
    Lord of the Realm of Xiāo, and Elder of the family that bares the same name. He is an ambitious and driven man, though his age has slowed his pace it has not slowed his mind and it's dreams of grandeur. Seeking to safe keep and expand the power base he has worked so hard over the past 50 years he has no intention of losing it now.

    Baron Xaraxis of the House of Spears

    Xaraxis is a skilled veteran Irik warrior that has fought for House Xiāo for many years and ascended to the leadership of the House of Spears. His clan and people have found an uneasy existence within the Xiāo Provinces, mainly kept to one world where they hold their own lands he and his warriors go wherever they are needed and serve the one whom their loyalty is pledged.

    Unique Military Units (Two):
    Irik Shock Troops, Heavy Infantry
    The warriors that make up the House of Spears serve as heavy infantry in the Xiāo Province, as the Irik are well known for their ferocity and prowess on the battlefield. They serve perfectly as shock troops break through or hold strategic locations or simply to support other forces in battle to bring it to a swift end.

    Repair Ship, Unique Support Carrier
    This Support Carrier acts as a mobile repair station to aid in repairing and salvaging vessels after battles to ensure they can keep much needed tonnage and ship numbers in a fight.

    National Idea (nothing strictly mechanical):
    Corporate Aristocracy

    A letter: T

  7. The Sky Clans
    It was late into the night since the fleet had returned home with their success, welcomed home as heroes and warriors of the ways. Tian sat upon a cushion in his warband’s hall, small tables and cushions were used as seating. An ancient tradition of their people that followed nomadic lifestyle though much was different now with their founded and settled cities the Clans still practice many of the old customs. The men played dice and gambled..or drank..away their earnings, while others watched and encouraged wrestling matches between the warriors.. Though tonight was different, while many Captains and their men celebrated or returned to their families with their spoils, the group sitting around the table with Tian were sober, quiet and sharing a small meal.

    Tian opened a chest filled with coins at his side running them through his hand.
    “So we are all in agreement, we cannot risk another open attack against the ‘League’ or whatever it is they call themselves.” The Captain looked to Tian as the group was in unanimous agreement with the statement. “We know you wish to hunt their territory again, but our raiding fleet is no match for an open war against the League.”

    Tian was quite before closing the chest and looking up. “Which is why we aren’t going north.” The group looked at him confused. “You did not bring us here...to convince us to repeat our raid despite the grand success?..”

    “No, I invited every one of you here because you are all the captain’s of our star-ships. An eagle does not so recklessly chase it’s prey..it watches first, learns it’s weakness….and then..” With a swift hand he raises and bares down a hatchet as it slams into the chest before him burying the axe head into the chest top.

    “It strikes..that is why I am sending you all...to the West.”


    Hunting Grounds (Details in PM)

    The newly constructed shipyards of Matar are put to work in creating the first proper home-made vessels. A pair of new Destroyers are constructed for the Fleet. -7,500c -1NP

    The Sky Clan’s Industry grows to further support its expansion but ultimately it all exists to serve and supply the Sky-Warriors and their mighty navy.
    3 Naval Industry -30,000c -9M

    ==Tech Research==
    Slot 1 (The only one)
    Traveling amongst the skies in search of prey and worthy warriors has been a long and hard kept tradition for the Sky Clans. While tribalistic in some ways the Clans are not an entirely backwards people as some other civilizations would put it. Coordination between vessels can and is difficult in harsh weather or in the heat of a battle, communication and coordination is key to success for the Sky Warriors. The use of the Radio has not gone unseen or unnoticed and such a device could in theory greatly aid ships in their endeavours. As such it is put at the head of efforts to better incorporate it into naval use for the Clans, it could also have usage outside naval or military hands.
    [Researching Radio]
    (Completion Upon Turn 6)

  8. The Sky Clans

    The floating city of Matar sat motionless in the skies, massive waterfalls slid down the sides of the cliffs far into the massive lake below. Hidden within the clouds at the edge of the great shard a fleet sits docked as crews and supplies are loaded up onto it. The men that climb aboard the carrier are a far different sort than the uniformed men, while many Clan Warriors or the Navy and Army bear tribal tattoos on their faces and bodies these men are Sky Raiders. Tasked to board, Capture and Kill any who stand in their way of the cargo they seek or the ship it is aboard. They wear no uniform but assortments of personal armor and weapons either made, acquired, or handed down by their families.

    At the head of these men watching as they all board is a young but rough looking man. His head shaved save for the short mohawk in the middle, his armor is well crafted bearing a golden dragon. Behind him stands an older man, gray and age showing.

    So you think you’re ready to lead this raid all on your own?” the man asks, flipping a dark colored coin between his large and callused fingers. At first the younger man didn’t answer. “Well, do you?” He asked again, his neutral tone unchanging. The young man would pivot and face him with a serious and determined demeanor “As if the question must be asked. I have trained with these men and raided with them for years.

    Yes, but you have never led them.

    I will today. May the heaven’s bless our hunt.” He would say putting on his helmet as he would depart without another word into the carrier.

    May the heaven’s bring you home..my son.


    The beginning of the year is marked by the detachment of the Sky Clan’s fleet and it’s Sky Warriors to seek out and hunt for prey amongst the skies. The Dragon Fleet departs from Matar and head’s north into Naresian League Territory to hunt for convoys. (MOD)

    The Clans take their years of work and stockpiles from previous successes to further increase the economic power of their Isolated Kingdom. A vast amount of money, resources and work is put into expanding the infrastructure of the five cities.
    1 Logistics District - 10,000c, 1M
    1 Naval Industry - 10,000c, 3M
    5 Material Industry - 50,000c

    ==Tech Research==
    Slot 1 (The only one)
    Traveling amongst the skies in search of prey and worthy warriors has been a long and hard kept tradition for the Sky Clans. While tribalistic in some ways the Clans are not an entirely backwards people as some other civilizations would put it. Coordination between vessels can and is difficult in harsh weather or in the heat of a battle, communication and coordination is key to success for the Sky Warriors. The use of the Radio has not gone unseen or unnoticed and such a device could in theory greatly aid ships in their endeavours. As such it is put at the head of efforts to better incorporate it into naval use for the Clans, it could also have usage outside naval or military hands.
    [Researching Radio]


    National Symbol
    Black Dragon Flag | Flag art, Medieval dragon, Flag with dragon

    A great time ago, our ancestors traveled the stars in their mighty ships. Moving through the heaven's as great spirits of knowledge and wisdom. Taking with them their children to find that which hasn't been found before, seeking greater knowledge and wisdom from the Heaven's.

    However, a dreadful sin of greed and wrath had brought them low. Finding a treasure so heavily sought..so valuable beyond knowing they found themselves jealous, paranoid and resentful of each other. They only wanted more, so they dug, they murdered, they stole! From their own brethren and in doing so were casted down from the heaven's as punishment for their sinful ways. A lesson and sin that has for so long denied all the ability to return to heaven.

    Though times have changed..

    Much like our ancestors now we can roam the skies freely and happily as the spirits we were meant to be, for our sins surely have been re-payed and our souls be allowed to travel the heaven's once more?


    Perhaps..but a great many stand in our way. Empires and Kingdoms, Exploiters and Schemers. They plot against the children of the sky! They spread their teachings by force, to hold back those who would return to the Heaven's and hunt down any whom are blessed with the powers that such wisdom and vision grant!

    Chaos and War erupts across the world, many look to new lands and each other for Prosperity, Power and Dominance. Though our people are not as numerous and our belief's not holding sway over much of the world, our people and our ways have lived on throughout all of time. A testament to our strength and will to return to the heaven's.

    Now is the time of Rebirth.

    We will take to the skies once again! To Reclaim a Destiny that is ours and ours alone! Let any who dare stand in our way know they face damnation and that our place in Heaven is undeniable!

    Reclaim our place in the Stars!


    Unique Military Units (Max 3)
    'Latash' VTOL Granship
    This specialized 'dropship' is modified to fit the Clan's needs to acquire enemy cargo and ships without destroying one or the other. This VTOL styled craft latches itself onto the bottom of an enemy craft allowing the boarding party to cut through the hull to get inside, or to simply drop their men atop pending on the situation. Inspired by the Latash, a Sky-Fish known to attach itself to larger creatures and feed off of it as it travels.


    Sky Raiders - Specialists
    Flying into enemy fire and handling the tense situation of breaking into an enemy ship requires discipline and an iron will. Sky Raiders are veteran pilots and troops whom are trained in close quarter combat, often armed with a pistol firearm and a melee weapon of their own choosing. Sword, Axe, Knife. These brave and ferocious warriors go into battle knowing that if they die or fail, their families, their Clan will be without means to provide. So therefore they must take, and take it all and show no mercy to any who dare stand in their way! These heavily trained troops are specially trained to fly and operate from their Latash Granships.

    Leviathan Class Battlecruiser
    As with many animals in nature, they take upon their prey with swift lethality. The Leviathan Class Battlecruiser as with many things in the nomads society takes inspiration from the great creatures of the sky. While not heavily armored it's speed is unmatched by any other vessel, as it accompanies the Clan's Raiding Fleets to hunt down it's prey quickly...and escape and disappear just as swiftly.
    Battlecruiser 6/5/2



    National Idea:
    Sky-Warrior Mastery: Increased Weapons Range for all airships classes.


    Point of Interest:
    Floating City of Matar
    The Capital of the Sky Clans and their Ancestral Home.
    Acts as an additional starting city but with 16 Building Slots and 8 Million Pop.


    National Traits:
    Advanced Logistics
    Agrarian State
    Resource Deficient: Textiles
    Air Power
    Convoy Raiding
    Light Industry


    Map Location:

  10. Westmark Republic

    (Too sick for much more, stat post)


    Purchasing Arms Production from Shogunate (-6,000v, +8 AP)

    Unit of Medium Rifled Cannons (-4AP, -2S, -1MP, -4,000v)

    14,000 Regular Trained Conscripts are put through training and brought into service. (-14AP, -14MP, -1,400v)

  11. Westmark Republic


    Lead and Blood filled the streets of Mittelhiem, where Royalists and Militarists once fought the Westmarkische Army had overcome the Royalists and had taken the city with minor losses. The would-be dictator known as General Klein had sent a message to General Maisel demanding he leave the city at once and surrender the Royalist prisoners or face invasion beyond the Vistula River.

    This was an overt threat that Maisel didn’t take well, rather than waste time with a proper and formal response the Exiled Soldiers and Mercenaries under Klein found themselves in a contested battle with republik soldiers. Street to street, factory to factory they fought. Westmark’s soldiers were well trained and were fresh and ready for conflict compared to Klein’s forces that had been battling Royalists and battling a siege.

    The exiled soldiers were caught off-guard by the aggressive and hardened resolve of Westmark and were not only driven from the city but forced to abandon their siege and retreat back west to lick their wounds.

    As they marched westward in shame and humiliation they could hear the shouts of the triumphant westmarkische soldiers.

    “Für die Republik!”

    “Für die Republik!”


    “Für die Republik!”


    Having secured Mittelhiem from the Royalist and fended off the assault of the would be dictator Klein. The Westmark Republik invests in the defense of their German brothers and sisters. A massive defensive project is put forth as a Polygonal Fort is constructed at Mittelhiem. (-30,000v, -12M)

    With the offset of major conflicts across the Eastern Continent and an unsure future with the continued civil war within Mittelland the Republik focuses its efforts on putting bodies on the field rather than specialized or fully trained forces for the time being. 15,000 Conscript Regulars are brought into service. (-1,500v, -15MP)


    Diplomats are sent in an attempt to open dialogue with the Freeholder Republic. (MITH)

  12. Westmark Republic
    News begins to spread quickly within the Republic of Westmark, its citizens speak of the newest legislation passed within the Assembly. The debates and arguments went on for weeks as the bill went through a circus of red tape and opposition.

    However, on October 2nd at 8:48 PM the Assembly announced the passing of a bill establishing an official state religion, officially recognizing the Church as the sole religious authority in the country. The vote was close at just barely over a seventy five percent majority but it still passed, many opposed it on the grounds that the Republic wasn’t a religious state and that freedom of religion was a state practice.

    Almost immediately following the official accomplishment of the bill Westmark and Westerveld officials have been meeting and officiating on an Alliance with one another, some question the recent bill feeling it was related to the push to gain an Alliance with Westerveld. Though these concerns have greatly been drowned out by the feeling of relief in having a powerful ally across the river with recent tensions growing.


    Major Aayden Steinhäusser sat atop his horse watching from a hill as his men trained, their horses galloping and turning in formations. Behind him was the river that separated Westmark and Arkit.
    “So do you think they’re ready to fight?” He asked his junior officer.

    “I believe so Major, the men of Westmark are well trained. With recent events I can only imagine the Monarch to our south is wanting his ‘rightful’ lands back.” The two men would chuckle, Aayden’s attention was diverted to another man riding up on a horse. His uniform indicated Lance Corporal, likely a messenger.

    “Major Steinhäusser! Orders from General Maisel Sir.” He would ride up next to him offering a sealed letter. Taking the parchment he’d not waste time opening it. “Is it another training exercise for later in the week?”

    Aayden looked at the paper for a good minute, his junior officer looking over at him with a curious look. “Ready the men, all of them.” He turned his horse and started into a fast gallop. “Cancel the training exercise and rally up by the fort!” He ordered. The Junior officer quickly caught up after him. “Sir if I may-”

    “Transfer orders, we’re needed at the Capital. Move!”


    A unit of Light Cannons is trained and armed for field duty (-3AP, -2,500v, -1S, -1MP)

    A unit of Medium Infantry is trained and armed for field duty (-2AP, -1,000v, -1S, -1MP)

    To further expand the Navy's presence in the River, another Ironclad is constructed. (-10,000v, -5SP, -5S, -1MP)

    Strengthening the nations previous weakness that had been exposed in the Fool’s War, a Star Fort is constructed on the Island to secure the river crossings as well as an area of influence on the River. (-15,000v, -8M)

    Official works to finalize the Alliance with Westerveld are put into work (MOD)

  13. Westmark Republik



    Trade and Prosperity was what was on the horizon now, with the conflict ended and trade resuming and wealth flowing through the Westmark again. Citizens and Traders attempt to get back to their lives. Now trade from far foreign lands comes to Westmark. The Sultanate of Kaph has made an appearance in Westmark, their trade ships and emissaries have come seeking allies and partners in the broken coast. Crates and Wagons filled with heavy crates make their way onto these foreign ships bound for another continent in return currency flows into Westmark coffers.


    Foreign Merchants return home with crates stacked with bars of fine steel, marked with the Westmark Eagle. Whether for construction, war or shipbuilding it is unknown and quite frankly with the nation upon another continent and chests filled with Vozin coming in return Westmark couldn't care less what it was spent on.


    However a dark stain remains in the back of their minds. Across the river is a constant reminder, of blood spilled and taken without justification. After deep and expensive investigations the Assembly and Military has come to the conclusion that no mistakes were made on part of Westmark but rather the entire Crisis was created in some elaborate and disgracful plan by Mittelland to invade Westmark. But after initial failings and failure to gain any significant holding they backed down. While it cannot be truly proven, the fact that no manipulation occured on Westmark's side of the conflict only fuels hatred and mistrust for Mittelland.

    Therefore Westmark must make attempts to isolate and pressure their wicked counterparts.

    The eyes of the military and the Chancellor's diplomats fall upon Westerveld.



    Chancellor Hiem dispatches Minister Kiesling on an important mission. He and a small team of Diplomats are sent to Westerveld in an attempt to open up talks and attempting to establish relations with them. Utilizing the recent Crisis and conclusion that Mittelland was in fact the Nation that sparked the conflict. (Mod)

    With the death of Admiral Peter Muller, the navy finds itself in a precarious position. He had been a leading element in the Navy's procurement of funds and expansion. However his protege Friedich von Hipper has boldly stepped up into his place asserting himself well into the position, hopefully he can carry on the mantle. Reconstructing the navy is now a priority. As such an Ironclad is constructed (-10,000v, -5SP, 5 Steel, 1 MP)


    Work has also begun rebuilding the armed forces as replacing lost troops. 2,000 Medium Infantry Regulars are put into training and to be integrated into the army within the season. (2,000v, 4 AP, 4 Steel)

    Westmark begins trading Coal with The Commonwealth, -3 Coal. +700c per Unit

  14. Westmark Republik

    (forums were being wierd, wouldn't post images so no flag today)

    The Republik despite its shaky and young history was well on the way of getting its feet firmly on the ground. The Assembly had been hard at work passing legislation and reforms while the ministry handled foreign affairs. Many neighbours had come seeking diplomatic ties to Westmark in the hopes of making allies, seeking trade, or simply to initiate talks to smooth over those whom they shared borders with.


    However the situation to it's south makes many within the Assembly nervous, Munzenburg had never truly recognized their sovereignty and likely saw Westmark as an upstart delaying their inevitable re-unification with the German Monarchy.

    As such, a great amount of effort has been devoted to heavier industries and expanding defenses along the southern border. Thankfully there is a buffer state between them and Munzenburg but for how long that will remain is unknown.



    Emmisaries of the Sultanate of Kaph are welcome to Westmark to discuss trade and diplomatic relations (MOD)

    The Republik of Westmark reaches out to Westerveld interested in establishing official relations with them (MOD)

    A Star Fort is constructed in the southern territories (-8M, -15,000c)

  15. Discord: Yours already


    Nation Name: Westmark Republik



    An alternative flag for the German Empire. - Album on Imgur


    Culture: Germanic


    History: The Republic of Westmark is a relatively newborn nation unto itself. Once apart of a larger nation that is now unified under the Kingdom of Münzenberg who had used all manner of diplomacy and force to unify the land under one monarch and ruler. The north-western section of this petty kingdom took advantage of the chaos and heavily split opinions over pro-unification or anti-unification groups. Westmark had a small more political uprising that was less a civil war or conflict than it was a political breakaway that had due to Münzenberg's overextended forces keeping it's more threatening enemies at bay or its diplomatic groups that had considered the breakaway of Westmark insignificant was ultimately what allowed its successful secession and independence.

    The Republic is absent of a Monarch or even a Royal Family. The local Diet and its representatives which are elected to represent the different towns, villages and cities that make up the Republik. It's head of state holds the position of Chancellor. The Diet is made up of simply the Assembly, who's members are directly voted in by the citizens in a single large election rather than staggered terms.

    The military is still a heavily political body within the republic despite its democratic nature, tensions have arisen in its short time over this controversial issue. Some believing the military should have its own say and seats within the assembly which it does on an unofficial level through heavy political support. Many others believe the military needs to take a backseat to the assembly and detach itself politically. Unfortunately those whom voice this opinion are a rare few, while many others agree perhaps quietly. Their concerns quieted by fears of foreign powers or even the ever looming presence of the Kingdom of Münzenberg to the southeast which some fear may come for them.


    Characters (Up to 3):

    Chancellor Sören Heim

    General Hans Maisel

    Admiral Peter Müller


    Location (Pick 3 Provinces): E33, E32, E31


    Unique Units:
    Westmark Jägers - A specialized group of soldiers that serve as both a skirmish and scout force to find and locate enemy forces and fortifications as well as sharpshooters aiding more standardized troops in front-line warfare. These troops are often used to to maneuver through enemy lines to harass their rear groups or supply lines. Many of these soldiers come from frontiersmen or those in more rural areas living as hunters.

    24 Pounder Howitzer - A breech loading rifled heavy cannon. Long range and heavy hitting though not quite as accurate as its smaller counterparts, it is often used to pound and diminish enemy static fortifications before an attack.

  16. Kharak Khanate

    The Great Sky spreads far and wide across the Steppes and grasslands of the North West, so too shall it’s people or so the shaman’s claim. How or who will be that guiding force none can truly say, but many a whisper across the steppes of Jungsai Khan. Some claim his lineage will be that which unites the Tribes of the Steppes, others openly see him as nothing more than an upstart. Simply another Warlord that will rise and fall with passing of time.

    Whether either is true is of little concern to Jungsai Khan himself. He seeks only to expand the Kingdom of the Great Sky and secure a future for the families of his fellow tribesmen, seeing his neighbours as either allies or threats to the Khanates continued existence. Such as the Necromancers to the south, his Shaman’s claim angrily that their existence and abuse of the dead is an abomination and spits upon the honored dead. What he will do with them is something he will have to decide when he arrives there.

    For now however the Kharak Realm needs his attention, for grazing lands and access to more resources are the truest and most immediate needs of the Khan. The mountains to the Khanates west held the most promise for their needs, so that is where they would expand. Turning away foreign emissaries for their ‘trade’ offers, he has no interest in the games of foreigners until the Khanate can exert its own will in the trade of goods and coin.

    No matter the distance, their horses would carry them, no matter the enemy they would face them, and wherever they would find allies they would welcome them. For the Kingdom of the Great Sky was vast..


    Start Leftover: 15,000g
    Base Income: 28,750g
    Upkeep: -14,000g
    Total: 29,750g

    Stables (1): 1 War Horse
    Mining Camp (3): 3 Iron
    Quarries (2): 2 Stone

    Storage: Warhorse (1), Iron (3), Stone(2)


    An expeditionary force of 3,000 Light Ranged Cavalry is led by Jungsai into the western state to explore the bordering provinces for resistance or native populace. (Will Post in Map Updates)

    Choosing from amongst some of his loyal and proven warriors, the Khanate sees a new General arise in the ranks. (+1 General, -15,000g)

  17. Application:

    Discord name (PM if you wish): (Classified)
    Nation Type: Tribal
    Nation Flag (optional):


    Nation Name: Kharak Khanate

    Are you in the Elraic Empire? No
    Nation Culture (Brief description): The Kharak People's hail from the North-Western Steppes, a vast nomadic and tribal peoples made up of many different tribes. They travel the mountains and open plains with their herds and never really live in one place for very long, moving from one grazing pasture to another. Tribal Warfare is quite common amongst the human and dawekii tribes, stealing and raiding from one another and amongst themselves. Horses are the life blood of the Kharak Steppes, for it was Aeyar, the God who ruled in the Great Sky above who crafted the rare breed of horses that tribes so greatly charish. Crafted from the Swift Winds of the Steppes they are second to none across the world for their speed and endurance.

    While Aeyar is the primary deity of the Steppes, the tribes also celebrate and call upon their ancestors for guidance and courage in times of trouble. Great Warrriors and Wise Shaman's of the past willing to offer their strength in battle or wisdom for those whom seek it.

    Nation History: The Mountain's of Kharak after which the Khanate is named is where it held its humble and bloody beginning. The tribes after suffering endless wars and revenge raids had known a short period of peace before finally a tribe arose above the others slaughtering those who stood against it without mercy and integrating those who submitted. Jungsai lead his tribe in a bloody campaign to quell the surrounding tribal territories to end the killing amongst themselves seeing far greater opportunities to uniting them and attacking neighboring tribal territories. After years of conquest and integration the Kharak Khanate was steadily formed and arose as a united confederation under the direct rule of Jungsai Khan and those tribal elites loyal to him. The children of Aeyar will spread their rule and name across the land, A great kingdom under the sky.


    Nation Race (Human, Dusii, Dawekii): Human


    Special Characters (Up to 3, generals/mages/agents may be added or included if purchased with starting funds):

    Jungsai Khan




    Primary Magic: Meteoromancy
    Secondary Magic: Shamanism


    Unique Point of Interest (Unique "wonder" building/location/artefact, natural or otherwise, that will confer a small bonus TBD):
    Valley of the Ancients. An ancient and sacred valley located in the mountains, generations of Chieftain's and prominent Shaman's are buried here. Forbidden to outsiders and those without the High Priest's permission the Valley is where Chieftan's and Khan's have sought wisdom and strength from the Spirits that travel the winds the Sky.

  18. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán


    Population: 1,590
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market(2): 8,000c
    Development (Feudal Society): 2,250c
    Streamline Economy (5%): 1,600c
    Upkeep: 12,250c
    Unused: 250c
    Total: 22,850c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(3): 3M
    Agri House: 2S
    Research Lab(2): 6R
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 5B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    3 Scrap Yards, 2 Markets, 5 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery, Warehouse, 2 labs, 10 Fort


    Researching T3 Armor (25/25)

    Researching T1 Power Armor (5/25)

    Constructing an additional lab (10,000c, -2B)

    Constructing a salvage yard (7,500c, -2B)

    80 sets of T2 armor, 50 sets of t1 armor are forged for the PLA (5M)

    Once more setting off in search of the radio disturbances, learning from last year supplies and caps are supplied to the group. Buchanan’s troops are once more offered to join them, informing them of the increase in supplies and caps to aid in the search. Tian, Linyang along with 5 trained soldiers once more set out. All armed with T2 gear. (5,000c & 5S)

  19. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán

    The disruption to the People’s Republic Radio could no longer be tolerated as it was clear it would not be going away on its own. As such a small team has been put together under Tian recently having received a promotion to Sergeant, a small team of four men to aid in escorting Miss Linyang to search for the radio disturbance.

    Initially a larger team would have been sent to ensure success however with recent developments and tense relations with the Marines south of them the PRJ needed to keep their soldiers at home.

    Only time will tell if the small team would succeed in their mission.

    Population: 1,590
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market: 2,000c
    Development (Feudal Society): 2,250
    Upkeep: 10,000c
    Total: 17,750c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Agri House: 2S
    Research Lab(2): 6R
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 6B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 6 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery, Warehouse, 2 labs

    Researching T3 Armor (18/25)


    Fortifications are erected around the Capital tile and the southern tile as they prepare for the possibility of an attack from their neighbor as the tense situation continues. (10 Fortifications, -10B 5,000c)


    The PLA needs its armed forces prepared now more than ever. The forges and artisans work over time to prepare arms and armor. 50 T1 Armor, 40 T2 Armor, 25 T2 Firearms. (-5M)


    One of the Construction Yards in the Capital is refitted and repurposed into a Scrap Yard (2B, -7,500c)


    A Market is constructed in the newly gained territory (-1B, 5,000c)

    Tian is given command of a small team of 4 men. To escort and protect Linyang as they set out to search for the Radio Disturbances. They make a stop along the way to see if the soldiers living in their sector wish to come along and aid in the effort. (MOD, Tian, Linyang, 4 Trained T2 Melee,Armor,Guns)


    1 Development Point invested into Streamlined Economy

  20. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán


    Population: 1,590
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market: 2,000c
    Development (Feudal Society): 2,250
    Upkeep: 7,500c
    Total: 27,250c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Agri House: 2S
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 6B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 6 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery, Warehouse


    Researching T3 Armor (6/25)


    In order to better facilitate the few techno-scholars and scientists the Republic has a research lab constructed in the newly claimed territory. (20,000c 4B)


    With initial ‘basic’ attempts at looking into the Radio Issues having gain little no ground, The Republic dedicates funds and equipment to solving the Radio Issues (7,250c)

    25 T2 Firearms are added and distributed to the PLA (3M)

  21. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán

    Tian leans sideways looking down the alleyway, his weapon up against his shoulder he scans the alleyway briefly listening to the wind as it sweeps between the buildings. The others formed up behind him watching their backs.

    “Qianjin.” He whispered as the others piled together moving down the alleyway. Tian felt his heart racing, this being his first real mission and he was in charge of it as well. The moon was hidden by the clouds which made staying in the shadows a lot easier, but it also made their mission difficult moving through the dark on their own. Finally reaching a defensible and hidden position they spread out only a good few feet from one another.

    Being near territory possibly held by another group or hostile faction made everyone tense but they kept their calm.
    “Zhùyì, Gēnzhe wo!” Moving together quietly the team followed Tian into the unknown, their mission was clear. Seek. Identify. Return.

    Stealth was of absolute priority…

    The radio’s speakers came back with static and garbled noise. Lanying cursed in irritation and gave the box a good slap.
    “Gōngzuò!” He yelled, though to no avail.

    “Lanying?” A voice called from the other side of the shop. “Oh, Li Jing. Sorry the Radio has been giving us problems lately.” He nodded seeming to understand. He didn’t speak the Old Land’s Tongue much being that his father was a wasteland local.

    “That’s actually why I’m here.” He said “The General Secretary is putting together a group dedicated to trying to solve that issue or at least discover its cause.” Lanying gave a curious and inquisitive look, this could be her chance to stand out. Plus it was always fun to have access to more technology to study and use.

    So much was going on in so little of time, it’s amazing that the community could keep up.

    Population: 1,590
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market: 2,000c
    Upkeep: 7,500c
    Total: 17,500c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Agri House: 2S
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 3B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 6 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery, Warehouse



    Work continues into T2 Heavy Firearms (20/20 RP)

    With the discovery of nearby groups, settled or nomadic. Scouts aren’t fully able to be sure work continues to ensure the security of the People’s Republic. (4M, 80 T2 Armor)

    Having previously cleared some areas adjacent to the Republic, effort, manpower and material is used to secure new territory. (10,000c 5B)

    With Radio signals and frequencies being disrupted time and again, the Republic puts a small team of Techno-Scholars to work on understanding or finding the cause of these disruptions. Linyang finds herself thrown into the work being known for her acute and natural understanding of technology. (Mod)

    Tian leads a small team of 8 scouts south to investigate the other wastelanders that are nearby to see what sort of presence they hold, as well as any other information they can gain from a distance trying to remain unseen. 9 Men total, T2 Firearms, Armor and Melee. (Mod)

    3 Dev Points are put into Feudalistic Society.

  22. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán

    With the massive explosion ringing throughout Chicago and rumors spreading of some great battle the Republic diverts its efforts into defense and soldiers.

    Population: 1,590
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market: 2,000c
    Upkeep: 7,500c
    Unused: 9,000c
    Total: 26,500c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Agri House: 2S
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 3B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 6 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery



    Work continues into T2 Heavy Firearms (14R/20R T2)

    Needing to expand the Republic's ability to store the vast amount of supplies and materials it now constructs a Warehouse. (7,500c 2B)


    More guns! (T2 Firearms, 3M)

    More Weapons (T2 Melee, 1M)

    190 Green Soldiers are put into drilling. (19,000c Trained)

  23. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán

    “The Territories secured at least one small part of the surrounding area. It seems our next assignment will be to venture southward deeper into the city in an attempt to clear our more space and locate materials. While enemies are strictly mentioned..it's clear the Republic is doing this to disguise their efforts to ensure no enemies lay near the borders of the Republic.”

    “Otherwise perhaps they’d only be sending of Officers and a small group to clear them out, but instead they're sending a hundred of us. It’s not clear yet what the goal is, but I know I’ll do my part. I feel blessed to be trained and trusted with the spare firearms we have available, as our armory grows however I’ll have to take more effort to distinguish myself above the others.”

    A journal entry into Tian’s personal diary.

    Population: 1,515
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000c
    Market: 2,000c
    Upkeep: 5,250c
    Unused: 11,750c
    Total: 31,500c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Agri House: 2S
    Refinery: 2F
    Construction Yards: 3B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 3 Construction Yards, Agri House, Refinery



    Work continues into T2 Heavy Firearms (8R/20R T2)


    The Party continues to divert resources to ensuring the fledgling PLA receives the equipment it needs. 50 T2 Firearms (6M)

    With extra space still remaining the Republic sees need to begin expansion into nearby areas and exert more control for more facilities. The Republic secures the efforts of construction for 3 more Construction Yards (22,500c)

    25 Trained Soldiers and 75 Green Conscripts are sent into explore and scavenge the 2 blocks directly south of their Territory. 25 Soldiers are armed with 25 T2 Firearms/Melee/Armor. Conscripts are Melee T2 only. (MOD)

  24. Harvest Expedition
    Earth Calendar 2093


    As the Colonies Transport Vessel engaged it’s Ghandi Device and plotted a course for Earth, the USSF’s Transport arrived in system. The spaceport had the tanks of Fuel prepared and ready for transport, being as the Harvest Expedition is mainly a civilian venture they’ve pushed to see to the needs of the USSF in order to ease the burden for self sufficiency. They are all Americans afterall.

    Population: 30,442
    Happiness Base: 50
    Democratic: 10
    Total: 60
    Extractor, Storehouse, CY(5), CF(5), Embassy, Shipyard, MF (1)
    Population: 3,000
    Happiness Base: 50
    Democratic: 10
    Toxic Penalty: -15
    Total: 45
    Extractor, 2 Fuel Refineries
    Total Population: 33,442
    Workforce Need: 17,000
    Idle Colonists: 16,442

    -Storage (2092)-

    Base: 10,000c
    Pop: 33,442c
    Leftover: 2,147
    Total: 45,589c

    Extractors (2): -2,000c
    Embassy: -1,000c
    Shipyard: -2,000c
    Research Facility: -1,000c
    Total: -6,000c
    Final Budget: 39,589c

    Extractors(2): 20.5R
    Civ Factories(5): 6.5G
    Military Factory: 1.05S
    Construction Yards(5): 5.25M
    Fuel Refineries(2): 9F
    Embassy: 1 I (Total: 3)
    30k Pop: -3G


    In Joint Effort with Japanese Colony.
    1 Research Facility: +5,000c into Research Points towards Project Mailbox

    (Total: 5,000rp)


    With production reaching above and beyond what was expected the colony finds itself short on storage space for the massive amount of materials it’s producing. Orders are given to construct two Storage houses. (2M, 4,000c)


    In an effort to explore and as part of a joint mission with Tian, Harvest constructs an Exploration Vessel. Next year it’s maiden voyage will be in seeking the fate of the Syrian Colony. (3M, 5,000c)

    Utilizing the UN Subsidies as an advantage Harvest expands it’s science division constructing yet another Facility. Far cheaper than the last thanks to the UN. (8M, 10,000c)

    In an effort to create diversity in the colony's economy, Civilian Districts receive funding to allow colonists to step up in forming an independent economy from Earth. 2 Civilian Districts are built (4M, 8,000c)

    Harvest sends a delegate to the homeland along with a shipment of 10R, informing the US Government of its success and rapid progress in the Colony. The delegate is sent to earth aboard the USS Merchant, the first colony built transport vessel. The Delegate attempts to see if they can continue to gain US Support for new Colonists and Materials for only one further year and they can ensure the 20 Units of Goods will be available by 2096 without further assistance. The vessel hopes to bring 1,000 New Colonists home from Earth on its own Maiden Voyage.
    (MOD, 1F/10R)

    To support their comrades in the Military Service of the USSF 8 Fuel is set aside. To be picked up by the United States Space Force. (-8F)

  25. People’s Republic of Jiāyuán

    Tian gripped the rifle in his hand, it had been a long time since he handled a firearm but he trusted his skills and instinct hadn’t wavered in that time. He would find out sooner or later..

    The Republic was still acquiring weapons for their soldiers, those who were trained passed the first test. Loyalty, he knew it and most of the others did too. But now would be a real test of things perhaps, the 25 armed men would venture out of the settlement’s territory to explore and scavenge for anything useful. Finding a hostile group or creatures was likely but the People’s Republic needed new land and more resources.

    The heaven’s bless their journey..they may need it.

    Population: 1,515
    Base Income: 15,000c
    Population Income: 8,000
    Market: 2,000c
    Upkeep: 3,250c
    Total: 21,750c

    Base: 2M, 5S, 2R
    Scrap Yards(2): 2M
    Construction Yards: 3B
    Pop Production: 4R
    Pop Needs: -6S


    2 Scrap Yards, Market, 3 Construction Yards



    With the first successful Heavy Firearm styled weapon near success. They push forward further in their efforts to achieve a more stable design upon success of the first. (10R/10R T1) (2R/20R T2)

    Seeking to ensure that the People have a steady and somewhat surplus supply of food an Agriculture House is constructed (5,000c 2B)

    Further expanding the resources available for weapons production and for future power requirements a Fuel Refinery is constructed. (5,000c 1B)

    Further production into the needs of the JPR’s citizen soldiers. Armor to protect the small amount of manpower it has access to. 40 T2 Armor (2M)

    25 Soldiers are sent west to the area directly adjacent to their Capital to explore, scavenge and identify any possible threats. Were they to spot anyone their orders were to not interact. (MOD)

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